A PROPOSED HARMONY OF THE LIFE OF CHRIST Page 1 of 8 UNIT ONE: “I came forth from the Father…” (John 16:28a) UNIT TWO: “…and am come into the world…” (John 16:28b) I. “The Word became flesh and dwelt among us…” (John 1:14) (The first advent of Jesus: His birth, infancy, and childhood) Matthew Mark Luke John 1a. The birth of the forerunner, John the Baptist #1 1b. The announcement 1:5 -25 #2 2b. The birth 1:57 -80 2a. Angelic announcements of the Messiah’s coming #3 1b. Announcement to Mary 1:26 -56 #4 2b. Announcement to Joseph 1:1 8-25 #5 3a. Genealogies of Jesus 1:1 -17 3:23 -28 #6 4a. The parents’ journey to Bethlehem; the nativity of the God -Man 2:1 -7 #7 5a. The worship of the shepherds 2:8 -20 #8 6a. The circumcision of Jesus 2:21 #9 7a. Presentation of the Child in the temple; homage paid by Anna & 2:22 -39 Simeon #10 8a. The visit of the wise -men 2:1 -12 #11 9a. The family’s flight to Egypt; the children of Bethlehem slaughtered; 2: 13-23 the family returns to settle in Nazareth #12 10a. His childhood in Nazareth 2:40 #13 11a. The end of Jesus’ childhood; 18 years at Nazareth 2:41 -52 II. “He came unto His own…” (John 1:11a) (The emergence of Jesus into public life; a time of relative obscurity) #14 1a. The ministry of the forerunner 3:1 -12 1:1 -8 3:1 -18 #15 2a. The baptism of Jesus by John the Baptist 3:13 -17 1:9 -11 3:21 -23 #16 3a. The 40 -day temptation of Jesus 4:1 -11 1:12 -13 4:1 -13 #17 4a. The forerunner’s testimony before a Sanhedrin committee 1:19 -28 #18 5a. The Baptist’s i dentification of Jesus as the Messiah 1:29 -34 #19 6a. The gathering of the first apostles -to -be 1:35 -51 #20 7a. Emergence into public notice – the miracle at Cana 2:1 -11 #21 8a. The early transfer from Nazareth to Capernaum 2:12 III. “Jesus came… preaching the gospel of the kingdom of God” (Luke 8:1) (Initial crises and ministries in Judea and Samaria; Jesus is gaining the attention of the nation) #22 1a. Jesus asserts His messianic authority by cleansing the temple 2:13 -22 #23 2a. Jes us is interviewed by Nicodemus 2:23 – 3:21 #24 3a. Jesus joins forces with John the Baptist 3:22 -36 #25 4a. Jesus leaves for Galilee via Samaria 4:12 1:14 4:1 -45 #26 1b. Jesus’ reasons for leaving Judea 4:12 1:14 4:1 -4 #27 2b. Jesus deals with the woman at Jacob’s well 4:5 -42 #28 3b. Jesus’ arrival in Galilee 4:43 -45 IV. “The people that sat in darkness saw a great light…” (Matthew 4:16a) (Opening the 18-month ministry in Galilee; a time of growing favor with the people) 1a. Gat hering disciple and ministering to great crowds #29 1b. Overview of His teaching in Galilee 4:17 1:14 -15 4:14 -15 #30 2b. The son of a nobleman healed at Cana 4:46 -54 #31 3b. The initial rejection at Nazareth 4:16 -31 #32 4b. Jesus’ ne w home in Capernaum 4:13 -16 #33 5b. Four fisherman called as fishers of men (Peter, Andrew, and 4:18 -22 1:16 -20 John had been followers of Jesus before this time) #34 6b. A demoniac is healed on the Sabbath; the nation begins to hear 1:21 -28 4:31 -37 much of this Jesus #35 7b. Jesus heals Peter’s mother -in -law and many others 8:14 -17 1:29 -34 4:38 -41 #36 8b. The first preaching tour through Galilee with the four fishermen 4: 23 -25 1:35 -39 4:42 -44 #37 9b. Four fishermen become fishers of men 5:1 -11 #38 10b A leper healed; much excitement 8:2 -4 1:40 -45 5:12 -16 Matthew Mark Luke John A PROPOSED HARMONY OF THE LIFE OF CHRIST Page 2 of 8 #39 11b. Thronged in Capernaum, He heals a paralytic lowered through 9:1 -8 2:1 -12 5:17 -26 the roof #40 12b. The call of Matthew; his feast in hon or of Jesus 9:9 -13 2:13 -17 5:27 -32 #41 13b. Jesus uses 3 parables to defend His di sciples for feasting, not 9:14 -17 2:18 -22 5:33 -39 fasting #42 2a. Jesus attends a feast in Jerusalem ( heals a lame man on the 5:1 -47 Sabbath, defends Himself before the