Ithaca College Digital Commons @ IC The thI acan, 1990-91 The thI acan: 1990/91 to 1999/2000 9-6-1990 The thI acan, 1990-09-06 Ithaca College Follow this and additional works at: http://digitalcommons.ithaca.edu/ithacan_1990-91 Recommended Citation Ithaca College, "The thI acan, 1990-09-06" (1990). The Ithacan, 1990-91. 2. http://digitalcommons.ithaca.edu/ithacan_1990-91/2 This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the The thI acan: 1990/91 to 1999/2000 at Digital Commons @ IC. It has been accepted for inclusion in The thI acan, 1990-91 by an authorized administrator of Digital Commons @ IC. Student Government outlines 'Cornell Collects' adds ambiance !Football opens season aitt Student Congress elections tto American art Albany S1tate ... page 3 ... page 7 ... page 16 The ITHACAN The Newspaper For The Ithaca College Community Vol. 58, No. 2 September 6, 1990 16 pages Free College plans to renovate, expand science space By Kristen Schworm is completed in fall 1992, the four ber. with time, many of these facilities Many factors will be taken into Plans arc underway for Lhc reno­ science dcpartmcnls: Biology, The new science hall will be have become outdated and a need to consideration concerning the con­ vaLion of Williams Hall and the Physics, Chemistry, and Psychol­ equipped with updated technologi­ update them has become apparent. struction and renovation of these building ofa new science hall. These ogy, will be housed there. cal equipment. The building will In addition, the building also has buildings. The science faculty has plans were devised when the ad­ The renovation of Williams Hall also contain 22 or 24 new class­ heating and ventilating difficulties. been consulted regarding its need minisLration discovered a need for will begin.in the fall of 1992 with a rooms. Its size will be approxi­ These problems must be met with within the new building. Accord­ more classroom space. As of fall completion date set for fall l 993. mately 100,000 gross square feet. and corrected in order for Williams ing to IC Senior Vice Presidem, 1992, classrooms in the NCR build­ The total cost of building Lhc new In comparison, the Roy H. Park Hall to be a safe environment for Matthew B. Wall, "It's important ing will no longer be available for science hall anµ the rcnovaLion of School of Communicauons is ap­ student and faculty u~e. for faculty to help with the planning Ithaca College use. Williams Hall is eslimaLed to be 24 proximately 80,000 square feel. It is still tentative a<; to how the since they will be teaching The building of the new science million dollars. Williams Hall, built in 1906, was old science building will be used there." hall and Lhc renovaLion of Williams As of yet, these plans arc still one of the first buildings on llhaca' s once renovation is complete. It is Other preliminary considerations Hall will be a two step project The tentative. The Board of Trustees campus. It was recently named possible that Psychology will be in this project include architectural new science hall will he located on must first make a final approval of Williams Hall after Ithaca's second housed there, along with some Bi­ and cnvironmnetal concerns. The the lake side of campus road across the building design and the finan­ president, George C. Williams. ology facilities. The new science new building must fit in, the sLrcet from Williams Hall. Con­ cial budget to pay for construction. When Williams Hall was first building will house the Chemistry, architecturally, with the rest of the struction will begin in either March This decision will be made at the built, it was furnished with current Physics, and (most OJ the) Bio­ campus and meet waste disposal or April of 1991. Once this building Board of Trustees meeting in Octo- scientific equipment. HowcvC'r, logy department. and air pollution regulations. New fire station Parking blueSooo opens on land donated by college See-related story, page 3 By Beth Roundy The South Hill Fire Station, one In the bunker program, of two new stations for the Ithaca volunteers or students Fire Department, is now in opera­ tion. receive free accommo­ According 10 Tom. Dorman, dations in exchange for Deputy Chief in charge of opera­ tions, the two stations were built on responding to calls. land donated by Cornell University and Ithaca College. They replaced two stations unteers or students receive free ac­ which were previously in Ithaca. commodations in exchange for re­ The South and West Hill stations sponding to calls. replace Stal.ion 5 and Station 6, re­ Traditionally, bunkers were spectively. required t,o, respond to every call Dorman said the stations were that came·in. The accommodations bu ill at those locations because there were set up