Committee PLANNING COMMITTEE (B) Report Title ST CLEMENTS HEIGHTS, 165 WELLS PARK ROAD, SE26 Ward Sydenham Contributors Geoff Whitington Class PART 1 Date: 22 MARCH 2012 Reg. No. DC/11/78207 as revised Application dated 19 August 2011 and completed 21 December 2011 Applicant St Clement Danes Holborn Estate Charity. Proposal The demolition of the existing buildings at St Clements Heights 165-171 Wells Park Road, SE26, and the construction of seven, 4 to 6 storey blocks comprising 50 one and two bedroom Almshouses, and 46 two, three and four bedroom self-contained flats and houses, together with the provision of 76 car-parking spaces, vehicular accesses onto Sydenham Hill and Wells Park Road, and associated landscaping (Outline application). Applicant’s Plan Nos. 615/204/PL11A, PL12A, PL13A, Location Plan showing viewpoints 1 & 2, Design & Access Statement, Planning Statement, Sustainability & Energy Statement, Arboricultural Survey, Transport Statement, Daylight & Sunlight Analysis, Financial Viability Report & Addendum 15/12/2011, Extended Phase 1 Habitat Survey, Suggestions for Biodiversity Enhancement, Supplementary Accident & Visibility Splay Note, Geotechnical & Geoenvironmental Desk Study Report (March 2011), Bat Surveys, Flood Risk Assessment, Statement of Community Involvement, Visualisation 1 & 2 and Letter dated 7 December 2011. Background Papers (1) Case File LE/345/20/TP (2) Lewisham Development Framework: Residential Standards SPD (August 2006) (3) Lewisham Development Framework: Core Strategy (2011) (4) Unitary Development Plan (July 2004) (5) The London Plan (2011) (6) PPS 1: Delivering Sustainable Development (2005) (7) Planning and Climate Change – Supplement to PPS 1 (2007) (8) PPS 3: Housing (2006) (9) PPS 5: Planning for the Historic Environment (10) PPG 13: Transport (2001) (11) PPS 22: Renewable Energy (2004) (12) PPS 25: Development and Flood Risk (2006) (13) PPS 23: Planning and Pollution Control (2004) (14) Delivering Affordable Housing – Good Practice and Guidance (2006) (15) The Code for Sustainable Homes – Setting the Standard in Sustainability for New Homes (2008) (16) Planning and Access for Disabled People – A Good Practice Guide (2003) (17) Circular 05/2005 – Planning Obligations (18) Mayor of London’s Housing Strategy (2009) (19) Mayor of London’s Biodiversity Strategy (2002) (20) Mayor of London’s Energy Strategy (2004) (21) Mayor of London’s Housing SPG (2005) (22) Mayor of London’s Sustainable Design and Construction SPG (2006) (23) Mayor of London’s Accessible London SPG (2004) (24) Living Roofs and Walls – Technical Report Supporting London Plan Policy (2008) (25) Mayor of London’s Wheelchair Accessible Housing BPG (2007) (26) Interim London Housing Design Guide (August 2010) (27) Lewisham Strategic Housing Market Assessment (2007, draft published 2008) (28) By Design – Urban Design in the Planning System: Towards Better Practice (2000) (29) South East London Housing Partnership's Wheelchair Homes Design Guidelines (2008) Zoning Adopted UDP - Existing Use 1.0 Property/Site Description 1.1 The site is located at the corner of Wells Park Road and Sydenham Hill, lying opposite the borough boundary with Southwark. The site area measures 2.2 Hectares. 1.2 The site is currently occupied by St Clements Heights, a collection of buildings ranging in height between 1-3 stories, operating as Almshouses by the St Clement Danes Holborn Estate Charity that provides residential accommodation for poor women of not less than 50 years of age, and poor men of not less than 60 years of age. 1.3 Whilst much of the site where the existing buildings lie is flat, to the east is a steep bank that slopes down toward an area that is a designated nature reserve. Existing trees lie around the perimeter of the site. 1.4 The surrounding area is predominantly residential in character. To the west of the site are 2-storey plus roofspace dwellings that lie within the Crouchmans Close estate, set-back from Sydenham Hill. To the south of that is Woodsyre, which is a narrow road set-back from Sydenham Hill, where 3-storey townhouses are located. 1.5 To the south of the site is Mountacre Close, which comprises 4-storey blocks of maisonettes, whilst to the north are low rise residential units. 1.6 The nearest local amenity is a public house to the north of the site on Crescent Wood Road. The closest grocery store is located approximately 800 metres away on Wells Park Road. 1.7 The only existing vehicular access into the application site is from Wells Park Road to the north. The site is served by two local bus routes, providing direct links to Sydenham and Crystal Palace. The PTAL for this particular area is 2. 1.8 The site is not located within a Conservation Area, neither would any listed buildings be affected by the proposal. The land is designated as a Site of Nature Conservation Importance and Areas of Special Character. 