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THIS HOLIDAY OFFER ENDS DEC. 29TH SALES • SERVICE • PARTS www.trilliumford.comSHELBURNE ALLISTON 725 INDUSTRIAL RD. at Hwy 124 4589 INDUSTRIAL PARKWAY www.trilliumford.com FORD LINCOLN 866-953-79351-866-670-6111866-670-6111 Industrial Parkway & Hwy 89 E, Alliston Friday: Saturday: Sunday: Monday: Alliston • Beeton • Tottenham Sun/Cloud Rain Sun/Cloud Cloud Visit us online at: www.newtectimes.com NewTecumseth Local 5-day Forecast Buying Simcoe-York Printing Local 5-day Forecast Fax: 905-729-2541 today Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday Local 5-day Forecast Local 5-day Forecast or Proofed and approved by . Sellingtoday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday Date: December 12/13 today Thursday Fridaytoday Saturday Thursday Sunday Friday Saturday Sunday in 2014 Date of insertion: December 12/13 CALL Weekly Circulation: 2,418 l 905-729-2287 l 1-888-559-2287 l www.newtectimes.com TT q KTS q IS q TheTimes ARC ONAN M R TODAY! Sales Representative/Owner $1.50 per copy ($1.43 + 7¢ G.S.T.) Thursday, January 9, 2014 Volume 40, Issue 2 CC q OC q SFP q GVS q PUBLICATIONS MAIL AGREEMENT NO.0040036642 RETURN UNDELIVERABLE CANADIAN ADDRESSES TO 34 MAIN ST. W. BEETON ON L0G1A0 We acknowledge the fi nancial support of the Government of Canada through the Canada Periodical Fund of the Department of Canadian Heritage. www.marcronan.com Sales Rep.: AD 905-936-4216 Set by: JS Ronan Realty, Brokerage Each Office Is Independently Owned And Operated Not intended to solicit clients under contract or contravene the privacy act. NewTecumseth 20º C 17º C 20º C 17º C 20º C 17º C 20º C 17º C TROUBLE Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday HEARING • Can you hear but not understand?? $1.00 per copy (95¢ + 5¢ G.S.T.) Combined Weekly Circulation: 49,000 l 905-729-2287 l 1-888-559-2287 l www.newtectimes.com Volume 00, Issue 00• Do you have ringing in your ears? TheTimesWednesday, January 5, 2011 • Is TV turned up loud? • Do you work in noise? If you answered yes to any of these questions, a HEARING TEST is recommended. Complimentary Hearing Tests (55+) Orangeville Bolton Alliston 54 First St. 316 Queen St.S 24-180 Parsons Rd 519-942-9428 905-857-5183 705-435-4356 Shop Ken & Bonnie’s Shop Early BEETON Late Fresh Food • Friendly Neighbours OPEN - Mon-Sat 7am-Midnight Sun 9am-8pm The complete shopping experience... Fast & Friendly Proudly Beeton, Proudly Local, PHOTO SUBMITTED Proudly Canadian IT’S A NEW YEAR BABY! – The fi rst baby of 2014 was delivered at Stevenson Memorial Hospital in Alliston on Saturday, January 4th. Wesley Fry arrived at 2:25 a.m., weighing 6 lbs 2 oz. First time parents are Stephanie and Scott Fry of Alliston. Jackson Plaza 905-729-2513 The Animal Hospital of Beeton A FULL-SERVICE VETERINARY MEDICAL FACILITY Dr. Caitlin Murray • Dr. Stefani Warmington www.beetonvet.ca Please visit our website for more information. CATERING 60 Main St. W., Beeton AVAILABLE Italian Restaurant & Pizzeria LLBO 905.729.2929 905-729-0029 Page 2 – January 9, 2014 – The TIMES GARY LAAKSO FINANCIAL SERVICES INC. NEW TECUMSETH TIMES EARLUG119 Victoria St. W. EARLUG Alliston ON L9R 1T7 Gary Laakso, Bus: 705-435-6294 B.A., MTS, CFP, CLU, CH.FC. Fax: 705-435-9050 Agent / FInancial Planner Toll Free: 1-877-870-1888 HOME • AUTO • LIFE • RRSPs • FARM • BUSINESS Festive RIDE wraps up – fewer drivers charged this year The Nottawasaga OPP Roadhicles stopped at the Fes- WatchNottawasaga OPP investi- sions. playsgetting therole message, this is recognize drivers who kept have wrapped up their Fes- tive R.I.D.E programs tal- gated 972 motor vehicle col- Inspector Cockburn com- where the community and everyone safe over the holi- tive R.I.D.E (Reduce Im- lied in at 11,037 which is lisions throughout the 2013 ments by saying “The vast Police must remain vigilant days by driving sober, as paired Driving Everywhere) quite a substantial number. year, 14 were alcohol-relat- majority of driver’s under- to keep our roads safe for ev- well as those who arranged which encompassed the time From those vehicle stops, ed motor vehicle collisions. stand the importance of not eryone to travel.” for designated drivers and frame from November 23 to Policein conducted keeping 83 road- During the Festive R.I.D.E. drinkingroads and driving, but Detachmentsafe Commander made alternate arrangements January 2, 2014. side screening device tests, season, there were a total of unfortunately, we still have Inspector Dirk Cockburn for getting home during their This season MembersTRAFFIC of charged