Wordtrade.com| 1202 Raleigh Road 115| Chapel Hill NC 27517| USA ph 9195425719| fx 9198691643| www.wordtrade.com Spotlight 029 On the Question of the "Cessation of Prophecy" in Ancient Judaism by L. Stephen Cook [Texts and Studies in Ancient Judaism, Mohr Siebeck, Phase Shift Judaism 9783161509209] Jews and Christians in the First and Second Table of Contents Centuries: The Interbellum 70–132 CE edited by Joshua Schwartz and Peter J. Tomson [Compendia Hegel's Social Ethics: Religion, Conflict, and Rituals Rerum Iudaicarum Ad Novum Testamentum, Brill, of Reconciliation by Molly Farneth [Princeton 9789004349865] University Press, 9780691171906] The Cambridge History of Judaism: Volume 7, The After Hegel: German Philosophy, 1840–1900 by Early Modern World, 1500-1815 edited by Frederick C. Beiser [Princeton University Press, Jonathan Karp and Adam Sutcliffe 9780691163093] The Cambridge History of Judaism: Volume 8, The The World as Transmitting Medium: Theorie eines Modern World, 1815-2000 edited by Mitchell B. Meta-Mediums bei Alfred North Whitehead by Hart and Tony Michels [The Cambridge History of Matthias Götzelmann [Film - Medium - Diskurs, Judaism, Cambridge University Press, Königshausen & Neumann, 9783826064692] text 9780521769532] in German The Jewish Museum: History and Memory, Identity Sefer Yesirah and Its Contexts: Other Jewish Voices and Art from Vienna to the Bezalel National by Tzahi Weiss [Divinations: Rereading Late Museum, Jerusalem by Natalia Berger [Brill, Ancient Religion, University of Pennsylvania Press, 9789004353879] 9780812249903] Jewish Love Magic: From Late Antiquity to the Habad in the Twentieth Century: Spirituality, Middle Ages by Ortal-Paz Saar [Magical and Politics, Outreach edited by Jonatan Meir and Religious Literature of Late Antiquity, Brill, Gadi Sagiv [The Zalman Shazar Center for the 9789004347885] Study of the History of the Jewish People, Jerusalem, 9789652273505] Essay: Beit El Kabbalah Kavvanah Prayer Classic Essays in Early Rabbinic Culture and History The Reception of Ancient Virtues and Vices in edited by Christine Hayes [Classic Essays in Jewish Modern Popular Culture: Beauty, Bravery, Blood History, Routledge, 9781409425052] and Glory edited by Eran Almagor and Lisa Maurice [Metaforms: Studies in the Reception of Writing on the Wall: Graffiti and the Forgotten Classical Antiquity, Brill, 9789004347717] Jews of Antiquity by Karen B. Stern [Princeton University Press, 9780691161334] The Intellectual World of the Italian Renaissance: Language, Philosophy, and the Search for Meaning Hasidism: A New History edited by David Biale, by Christopher S. Celenza [Cambridge University David Assaf, Benjamin Brown, Uriel Gellman, Press, 9781107003620] Samuel Heilman, Moshe Rosman, Gadi Sagiv, Marcin Wodziński, Afterword by Arthur Green Florentine Patricians and Their Networks: Structures [Princeton University Press, 978-0691175157] Behind the Cultural Success and the Political Representation of the Medici Court (1600–1660) The Rabbinic Conversion of Judaism: The Unique by Elisa Goudriaan [Brill, 9789004346529] Perspective of the Bavli on Conversion and the Construction of Jewish Identity by Moshe Lavee Interactive and Sculptural Printmaking in the [Ancient Judaism and Early Christianity, Brill, Renaissance by Suzanne Karr Schmidt [Brill's 9789004317338] Studies in Intellectual History / Brill's Studies on Art, Art History, and Intellectual History, Brill Academic, 9789004340138] 1 | page spotlight|©authors|or|wordtrade.com wordtrade.com| spotlight Measured Words: Computation and Writing in what I call Hegel's social ethics. Social ethics, on this Renaissance Italy by Arielle Saiber. [Toronto Italian account, is not primarily about what we ought to do Studies, University of Toronto Press, in the face of moral quandaries; rather, it is about 9780802039507] the relationships, practices, and institutions that a community ought to cultivate. It is about Sittlichkeit. Bibliography A modern Sittlichkeit, according to Hegel, involves contestation as well as rituals of reconciliation. Without both—practices of conflict and reconciliation—neither his epistemology nor his Hegel's Social Ethics: Religion, Conflict, and Rituals ethics can be realized. This book shows what those of Reconciliation by Molly Farneth [Princeton practices are and how they can be sustained in University Press, 9780691171906] religiously diverse communities. Hegel’s Social Ethics offers a fresh and accessible For those who don't care about Hegel, the book interpretation of G. W. F. Hegel’s most famous offers something else. It develops a distinct book, the Phenomenology of Spirit. Drawing on approach to social ethics that attends to conflict important recent work on the social dimensions of and reconciliation in contemporary life. It details Hegel’s