· Temp-le Beth El 10 70 Orchard Ave. Providence. R. I. Rabbinical Court Has Teachers' Strike Saved 500 Marriages During Its First Year Throughout Israel NEW YORK - The Rabbinical Council of America reported that' Seems Inevitable its Beth Din-its rabbinical court­ TEL AVIV - A system wide had saved 500 marriages in its THE ONLY ANGLO-JEWISH WEEKLY IN R. I. AND SOUTHEAST MASS. strike of teachers in Israel's Public first year of operation. The rab­ Schools appeared inevitable after binical court marked its first an-· VOL. XLV No . 42 DECEMBER 29, 1961 12 PAGES meetings between the Teachers niversary last week. -------------------- ----------------------- Union and Government officials failed to bring a settlement of Rabbi Emanuel Rackman, presi- Arabs Fail In Effort Eichmann Counsel Files Notice wage demands nearer. dent of the Rabbinical Court Cor- Top officials of the Education poration, the governing body for To Win Adoption Of Of Appeal To -supreme Court and Finance ministries met with the Beth Din, said that the 500 teacher representatives to explore successful cases had been referred Anti-Israel Resolut,·on JERUSALEM - Council for dically a greater achievement the union demands which also to the court by Orthodox rabbis Adolf Eichmann, sentenced here than the Nuremberg War Crimes called for improved working con­ from all parts of the United States. STOCKHOLM - Arab dele­ by the District Court to hanging trials In 1946, when he acted as ditions. The teachers spokesman He said that court had granted gates to a meeting of the Com­ for crimes against the Jewish defense counsel for some of the contended that the gains had been 50 religious divorces. munist dominated World Peace people and crimes against human­ leading Nazi war criminals. promised them last year but that The court sits once a week but Council failed in their effort to ity, filed notice of an appeal to Wechtenbruch said "the first no action had been taken to imple­ it is available on call to cope with win adoption of an anti-Israel the Israel Supreme Court. time I saw Eichmann, I felt he ment the pledges. marital or family disputes. Plans Resolution. The notice was filed by Dieter would be hanged." Like his chief, The threat of a renewed strike have been made to expand the The Arabs assailed Israel and Wechtenbruch, assistant to the he declared also that "Eichmann by the Engineers Union, mean­ court's staff with more family were supported by Cheng Chi, a chief of Eichmann's defense, Dr. received a fair; trial throughout." while, hung over Israel's Industrial counselors. The court has es­ Chinese Communist delgate who Robert Servatius. The latter re­ He answered "yes" to a question activity. tablished a central registry of vital earlier this month attended a turned to Germany immediately as to whether a German court The engineers pulled 6,000 pro­ statistics with the goal of main­ meeting In the G11,za Strip. The after the sentencing. would have convicted Eichmann fessional workers out of public in­ taining a roster of all recorded Chinei;e delegate in address cited Wechtenbruch told the Jewish under the same evidence adducted stitutions and Government offices Jewish marriages for use all over a clause from a "Gaza declara­ Telegraphic Agency he has re­ at the trial here. in a one day strike and canceled the world. tion" to the effect that Israel was quested an extension of 15 days One objection raised by Dr. Ser­ It with warnings that the walkout "a typical imperialist country." for filing the defense reasons for vatius was to the refusal by Is­ would be resumed If demands for However, ttie Soviet and East Start Endowment the appeal against the court's (Contlnued on Page 7 ) higher wages were not met. European delegates stayed out of judgment and sentence. Dr. Ser­ Fund For Institute this portion of the debate. vatius, he said, will be back here TEL AVIV - A $25 ,000,000 en­ Eliezer HalevY of Achdut Avoda before the end of the month for Can9n Scott Of Anglican Diocese dowment fund for the Weizmann and Yaacov Majus of Mapam, two the finalization of the formal ap­ Institute of Science at Rehovot, of the Israeli delegates, stressed peal. has been launched under the Israel's goals of a peaceful settle­ Meanwhile, Eichmann, as a Repudiates Anti-Semitic Attack ment with the Arab countries. world r.hairmanship of Abraham convict facing death Instead of a TORONTO - An official of the article in question." A. Feinberg, New York Indus­ They expressed regret over the mere prisoner awaiting trial and Arab refugee problem which they Diocese of the Anglican Primate The statement he cited quoted trialist and philanthropist, it was sentence, has been transferred of Canada has repudiated the announced here recently by Meyer