* * Th* Wemtktr: mi mlltf wife rate tomoronr fair. Partly •••<•*, but mOd wether tadt- Mtt*4 tor week-end. fUUT UCTION !• Tars Si £ntaiM> « StHttma CU»t AUttMr «t |1M tvMtticm RSOAY, OCTOBER 4, 1951 •t Summit, N.J.. Under th« Act of March U IfTt $4 A YiAR I CENTS Pre-Campaign 18,000 Volumes $26,250 Allotment Approved Gifts Up 2»% Given to Date From Last Year For Book Sale By Council for City Buildings Pacing th* (£ft» the lesa than *. we«k before An ordinance appropriating $26,250 for improvement* United Campaign in 1H the opening of the annual College to the Board of Health and City Hall buildings wa? intro- numbers of board* rf Andaaa Club Book Sale, the drive for book* of the agencies aad Us* key ca*- duced and passed on first reading by Common Council Tues- is well under way, eome 18,000 day night. cll'f;Uiw volumes having been collected and turned in : aa. iaxmm~*i" donated t« the site, which:: i«~ the The ordinance provides for an estimated issuance of per cent In the f»«flai only money-raising event for the f 10,000-in negotiable bondf to b* gift* - over' known M "Municipal Improve- group acholarshipT fund: As thte .figure is- ment: Bonds." The other |T,3»Q ftl?,.:. aomewhat less than at the tame ready ia in the 1S51 budget; spe- t{me Wt year,' Mri, Hendrik W. computing th* resmlu alter ciflcaily J6,2.W for "police depart- Bode, 'soliciting committee chair- ment alterations" and Jl.000 down ,•* 1 '-ti^pi^^. the Red Feather party at lanfc man,- urges everyone who liac payment required by law. , „ week, said that additawal contri- bookji to contribute to bring them, The proposed improvements will butions w«re_' J as soon as possible to sale head- include construction of addition!, . leadership Mctkw. TW quarters, 9T Maple street, (Sum- botiri monbtn aM alterations and improvements on K»r>. Wal»h John R. Walsh mit) the site of last year's book Campaign the Health Board building at Tl aalo, Th'e 'Sale will open on Octo- Summit avenue and the City Hall ber 9 at 2:30 p.m. for children's at 512 Springfield avenue. The tlon before toe «pp«ai sets books and on October 10 at 7 p.m. (funeral appropriation includes the „, «stl» . Former Waiter for the adult'a department. The 1 mated architect * few, engineer- Mjjfjl* bwttcU* Uk*t Ik. fl&ft will continue $ a.m. to 9 p.m. ing and Inspection costa.' Incnaa* in rifts rvported re«rct- dally through October 18, Victims Sought in Hotel ed the ttowins uadcrateadtec ffWt Good biography, trau^I and good The ordinance further specified' the- agraciei :w(art.:«i». «wkii« fiction are still much needed, as that the interest rate on the bond* will not exceed six percent with' with inflated doBae* *m& timt the well aa sheet music, prints and Crash Suburban Thefts the exact rate being determined foai of |i«MfKdN^t4 ii te. phonograph records. "Unless you Summit couple, John by Common Council. Public hear- A. former waiter' at the Hotef are saving them for your grand- tnd hi* wife, Mrs. 5 ' ing; La slated for October IS at Suburban has betn IdentifiedF'M part "ai children," says Miss Grace A. Free- Valsh, 25, killed Suti- Council Chambers. one of.Jhe. gang of robbers who minimum need* were to he land, a ' member "of the sorting o crash tn M»fri»- twice writhln a month Held up .the committee in charge t the chil- Cameron Munklttrlck reported ied yesterday morn- o hotel faking a total of $3,500 In treasurer Hid that a dren's book room, "bring us your : that to date 73.43 per cent of city ..f.iino-ial held from '•'- Edwnud R. Martin -';.. early morning rpbberte*. The man bution of 1939 children^ outgrown' books to sell. tapes were collected aa compared roughs & Son Funeral being sought by Summtt and New We still have room for more and to T2.«4 per cent for lait y«wr. wed by solemn high York City police li James Karal- level ef support Mori they are always; in great 'demand During 1951 to September 1, |1,» luiem At St. Terc*a'» •eky whose last known address ia failed to rrnlitr thin hi by librarians ae well as by chil- Summit SoWier, 387,995.89 were collected, which ww lift! was in thechurch 190. Brown place, the Bronx. and he issued an txreeat dren and their mothers." fln Increase of $96,910.93 over 1980. Karaiaeky was ipotted by Rus- to all donors to matcftt tfteir Posters announcing the annual 19, Killed in During the month of September occurred about l:*9 sell Dunn, night clerk, from a QF THE 18,«)O boolw th»t are'folng on sale