NO. 31 VOL. XIV. MASON. MICHIGAN, THURSDAY, AUGUST 1, 1889. Save Money hs Paying jn Advance. The Monarch can corn is just like early A. L. Vandercook has shipped a hundred Yesterday's Kaccs. new corn. Only sold at A, L. Vander and Gfty bushels of cherries thus far this cook's. * While the suhscription price to the DEM• season, and still there are plenty in market. The Mason Driving Club races opened OCRAT remains aa heretofore—Sl.nO por Theo. Hoffman, the hardware hustler of yesterday afternoon with a fine field of ye,ir—we oQ'er it as nn inducement to During the month of July County Treas• Dansville, advertises a genuine clearing horses and a fair attendance. The track prompt cn.sh payment, for $1.25 when paid urer Longyear paid out S1"S.8G as bounty for a whoh year in advance. All arrearages sale for the next si.vtv days. He informs was in fine condition and the weather per- on English sparrows. The larfje.st order and short tiiae subacriplionfl will be charffcd Ford's Bazaar X GROCERY- us he will make prices that will su.-elymove feet. The events of ihe day were the o:15 at recular price—one shilling a month. was ,S-I0,C2, going to parties in Ingham tho goods. He quotes some prices in an• and 2:35 trotting races, George Whiteomb Save 2.7 cents a year by paving in adyance township. This represents 5,9G2 deaths Truly Yours, other columm of St. -fohna, presided as starter, which in the ranks of the sparrows. Is cool and comfortable, and D. P. WllIT.MORE &, Co. position he filled very acceptably. We have the Most Complete Line of The Lansing Journal says Levi Cotting- ton of that city, once owned a half interest The bids for the state printing contract There were five starters in the 3:15 roce. just the place to visit this hot AND CEIVEBAI. NEWS. w .re opened by the state board of auditors, in the famous horse Hendryx, which won After a few trials they wero given the word weather. at Lansing yesterday, and Robert Smith the SI0,000 race at Detroit last week, and and made a pretty race to the quarter pole Snow flake corn at II. C. Coe's. * Groceries and of the Ithica Journal, was found to be the that he was glad to disposs of his interest with J. P. a good leader. Pittsfield and You are sure to find just Big cut. Read Mills' adverlisment. lowest bidder. The present contract with for seo. Nellie Walker collided, thriiwing the driver what you want, and at prices D. D. Thorp of Lansing, expires next of the former ont. Pillafield finished the - Provisions House and barn to rent. See notice. The Woman's .Mis.sionary Society of the -Tune. mile without a driver and on a run, but that will induce you to call Splendid rachiif today and to morrow. Presbyterian church will meet with Mrs. Tuesday morning's Jackson Patriot, in fortunately did no damage. No other ac• In the City, tmd ot Rev. J. A. Barnes on .Monday afternoon, again. Read Ball & Sherman's advertisement. its police and criminal report, says ; ''The cidents marred the pleasure of the day's August 0, at three o'clock. A cordial justice informed Sylvester Lewis, a drunk sport, the following being a summary of Special Sale on Wail Paper Read notice of new system of dress cut• invitation is extended to all the ladies to and disorderly, that if he would at once outcome : be present. ting- during July. leave for his home in Mason he would not FIRST HACK—.1:15 TROTTI.VG. J. B. Hendee has sold his interest in the Sunday school e-^cursion to Grand Ledge, be molested. Sylvester didn't want to go, A. Sowersby, Ithica, J. P., b g 1 1 1 Come and see us. Eaton Rapids Journal to his partner, C. T. C. W. Monroe, Bellovue, Charley M., b g 2 2 2 August 21. neither would he pay $.3 fine, so he went to Fairfield, who will continue the publication John Kelsey, Lansing, Orpliaii IC, cli s, It -1 !1 No decision has yet been received in the jail for ten days," Who is Sylvester ? Joe Sanders, Yjisllanli, Pittslleld, b g 5 3 (> ^ TRY OUR TEAS! of the Jomiiul. Eaton Rapids now has FORD & KIRBY. W,C.Jonks,Biriniughain,NellleWalkor, bl m 4 0 1 Near-Uonnelly case. Willis Vandercook has purchased of A. two "independent" papers, both published Tliuo,2:Ic;/i,2:.