E PL UR UM IB N U U S Congressional Record United States th of America PROCEEDINGS AND DEBATES OF THE 110 CONGRESS, FIRST SESSION Vol. 153 WASHINGTON, MONDAY, JULY 16, 2007 No. 113 House of Representatives The House met at 12:30 p.m. and was fluence China through economic activ- bishops, Protestant church leaders, called to order by the Speaker pro tem- ity to better respect the rights of its Muslim worshipers, Falun Gong fol- pore (Ms. HIRONO). citizens to fundamental human rights. lowers, and Buddhist monks and nuns; f Instead, we have seen why the pro- Human organ harvesting and selling; tection of basic liberties should not Sophisticated system of espionage DESIGNATION OF SPEAKER PRO come second to economic growth. The against the U.S. government and TEMPORE China today is worse than the China of American businesses; The SPEAKER pro tempore laid be- yesterday, or of last year, or of the last World’s leading producer of pirated fore the House the following commu- decade. products. nication from the Speaker: And now, in addition to all of the Then there’s China’s foray into horrible things the Chinese govern- WASHINGTON, DC, July 16, 2007. Sudan, selling weapons to the very gov- I hereby appoint the Honorable MAZIE K. ment does to its own citizens, it is ernment orchestrating the genocide in HIRONO to act as Speaker pro tempore on doing to other countries’ citizens as Darfur. this day. well. And despite all of these abhorrent NANCY PELOSI, Just read the headlines: acts, China was still awarded the honor Speaker of the House of Representatives. Toothpaste from China containing an of hosting the 2008 Olympics. f industrial solvent and prime ingredient Where is the outrage over China’s un- in some antifreeze. acceptable behavior in the Congress MORNING-HOUR DEBATE Chinese-made Thomas the Tank chil- and in the administration? The facts The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- dren’s trains slathered in lead-based are before us. The United States can no ant to the order of the House of Janu- paint, a substance that is toxic if swal- longer say that things are improving in ary 4, 2007, the Chair will now recog- lowed. China. nize Members from lists submitted by Unsafe food products from China in- Next time you make a purchase and the majority and minority leaders for cluding prunes tinted with chemical you see the words ‘‘Made in China,’’ morning-hour debate. The Chair will dyes, dried apples preserved with a can- think of the poisoned toothpaste, the alternate recognition between the par- cer-causing chemical, scallops and sar- contaminated food, the polluted water- ties, with each party limited to not to dines coated with putrefying bacteria, ways and airspace, the exploding tires, exceed 30 minutes, and each Member, and mushrooms laced with illegal pes- malfunctioning fireworks, the human except the majority leader, the minor- ticides. rights abuses, and the intimidation of Five types of farm-raised shrimp and ity leader, or the minority whip, lim- religious leaders. fish from China banned by the FDA be- ited to not to exceed 5 minutes. Madam Speaker, imagine a country where The Chair recognizes the gentleman cause they are so contaminated from unsafe drugs in China’s polluted water- factory workers have no workplace safety, from Virginia (Mr. WOLF) for 5 min- labor or environmental protections and are re- utes. ways. Malfunctioning fireworks from China quired to work 80-hour weeks for no more f responsible for critical injuries, includ- than $110 per month to produce goods for ex- port. MADE IN CHINA ing in my hometown of Vienna, Vir- ginia on July the 4th. Imagine a country which boldly supplies Mr. WOLF. Madam Speaker, I have a Chinese-made tires sold without a missiles and chemical weapons technology to longer speech today which I will insert critical safety feature that prevents countries that support or harbor terrorists. for the record, but I want to highlight the tread from separating from the Imagine a country that oversees a network some of the key points. tire. of espionage operations against American During the debate over granting Within a year, China will also be the companies and the U.S. government. China permanent normal trade rela- biggest source in the world of green- Imagine a country which tortures and impris- tions status, proponents argued that house gases from all the new coal-fired ons Catholic bishops, Protestant church lead- economic liberalization would lead to power plants being built. ers, Muslim worshipers, Falun Gong followers, political liberalization in China, that I could take several 1-hour special and Buddhist monks and nuns just because of exposing China to the West’s ideas and order speeches to detail China’s egre- their faith and systematically destroys church- values would lead them to play a