Colony and Protectorate of Kenya

Colony and Protectorate of Kenya

SnDulernent NO. 2 of 1926 to Oficial Gazette of April 7th, 1926. THE OFFICIAL GAZETTE OF THE ?: , *.%., COLONY AND PROTECTORATE OF KENYA. $>? *<.a * ; .LX (SUPPLEMENT.) Published under the Authority of His Excellency the Governor of the Colony and Protectorate of Kenya. Vol. XXVII1.-Supplement No. 21 NAIROBI, April 7th, 1926. ..pll LIST OF PERSONSWHO ARE LIABLETO SERVEAS JURORSAND ASSESSORSIN THE FOLLOWING Coast Provir~ce Ukarnba Province Kikuyu Provitice Kerio Province Nyanza Province Naivasha District Nakuru District Uasin Gishu District Trans-Nzoia District Laikipitt District g 0 L 0 d ï l $ 2 F 8 t't E g T g 8 l T E 0 F r E d ï l , L isï @f' P ersons w h @ are Liable to Serve as J u rors a nd A ssessors. cows'.r laltovlkcE. M O M B A SA . JtTR OR S, E U R O P E A N S. A t'rivets, F ., B esson & Co- . D avis, F ., M om basa Club. Auderson, A. , East Atricah Lighterage Co., Ltd. D avies, P . , Af azlor H otel. Anderson, O., T'udor H ouse. D ell, C . 11. , M etropole H btel. A uderson, A . 'C ., B roek & Co. D elvin, 11., Pauliug k (70., Ltd. Augelopoulos, D . , N dia K uu. D oherty, J., G overnm ent Coast A geney. ABpinall, Ef. , c/o Brock Bond J5 Co. D rum m ond-H ay, 1R,. , E ast Afriean Lighterage Co. + B ake-t', .H ., A frâean M ercfm tile C0., L td. Edm unds, E . D ., Sm itll M ackenzie k Co. J? aker, M . G ., African M ereantile CG., Ltd. Elm s, E,. A . , Sm ith M ackenzie & Co. /0 Stazldclif'f & Co. B aker, A . G . , c, Elder, T.'. W . , Boustead # Clarke, L td. lilarnard, B . J. D., ejo Pauling k Co., Ltd. E,m erson, A . C.., African M ercantile Co., L ttl. B arlow , A . , M acdonald T erraee. Em ington, 1l. , Pauling & Co. , Lïd.. l'larrles, G . M7.e H ealth OG qe. E.vans, C., African W harfage C0. , L td. lsarry, P . , Standard B ank of SGuth A frica, L td. E vans, W . G . Capt., K ettles R oy # D aw son. lslackhurst, S. Evans, S. G ., Afriearz M ereantile C0.., Ltd.. l3attaglia, A., cs/0 Frigerio & Co. B aily, A . G . , Agrieultural D ept. F etlton, P . Standarcl B arkk of South Afriea, B rad%hayv, 11è. L . , E ducatiôn D ept. L td.. 'B ecket, J'. C . , Sm ith M ackeuzie & 'CO. Florde, F . C,. , Pauling # Co. , L tzd. :Bense C. W . , E as;t Afriean Lighterage C().) Ltcl. , F oulding, H ., E ast Africa L ighterage Co., L td. Beattie, W ., Confectioner, &e. Fox, A . E . , Scoft Ellis & Co. Belfrage, J . B . , African 'W harfage Co. , Ltd.. Fredericks, C. E'. , Sm ith M ackenzie & Co. B em ister, F . A . , M om basa. Frudd., H . W . D ., U nion C'astle Co. , L td. Bislaop, H . J., A friean W had age Co., Ltd. Fiitall, R.. J., M om basa Tim es. Blake, N . 