|li<J, 2:.15. They are the Best in the City See notice of carriages at retail at less .1. Rayner the property on A street, in the by republicans. SECOND RACE—2:35 TllOTTlXG RACE. than wholesale prices. rear,of the Clark House, and is raising the W. S. Klrby. Oaleslmrg, Emma Batch,cli m 2 3 1 1 1 A private letter from Rev. D. Baldwin of Itetipoctfully, Remember the hand benefit at Rayner old building up another story and building Samuel Cross, Centerviiie, Nellio S„ b lu 112 2 2 Denver, Colorado, lo a friend in this city, tt. .1, Knnnss, .'^tendon, Gnla, ch ni !1 2 3 3 3 opera house ibis atal to-morrow evenings. on a two-story addition, for the purpose of W. M. PEATT. announces the death of their little seven- Time, 2:34K. 2:3-1% 2:35, establishing a carriage factory and general Home-grown sweet corn appears in mar- year-old daughter, Hallie, on .luly 21st. TO DAY'S RACES, repair shop. J. A. Hemiins will have kel, which 19 probable about as early as They have the sympathy of their many 2:-10 trotting, 7 starters; 2;,35 pace, 12 charge of the blacksmith department. friends in Maaon. starters; Three-yearold stake, trotting, 5 liwjlmm Cmnilg Democmi usual. "Robin's Farewell," caprice for piano, by starters. Ditchers should be interested in the This city needs more hitching posts. The Published overy Thursday Fischer, is a new musical publication that by notice of letting drain contract, in another iron railing should e.'Cteiid clear around the Mrs. Rose A. Wortman died July 2Sth, D. P. WHITMORE & CO., will become a standard favorite among our column. court yard. One farmer lately remarked 18S9, in Williamstop township, of heart MASON, MICUIQAK. progressive young pianists and we advise The Monarch lemon ding stone peaches that he would be obliged to bring disease. Funeral services were held ut the all such to add it to their collection of pop• PI^IC3:S : are so sweet: ju.U try a can, at A. L. Vaii- n hitching post along with bim if the city DuBois school house in Alaiedon and she Yoor,$l.50 ,- Six montba, 75 conta ; Three dereooli's. * ular and favorite pieces at once. You can't don't provide some. was buried in the cemetery near the school monihi.AO centi. help but be pleased and please others with Born, on the 25lh ult., at Lansing, to Mr. house. Deceased was born in the town of The street railway extention to the fair it. Ign. Fischer, publisher, Toledo, Ohio. Sodus, Wayne county, N. Y., May 14th, .^33-^rEiaa?isiKra- = and Mrs. Welsh Stevens, formerly of this ground is to be completed in time tor the Price only 50 cents. Our advortisinK rates are SIliO per column per an- city, a son. 184G, her maiden name being Rose A. Biira. IJirsineHs notices five cents jier lino for each state fair. Lansing is allowing nothing to Our former townsman, L. F. Bunnell, Doyle. She was united in marriage to insertlor.. Editorial notices II) cents. Read the notice to contrctors, for sealed ?o undone that will have a tendency to the Business cards §1.00 por line per year. now a grain buyer at Columbia, Dakota, Milton Wortman, Dec. 5, 1878, and,leaves marriage, birth and death notices inserted free. bids for grading Buzzle and North streets, convenience or comfort of those attending Bee Hive Obituary comments, runohuioiis, carde of thanks, etc. sends us a renewal of his subscription to three daughters, aged respectively, nine, will hereafter bo charged for at the rate of live cents in another column. the coming e.^hibition. per line. the DEMOCRAT. .July 29th. and among other seven and two years. Many are making arrangements to attend Correspondence containing local news, is solicited Never was there so fine a lot of horses things say : "Harvest has quits generally from all jmrts ut the county. the picnic at Col. J. H. Forster's, near The Monarch lemon clintr stone peaches , AnonvrouuK comnmulcations not Inserted under in Mason as the present week. They excel commenced to.day. The crop in thia any circumstances. are so sweet: just try a can, at A. L. Van- We have the Largest Williamston, August llth. both as to number and quality, and some section is very light. The yield of wheat dercook's. * Tn is paper can bo found on flio at Goo. P. Rowell A Rey. DeLamartor will be home in time interesting races is sure to be the result. will not exceed five or six buahels to the and Best Assorted Stock ..o.'s Newspaper Advertising Bureau (10 Siirnco St.) Mrs. Caroline Linderman was 84 years to occupy his place as pastor of the M. E, The programme for to diiy and to-morrow acre in this county, owing to the long con• A-horo advertising contracts can bo made for It in of Groceries in Mason.
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