Federal Aviation Administration, DOT Pt. 23, App. A (8) The effect, on the net takeoff (2) A main wing located closer to the air- flight path and on the enroute gradient plane’s center of gravity than to the aft, fu- of climb/descent with one engine inop- selage-mounted, empennage; erative, of 50 percent of the headwind (3) A main wing that contains a quarter- component and 150 percent of the tail- chord sweep angle of not more than 15 de- wind component; grees fore or aft; (9) Overweight landing performance (4) A main wing that is equipped with trail- ing-edge controls (ailerons or flaps, or both); information (determined by extrapo- (5) A main wing aspect ratio not greater lation and computed for the range of than 7; weights between the maximum landing (6) A horizontal tail aspect ratio not great- and maximum takeoff weights) as fol- er than 4; lows— (7) A horizontal tail volume coefficient not (i) The maximum weight for each air- less than 0.34; port altitude and ambient temperature (8) A vertical tail aspect ratio not greater at which the airplane complies with than 2; the climb requirements of § 23.63(d)(2); (9) A vertical tail platform area not great- and er than 10 percent of the wing platform area; (ii) The landing distance determined and under § 23.75 for each airport altitude (10) Symmetrical airfoils must be used in and standard temperature. both the horizontal and vertical tail designs. (10) The relationship between IAS (b) Appendix A criteria may not be used on and CAS determined in accordance any airplane configuration that contains any with § 23.1323 (b) and (c). of the following design features: (11) The altimeter system calibration (1) Canard, tandem-wing, close-coupled, or required by § 23.1325(e). tailless arrangements of the lifting surfaces; (2) Biplane or multiplane wing arrange- [Doc. No. 27807, 61 FR 5194, Feb. 9, 1996] ments; (3) T-tail, V-tail, or cruciform-tail (+) ar- § 23.1589 Loading information. rangements; The following loading information (4) Highly-swept wing platform (more than must be furnished: 15-degrees of sweep at the quarter-chord), delta planforms, or slatted lifting surfaces; (a) The weight and location of each or item of equipment that can be easily (5) Winglets or other wing tip devices, or removed, relocated, or replaced and outboard fins. that is installed when the airplane was weighed under the requirement of A23.3 Special symbols. § 23.25. n1=Airplane Positive Maneuvering Limit (b) Appropriate loading instructions Load Factor. for each possible loading condition be- n2=Airplane Negative Maneuvering Limit tween the maximum and minimum Load Factor. weights established under § 23.25, to fa- n3=Airplane Positive Gust Limit Load Fac- cilitate the center of gravity remain- tor at VC. ing within the limits established under n4=Airplane Negative Gust Limit Load Fac- § 23.23. tor at VC. n =Airplane Positive Limit Load Factor [Doc. No. 4080, 29 FR 17955, Dec. 18, 1964, as flap With Flaps Fully Extended at V amended by Amdt. 23–45, 58 FR 42167, Aug. 6, F. 1993; Amdt. 23–50, 61 FR 5195, Feb. 9, 1996] APPENDIX A TO PART 23—SIMPLIFIED DESIGN LOAD CRITERIA A23.1 General. (a) The design load criteria in this appen- dix are an approved equivalent of those in §§ 23.321 through 23.459 of this subchapter for an airplane having a maximum weight of 6,000 pounds or less and the following con- figuration: (1) A single engine excluding turbine pow- erplants; 339 VerDate Mar<15>2010 14:10 Mar 01, 2011 Jkt 223043 PO 00000 Frm 00349 Fmt 8010 Sfmt 8002 Y:\SGML\223043.XXX 223043 wwoods2 on DSK1DXX6B1PROD with CFR EC28SE91.020</MATH> Pt. 23, App. A 14 CFR Ch. I (1–1–11 Edition) A23.5 Certification in more than one category. weight loading conditions for the c.g. range selected. The criteria in this appendix may be used (e) The following loads and loading condi- for certification in the normal, utility, and tions are the minimums for which strength acrobatic categories, or in any combination must be provided in the structure: of these categories. If certification in more (1) Airplane equilibrium. The aerodynamic than one category is desired, the design cat- wing loads may be considered to act normal egory weights must be selected to make the to the relative wind, and to have a mag- term n W constant for all categories or 1 nitude of 1.05 times the airplane normal greater for one desired category than for loads (as determined from paragraphs A23.9 others. The wings and control surfaces (in- (b) and (c) of this appendix) for the positive cluding wing flaps and tabs) need only be in- flight conditions and a magnitude equal to vestigated for the maximum value of n W, or 1 the airplane normal loads for the negative for the category corresponding to the max- conditions. Each chordwise and normal com- imum design weight, where n W is constant. 