HUNT'S MERCHANTS MAGAZINE REPRESENTING THE COMMERCIAL AND INDUSTRIAL INTERESTS OF THE UNITED STATES VOL. 31. NEW YORK, OCTOBER 2, 1880. NO 797. financial. Financial. Financial. JOHK 8. ElNITKDr. J. KiNHIDT Tod. Kidder, Peabody & Co., S. Kennedy & Co., J. BOSTON, MASS., Phelps, Stokes & Co., Bankers and Merchants, Cor. Wall and Nassau Sts., New York. I. N. PHKLPS, No. 63 JAMK8 8TOKKS, WILLIAM STREET, ANSON I'HKLPS STOKES, BANKERS, Kevr York. FOREIGN B.4i\KEBS. F. P. OLCOTT. BUT AND BELI< 4S & 4T "Wall Street, New York. CABLE TRANSFERS, BILLS OF EXCHAKCtl COMMERCIAL. CREDITS, XAILSOAD INVESTMENT SECURITIES; and CoLLXCT Coupons and Ditidbnds ; Commercial and Travelers' Credit*. States, Cuba, &c., In Dollars for use In United NEGOTIATE LOANS AND DRAW BI^LS OF n Pounds Sterling, available In any part of the world. EXCHANGE ON LONDON. CORItESPONDENTS : Alio, TRAVELERS' CREDITS and All business relating to the Construction and BARING BROTHERS St CO., L.ondea. Equipment of Railroads undertaken. CIROCII.AR NOTES; PERIER FRERES & CO., Pari.. MENDELSSOHN ds CO., Berlin. Kountze Brothers, Banque BANKERS, Wood & Davis, Centrale Anversoise, 130 Broadway (Equitable BnUdlnff)^ HANKERS AND RROKERS. NEW YORK. 31 Pine Street, Nenr York. GOVERNMENT BONDS. MUNICIPAL AN« Antwerp. liETTERS OP OREBIT RAILROAD SECURITIES BOUGHT AND SOLD ON COMMISSION. AND CHOICE RAILROAD MORTOAOK BONDS FOR SALE. Pald-Up Capital, • • 9,000,000 Francs. CIRCULAR NOTES C. D. Wood. Sam'l d. datu. iMttod for the use of traTelera ta BOARB OF DJREOTOHS : all parts of the world. SsiSAS, President. FaUT on the of liOndon Scranton & Willard, Ai.rssD UAQOtNAT (Orair& MsqnlnaT^ Vlu-Pras Bills drawn Union Bank J. B. YOH KXK BiCKK (U. Von der Becke). Talegraphlo transfers made to Ix>ndon and to 72 BROADWAY AND 13 NEW STREET. Otto Gunthbr (Cornellle*Davld), rarious places in the United States. PRIVATE WIRES TO SuUt DC QiTTKh. Deposits receired subject to check at sight, and In- Hotel, Cumberland. Delmonleol.. As. FliNl ( fTAnt, Model A Cle.) Windsor Auo. NoTTiB )HM (Nottebohm Freres). terest allowed on balances. OUsey House, Pblladelphla. (Mlchlela-Loos). Fb. Dhahis and other honda and inrestment se- GRAIN AND PROVISION DEPARTMENT Job. Daw fobrmahh, Jb. (Job. Dan. FnbimaBB). OoTernment Lotns WiBBB (Kd. Weber ^k Cle.) onritles bought and sold on commission. UNDER CHAROS Or Im^mm iudtucstba.doh (C. Sdunld * Cle.) Meur.. L. G. QUINLIN <fe CO. Chicago CorrespondenU, JOHN T. LESTER i, CO. ,-; TRANSACTS A Samuel A. Strang, eENBSAI. BANKING BUSINESS. 30 PINE S1REET, NETT YORK, BAN KER Gwynne & Day, Aba p. Pottkk. Prest. J. J. Eddt Cashier. AND COMMISSION MERCHANT, rEstabllBhed 1851.1 No. 46 TVaU StlPeet, Maverick National Bank, Buys and sells Investment Securities. All busi- Transact a fceneral banking and brokerage but- BOSTON, ness connected with railways undertaken. ness In Railway Shares and Bonds and Oovemmw* securities. CAPITAL, $400,000 Interest allowed on deposits. SVRPIiUS, 400,000 Kimball, Howell & Co., Investments carefully attended to. COIjI<KCTI0NS a specialty. Business from Banks H. Kimball, 3. P. Howell, N. P. Hendirson, and Bunkers solicited. Satisfactory business paper discounted. Cor- Members N. Y. Stock Exchange, A. P. Turner & Co., respondence invited. 