",c."'~ ~"~~l ..!.OCl' c:tjl ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ The 150... t h A· nnlversary•. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ of ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Bucksport, Maine ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~une~ J . 25. , 19-4· 2 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ G-CCCc- .. ~ ~ . VV~~\,~~~'L~"" ~ ~ (; ~",:~", ",~/(?\, ~ ~ (;I}/\\ I' L~0(jt.L' "t., \' ~ U . '" .'- L' \'I ~ ~ lJ "". ',),\ ~ ~ u, ~~.,-, () ~ ~ ~ l." :"c (J Ul:\\' ,', /i ~ ~ v;;.f~;":" .... ,.. ,<\.~';01) ~ ~ vJ'j{ 0C: \:~~;:; ~ ~ ~~~J ~ ~. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Published and Printed bv ~ ~ .. ~ ~ The Bucksport Free Press, Bucksport, Maine ~ ~. ~ ~ Bernard Pooler, Publisher ~ ,..'!-' ~ ~ I'~~ ~ August, 1942 ~ ~~i' ~ ~ '{I' ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .':.., l:'.~ .. oj t. ~. Ii I~ I' Bucksport's Sesqui-centennial, 1942 3 if t' i; The Sesqui.. centennial Celebration I":,,, " by Bernard Pooler I ./. " Thursday, June 2:5, 1942, was a in itself has ne~~~ heene.J;:ceeded, memor8ible and a historical day for especially the inter~$ting' parade. the citizens of Bucksport. It was the first time in,;the an­ It was memor8ible because 150 nals of the community that Mari­ years ago, June 25. 1792, what was time cadets paraded its streets and then Township No. 1 was incor­ such can be said of the appearance porated as Buckstown. (This name of the mechanized war equipment. was changed to Bucksport in 1817.) In the harbor of Bucksport was the June 25, 1942, was historical be­ Maine Maritirile Academy training cause on this day the 150th anni­ ship. which was the first appear­ versary of this incorporation was ance of such a type of vessel for ceI.elbrated with a series of public such apu'blic purpose. The dedi­ events which adde(i to an already cation of the Pre-Revolutionary long and colorful story of Bucks­ War era millstones, which were port. On this day more people used in the first mill of Bucks.port gathered in the town than on any in the 1700's, was ,another out­ previous public celebration, which standing historical event. This i! i' Ii; I I· ht ~ Some of today's folks in yesterday's costume·s who rode in the old t buggies of the 1800's. ,Left to right: Miss Ida Rosen, Gene Huf­ neagle, Alexander Davis, Second ·Lieut. Joshua Montgomery, Walter t Brown and his two daughters Joan and Ruth. The picture on the opposite page shows the winning float of the interesting parade. The entry was sponsored by the Maine Seaboard Paper Company and shows posed on the platform William Trecartin as the Minuteman, Ensign Georg>e Jewett, Jr. of the Navy air force. Second Lieut. Joshua Montgomery of the air corps in the l'ight back­ ground. Red, white and blue was the color scheme of the beautifully decorated float. I~' i I" Bucksport's Sesqui-centennial, 1942 5 anniversary was obserrved at a Each member did his duty well, but period in the world's history when swecial mention must be made of the universe was battling the the excellent work of Roy 'Stairs world's biggest confiict of aggres­ who organized and promoted a sion. program that goes down in ,Bucks­ The 150th Anniversary program port's history as the best one yet was planned and organized by the in the memories of the older in­ Bucksport Civic Club at the last habitants. meeting of the first year of the Many Excellent Exhibits club. ·Committees were appointtd and assigned a part of the pro­ Throughout the day, ""(June 25, gram. The committee comprised 1942) many people found the many the following local citizens: exhibits in the storie windows and Rev. Alfred Hempstead, Richard at the rBuck Memorial Library ex­ Nason, Arthur Kimball, Harold ceptionally interesting. Gushing, Roland Harriman, Roy There were countless articles of Stairs, Halvor Prescott, Rubert the Revolutionary War period and Reynolds, Food Forsyth, George of later years on ,e,xhibition. Some D. Bearce, Paul Gay, Frederic W. of these were priceless and were Smith, Paul Brown, Mrs. Frank handed down directly from Jona­ M. Pierce, Bernard Pooler, Hervey than 'Buck, the founder of Bucks­ R. Emery, Mrs. Percy ,sargent, port. Among the many things Mrs. Arthur Buck, Mrs. Alexander were the Memorandum Book of Davis, Mrs. Harold Morse, Mrs. G. Jonathan Buck, the Penobscot Lawrence BIodget, Mrs. Delia Book Ledger, a copy of memorials Wentworth and Mrs. Annie Gilkey. to the General 'Court of Mass. in The OctO'ber !Club float which won second prize. The picture on the opposite page showing the covered wagonfioat sponsored by the Pulp and Sulphite Auxiliary drew much attention and praise. Even the oxen appear to 'e,njoy their errand; and can they keep time? Just note the positions of their feet--plenty of unison. ,....