2.0 Planning History 2.1 In 1966, permission was granted for the construction of 2 and 3-storey buildings comprising 50 self-contained flats for elderly persons together with a chapel, 3 houses and 2 flats for staff, 6 garages and ancillary buildings. 2.2 In 1972, permission was granted for the erection of a 4-storey block of 30 three- roomed flats, 12, two roomed flats and 6 bedsitting room flats with 37 integral garages and a single-storey shop; a part three, part four-storey block of 5, four roomed self-contained flats, 9 three-roomed flats and 4 six roomed terraced houses with 18 integral garages; a two-storey terrace of 6, four-roomed houses and 1, five roomed house; a two-storey terrace of 4, four roomed houses together with 22 lock-up garages and access roads on land adjoining St Clements Heights. 2.3 Permission granted for the temporary siting of a mobile home for residential purposes. 2.4 In 1996, permission was granted for the erection of a 2 metre high close boarded timber fence on the boundaries with Sydenham hill and Wells Park road. 3.0 Current Planning Application 3.1 The current outline application seeks to establish the principle of further residential development upon the site, including the demolition of the existing buildings. All detailed matters are reserved, however the applicant has submitted indicative plans to demonstrate how the proposed development would be accommodated within the site. 3.2 The development centres around the need for the replacement of the existing Almshouses buildings, which fail to meet with current building regulations and Code for Sustainable Homes standards. Structurally, the buildings are sound, however the applicant has confirmed that ongoing repairs are becoming increasingly expensive, with a £4m cost calculated over a 10 year period. 3.3 The new Almshouse development would be a 5-storey building (Block A) located to the south-west corner of the site, accommodating 50 units, three more than the existing. This would provide the affordable housing element of the scheme. 3.4 To assist in the funding of the development, the remainder of the site would be sold to provide a total of 46 private residential dwellings, including 14, two bedroom and 12, three bedroom self-contained flats, together with 20, four bedroom houses, accommodated within six separate blocks. 3.5 Block B was originally the tallest building at 6-storeys, however the height of the building was reduced to 5-storeys in response to neighbour objections. 26 private residential units would be accommodated, comprised of 15, two bedroom and 11, three bed self-contained flats. 3.6 Blocks C–G each comprise 4-storey single dwellings in a crescent style layout. Four bedrooms would be provided, whilst driveways and garages would be afforded at the front, and private gardens at the rear. 3.7 Renewable energy measures would include the provision of photovoltaic panels and solar thermal collectors. Overall, the development would achieve at least a 20% reduction in CO2 emissions. 3.8 All units would be of Lifetime Homes standards, whilst meeting Code Level 4 for Sustainable Homes. 10% of the proposed tenure would be disabled units, designed to SELHP standards. 3.9 76 car-parking spaces would be provided within the site, of which 10 would be allocated to the Almshouse element, including one disabled bay. 40 spaces would be allocated to the 20 dwelling-houses, including integral garages. The open market flats would have underground/ undercroft parking, including two disabled bays. 3.10 Secure cycle parking would be provided for 26 bicycles. 3.11 The proposed development would be phased to allow for minimal disruption to the existing almshouse occupiers. Phase 1 would involve the demolition of the western wing of the existing building, together with the construction of the replacement almshouses. 3.12 Phase 2 would see the occupation of the almshouses, with the demolition of the remaining original structures. Construction works on the open market dwellings would then commence. 4.0 Consultations and Replies Neighbours & Local Amenity Societies etc 4.1 Consultation letters were sent to the occupants of 145 neighbouring properties and the Sydenham Society. A notice was displayed on site and Ward Councillors were consulted. 4.2 A petition containing signatures from four separate properties and 27 letters were received from the occupiers of 29, 29a & 31 Sydenham Hill, 32 Kirkdale, 3, 5, 8, 18, 22, 26 & 31 Woodsyre, 22, 70 & 75 Mountacre Close, 7, 10, 11 & 14 Canbury Mews, 13, 89, 115 & 121 Longton Avenue, 2 Tunbridge Court and flat 1 St Clements Heights, objecting to the proposal on the following grounds; (1) Height and scale of proposed development; (2) Visual impact upon neighbouring occupiers; (3) Poor design; (4) Out of character; (5) Construction traffic; (6) Loss of trees on site; (7) Insufficient provision of parking spaces for almshouse residents; (8) Site should be retained for the provision of homes for the elderly; (9) No consultation undertaken by applicants prior to formal submission.
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