68 BROADTVAY AND 17 NEW ST., BANKERS, Liwis H. Tatlor, Jr. Undlkt Haines No. 207 Walnut Place, PHILADELPHIA. But, Sell and Carry on Margins Government, State, Municipal and Railway Bonds and Stocks bought and sold at all the E ccnanges. L. H. Taylor & Co., All Seenrttles dealt In at tbe Excbanse Investments prudently made in sound railway se- curities. Collectionspromiitly intended to Bankers and Brokers, George Stark. John f. Stark. Correspondents caretullv represented at Auctions and Private scales. Bunds of iiiiod but not well- 140 SOUTH THIRD. STREET, known railroads always wanted for investments at PHILADELPHIA. George Stark & Co., the best rates. Orders on miirKlns not enteriaine<L Deposits received subject to check at slcht, and interest allowed on duily biiiances. BANKERS, Stocks, Bonds, &c., bnusht and sold on commission Tower, Giddings & Co., in Philadelphia and other cities. No. 42 BROADWAY. NEW YORK. Particular attention Kiven to information regard- Investment Securities for on BANKERS, Dff iDTestment Secoritles. Buy and sell cash or commission. A specialty made of Western Farm No. 83 DEVONSHIRE STREET, Mortgages bearing from 7 to 10 per cent interest. BOSTON. Lummis & Day, Will undertake the negotiation of loans upon executed In Boston, New Toft property in large or small amounts. Orders for Stocks No«. 84 and 35 DREXEI. Cor. Western City BUILT)ING. WAIX and other markets. and BROAD STREETS, BANKER8 AND STOCK BROKERS. Schulz & Ruckgaber, Spicialties uadb op Stocks op the William Lummis, IIenuy Day, Rapid Telegrapli Company Members of New York Stock Exchange. BAN KERS, American 22 millam Street, New Tork. AND THE Hatch & Foote, COURESPON DENTS OP THK Cnsihniriachic Mining Company, International Bank of London (Limited)* BT London. BANKERS, No. 13 WAI.I. STREET, J. W. MACKINTOSH & CO., BTT Aim UIX Messrs. John Bcrcnberg* Gosslcr As Co.* (Members Boston Stock Exchange), Hamburg. BANKERS AND BROKERS, QOYSBNUBNT BONDS, STOCKS AND MISCBL- Bills of Ex- Commercial and Travelers' Credits. Street, BOSTOM. LANEOCa SECURITIES. change, r^ble Transfers, No. 4a Cougpe.s [Vol. XXXL ii THE CHRONICLE. Exchange. Foreign Baniterg. Foreign Exchange. Foreign Nederlandsche Drexel, Morgan & Co., KLnoblauch WALI. 8THEBT, & Lichtenstein, Handel-Maatschappij, CORNER OP BROAD, NKW YORK BANKERS, Tbe Netherland Trading Society cor. Place. Co 39 WlUiam St., EzchamKe Drexel & Co., Drexel, Harjes & NEW TORK. OF HOLLAND, HauumaDD Money Transfer*. ESTABLI8ED 1834. M«, M SouTB Thiso St. St BonleTvd «>Ke Telegraphic Uraw Bills ef Exchange and Iirae Letters oi Credit Pald-op Capital, 36,000,000 Florins. Pblladelptala Paris. s all principal cities o Kurope. ($14,400,000, Oold.) DOMBSTIC AKD FORKiaN BANKERS. SPECLAL PARTNER. Execute orders for the purchase or sale of Merchan- dise, Bonds, Stocks, and other securities, In the to Draft. Securities, OoW, OKUTSTHB BANK, Berlin. DeDO»lt« receiTBd lubject United States, Europe and the East ; make Collectloni lntere«t alloweO *0.. bought and lold on Commlaiion. buy and sell Foreign Exchange, and give advances an Deposits. Foreign Kxchange. CoBoioerclaJCredlU. upon Merchandise for Export. Circular Letters for Travelers. cSwe Transfers. Hilmers,McGowan & Co OLIVER 8. CARTER, ) Agents •TalUble In all parts af the world. STANTON BLAKE, > for E. UAWLEY, America AQBNTB OF BROKERS IN HENRY J ATT0B«»T8 AMD N«w YOBK, January 1, 1S79. J. 8. mORGAN & CO., ISeMrs. Foreign Exchange, Stocks and Bonds, Office, 143 Pearl Street Ne^v York. No. »a OLD BROAD ST., LONDON. 