called a heritage of the 1948 war from the jurisdiction of the police the Canadian Council as viewing . and deplored Arab refusal to ne­ viciously anti-Jewish statement "with great sorrow the spread of Weisgal, chairman of the Weiz­ to the care of the government's by an Anglican priest which ap­ mann Institute. gotiate peace with Israel. prison administration. anti-Semitic propaganda in Cana­ Other Jewish delegates include peared last month In a local An­ da by various agencies at the pre­ Weisgal said it Is hoped that The convict is now in an Israeli glican publication. $10,000,000 or the total sum would the Soviet writer Ilya Ehrenburg. prison, occupying a single cell, sent time. Such agitation tends to be presented to the Weizmann In­ Twefik Toubi, an Arab Communist wearing regulation prison costume The article, by the Rev. H. R. break the fundamental unity of stitute by November, 1962, the member of the Knesset, Israel's instead of civilian garb. His cell Rokeby - Thomas, which appeared Canadian life and therefore the 10th anniversary of the death of Parliament, also was a member of contains a bed, table, chair and in the Huron Church News. ques­ status to which all elements of the late Dr. Chaim Weizman, first the Israeli delegation. drinking water. He will be denied tioned the loyalty to their coun­ our population are legally entitled. president of Israel and founder of contact with other prisoners but tries of all Jews outside of Israel, "We call upon the leaders of our the insitute at Rehovot. Weisgal Israel Firm Will will be permitted to take a walk denounced Israel for its "injus­ Christian churches to urge their also revealed that Dr. Robert Op­ every day. tice" toward Adolf Eichmann, ex­ people to ignore such propaganda penheimer, famous A m e r i c a n Build In Ethiopia Both Dr. Servatius and Wech­ cused Nazi Germany for its anti­ and so far as it bears the impri­ physicist who heads the Institute TEL AVIV - Solel Boneh, the tenbruch told newspapermen here, Semitism and declared there could matur of 'Christian' organizations, for Advanced Study at Princeton, Histadrut construction firm, has after the sentencing, that Eich­ never be peace between Christian­ to repudiate it as utterly un­ has signified his, intention to signed a $2,800,000 contract with mann had expected the verdict he ity and Judaism. Christian." spend three months at the Weiz­ Ethiopia Airlines for the construc­ heard as well as the sentence. "It The Huron Church News is the Canon Scott declared that Rev. mari Institute in 1962 . tion of four air terminals in Addis was no surprise to him," said Dr. official publication of the Church Rokeby-Thomas "was not speak­ Ababa, Asmara and two smaller Servatius before he left for Ger­ in London, Ontario. The Rt. Rev. ing" in his article "for the Diocese Ethiopian towns, it was announc­ many. "After all, he himself did George Luxton, Anglican Bishop of Huron and certainly was not AFL-CIO Urges ed here recently. not expect to rejoin his family of the Diocese and editor-in-chief speaking for the Diocese of Rup­ Mid-East Talks The contract, which was ne­ again as a free man." of the Huron publication, said it ert's Land nor for the Anglican was not his duty condemn or Church of Canada." ' BAL HARBOUR, Fla. A resolu­ gotiated thr\mgh the Reynolds Dr. Servatius praised the con­ "to tion urging Israel and the Arab Company of New York, Solel duct of the trial here declaring it denounce" the article. states to settle their differences Boneh's American partner, was was "a great spiritual achieve­ Canon Scott repudiated the arti­ Arab Students Get by negotiating a disarmament won in competition with an ment." He expressed the opinion cle in a statement to the Jewish pact based on inspection and con­ American firm. that the Eichmann trial was juri- Post of Winnipeg In which he said Hebrew U. Grants trols was. approved last week by that "the official view of ·the NEW YORK - Two Arab stu­ the AFL-CIO convention. church is quite different from that dents at the Hebrew University of The resolution also reaffirmed Pertinent Information set forth by Mr. Rokeby-Thomas." Jerusalem have been awarded the the support of the labor move­ Canon Scott added that many sixth annual Judah L. Magnes ment for the principle of free­ Anglicans locally and nationally, scholarships, it· was announced dom of navigation for all nations About The Herald Move while believing In the right and here last week by James Marshall, in the Suez Canal. It also ex­ importance of free speech, disa­ president of the ·Magnes Founda­ pressed support of measures "to Plant and General Offices . ... Herald Way, Pawtucket gree fundamentally, witn the views tion.
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