Joint 8th International Ticks and Tick-borne Pathogens (TTP-8) and 12th Biennial Society for Tropical Veterinary Medicine (STVM) Conference 24-29 August 2014 Cape Town South Africa Poster Abstracts TH POSTER SESSION I: MONDAY 25 AUGUST (17H00-19H00) x Abstract Presenting Author and Title Category no. Maxwell Opara: Recovering Ability of the African Grasscutter ( Thryonomys swinderianus ) to 0025 Trypanosoma infections Francisco Ruiz -Fons: The effects of host and environmental factors on tick parasitism in red 0029 deer are modulated by sex Pilar Alberdi: Anaplasma phagocytophilum strains inhibit apoptosis of Ixodes spp. tick cells to 0040 enhance early survival and multiplication Maria Pilar Alberdi: Experimental infections of HL -60 cells with different strains of Anaplasma 0051 phagocytophilum isolated from humans, dogs and sheep Veronika Urbanova: Components of tick complement system and their role in the immune 0053 response to microbial challenge 006 0 Marinda Oosthuizen: Wild ruminant species as reservoir hosts of tick -borne haemoparasites Sandy Sibusiso Baloyi: Transcriptomic analysis of African swine fever virus gene expression 0064 during infection Vincenzo Lorusso: Tick -borne pathogens of camels in Sokoto, Nigeria: Updating some host - 0088 pathogen associations Nathalie Vachiery: Global gene expression profiling of virulent and attenuated strains: 0091 towards the comprehension of Ehrlichia ruminantium pathogenesis Rosangela Zacarias Machado: Molecular and serological detection of Theileria equi and 0095 Babesia caballi in equids in São-Luiz, Maranhão, Brazil 0101 Jasna Kraljik: Ticks and fleas on small mammals in natural foci of Eastern Slovakia Carin Boshoff: Experimental infection of domestic pigs with African swine fever virus to 0104 investigate transmission cycles Lenka Berthova: Rickettsia spp. in ticks, rodents and free -ranging ungulates in natural habitats 0125 realtionships Host-parasite-pathogen of South-western Slovakia Erich Zweygarth: In vitro establishm ent of Anaplasma phagocytophilum from roe deer 0130 (Capreolus capreolus ) in IDE8 tick cell cultures Keneilwe Euginia Peloakgosi: Characterization of Babesia rossi genotypes in dogs diagnosed 0141 with canine babesiosis Lesley Bell -Sakyi: Ultrastructur al study of infection of tick cells with the alphavirus Semliki 0145 Forest virus Nina -Vanessa Littwin: The influence of small mammal host communities on ticks and tick - 0153 borne pathogens in Baden-Wuerttemberg (Germany) Emoke Pall: Serological eviden ce for Anaplasma phagocytophilum presence in feral horses 0157 from Danube delta, Romania Gabriela Lopes Vivas Vitari: Natural infection of Theileria equi in ticks collected from grazing 0158 areas in the state of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil 2 Gabriela Lopes Vivas Vitari: Molecular detection of Babesia caballi in ticks collected from 0160 grazing areas in the state of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil Joseph Daniel Farrimond: Kinetics of tick -borne infections in cattle under trypanosomiasis 0167 control Monize Gerardi: Experimental infection of an Amblyomma sculptum population with an 0175 autochthonous strain of Rickettsia rickettsii Patricia Martinez Évora: Compared acquisition of resistance in domestic dogs to 0177 Rhipicephalus sanguineus from tropical (Brazil) and temperate (Argentina) regions after successive infestations 0195 Elen Anatriello: Ticks shape the host adaptive immune response via toll -like receptors Darci Moraes Barros Battesti: Embryonic cell culture of Rhip icephalus sanguineus (Latreille) 0202 (Acari: Ixodidae) for pathogen isolation and cultivation Chimwele Choopa: Investigating the possible presence of Theileria parva carrier cattle in 0208 Mnisi area Christian Barend Stephanus Hendriks: Towards unders tanding the host -vector -pathogen 0218 interactions of African swine fever virus in domestic suids Jennifer Bernard: Effect of salivary gland extract of tick Ornithodoros porcinus on African 0235 swine fever virus infection in pigs Sandra Antunes: Artif icial feeding of Rhipicephalus microplus female ticks: effects of serum 0244 enriched with anti-calreticulin antibodies on tick and Babesia bigemina acquisition relationships Host-parasite-pathogen Sandra Antunes: Artificial feeding of Rhipicephalus microplus female ticks: effects of anti- 0246 TROSPA antibodies on tick and Babesia bigemina acquisition Juan Mosqueda: Antibodies to HAP2 conserved, B cell epitopes, identify Babesia bigemina 0258 tick stages Naftaly Githaka: Identification and sequence characterization of novel Theileria gen otypes 0265 from the waterbuck (Kobus defassa) in a Theileria parva -endemic area in Kenya Claudio Mafra: ITS2 markers for molecular taxonomy of Brazilian Ixodidae ticks recognized as 0094 vectors of rickettsial agents Minique Hilda de