next Wednesday event, made by the ninth grade this year the collection amounted when, the cur Mr, photograph. Police jaid he haa...» crease which is |are being hoLited to the second floor shelves by members of the College art class of the Junior High School, to $21,504.66 against $21,503.88 la HVil g fail 1950. The total for 1W1 Including ' ' ed to make a prrvtOUa f(xoiA o( arrests In New H. Sttufay Jg^vumn. sponsors of the sale. Committee member* arc at work daily at are brightening the store windows Korean Fighting iiaon' avenue" wctrt of Maple street 'where the sale will be held sorting, storing and pricing of local merchants around town. September la $1,408,500.55. For th» York City and a warrant Is tiow advance *ffto •»« Hseelsl Word wa» received lint week parkway. The couple arest, chairman of special gift*, jtibe thousands of volumes. A »pecial sale for children will be held at Person's Hardware, Inc. iront same period last year the total out tor his arrest. He is a fugitive. that Edward R. Martin, 19, of thU to their home at have completed ts*£r mvuii«Bti«i |2:S0 pjn. on October 9. Above, on the staircase, are Mrs. James P. window on Springfield avenue fea- waa $1,342,588.84. Kar&iseky vraji hired by the ho- city, had been killed' in action in of workers and by BtM-OrtrAer 1*t«ier. Jr-, of Short HJIIS; Mrs. John W. Cunnln^htuii, Mrs. Webster tures the four prize-winning...pos- It was noted by Councilman age. .Morrlstown, after tel on Sept. 8. ,i&50 and left in Korea «>t September 1. Hit mother, will have their ftrst rtpwrtx. Whar jVaa Winkle and Mrs. G, Folke Swanson, all of Summit. Mrs. Louis J ers and W. L. Baker, Inc. across Samuel A. Smith Jr., chairman of jimit They leave two February. 1931, He was re-hired Mrs: Robert A. Martin of 11 Essex cautinus in their predictkw^ »«th ;Pexrottet o€ Summit and Mrs. Wadsworth W. Mount, operate the he street ie displaying the first the public relations committee on M«v $, . 19^51 and dismissed on June road, wa» notified of her wrn'i l?3taei»J«,**,vXC3i,el.V,F.r».nti«n.) _ hree honorable mention postera. information, that only one appeal rUh-s old, .- • 20.. Hotel, officials said he is about death iMt Wednesday by a De- Xlrs. Allen F. Meybee/; chairman o( : for reduction of city tax Mweu* police, Mr, Walsh 23years- old.- outlook..of tfegtr •wilaa-:)' partment 6f Defense -wire.-.- -.:-"- --; • , poster.,'ja'nd^display"committee, ment vtu made'th'ia year"''"'•'•v"!;."'. control ot the car The second robbery which took determined effort to ae&iew* with Miss B. Adele Hepbron"«a co- P(c. Martin, a graduate of Sum- According t» Mr. SmJtfe, the re-. ** It left the place early Sunday morning., fol- goals which turn bens set chairman, announced that prise* mit HigH School, Ckas of 1051, en- qu e*ted $600 reduction wai denied west aide, knocked lowed, with few exceptions, the pat- them. Official CetisusTally Gives City were awarded yesterday after listeel in the Array in Augu«t, 1950. at * County Board hearing on , standard that held tern of the September 20 holdup in school to the winners by Mrs. Rob- Although lie did not enter High September 16. tr.i crashed head-cm Which 1500 was stolen, ert M. Burne, «lub pnMldcntr School for bis senior year he had MT. smith »id "In vl#w -of-'*. b«'••"Sunday;"'" two men "4mpp*4 Prlie Winner* Listed sufficient credits for a Legisla- total 1950' aasesaed valuation ia. Stockridge Backus, the night- Power Cut Due 39 Increase for Tola! of 17,929 tive dipToma. ..wilcjf'.'.*!{*• ^ Jtbe... ^^ told police that the i Jtbe....cite ^MM^^W^W watchman, tied him uu and locked nclla, 2fi8 Springfield avenue; SPC- at grraduation this June by his appeal Is conaidered by the Board ;<!e.swtj>ed l»y an- Official population figures for Summit, announced last mother. ' ... him In a toeinent storeroom be- on prize to C?hrj» H.eyer, ..,.268. of Assessors to constitute a efore it left th« road. Sunday Morning week by the Bureau of Census; places the number of resi- re- fore entering the lobby where they pringfield avenue; third prize to He wceived Ills Basic training *t record;''*: "r "- ".•••;:•: .••;• k, who police aaid, was again pointed guns at the desk dents of this city at 17,929. Thig represents a growth of 1,764 persons in the last decade, the 1940 census figure WiJson Webb, SO Linden place; Fort Dix and trained for the City Engineer Francis A.
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