Pharisees) 3a. The Messiah engaging in controversy, and ministering to crowds #43 1b. Another Sabbath controversy; the disciples pluck grain in the 12:1 -8 2:23 -28 6:1 -5 fields #44 2b. A third Sabbath controversy , over the healing of a man with a 12:9 -14 3:1 -6 6:6 -11 withered hand #45 3b. Jesus teaches and heals great multitudes by the Sea of Galilee 12:15 -21 3:7 -12 #46 4a. The Master chooses the twelve apostles 3:13 -19 6:12 -16 #47 5a. The preaching of the “Sermon on the Mount” 5:1 – 8:1 6:17 -49 #48 1b. The place and the audience 5:1 -2 6:17 -19 #49 2b. The introduction 5:3 -12 6:20 -26 #50 3b. The theme 5:13 -20 #51 4b. Ethical teachings of Christ 5:21 -48 6:27 -30, 32-36 #52 5b. Real righteousness 6:1 -18 #53 6b. Full devotion to God 6:19 -34 #54 7b. Concerning the judgment of others 7:1 -6 6:37 -42 #55 8b. Prayer and the “Golden Rule” 7:7 -12 6:31 #56 9b. The conclusion 7:13 – 8: 1 6:43 -49 V. “Great multitudes followed Him…” (Matthew 8:1) (Completing the great Galilean ministry; a time of great popularity) 1a. Renewed conflict with “the Jews” #57 1b. Jesus heals a centurion’s son at Capernaum 8:5 -13 7:1 -10 #58 2b. Jesus raises a window’s son at Nain 7:11 -17 #59 3b. John the Baptist asks a question 11:2 -19 7:18 -35 #60 4b. Woes pronounced upon two cities of opportunity 11:20 -30 #61 5b. Jesus’ feet anointed by a sinful woman; the parable of the two 7:36 -50 debtors #62 2a. The second tour through Galilee 8:1 -3 3a. A “busy day” toward the end of the second tour through Galilee #63 1b. A blasphemous accusation by the Pharisees 12:22 -37 3:20 -30 NOTE: An important turning point in the ministry of Jesus commences at this point as He begins to shift the focus of His ministry from public presentation of Himself to private preparation of His disciples for His impending death. #64 2b. Scribes and Pharisees demand a sign 12:38 -45 #65 3b. Jesus’ mother and brothers seek to take Him home (probably 12:46 -50 3:31 -35 8:19 -21 believing Him to be mad) #66 4b. The first great group of parables (to crowds gathered by the 13:1 -3 4:1 -2 8:4 Sea of Galilee #67 1c. The sower 13:3 -23 4:3 -25 8:5 -18 #68 2c. The seed growing by itself 4:26 -29 #69 3c . The tares 13:24 -30 #70 4c. The mustard/leaven 13:31 -35 4:30 -34 (At this point Jesus begins to speak privately with His disciples; the parables were spoken in public but inter pret ed in private.) #7 1 5c. The tares – explained 13:3 6-43 #72 6c. The hidden treasure 13:44 #73 7c. The pearl of great price 13: 45 -46 #74 8c. The net 13:47 -50 #75 9c. The householder 13:51 -52 #76 5b. Jesus stills a tempest on the Sea 8:18, 23 -27 4:35 -41 8:22 -25 #77 6b. Jesus he als the Gaderene demoniac 8:28 -34 5:1 -20 8:26 -39 A PROPOSED HARMONY OF THE LIFE OF CHRIST Page 3 of 8 Matthew Mark Luke John 4a. A last visit to Nazareth; a third tour through this area #78 1b. The healing of Jairus’ daughter and of the woman who touched 9:18 -26 5:21 -43 8:40 -56 Jesus’ garment #79 2b. Healing of two blind men and a demoniac; a blasphemous 9:27 -34 accusation is repeated #80 3b. The last visit to Nazareth 13:54 -58 6:1 -6 #81 4b. The disciples are instructed and sent out by twos; Jesus tours 9:35 – 11:1 6:6 -13 9:1 -6 Galilee #82 5b. Herod’s fears because of his murder of John the Baptist 14:1 -12 6:14 -29 9:7 -9 5a. The collapse of the Galilean Campaign #83 1b. The first retreat from public notice; the Twelve return and Jesus 14:13 -21 6:30 -44 9:10 -17 6:1 -13 retires with them beyond the Sea; the feeding of the 5,000 #84 2b. Jesus refuses the call to be king 14:22 -23 6:45 -46 6:14 -15 #85 3b. The Twelve in a storm on the water; Jesus comes to them 14:24 -33 6:47 -52 6:16 -21 walking on the water #86 4b. The reception at Gennesaret 14:34 -36 6:53 -56 #87 5b.
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