theory of knowledge, Molly Farneth shows how this approach emerged in one significant how his account of how we know rests on his strand of modern Western philosophy, and it shows account of how we ought to live. what this approach might teach the members of Farneth argues that Hegel views conflict as an religiously diverse communities about how to talk unavoidable part of living together, and that his and listen to one another across difference, build social ethics involves relationships and social relationships of reciprocal recognition, and forge practices that allow people to cope with conflict solidarity in the struggle for justice. While the book and sustain hope for reconciliation. Communities includes close readings of passages of Hegel's create, contest, and transform their norms through Phenomenology of Spirit, my hope is that readers these relationships and practices, and Hegel’s unfamiliar with the details of Hegel's philosophy model for them are often the interactions and will be able to see what is worth seeing in those rituals of the members of religious communities. passages. The book’s close readings reveal the ethical … implications of Hegel’s discussions of slavery, Greek These two aspects of Hegel's thought—his tragedy, early modern culture wars, and confession epistemology and his account of power, and thus and forgiveness. The book also illuminates how social ethics—need not be held apart. In fact, they contemporary democratic thought and practice can are inextricably linked. This book contends that an benefit from Hegelian insights. epistemology that attends to social practices opens Through its sustained engagement with Hegel’s to a social ethics that attends to norms, power, and ideas about conflict and reconciliation, Hegel’s conflict. In the Phenomenology of Spirit, Hegel Social Ethics makes an important contribution to shows the connection between communities’ accounts debates about how to live well with religious and of why the things that they believe and do ought to ethical disagreement. be believed and done—that is, why they have authority—and the practices through which the Adapted Excerpts: members of those communities instantiate norms This book is for people who care about and adjudicate conflicts over them. That connection is at the heart of this book. As I have suggested, the Hegel and people who don't. transition from "shapes of consciousness" to "shapes For those who care about Hegel, it draws on of spirit" in the middle of the Phenomenology of important recent work on his epistemology and Spirit is significant, and the second half of the text shows how his account of how we know is linked to requires the careful analysis that the first half has his account of how we ought to live. The latter is 2 | Page spotlight|©authors|or|wordtrade.com wordtrade.com| spotlight already received from the post-Kantian follows Hegel's account of how ethical conflicts interpreters. This is particularly pressing because, emerge, and how they might be confronted and as Jameson notes, the social, political, and religious overcome. The second goal is to show the continuing themes that have made the Phenomenology of relevance of Hegel's social ethics for a religiously Spirit so compelling in continental philosophical diverse democratic society like our own. circles for the past two centuries have been Accordingly, this book proceeds in two parts. neglected in this new reading of Hegel. By The bulk of the study presents an interpretation of highlighting the relationships and practices through the Phenomenology of Spirit that connects which ethics and norms are instituted—and the consciousness's search for the standard of dynamics of power, exclusion, and domination in knowledge to an account of the relationships and them—this book bridges the gap between Hegel's practices that communities ought to cultivate, of the post-Kantian interpreters and those animated by juncture between social psychology as embedded continental philosophy. in a social ethic. This interpretation entails a close In Farneth’s reading, Hegel anticipates many reading of a series of linked parts of Hegel's nineteenth- and twentieth-century objections to and Phenomenology alongside an analysis of the major mis-readings of his philosophy. Those who read concepts at play in them. In “Tragedy and the Hegel as a philosopher of totality, of mediation Social Construction of Norms” begins to make the that ends in absolute spirit, have objected to his case that, for Hegel, the authority of a community's supposed claim that mediation could come to an norms is rooted in its social practices. It considers end under present historical circumstances (Marx, the lessons of Hegel's discussion of Sophocles’ Kierkegaard,
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