'/ ' V Hoaf^ A Sons 3ook Bindery Inc. t SSprlngport, p r l n g p o r Michigan 49284 tpottli IJlm ndeitUi: SINGLE COPY30* CHATSWORTH. ILLINOIS (60921), THURSDAY. JUNE 28. 1984 One Hundred Tenth Year caerVMLiMa. cwiiMt eraM, iM Number 40 On to Springfield . LVE M erger petition gets Blunier's OK by Rick Jones Regional Superintendent of Schools Wayne Blunier also pointed to the financial the FSW and ChaUworth dbtricb at |8S0,000. dbtricb spoke in favor of the pnpeaaL Blunier has approved a petition calling (or savings to be realized “looking at the number “ My own personal belief,” Blunier told The Former Chabworth teacher Louiae consolidation of Fairfoury-Cropsey, Forrest- of teachers at the Junior-senior high school Blade, “ u that thu figure b low. I expect it to Stoutemeyer drew a warm round of applaiiee Strawn-Wing and Chatsworth schoU districts. level for one school compared to three. The be at least |1 million. Thb b a one time gift following her testimony encouraging volara Blunier told The Blade he is forwarding the savings are obvious." from the state to the consolidating dbtricb.’’ “to put aside sentiment and look at tte hard, petition to the Illinois Office of Education in With Blunier’s decision to quickly forward cold facb. What b beat for the children?” she Springfield along with ' a strong But the real financial bonus comes from the consoUdation matter to Springfield, the asked. reconunendation that the state also support recent legbbtive incentives the state has focus now shifb to Donald Gill, the state William Ducett, an English teacher at FSW, the proposed consolidation. approved to promote consolidation throughout superintendent of schoob. said he was encouraged to hear converution Illinob. of possible curriculum expansion through The regional superintendent’s action I'he package, according to Blunier as well Gill must rule on the question within 30 consolidation. comes after a public hearing in Forrest last as testimony given last Friday, b threefold; days. If he approves, which seems likely in the Robert Cotter, a former FSW teacher and Friday morning, when 20 of 21 persons who the state will pick up the exbting debt (as of face of virtually no opposition voiced to the coach, urged creation “of a new identity tor offered testimony voiced support for the June 30) of the individual districts seeking to proposal at the public hearing and in view of our children’s development.” merger. unite; the state will hold ib state aid payments Blunier's strong support, the matter will be Ray Hankes of rural Fairbury told the “Support seems to be pretty consistent at least at the current level for three years; placed on the November general election hearing he was a graduate of a consolidated across the board for consolidation,’’ Blunier and the state will provide additional funds to ballot. high school, theJCanebnd unit in northern said, referruig to testimony given at the public equalize teachers' sabries between the three If approved by the voters, the new school lllinob. Hankes said he received a much hearing. districts. system would begin operations on July 1,1965. better education than would have been Blunier said he supported the proposal “for I'he financial considerations of At the public hearing last Friday, 20 avaibble to him had not the four small unib all the reasons brought out at the hMiing. consolidation cannot be overlooked, according persons spoke out in favor of consolidation. combined their resources. “ Declining population has made it difficult to Blunier. Fairbury-Cropsey superintendent Those speakers included The Committee of 10, Roger Wesseb of rural Fairbury was the LOUISE STOUTEMYER of Chatsworth was one of those giving testimony to for the present schools to offer programs they Calvin Jackson testified on Friday that his the citizens’ body set up under sb te statute to lone speaker in opposition of the consolidation once had. This is particularly true at FSW and Livingston County Regional School Superintendent Wayne Blunier at the system would end the current fiscal year “in circubte the petition and work ui support of question. “Until you figure out how you're Chatsworth high schoob, and to some extent, the bbck.” the consolidation question. going to finance education, the only th i^ I'm hearing to discuss the three school merger between Fairbury, FSW, and at Fairbury-Cropsey." Chatsworth. Jackson estimated the combined debt of Abo, a number of citbens from all three going to vote for is roads,” he commented. Is Dr. Donald Walker hired Specs prepped for walk work The Chabworth school board has decided DeMuth, a teacher who has worked with com­ The Chabworth town board voted Tuesday Approval was given for $400 from revenue to extend the computer education program in­ puters. night to allow Burnell