1 ponent of this wing load must be considered. If the acrobatic category is selected, a spe- (2) Minimum design airspeeds. The minimum cial unsymmetrical flight load investigation design airspeeds may be chosen by the appli- in accordance with paragraphs A23.9(c)(2) cant except that they may not be less than and A23.11(c)(2) of this appendix must be the minimum speeds found by using figure 3 completed. The wing, wing carrythrough, of this appendix. In addition, V need not and the horizontal tail structures must be Cmin exceed values of 0.9 V actually obtained at checked for this condition. The basic fuse- H sea level for the lowest design weight cat- lage structure need only be investigated for egory for which certification is desired. In the highest load factor design category se- computing these minimum design airspeeds, lected. The local supporting structure for n1 may not be less than 3.8. dead weight items need only be designed for (3) Flight load factor. The limit flight load the highest load factor imposed when the factors specified in Table 1 of this appendix particular items are installed in the air- represent the ratio of the aerodynamic force plane. The engine mount, however, must be component (acting normal to the assumed designed for a higher side load factor, if cer- longitudinal axis of the airplane) to the tification in the acrobatic category is de- weight of the airplane. A positive flight load sired, than that required for certification in factor is an aerodynamic force acting up- the normal and utility categories. When de- ward, with respect to the airplane. signing for landing loads, the landing gear and the airplane as a whole need only be in- A23.9 Flight conditions. vestigated for the category corresponding to (a) General. Each design condition in para- the maximum design weight. These sim- graphs (b) and (c) of this section must be plifications apply to single-engine aircraft of used to assure sufficient strength for each conventional types for which experience is condition of speed and load factor on or available, and the Administrator may re- within the boundary of a V¥n diagram for quire additional investigations for aircraft the airplane similar to the diagram in figure with unusual design features. 4 of this appendix. This diagram must also be A23.7 Flight loads. used to determine the airplane structural op- erating limitations as specified in (a) Each flight load may be considered §§ 23.1501(c) through 23.1513 and § 23.1519. independent of altitude and, except for the (b) Symmetrical flight conditions. The air- local supporting structure for dead weight plane must be designed for symmetrical items, only the maximum design weight con- flight conditions as follows: ditions must be investigated. (1) The airplane must be designed for at (b) Table 1 and figures 3 and 4 of this ap- least the four basic flight conditions, ‘‘A’’, pendix must be used to determine values of ‘‘D’’, ‘‘E’’, and ‘‘G’’ as noted on the flight enve- n1, n2, n3, and n4, corresponding to the max- lope of figure 4 of this appendix. In addition, imum design weights in the desired cat- the following requirements apply: egories. (i) The design limit flight load factors cor- (c) Figures 1 and 2 of this appendix must be responding to conditions ‘‘D’’ and ‘‘E’’ of figure used to determine values of n3 and n4 cor- 4 must be at least as great as those specified responding to the minimum flying weights in in Table 1 and figure 4 of this appendix, and the desired categories, and, if these load fac- the design speed for these conditions must be tors are greater than the load factors at the at least equal to the value of VD found from design weight, the supporting structure for figure 3 of this appendix. dead weight items must be substantiated for (ii) For conditions ‘‘A’’ and ‘‘G’’ of figure 4, the resulting higher load factors. the load factors must correspond to those (d) Each specified wing and tail loading is specified in Table 1 of this appendix, and the independent of the center of gravity range. design speeds must be computed using these The applicant, however, must select a c.g. load factors with the maximum static lift range, and the basic fuselage structure must coefficient CNA determined by the applicant. be investigated for the most adverse dead However, in the absence of more precise 340 VerDate Mar<15>2010 14:10 Mar 01, 2011 Jkt 223043 PO 00000 Frm 00350 Fmt 8010 Sfmt 8002 Y:\SGML\223043.XXX 223043 wwoods2 on DSK1DXX6B1PROD with CFR Federal Aviation Administration, DOT Pt.
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