'Beeline'-sales action for you starting next week THIS WEEK'S CHUCKLE "I had a terrible nightmare," the pa- tient was complaining to his psychiatrist. "I dreamed that Raquel Welch was kissing and hugging me." "And you call that a nightmare?" asked the doctor. "Yeah," the patient explained. "I kept pushing her away." SERVING LOWELL, ADA, CASCADE AND EASTERN KENT COUNTY THURSDAY, JULY 2. 1970 NEWSSTAND PRICE 10 cents WOW! What a Bang-Up Fourth of July! More than 20,000 people from all over ship fire department, the Cascade Business- ned for youngsters of all ages. A program Western Michigan are expected in Cascade men's Association, the community's chur- running from noon until after dark and is and Ada this Saturday for the Annual In- ches, the Thronapplc Lions, the American being sponsored by the Ada Fire Depart- dependence Day celebrations. Legion Post and the committee's treasurer ment, Ada merchants and the Ada Athletic In Cascade, chairman Albert Mally said Mrs. Helen Lucas. Association. * this year's program is one of the most am- In Ada a full day of July 4tli fun plan- Events in both towns are receiving pub- PASS bitious ever and gave credit to the town- licity on radio stations through the state. Ada Cascade 11 a.m. - Chicken Barbecue at Ada Masonic Lodge. $1.50 for 10:15 a.m. Parade. Children are invited to prepare floats, decor- 4:00 p.m. half chicken. Sponsored by Masons and Eastern ate bikes, ride horses in the parade which forms at Star. Concessions open at Leonard Park. Cascade Christian Reformed Church, 6631 Cascade CARE Noon Annual Fourth of July Parade forms at IGA shop- Road. ping center and follows a route to Ada's Leonard 11:15 a.m. Flag raising at Town Hall. Field. Youngsters are invited to decorate their bi- 11:20 a.m. Judging of entries in the parade at Town Hall. cycles and join the parade. Following the parade, 11:30 a.m. Canoe Race and boat parade on river sponsored by games in Leonard Park for the kids, booths-includ- Thornapple River Association. ind a "Ring the Duck" both. A Successful contes- Noon- tants will win the duck or a $1. Winners of $175 Chicken Barbecue, Cascade Christian Church near 4:00 p.m. in cash prizes will be announced. Town Hall. S1.95 for half chicken; $1.35 for quar- ter chicken. Food stands and concessions open 2:15 p.m. Water Ball Battle. Ada and Cascade Fire Depart- throughout town. ments will hose one another Leonard Park. Follow- 2:15 p.m. ing the water ball fight, youngsters are invited to Water Ball Fight, Cascade vs. Ada Fire Departments join in a greased pig scramble. at Leonard Field, Ada. 7:00 p.m. Baseball games at Leonard Field until dark. 5:30- Dancing at Fire Hall in featuring music of Formal 7:30 p.m. Aires. 9:00 p.m. Fire Chief Stan Osmolinski and his crew will set off $1,000 worth of fireworks in a spectacular cli- 8:00 p.m. Patriotic Rally featuring Justice John R. Detmers, max to th« day's activitiM. - - State Supreme Cqurt 9: CO p.m. Gigantic fireworks display at Cascade GravH Pit. 'Neighborly' Pollution Chat 3,051 of Us- Now, Lowell's STAFF PHOTO BY KEVIN SMITH Draws 70 to Amway Plant Will you remember this July 4th when And this year, you can make it more Just Cozy Amway Corporation got together with About 70 people attended the meeting it's over? An Editorial than just another holiday by trying two The population of the City of Lowell some of its neighbors Tuesday night for called by Amway after an Ada resident. Will it be a fun-filled day of parades things. has increased by 506 people in the last 10 a discussion of the firm's pollution pro- Chris DeVrics, complained in a letter to and fireworks? The beach or a picnic with Policemen and people who work in hos- years. The preliminary figure was released Vou can ponder your country as it goes blems. the Ada Township Board of Supervisors the kids. The river? The lawn? Fun at a re- pital emergency rooms have come to regard to the Ledger-Suburban Life by the De- into its 196th year. Its beginnings. Its prob- about the plant's emission of foul air, in- union with the grandchildren? July 4th as "a very busy weekend in the lems. Its promises. partment of Commerce field office in De- middle of a very warm summer." Does it dustrial sewage in the Grand River and pos- Does another youngster really have to And you can live. A lot of people who troit this week. really have to be that way? sible defoihtion of trees in the area. lose a hand to some "harmless" fireworks? don't make a definite effort to this week- In I960, the Bureau of the Census "Most people ol Ada lor whom we Do we really need another drowning? Is it end. won't. Flat River counted 2,545 people in the city and this INDEPENDENCE DAY has got to be speak," DeVries said, "feel that if Amway really necessary for another family to be Those two things will make this July year's fugure if 3,051. something more than a relaxing break in a can afford to haul raw materials in. they wiped out this weekend on the highway? routine workweek. 