Mar. 17 / Administration of George Bush, 1992 Remarks on Presenting the Presidential Medal of Freedom to Samuel M. Walton in Bentonville, Arkansas March 17, 1992 Thank you all. Mr. Sam, now, you sit Walton. In addition, I brought along our down. And thank you, David. Good morning own grandson Sam. I wanted him to meet to all. And it is a true pleasure to be in another Sam. He’s standing over here, America’s heartland. And it is most appro- ripped off my Wal-Mart hat. But there he priate that I should come to Arkansas to is, so—[laughter]. participate in this ceremony. But anyway, we come here to honor a First, I will apologize to every single per- man who shows that through hard work and son with whom our advance squad, security vision and treating people right, many good people, communications people have come things can happen. into contact—[laughter]—because I know This visit is not about Sam Walton’s your lives—but we pledge to those who wealth. He has earned his money, and that’s have made these wonderful arrangements his business. He’s been generous with his that we will leave right on schedule. fortune, and that is in the great tradition [Laughter] And we will leave with a heart of America’s commitment to this concept full of gratitude to all who handled, on very that I call a Thousand Points of Light. short notice, the arrangements that go with It’s not about money. It’s not even about a visit of this nature. philanthropy. This visit is about what is fun- You know, I got a letter last year from damentally good and right about our coun- a young eighth grader, John Quinton try. And it’s about determination. It’s about Bagley, in Nashville, Arkansas. And he leadership. It’s about decency. His Nation wrote, ‘‘You and Mrs. Bush could stay with honors him today as the outstanding exam- me and my family. We do not have many ple of American initiative and achievement. reporters.’’ [Laughter] Smart kids in Arkan- And at the same time, we take note that sas. No wonder I feel so at home here. as he became more and more successful he But first, of course, my respects to Sam never turned his back on his roots. His suc- Walton and to Helen Walton, one of God’s cess never altered his lifestyle, a lifestyle truly special people. And also, my respects that kept him close to his family, his friends, to Bud Walton. Also to the one you’ve just and his community. heard from, ahead of David Glass, John I read somewhere that at one time Mr. Paul Hammerschmidt. This, I think he and Sam thought he wanted to be President of I figured, was my fifth district—not to the the United States. I have two thoughts on State but just to his part of it, his congres- that one: One, I’m glad he’s not running sional district, first one as President. And this year. [Laughter] And two, I’ve said he’s I must say, I have been so pleased and so a smart guy; not running proves it. [Laugh- has Barbara as we rode in from Fayetteville ter] and were warmly received by the people His story is known to everyone here, but who just seemed glad to see the President let me just mention for the Nation a few of the United States. But in any event, you of the highlights, if I might. After college just have this wonderful way of making at the University of Missouri, Sam Walton someone feel at home. began a career in retailing. He started as And also I salute David Pryor. And this a trainee for the J.C. Penney Company in is trivia that I’m sure no one is interested Des Moines, Iowa. And after a stint in the in, but I’ll tell it to you anyway. He and Army during World War II, it was on to John Paul and I were all elected to the Con- Newport, Arkansas, with a Ben Franklin gress on the same day many moons ago, store back in 1945. And over the years, he November 1966. And I am very pleased that became the largest franchisee of Ben Frank- both David, of course, and John Paul are lin variety stores, operating 15 of them here to join us as we fittingly honor Mr. under the name of Walton’s Five and Dime. 464 Administration of George Bush, 1992 / Mar. 17 You see—you know this, but many around punch a time clock and draw a paycheck. the country might not—you see, he had hit As the people here know, his employees are upon a combination that was to form the known as associates. And no wonder they basis of the strategy of today’s Wal-Mart all think of him as a partner. When he’s Stores, smalltown markets for name-brand asked about the secret of his success, he merchandise sold at a discount. When the credits his people. And he says, ‘‘The atti- folks at Ben Franklin’s Chicago head- tude of our employees, our associates, is quarters didn’t jump at the vision that Mr. that things are different in our company, Sam put before them, he decided to go his and they deserve the credit.’’ And it’s not own way. And that was back in 1962 when hard to see why they believe in the com- he started with one Wal-Mart store in Rog- pany. And it’s just plain easy to see why ers, Arkansas, just 6 miles from here. they believe in its unpretentious leader. And I did hear a story about the opening There are also the quiet things about Sam of his second Wal-Mart over in Harrison, Walton, the things beyond the bottom line, John Paul’s hometown. [Laughter] Obvi- if you will. There’s nothing corny about call- ously you’ve heard it, but I’m going to re- ing them what they are: They’re good peat it. For those of you in Washington, deeds. They are the relief funds set up I will repeat it. The way my esteemed when tragedy strikes an associate’s family; friend David Glass tells it, Sam had water- scholarships in every community where melons for sale on the sidewalk; he offered there’s a Wal-Mart store; benefactor of the donkey rides in the parking lot. The only University of the Ozarks in Clarksville; the problem was the heat, 110 degrees, 110. Walton National Literacy Center in Bolivar Well, the watermelons popped, and the wa- over in Missouri; education grants for South termelon juice was everywhere. The don- American students to study in America and keys did what donkeys do in a situation like then return so they can better help their that, tracking the stuff all over the place. own countries. And according to David, who had a nice successful business of his own, Sam’s turned These are the things that enhance the into the worst looking store he’d ever seen. spirit of the community. And yes, of course Dave went so far as to suggest to Sam that Mr. Sam’s a great businessman. But along he ought to find some other line of work. with making a good profit, he helps make [Laughter] good citizens of his people by encouraging Now more people work for Sam’s com- them to help one another. pany than live in Tulsa, Oklahoma, 380,000 And when you ask about Sam Walton, at the last count. This includes the man with much of what you hear is from friends of that sound career advice, David Glass. many years. Some are wonderful stories that [Laughter] tell you something important about Sam’s You know, some always think I see the energy and competitive spirit; like George glass as half full or maybe that I’m always Billingsley, who used to fly with Mr. Sam emphasizing good news. Well, maybe that’s in the early days. They’d be in a little Piper right. But I think it’s important that all Cub heading out to check out one of his Americans understand that some things are stores, and Mr. Sam would decide to check going very, very well in the United States out the competition as well. He’d fly low of America. And one of those things is Wal- over a Sears or a K-Mart, you see, tip one Mart. And who would have thought that wing, and make a wide-eyed George count when Sam Walton bought that first Ben the cars in the parking lot, scaring him half Franklin store that his little venture would to death in the process. [Laughter] grow into a top-rated stock on Wall Street, I could go on and on about his love of the racking up $44 billion in sales last year. outdoors. Bud took me into the illustrious Wal-Mart is the largest and the most profit- quail room just a few minutes ago before we able retailer in America, now with over came in here: Talk about his sharp eye for 1,700 stores, enhancing the lives of millions. quail, his love for riding around with his And to Sam, or Mr. Sam, as he is known gone-but-not-forgotten closest adviser, his throughout his company, people don’t just dog Roy, in that old red pickup truck, or 465 Mar.
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