•.....: ~!t Bucksport's Sesqui-centennial, 1942 7 1775, begging for ammunition and The Mill Stones food, the Town Record Book No. At seven o'dock the dedication 1 containing the article of incor­ of the old and first mill stones pora.tion 1792,a report of the first was witnessed by hundreds of people. These stones were used town meeting, a window display of in the first mills of Bucksport; and ancient firearms, a display of old in late years had become private handiwork and glassware, old property. The owners gave the prints of ships, buildings, and por­ stones which are now embedded in traits of desoond'!nts of Jonathan the lawn of the Buck Memorial Buck, old silverware, rugs, lamps, Library. The presentation of the hand-made dolls, old kitchen. ware, stones was made ;by Rev. Alfred furniture, an old steeple clock, a Hempstead and they were ac·cepted music book written in ink, map of by Benjamin Blodget as a memor­ old Bucksport, old school books, ial to Jonathan Buck, the founder a painting of Hannah . Gale Buck, of Bucksport and erector of the widow of Jonathan Bu-ck, an excel­ first mill in the then township. lent display of Admiral 'Peary's Participating in the dedkation expedition to the North Pole, and were descendants of Jonathan hundreds of other interestillg Bu-ck, namely: Mrs. Arthur Buck, articles. Frederick Forsyth, Mrs. Henry Previous to the evening pro­ Buck, Joseph and Frank 'Buck, Mrs. gram, the Ladies Canteen of the Charles Homer, Mrs. Walter Gard­ Civilian DefenSoe served a buffet ner, Miss Evelyn Hall, Miss Nettie lunch at the Congregational Par­ Swazey, Thomas 'Swazey, Emmett ish House to the visiting Cadets Swazey. Mrs. Albert 'Swazey, Mrs. and Soldiers. Edward Bennett, Miss Winifred The training ship of the Maine Mechanized war equipment in the Maritime Academy, Castine, shown parade was the first such appearance in Bucksport's harbor was the first in Bucitsport. time that such a type of vessel anchored at the local port. The ,picture on the opposite page shows the dedication of the mill stones, with the stones to the left and right of the standing repre­ sentatives, who are left to right, George:D. ,Bearce, Rev. Alfred Hempstead and Benjamin Blodget. The ceremony took place at the Buck MeffiorialLibrary which is the structure in the background. Descendants of Jonathan Buck, founder of the town, are seated. , t I: Bucksport's Sesqui-centennial, 1942 9 !~ I Jones, Arthur ,swazey, Mrs. War­ gion Color ·Bearers, lCadets from ren Kennedy, Mrs. John MacDon­ the Maine Maritime Academy of ald, Gerard Kennedy, Mrs. Walter Castine, the Bucks.port ,High School Brewster, and Mrs. 'Gerard Jilson. band, oxen and horse-drawn vehi­ I Remarks were made by George cles of the 1800's manned 'by ladies D. Bearce, general manager of the and gentlemen dressed in,Colon1al \ Maine Seabord Paper ·Company; costumes, the Girls and Boys ! and by Judge Raymond Fellows Scouts, Paper Makers Union and i of Bangor, a native of IBucksport. Auxiliary, Civilian Defense Units. Motor ,Corys unit from Bangor Congressman Frank Fellows at Air Base, Veterans of F'oreign Washington, D. ,C., a native of Wars Kiltie Hand"of >Bangor, and Bucksport, sent this message of beautiful floats. remembrance: The patriotic float sponsored by "Bucksport is home to me, and the Maine ,Seaboard Paper Com­ the word 'home' suggests every' pany decorated in red, white and decent, fine, unselfish thing in a blue. crepe paper won the first man's life. ] recall .swazey's pas­ prize. Posed on the float as a ture: The ball team we called the Miuuteman was William Trecart­ \. Dandelion Diggers the old semi­ in, Ensign 'George Jewett. Jr., and nary and the steamboat wharf, the Second Lieut. Joshua Montgomery tannery whistle: the Robinson of the, air force representing their House porch with its summer vis­ respective type of the armed forces. itors: my schoolmates who with me The October Club float won the took part in ,celebrating the Fourth second prize. Other beautiful to the consternation of constitute.d floats were sponsored by the 'Cub authority: the swimming ho:e in Scouts, the Verona IGrange, tlie SilveriLake meadow: mother's Blodgett Tanning Co., and Pulp garden out back of the house on and 'Sulphite Auxiliary. Franklin street, school teacher,; The judges of the parade were with great patience: long absent Mrs. Douglas Dismukes of Castine, but still well remembered faces. I and Judge and Mrs. Raymond Fel­ love its every rock, trEe and bush. lows of Bangor. lIn the reviewing I congratulate myself that fot stand were Rear Admiral Douglas more than fifty years ,I have known Dismukes, superintendent of the and loved Bucksport and its people. Maine Maritime Academy, Rev. I honor those Who in its one hun­ Alfred G. Hempstead and Roy dred ,fifty years have contributed Stairs. to its history and he'lped to make The climax of the celebration it that landmark and depository occurred in the late hours of the of cherished memories for all who evening when a street dance was have known it and inevitably love:! held in front of the Verona Grange it.
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