4tli worth remembering. The final tabulation and census counts should also be financially able to haul Claims Life tor Alto, Ada and Cascade townships will their sewage out." be relased in the fall. A 23-year-old fisherman drowned in the "This is a more realistic approach than Okoy, Fellos, Friday, 'Oui,' Flat River just north of the burroughs aeriation which forces Amway's neighbors Road Bridge in Vergennes Township. to breathe the foul-smelling industrial Smithy He is Neolin Craig. 610 College, S.E., waste deposited on them. Power People Quit Stolling Saturday, 'Nan' Grand Rapids. "II we don't get any satisfaction from It will be business as usual Friday, July Kent County Sheriff Deputy William Amway." DeVries said, "we will seek a n Pact Parley 3, for most area banks and retailers. City Dice said Craig apparently lost his balance remedy in the courts." I don't know about the rest of you. but Washington to tell him that! All I have to Contract talks between the Lowell offices will be open. and fell into about 15 feet of water east of Amway's plant engineer, Tony Quad- it's my opinion that the time has come to do is look at the grocery bill.,. the elec- Light and Power Company and Local 481, The post office will deliver mail as usual Lincoln Lake Road. rine, told the group that he was confident let our peers in Washington and Lansing tric bill ... the milk bill ... the clothing Utility Workers Union of America, will on Friday and maintain regular office hours. A friend, Joseph Williams of Flint, who that the plant's new waste disposal system, know that things had better change for the bill... and a few assorted other bills. take place Thursday, July 9. On Saturday, July 4th, all federal, state was fishing not far from Craig, made an ef- expected to be in operation late next year, better-and fast. John Jones, manager of the municipal- What is sorely-needed right now is lead- fort to reach him, but failed. would solve the company's pollution pro- What gets me is that our people in the and city offices will be closed. The post of- ership capable of facing up to the most blems. ly-owned power company and Donald Gos- legislative halls are inclined to point the fice will be closed and will make only spe- Mrs. Trenton Geldersma, who was pressing issues. These leaders should forget James Pope, of the Slate Water Re- terhouse, legal council will bargain for the finger of blame at "the other guy" when cial deliveries. Most area businesses will be working with her husband in their garden all the penny-ante nonsense that has dom- sources Commission said that the commis- company and Jack Ryan, local union pres- certain pieces of legislature fail to win ap- closed. near the scene of the accident, at 12885 inated their thinking of late and get down sion had examined the firm's proposed ident and Clem Lewis, regional manager of proval. Burroughs Road, called Lowell Police. to the basics. NOTICE - Veterans Dry Cleaners at 609 system and that it met the slate's upgraded UWUA will represent the union. No pro- The other guy, of course, refers to the In this election year, it's something to West Main, Lowell, will be closed July 3 Using the city's new recovery boat. Dep- pollution requirements. gress was reported at two earlier meetings. opposition party. think about long and seriously. and 4. c.i2 uty Dice, Police Chiel Barry Emmons, Sgt. It's a shame to see so much wasted ef- James Hudson, Arthur Farley and A1 Eck- fort that goes with the stop-and-go-tactics ROSIE DRIVE INN-This week's special: TRY SOMETHING NEW-At Rosie Drive man of the Lowell Police Department spent of the legislators. Hippie-Burgers, 48 cents. Closed Satur- Inn. P)nchitos. Closed, Saturday, July more than an hour dragging the area before day, July 4th. c12 I WONDER how many "tentative bud- 4th. c12 they located Craig's body.
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