Cambridge University Press 978-1-107-49526-5 - Towards a Rules-Based Community: An Asean Legal Service Jean-Claude Piris and Walter Woon Index More information INDEX AANZFTA (ASEAN–Australia– AHMM (ASEAN Ministers of New Zealand Free Trade Health), 37 Area), 66 AHRD (ASEAN Human Rights ACB (ASEAN Compliance Body), Declaration), 55, 112, 44 167 ACC (ASEAN Coordinating AIA (ASEAN Investment Area) and Council), 56–7, 88–92, 111, AIA Council, 26–8, 159 155, 175 AICHR (ASEAN ACMB (ASEAN Compliance Intergovernmental Monitoring Body), 79 Commission on Human ACT (ASEAN Consultation to Rights), 69, 167 Solve Trade and Investment AIPO (ASEAN Inter-Parliamentary Issues), 44, 166 Organisation), 47 ADMM (ASEAN Defence ALAWMM (ASEAN Law Ministers’ Meeting), 39 Ministers’ Meeting), 37 AEC (ASEAN Economic ALMM (ASEAN Labour Ministers), Community), xxiii, xxvii, 44, 36 78, 108 AMAF (ASEAN Ministers of AECC (ASEAN Economic Agriculture and Forestry), Community Council), 52–7, 36 156 AMCA (ASEAN Ministers AEM (ASEAN Economic Ministers’ Responsible for Culture and Meeting), 19, 24–8, 80, 159 the Arts), 39 AFMM (ASEAN Finance Ministers’ AMM (ASEAN Ministerial Meeting), 38 Meeting), 16–40, 176 African Union, legal service AMME (ASEAN Ministerial observations from, 133, 135–6 Meeting on the AFTA (ASEAN Free Trade Area) Environment), 37 and AFTA Council, 20, AMMin (ASEAN Ministerial 26–7, 31, 35, 82 Meeting on Minerals), 39 194 © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-1-107-49526-5 - Towards a Rules-Based Community: An Asean Legal Service Jean-Claude Piris and Walter Woon Index More information index AMMST (ASEAN Ministerial ASEAN Charter, xxvi, 40–9 Meeting on Science and ASEC and, 57–61 Technology), 37 Bali Concord II paving way for, AMMTC (ASEAN Ministerial 23 Meeting on Transnational Community Councils and, Crime), 38 52–7 AMRI (ASEAN Ministers CPR and, 61–4 Responsible for drafting process, 67–70 Information), 37 DSM in, 49–52, 71–2 Amsterdam, Treaty of (1996), 130 functions of ASEAN legal service Andean Community, legal service and, 145–7 observations from, 133, 135–6 idealism as primary driver of, Andean Pact, 133 xxiii Angkor Wat, ownership of, 86, 94 interpretation of, 158 APSC (ASEAN Political-Security Kuala Lumpur Declaration on Community), xxiii, xxvii, 43, Establishment of, 40 45, 108–9, 111 separate ASEAN legal service APSC (ASEAN Political-Security and, 148 Community Council), 52–7, ASEAN Chiefs of National Police 156 (ASEANAPOL), 38 arbitration, 75, 78, 88–90 ASEAN Community, building, ASC (ASEAN Standing 108–12, 184 Committee), 16–17, 40 AEC, xxiii, xxvii, 44, 78, 108 ASCC (ASEAN Socio-Cultural AHRD and, 111 Community), xxiii, xxvii, 43, APSC, xxiii, xxvii, 43, 45, 108–9, 45, 108, 110–11 111 ASCC (ASEAN Socio-Cultural ASCC, xxiii, xxvii, 43, 45, 108, Community Council), 52–7, 110–11 156 Bali II and, 108, 112 ASEAN. See Association of Bali III and, 111 Southeast Asian Nations blueprints for, 108–10, 152–3 ASEAN Agreement on legal basis required for, 108, 110, Transboundary Haze 112 Pollution (2002), 51 ASEAN Community Councils. See ASEAN Chambers of Commerce Community Councils and Industry (ASEANCCI), ASEAN Compliance Body (ACB), 47 44 195 © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-1-107-49526-5 - Towards a Rules-Based Community: An Asean Legal Service Jean-Claude Piris and Walter Woon Index More information index ASEAN Compliance Monitoring ASEAN-ISIS (ASEAN Institutes of Body (ACMB), 79 Strategic and International ASEAN Consultation to Solve Studies), 47 Trade and Investment ASEAN Labour Ministers (ALMM), Issues (ACT), 44, 166 36 ASEAN Coordinating Council ASEAN Law Ministers’ Meeting (ACC), 56–7, 88–92, 111, 155, (ALAWMM), 37 175 ASEAN Legal Service, xxvii, 182, ASEAN Defence Ministers’ Meeting 184–90. See also functions of (ADMM), 39 a legal service ASEAN Economic Community composition and hierarchy, (AEC), xxiii, xxvii, 44, 78, 172–6 108 decision-making process, 140–4 ASEAN Economic Community dispute settlement and, 144, Council (AECC), 52–7, 156 163–7 ASEAN Economic Ministers’ essential characteristics Meeting (AEM), 19, 24–8, of, 170–2 80, 159 EU system, observations from, ASEAN Education Ministers 113–32 (ASED), 36 impartiality, importance of, 149, ASEAN Finance Ministers’ Meeting 171 (AFMM), 38 implementation and monitoring ASEAN Free Trade Area (AFTA) of legal obligations, 137, 144, and AFTA Council, 20, 160–2 26–7, 31, 35, 82 international organisations ASEAN Human Rights Declaration generally, observations (AHRD), 55, 112, 167 from, 132–45 ASEAN Institutes of Strategic and legal status of, 179–80 International Studies mission statement for, 180 (ASEAN-ISIS), 47 nationality of staff and member ASEAN Inter-Parliamentary