similar to military bar­ was a large call for services in those racks. This system became un­ [lhacan I Sharon Perks areas. workable because il took too much Warnings and tickets pile up as students and faculty adjust to the new parking plan. Also, Lhc land was donated lo of the bunkers' lime. the fire dcparLrnent, w!lh the stipu­ The bunker program in the lation that they must remain fire South Hill Station is set up differ­ stations. If the stations close, Lhe ently. Lynch s~ud that the rooms Beware~ Studhe1I11ts taJrn get trashe{dl land is returned to Ithaca College or were built similar 10 residence hall Cornell University. rooms, with two in a room. There is Although the South Hill Sta­ also a duty schedule. for impropeir gairlbage disposall Each bunker fills a 12 hour tion opened as a serviceable station Since February, Day estimatL'S on Aug. 30 at 3 p.ni., Dorman said shift during evening hours, ap­ By Catherine Cranmer proximately once evcry'72 hours. Many students may be breaking "So far the cooperation that about l 90complaints have been the Ithaca Fire DeparLrncnt has not filed by residenL, and busine~s yet taken official possession from This set up makes it possible the law, risking a harsh fine, or a from tlze residents has pnson sentence, without even real­ owners staling that trJsh was ille­ t11c contrnctor. This is due to some for women to participate in the bun­ been just great." izing it. In February, Tompkms gally dumped on Lheir propaty. minor construction problems that ker program as well, although -- Depllly Michael Day presently there arc no women bun­ County developed several laws for When asked how many of the com­ remain to be fixed. plaints included students from All stauons arc dispat.ched from kers. the disposal of solid wa,t.cs. Lynch said that there arc eight Ithaca residents must still pay 10 Students who rcwlc off campus Ithaca College or Cornell Univer­ Tompkins Counly Fire ConLrol, sity, Day replied that the laws were bunkers living in the South Hill dispose of t11eir garbage, but in ad­ maynotdumptheirgarbage in Ithaca which is located in the Ithaca Fire llXl new to have sLatistics. station. IC students Brian Gilmore, dition must also purchase special College dumpsters. Department building on 310 West "Students were getting ready to RichJacobs,John Havens and Dave trJsh tags for each bag of trash. Any off campus student caugh, Green St. go home for Lhe summer by the time Pazos arc among those. Norman Wall, the Assistant Di­ dispo-;ing of his or her trash in an Dorman said the South Hill these laws went into effecl. It's to In preparation for the program, rector l)f Campus Safety, explained Ithaca College dumpster will be Station will have one career early to tell how the studenL~ will bunkers went through an extensive that students living off campus may referred for Judicial action. firefighter on duty at all times and react. I hope they take it seriously; training program. 1l1cy spent over be unknowingly breaking the law. The laws arc considered impor­ one engine. so far the cooperation from the resi­ 45 hours Lraining in one week. According to Wall, this will af­ tant enough to warrant the creation In addition, t11ere arc eight dents has becnjustgreat," Day said. Anybody who is interested in fcctoff-campus students who dump of a position in the Tompkin's people in the bunker program who For those studenL" who scoff at learning more about either the bun­ their Lrash in dumpsters t11at arc not County Sheriff's office solely to live in the South Hill station. the fine, Day warns t11at a second kcrprogram or volunteering should specilically designated for that spe­ enforce the new legislation. According to Marcia Lynch, offense includes a prison term l)r contact Lynch at 272-1234. cific tL~e. Volunteer Coordinator, the bunker Deputy Michael Day works full community service. If the trash is Volunteers can join the com­ It also affects those who aban­ program began in the Ithaca Fire time enforcing the laws, answering illegally dumped on someone else's pany during the year. Bunker train­ don their trash. 1l1ese students may Dept. Mound the tum of the cen­ complaints. and Lracking down of­ property, restitution tc the victim ing will not be held again until next face a fine bclween $100 and $500 tury. for the first offense. fenders. may also be required. This is a program where vol- fall. September 6, 1990 2 THE ITHACAN Jithaccarm inquirrerr Campus news in brief Question: What are your reactions to the new parking policy? The Traffic Bureau at Ithaca is The admission price will be one clubs that arc interested they arc not quite surehow many parking dollar with all proceeds going to available to use.
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