nine driversin futurum. with Loremthree ipsumalcohol-related dolor sit amet,colli- a few drivers thatTHEFT are not would like to thankNam liberand temporholiday cum celebrations. soluta nobis elei - the Lorem Nottawasaga ipsum dolor OPP sit were amet, consectetuerimpaired driving consectetuer offences adipiscing elit, sed diam non- Fiant sollemnes in futurum. Lorem ip- fend option congue nihil imperdiet doming outadipiscing 24/7 conducting elit, sed R.I.D.Ediam nonummy and issued nibh 14 ummydrivers nibhwith euismod tincidunt ut laoreet sum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing id quod mazim placerat facer possim. programseuismod tincidunt in our three ut laoreettown- dolore3-day magnawarn rangedolore suspen- magna aliquamTwo erat localvolutpat. menelit, sed diamcharged nonummy nibh euismod with tinc- credit card fraud shipsaliquam at 104erat different volutpat. loca- Ut wisisions. enim ad The Nottawasaga OPP eth.idunt ut laoreet dolore magna aliquamunder the erat Criminal Code DOMESTICof der $5000 DISPUTES and Fraud Under tionsminim keeping veniam, ourquis driversnostrud exerciWhile tation offi cers are usu-ALCOHOLhas wrapped & DRIVING up a credit volutpat.Charged Utis wisi26 enimyear adold minim Canada. veniam, Qui facit eorum$5000 claritatem. under the InvestigaCriminal- andullamcorper the motoring suscipit public lobortis safe nislally ut looking aliquip for signsDuis of autem im- velcard eum fraud iriure from dolor October in hen 23,- Townquis nostrud of New exerci Tecumseth tation ullamcorper The second sus- maletiones charged demonstraverunt Code of Canada. lectores legere me fromex ea impairedcommodo driving.consequat. We Duis paired autem driving, vel theydrerit are in vigi- vulputate2013. velit esse molestie con- residentcipit lobortis Shane nisl Brienesse, ut aliquip he ex isea 33 commodo year old Michaellius quod Ran- ii leguntBoth saepius. men will Claritas make their est enjoyeum iriure working dolor alongside in hendrerit our inlant vulputate with regards sequat, to noticing vel illumOn dolore that dateeu feugiatin October nulla a isconsequat. charged Duiswith autemFraud velUn- eumsom iriure of dolorthe Townetiam of processusNew fi rstdynamicus, appearance qui in the sequitur Ontar- communities,velit esse molestie as road consequa. safety other signs of facilisisimpairment; at vero credit eros cardet accumsan was left at et a busi-iusto derin hendrerit $5000 and in vulputatePossession velit Tecumseth, esse moles -he mutationemis charged consuetudiumio Court of Justice lectorum. in Brad- Mi- is a shared responsibility this vigilance showsodio dignissimduring ness qui onblandit Young praesent Street in lupAl-- oftie a Controlled Substance, with one count rumof Theft est notareun- fordquam on littera March gothica, 20th. quam between the communityROAD WATCH and the Festive R.I.D.E.tatum season zzril delenitliston, auguethat credit duis carddolore was te nunc putamus parum claram, anteposuerit police,Mirum with est notarethe common quam litteraby Nottawasaga gothica, feugait OPP charg- nulla facilisi.stolen and used in a fraudu- CRIMINAL CHARGES goalquam of nunc reducing putamus impaired parum ingclaram, 40 driversan- withNam Con-liber temporlent manner. cum soluta The nobisinvestiga- elei- ChargedConsequat, vel illum doloreafter eu feugiat public fi ght driversteposuerit on ourlitterarum roadways. formastrolled humanita Drug- andfend Substance option congue tion lednihil police imperdiet to two doming males nullaOn facilisisTuesday at veroDecember eros et accumsanness before et police arrival.OPP REPORTPolice arrested 23 year tisThe per total seacula number quarta of ve-decimaAct et (CDSA) quinta charges.id quod mazimin placerat the Town facer of New possim Tecums- as- 24,iusto 2013 odio at dignissim 1:59 a.m., qui Not- blanditPolice praesent arrived in the area old Ryan Flahive from the decima. Eodem modo typi, qui nunc no- sum ypi non habent claritatem insitam; est tawasagaluptatum OPP zzril were delenit called augue to duisand dolorequickly te located1-888-310-1122 the Town of New Tecumseth, he bis videntur parum clari, fiant sollemnes usus legenti. afeugait business nulla at 85 facilisi. Queen Street males on Adeline Street. is charged under the Liquor “like” South in Tottenham for a After a short investiga- Licence Act of Ontario with US ON report of some intoxicated tion, it was apparent that the Being Intoxicated in a Public Rollover New poll on fatiguedmales fi ghting in the busi- assaultand was consensual drowsy be- Place.
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