11. Capt., E'a'st African Lighterage Co., L td.. G eure, E(. A . , African W harf age Ct). , L td. Bordoni, L., c/o Stein C0. Gibson, L . M . , 19.0 . B ox N o. 22:. Browrl, J., British Imperiai Oil Co. (S.A.), Ltd. G illet, J. B ., Pauling & Co,. , L td. B oueher, ,J. , African W harfage Co. , Ltd. G illett, T . , Pauling & Co. , L td. B onson, H . E.. , Sm ith. A,f ackenzie & Co. Glenn, P . , P auling &r .Co. , Ltd.. B rown, R.. D . , Union Castle C0., L td. Gortlon, A . E,., N' ational B anlt of Tndia, Ltd. B row n, 'W ., U uion Castle Co., L td. G oldie, A . B ., Sm ith M aekenzie. & Co. B ull, J. Et. , P auling & Co., L td, G ooch, P . H . , E lectric Light (l; Pow er Oo. B uckley, W . , V alley E state, P .O . B ox N o. 188. Gra.y, 'W . 14.. , Pauling # Co. , L td. B uekler, 0. C ., P auling & C0. , L td. G oodhind, 11., L eslie Andersoll & Co. B unker, A ., H ealth O'm fze. G ow er, AV . , A friean M ercantile Co.., Tutd. B urm an, C . 1t.. Grantham , G.. C., Afriearz M ercantile U0. , Ltd. B Lltler, S. C . , N ational B ank India, Tutcl.. Green, 5. W . , P auling & Co. , L td.. Cttm pbell, 1R. S., P .O . B ox N o. 153. Groom , .H . C., K ast Afriean L ight,erage Co., Ltd. Carter, C. W . , Pauling & Co., Ltd. ' Clarlke, H ., Afrieau W harfage Co. , Ltd. Hawm psorz, T.t. H ., Admirzistralion. Clarke, P . 1-1., B oustead &- Clarke, L td. R anm ng, J. C . , N ational B ank of lndia, L fd. Claudius, L ., Paulirg & C0., L td. H arm ston, J., Public M rorks D epl. Cole, E )., Slnifh M ackeuzie k Co. H 'eath, .I. E.. , Pauling & Co. , Ltd.. Colem an, P . 11. , Tw elltsehe Overseas Trading Co. , H erm stnson, S. G- . , A frican M ercantile Co. , L td.. L td. H ilton, T., M om basa. Cotter, A,I. de, A frican W harfage C0. , L td. H obbs, F ., Afriean M ercaniile Co.., L.ld. Coom bs, N . L.. , U rlion C astlB Co., L td.. H olm es, J. , Electric Light & P ow er Co. , L'td. Cornw all, E . M . , 17.0 . B ox N o. 10: . I-lbpgood , L . R.. , U ganda R ailw ay. Craig, ,T., B oustead & Clarke, Ltd. H atynes, L . Af'., E ast A frican Lightersge Co., Ltd. Crappers, H ., Afriean M ereanfile Co.; Ltd.. H azell, G . S., P auling & C o.., Ltd. Cvipps, A . F . M ., African M ercttntile Co. , Ltd.. H inderer, C . Af .ù B oys-H endet-son & P artner. Ctooks, G . , P aulirtg (î.5 Co. , L td. H um ble, A . P ., Pauling & CO.. , L'td.. Cruichslaank, 1R.. , Bm itlz M ackenzie & Co. Jaekson, C . E . , P'.O . B ox N o. 312. Cubison, 11. M . , Afriean M ercantile Cb. , Ltd.. Jackson, F . , Afriean W tlarfage Co. , Lfd.. Cum m ing, J., Sm it'h 'M aekenzie & Co. Jam iescm , 5. M . , O dgen & M adeleys. 2 COAS'P PROV IN OE - contd. M OM B A SA .