Watson to prepare sharing to the Chabworth Planning to the grade school building, according to The exact amount will be left up to Carrico, specifications for sidewalk replacemenb in Assocbtion, with the balance to be applied to :o o recommendations made at the Thursday who was given permission to check on prices the downtown area of Chabworth. garbage pickup. board meeting. of the unib and get back to the board members as school superintendent Watson will prepare specifications for the Bill Endres, representing the KCs, asked The board had previously bought machines in the next few days for final approval of the walk running from Kelly’s comer to the post that the town park be used for a volleyball for use at the high school, and had considered purchase. Dr. Donald Walker, 48, of Albion, has been recruit engineers. office, and for a section at the east edge of the tournament thb summer, with no definite date their use in the grade school curriculum. The board also discussed buying one or offered a contract by the Chabworth school The terms of the contract, a one-year pact, town hall. esbblbhed. The board approved. At the Thursday meeting, the board agreed more business computers for school office use, board to serve as superintendent of include a salary of $34,000. The board will pay Once specifications have been drawn up, that the computer program was important with that matter also having been brought up Chabworth schools for 1964-85. the eight percent shelter and the cost of hb in­ the projecb will be put out for bids. A dog complaint was discussed concerning enough in the grade school to purchase some before. A graduate of Eastern Illinois university. dividual health insurance premium. Walker The board also agreed to buy neighborhood a Urge dog on the north end of town adiich hardware. Carrico will check on prices for office com­ Walker did graduate work at the University of will pay the difference in health insurance watch signs, with five large signs and a dozen allegedly chased several children. The matter An estimate of about $5,000 was given by puters as well, and will report to the board Illinob. premiums to have a family plan. small ones to be purchased. b being investigated. high school principal Leeon Carrico and B bbe members before any purchase b made. He began his educational career in teaching, moved up to a principabhip, and He will abo receive a $30,000 life insurance served as superintendent of Westmer com­ policy, 26 cenb per mile driving allowance for Orlo Oilier, tile company founder munity Unit Dbtrict at Joy before moving to fchool business, payment of hb lElSA profes- Albion. lional dues, and two weeks vacation to be He was superintendent of the Edwards taken in the period from July 1-Aug. 15. succumbs at home after long illness county school dbtrict in Albion for a period of I.eeon Carrico said at the meeting Thurs­ Orlo Diller, 84, owner and operator of the and It became known as the Diller Tile Co. six years. day that Walker would sb rt hb duties in Diller Tile Co. and a Chabworth businessman He was owner and operator of the company He left that position two years ago to Chabworth about July 9. for 38 years, died at 4:28 a.m. Saturday, June along with hb sons until hb retlrem m t in 1979. 23,1964, at hb home. He had been in ill health He was elected mayor of Chatsworth and the past three years. served one term. IBs funeral was at 11 a.m. Monday at the Mr. Diller was a member of the Chabworth School board h e a r s . Chabworth United Methodbt church. Rev. United Methodbt church, and served as chair­ lit Sondra Newman officbting. Burial was in the man of the board of trustees. He served as a Its Chabworth cemetery, with milibry rites ac­ lay delegate of the former Chabworth corded by the Chabworth American Legion. Evangelical United Brethren church, and was Education fund to close year Mr. Diller was bom Aug. 23, 1899, in Put­ a former Sunday school superintendent of the nam County, Ohio, a son of Amos C. and V na Evangelical and Reformed church in Orrville, iM Schumacher Diller. He married Norma Ohio. w ith $340,000 in red ink Biederman Aug. 11,1920, in Bluffton, Ohio. He was an Army veteran of World War I Survivors are hb wife; five sons, Allen, and was a member of the Chabworth The Chabworth school board learned at the the amount of bailout money to be given to the James and Homer, all of Chabworth; Charles, American Legion. regular June meeting Thursday night that the new school dbtrict next year, should (he vote Saint Elmo; and Ivan, Mount Sterling; one Memoriab may be made to a charity of the education fund will end the year June 30 with a to consolidate Fairbury, FSW, and Chabworth sister, Eldna Baderbcher, Oirville, Ohio; two donor's choice.
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