more gious human rights record: es and confiscates Bibles. constructive role in the international Slave labor camps; Imagine a country which has a thriving busi- community, and that the U.S. and Religious persecution, including tor- ness of harvesting and selling for transplant other industrialized nations could in- ture and imprisonment of Catholic kidneys, corneas and other human organs b This symbol represents the time of day during the House proceedings, e.g., b 1407 is 2:07 p.m. Matter set in this typeface indicates words inserted or appended, rather than spoken, by a Member of the House on the floor. H7785 . VerDate Aug 31 2005 01:47 Jul 17, 2007 Jkt 059060 PO 00000 Frm 00001 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A16JY7.000 H16JYPT1 cnoel on PRODPC60 with HOUSE_CN H7786 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE July 16, 2007 from executed prisoners who are thrown in the recent mass poisoning of U.S. pets stem- during the Olympic Games, and is detaining prison with no trial or sentencing procedures. ming from tainted pet food from China arrived them without trial. Human Rights Watch re- Imagine a country which maintains an ex- at two suspected Chinese factories, only to ports that the Chinese government is tight- tensive system of gulags—slave labor camps, find the factories had been cleaned out and all ening restrictions on domestic and foreign also known as the ‘‘laogai’’—as large as ex- equipment dismantled. media, in an effort to control what information isted in the former Soviet Union that are used On June 28, the FDA banned the import of leaks out about China’s repressive and violent for brainwashing and ‘‘reeducation through five types of farm-raised shrimp and fish from nature during coverage of the Olympics. labor.’’ China because they are so contaminated from China has even gone so far as to claim it Sadly, none of this is imaginary. Such a na- unsafe drugs in China’s polluted waterways. will ‘‘force rain’’ in the days leading up to the tion exists. It is the People’s Republic of A recent NPR story described how garlic Olympics, in order to have clear skies for the China. from China outsold garlic grown in California Games. They intend to fire rocket shells con- Sadly, too, that’s just part of the list of egre- for the first time last year. China began dump- taining sticks of silver iodide into Beijing’s gious actions. ing garlic at U.S. ports below cost in the skies, provoking a chemical reaction that will In 2006, the Chinese government arrested 1990s. Hefty tariffs kept the garlic imports at force rain—despite mixed reviews on the 651 Christians that we know of. Currently, bay for a few years, but since 2001, imports soundness of this science. China has 6 Catholic bishops in jail and an- of Chinese garlic have increased fifteen-fold. China’s desperation to conceal its true char- other 9 under house arrest. Renowned human Several Fourth of July celebrations in my acter leading up to the Games smacks of the rights advocate Rebiya Kadeer has watched district, including in my hometown of Vienna, Nazi bid for the Olympic Games. Analysts are from exile as the Chinese government arrests VA, included malfunctioning fireworks that in- likening the 2008 Beijing Olympics to the 1936 and beats her family members in her home- jured 11 people, including children and an in- Olympics, in which Nazi Germany soft-pedaled land. fant. These fireworks came from China. its anti-Semitic agenda and plans for territorial Late last year, western mountain climbers Some 450,000 imported tires were recalled expansion, fooling the international community captured on videotape a horrifying scene: Chi- from Foreign Tire Sales after it was discov- with an image of a peaceful, tolerant Germany nese police shooting from their North Face ered that the Chinese-made tires were sold under the guise of the Olympic Games. tents at a group of Tibetan refugees crossing without a critical safety feature that prevents Like the Nazi regime in 1936 Berlin, the Chi- Nangpa Pass. A 17-year-old Buddhist nun the tread from separating from the tire. A nese government is preparing for the Olym- was killed and several others were wounded. blown tire can cause the driver of the vehicle pics by hiring U.S. firms to handle public rela- There are some who assert that human to lose control of his or her car and crash. tions and marketing for the 2008 Beijing Olym- rights are something that should come once China is one of the world’s leading pro- pics. stability has been attained. They say that pro- ducers of unlicensed copies of goods ranging Where is the outrage over China’s unac- tection of human rights comes second to at- from movies and designer clothes to sporting ceptable behavior? The facts are before us.
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