state representation, 174 Organisation (AIPO), 47 necessity for, 147–51 ASEAN Intergovernmental professional competence, Commission on Human importance of, 172, 176–7 Rights (AICHR), 69, 167 recruitment of staff, 176–7 ASEAN Investment Area (AIA) and salary and terms of service for AIA Council, 26–8, 159 staff, 178 196 © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-1-107-49526-5 - Towards a Rules-Based Community: An Asean Legal Service Jean-Claude Piris and Walter Woon Index More information index single, separate, independent ASEAN Secretary-General and service, necessity for, 147–51, Secretariat (ASEC). See 168, 171, 179–80 Secretary-General and sizes of member states and Secretariat decision-making process, ASEAN Senior Law Officials’ 141 Meeting (ASLOM), 37, 70 structure of, 167, 189–90 ASEAN Senior Officials’ Meeting terms of reference for, 180–2 (ASEAN SOM), 17 trust, importance of, 167, 171 ASEAN Senior Officials on Drug ASEAN Ministerial Meeting Matters (ASOD), 38 (AMM), 16–40, 176 ASEAN Socio-Cultural Community ASEAN Ministerial Meeting on (ASCC), xxiii, xxvii, 43, 45, Minerals (AMMin), 39 108, 110–11 ASEAN Ministerial Meeting on ASEAN Socio-Cultural Community Science and Technology Council (ASCC), 52–7, (AMMST), 37 156 ASEAN Ministerial Meeting on ASEAN SOM (ASEAN Senior the Environment (AMME), Officials’ Meeting), 17 37 ASEAN Standing Committee ASEAN Ministerial Meeting on (ASC), 16–17, 40 Transnational Crime ASEAN Summit, 18–24, 81, 92, 155, (AMMTC), 38 165, 175–6 ASEAN Ministers of Agriculture ASEAN Telecommunications and and Forestry (AMAF), 36 IT Ministers’ Meeting ASEAN Ministers of Health (TELMIN), 39 (AHMM), 37 ASEAN Tourism Ministers’ ASEAN Ministers Responsible for Meeting (M-ATM), 38 Culture and the Arts ASEAN Transport Ministers’ (AMCA), 39 Meeting (ATM), 38 ASEAN Ministers Responsible for ASEAN Union, as ultimate aim, 48, Information (AMRI), 37 65, 150, 183 ASEAN Political-Security ASEAN–Australia–New Zealand Community (APSC), xxiii, Free Trade Area xxvii, 43, 45, 108–9, 111 (AANZFTA), 66 ASEAN Political-Security ASEANþ3, 23 Community Council ASEANAPOL (ASEAN Chiefs of (APSC), 52–7, 156 National Police), 38 197 © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-1-107-49526-5 - Towards a Rules-Based Community: An Asean Legal Service Jean-Claude Piris and Walter Woon Index More information index ASEANCCI (ASEAN Chambers of as dialogue partner, 23 Commerce and Industry), intergovernmental agreements 47 with ASEAN, 66 ASEC. See Secretary-General and Secretariat Bali Concord I (1976), 11, 19, 24, 72 ASED (ASEAN Education Bali Concord II (2003), 22, 27, 43–4, Ministers), 36 108, 112 Asian economic crisis (1997–8), Bali Concord III (2011), xxiii, 55, 111, 41 147–8 ASLOM (ASEAN Senior Law Bangkok Declaration (1967), 6, 71 Officials’ Meeting), 37, 70 Brunei ASOD (ASEAN Senior Officials on English proficiency in, 70 Drug Matters), 38 formation and membership in Association of Southeast Asian ASEAN, 7 Nations (ASEAN), 183–90. See also entries at ASEAN Cambodia DSM in (See dispute settlement accession to ASEAN, 14, 93 mechanism) Angkor Wat, ownership of, 86, English as working language of, 94 69–71 English proficiency in, 70 EU, not completely comparable on South China Sea issue, 15 to, 145 Preah Vihear temple dispute, 77, historical development of, xxv, 83, 86, 93–107, 164 1–16, 183 Vietnamese invasion of, 12–13, 15, institutional framework, 16–40 19 major agreements and Cebu Declaration on the Blueprint declarations, 191–3 for the ASEAN Charter, 47 making rules in, 66–71 CEPT (Common Effective rule-based community, Preferential Tariff) Scheme, importance of establishing, 20, 26, 31, 35 xxiii, 108, 110, 112, 184.(See Chair of ASEAN, 86, 106 also ASEAN Legal Service) China suspicion and distrust within, framework agreement with, 23 14–16 in ASEANþ3, 23 ATM (ASEAN Transport Ministers’ intergovernmental agreements Meeting), 38 with ASEAN, 66 Australia South China Sea issue and, 15 198 © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-1-107-49526-5 - Towards a Rules-Based Community: An Asean Legal Service Jean-Claude Piris and Walter Woon Index More information index chronologies decision-making process, 140–4 of ASEAN development, 1–6 Declaration on the Roadmap for the of EU history, 113 ASEAN Community of major ASEAN agreements and (2009–15), 57, 152, 167 declarations, 191–3 Deputy Secretaries-General (DSGs), CLMV countries, 14–15, 44, 70. See 33, 60, 172 also Cambodia; Laos; Dharsono, Hartono Rekso, 29 Myanmar; Vietnam dispute settlement mechanism Colombia, ICJ ruling in territorial (DSM), 71–107 delimitation case against, 104 adjudication provisions,
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