Castro: De novo transcriptome assembly of Rhipicephalus appendiculatus 0102 salivary glands Darci Moraes Barros Battesti: cDNA library of argasid ticks: high potential for production of 0146 diagnostic kits and new drugs Manuel Rodriquez-Valle: Identification, expression and characterisation of Rhipicephalus 0180 microplus serine protease inhibitors (serpins) Cicera Gomes: Identification and characterization of RmSEI, a protein present in the gut of 0188 the tick Rhipicephalus microplus Darci Moraes Barros-Battesti: Presence of enzymes and anticoagulant action in secretions of 0200 three tick species Thyago Hermylly Santana Cardoso : Two novel cystatins identified in gut and ovary of 0206 Rhipicephalus microplus - functional and structural studies Physiology, biochemistry and functional genomics genomics functional and biochemistry Physiology, 0229 Ard Menzo Nijhof: OAKS: optimization and automation of artificial tick feeding 3 Åshild K. Andreassen and Kirsti Vainio: TBEV along the coast of Southern and Western 0073 Norway Qiu Yongjin: Bacterial population analysis in tick salivary glands using 16S rDNA amplicon 0103 analysis Pavlina Bartikova: The incidence of Murine herpesvirus 68 in wild ticks Dermacentor 0117 reticulatus occurring in territory of Slovakia Múcio Flávio Barbosa Rib eiro: Anaplasma phagocytophilum in a Brazilian urban dog: clinical, 0155 parasitological, hematologic, sorological and molecular diagnostics Joseph Daniel Farrimond: Simultaneous detection of veterinary and zoonotic pathogens in 0165 Nigerian ticks Mary lin Hidalgo: New serological and molecular evidence of spotted fever group rickettsiae 0166 in Villeta, Colombia Jasna Kraljik: Circulation of Candidatus Neoehrlichia mikurensis and Babesia microti among 0173 public health and Zoonoses ticks and rodents in natural foci of Slovakia (Central Europe) Felipe Krawczak: Serosurvey of small mammals to spotted fever group Rickettsia in the state 0209 of Rio Grande do Sul, southern Brazil Agatha Onyemowo Kolo: Molecular detection of Rickettsia africae and Rickettsia felis from 0226 ticks and fleas collected from domestic dogs in Mnisi, South Africa End of session I NOTES: 4 POSTER SESSION II: TUESDAY 26TH AUGUST (17H00-19H00) v Abstract Presenting Author and Title Category no. Mirabela Oana Dumitrache: Rhipiceph alus rossicus , a neglected tick at the margin of 0005 Europe Olivier Sparagano: Sympatric occurrence of Ixodes ricinus, Dermacentor reticulatus and 0011 Haemaphysalis concinna ticks and their pathogens Rickettsia and Babesia species in Slovakia Marcos Rogério André: Tick and flea-borne pathogens circulating in free-roaming 0016 domestic cats in a zoo environment in Brazil Amélie Chastagner: Three clusters of Anaplasma phagocytophilum iso lates from clinical 0017 cases of French domestic animals revealed by multi-locus sequence analysis 0018 Marcos Rogério André: Molecular detection of Anap lasma species in dogs in Colombia Awelani Mutshembele: Epidemiology and evolution of genetic varia bility of Anaplasma 0021 marginale in South Africa Francisco Ruiz -Fons: Dynamics of individual exposure to Coxiella burnetii infection in a Q 0028 prediction and fever endemic red deer ( Cervus elaphus ) farm Adrian Estrada -Sánchez: Fourier -transformed remote sensing d ata has superior 0034 performance over other abiotic variables to describe the niche of ticks Joon -seok Chae: A survey of severe fever with thrombocytopenia syndrome (SFTS) virus 0043 detection from wild animals and Ixodidae ticks in Korea Joon -seok Ch ae: A Survey of Ticks (Acari: Ixodidae) and Severe Fever with 0046 Thrombocytopenia Syndrome (SFTS) Virus Infection in National Parks Joon -seok Chae: Detection of severe fever with thrombocytopenia syndrome (SFTS) 0047 virus from domestic pigs in Korea Jeong -Byoung Chae: Survey on distribution of ticks in domestic pigs, wild boars and their 0048 habitats Michal Stanko: Effect of climatic factors on the occurrence and dominance of ticks in the 0052 karst region of Slovakia. Matias Pablo Juan Szabó: Cattle and ticks in the Brazilian wildlife rich Pantanal: impact 0055 on environmental infestation Olivier Sparagano : The first isolation of Brucella melitensis (Rev. 1) vaccine strains from prevention for modelling and ecology Epidemiology, 0065 adult small ruminants in Sicily 0067 Rivalani Mthombeni: The development and partial validation of an OpTSGP1 ELISA Algimantas Paulauskas: Molecular detection and characterization of Babesia species in 0068 cervids and in ticks infesting cervids in Lithuania Alberto Espí Felgueroso: Borrelia burgdorferi S.L. among questing ticks and small 0070 mammals in Northern Spain Natural Reserve (Sierra del Sueve-Asturias) Magalie René -Martellet: Update on epidemiology of canine piroplasmosis in southern 0099
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