63 'Wall Street, Neiv York. Brothers & Co., Special attention paid to orders at the New York Adolph Boissevain & Co. Brown Stock Exchange and New York Mining Board. No. 69 WALI. ST., N. ¥., BANKERS BUT AND 8KLL Canadian Banks. ANP BIL,I.S OF EXCHANGE coniinissioN merchants •ON GREAT BRITAIN AND IRELAND, FRANCE, OBHMANY, BELGIUM AND HOLLAND. Merchants' Bank AMSTERDAM, HOLLAND Commercial and Travelers' Credits OF Issne N. T. Correspondents.—Messrs. BLAKE BROS. * 00 I]f SIHRLINO, CANADA, AVAILABLE IN ANY PART OF THE WORLD. Guadaloupe. Nederlandsch Indischc And In Franca, In Martinique and Capital, $5,500,000 Paid Up. JIIAKBTKI.KGRAPIIIC TBANSFBR8 OF inONKY President, the Hon. JOHN HAMILTON. Handelsbank, through London 'Between this and other countries, Vice-President, JOHN McLBNNAN, ESQ. and Paris. AmSTERDAia, HOLLAND. .afake Collections of Drafts drawn abroad on all HEAD OFFICE, nONTREAIi. ESTABLISHED IN 1863. poInU In the United States and Canada, and ot Drafts drawn in the United States OEOROE HAGUE, General Manager. Paid-up Capital, 13,000,000 Gnllders on Foreign Countries. Gold.) WM. J. INGRAM, Asst. General Manager. ($4,800,000 S. G. & G. C. Ward, BANKERS: HEAD OFFICE IN AMSTERDAM. Clydesdale Banking Comp'y. Agencies Iw Batavla, Soerabaya and Samarang AexHTs ros LONDON, BNG.—The NEW YORK—The Bank of New York. N. B. A. Correspondents In Padang. sells Sterling Ex- VARING BROTHERS dc GOmPANT, The New York Agency buys and Issue commercial credits, make advances on ship change, Cable Transfers, Issues Credits available In of staple merchandise, and transact othef 63 WALL STREET, NEW YORK. all parts of the world, makes collections in Canada ments and elsewhere, and Issues Drafts payable at any of business of a financial character in eonnectioD with STATE STREET, BOSTON. bank in Canada. Demand Drafts 38 the ofBccs of the he trade with the Datch Bast Indies. Issued payable in Scotland and Ireland, and every description of foreign banking business undertaken. BLAKE BROTHERS & CO., Seligman&Co., Nexnr York Agencjr, 48 ExctaaDKe-pIace. &W. AOBirrs FOB North Ahssica, j J. HENRY HAGUE. ) •*«e°ti..„„,, BANKERS, JOHN B. HARRIS JB., 5 U WALL STREET, NEW YORK, 28 STATE STREET, BOSTON 69 EXCBIANGS PI.AOB, Bank of Montreal. OORNBS BROAD 8TRBKT, SBW TORK. Hong Kong & Shanghai fggne Letters of Credit for Trarelers, CAPITAI., - $13,000,000, Gold. BANKING CORPORATION. (paid-up) »5,000,000 SURPIiVS, - 6,000,000, Gold. CAPITAL Parable In any par of Borope, Asia, Atrloa, Anitralla RESERVE FUND 1,600,000 ftnd America. HEAD OFFICE, BONO KON». GEOKGE STEPHEN, President. Draw Bills of Exchange and make tele(raphl« trans. The Corporation grant Drafts and negotiate or General Manager. I^n of money on Borope and Cklitonta. C. F. SMITHEB8, collect Bills payable at Bombay, Calcutta, Singapore, Saigon, Manila, Hong Kong, Foochow. Amoy, YORK OFFICE. Ningpo, Shanghai, Hankow, Yokohama, Hiogo, San NEW Francisco and l^ondon. Munroe & Co., «rAI.L, John No*. 69 dc 61 STREET. A. m. TOTFNSEND, Asent, 69 \rall St. No. 8 TTall Street, New York, WALTIH WATSON. ! Agents. No. 4 Post Office Sqnare, Boston. California Banks. Boy and sell Sterling Exchange, Francs and Cable CHEQUES AND CABLE TRANSFERS ON Credits Transfers ; grant Commercial and Travelers' &. niVNROE CO., PARIS. available In any part of the world ; issue drafts on The Nevada Bank •TXBLmO CHEQUES AND BILLS AT SEKITT and make collections In Chleago and threughout OF SAN FRANCISCO.
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