- Contd. .TU R O R S. EU ROPEA NS. ' Phillips, TT. SV . African Meroantile Co Jenson,c ., P.O. Box No. 101. Plough ? . , Jewell, S. H ., Smith M aekenzie &', Oo. , 11. , Af rlean W havf age Co. , Ltd.. AJ am es z 1. èEdwald St. Rose & Co. Potlock, 1't. L., llauling & t)0 Ltd. Johnson, 1a . E., Pauling & Co., Ltd. 1' 70n.t in , 11' . () . , Ullion Castle C., o Ltd . Poole . , , 11. J'. , Alriean 'W hart'age Co., Ltd.. Keith, D., Gill & Johnson. Paton, 11., Planter. Kempton, F. A., Alrican W harfage Co. , Ltd. Pullen , J'. , Pauling t Co . , Lt(l. Keeping, G., African 'W harfage U0., Ltd. Kerr, J., Gill & Johnson. Tt'ayzle, H . O., Boustead # Clarke, Ltd. King, M.., Butcher. ltichardson, 14 . W . , African Aiercantile Kirk, .H ., Pauling & Co., Ltd. Rickm an, J., A'fombasa. l'tush, E. G. , Srnitll M aekezlzie & Co. l'tussell, 'W . 1't. , Sl'nith A'taekenzie k Co Lammie, 5. D., Britisll Imperial Oi1 Co. (S.A.), . Ltd. ltobinson, E . lt . , c/o J.1. 1-i. Atlèciàhee. Lester, G. E,., Standircl Bank of South Africa, llutherf ord, J. , lJauling & C.o.. , Ltfl. Ltcl. Sargeant, Capt. 1t.. G Lttsg, A.. P . , 'llealth t'Jftke. , Pori Office. Lunt, %V. A1., Afrlean 'W harf age Co., Ltd. Sayer, S. 1-1. , Sm ith Alâtckenzie &- Co. Schut, .f.1. , East Africar: Lighterage C,o Lloyd, H . V ., Afriean W harfage Co., Ltd.. Seal . , Lynch, K. , Pauling & Cb. , Ltd.. , .1l . T. , Sm ith A1' ackenzie (tr Co. Seil, Capt. 'W . C. , Mbm basa. M aclohn, M . , M etropole H otel. Sharp, C. C. T'. , Plant lmport Ol cer. Sheldcm, H . J'. , P.-O ATackay, G. , Paulizlg & Co. , Ltd. Box N o. 222. M aclf a'y, 5. H . , Frigerio House. Sherm an, H . , African A'lercantile (20. , Ltd. M ackenzie, .R., Union Castle (J0., Ltd.. Sherwell, H . U. , Sm ith A'fttckenzie &- Co. M ailhiot, J . E,., Edst Afriean Lighterage C.o. , Ltd . Smith, AV . ,J. , African A leyeantile 'Co. , lztd. M acNab, A., Resident Comm issioner's Offiee. Standish, J. S. , A'iombasa . Stephens, J. , Af riean M'7 harfage Co . AM'larshall, F. L. , East African Ligllterage Co. , Ltd. 1 , Ltd. aclfay, G. Af . , P.O. Box No. 298. Stower, J. , Pauling & Co., Ltd. M clueod, M . , Pauling & Co., Ltd.. Sutherlalad, J. , A'fombasa. A' /fewbuml, G.. , B .E .A. Corporation, Ltl. Stower) '.t? . C . , Pak'ling tk 60 . , Ltd. M olloy, J. T. , Twentsche Overseas Trading C,.0. , Swart, S. , l-lolland-Bombay rikuditlg Co. Ltd.. Sim , W . A. A1. , Strtith A'lackenzie &n Co . Sym m ons, 5V. H . , Pauling & Co M orton, H ., Biritish lm perial Oil Co. , Ltd. , Ltd. Afook, S. J. , Holland East Africa. Line . rl'hompson, J . H . T. , Union Casfle Co M orrikon /13. , Ltd. A'fcphee, H). H ., Contractor. Taylor, M . , Standard Bank of 501,1th Afriea, Ltd. Afcphee, H . , Contraetor. T aylor, 1-1. E. , 1-1e,a1th Ofîce. Tyvitchett, VT . , Paulillg ctr C0. , Ltd. M aekenzie, 1R. , B.E.A. Corporation, Ltd. Thom son, A. E. T. , Twentsche Overseas Tratling A'lonies, W . D. V. , Pauling & Co. , Ltd. C.o. , Ltd. Teague, A. 14. , Agrieultural Dept Nealon, 5u.

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