GOV. HILL McALISTER (1875-1959) PAPERS 1933-1937 GP42 Processed by: Margaret Sawyer Archival Technical Services Date completed: 1970 Location: 2nd Floor Stack INTRODUCTION The papers in this collection chronicle the two terms of Governor Hill McAlister. The collection contains 166 boxes of materials including correspondence, subject files, newspaper clippings, bills and resolutions, affidavits, invitations, applications, recommendations, endorsements, requisitions, extradition’s, petitions, commutations, and pardons. There are no restrictions on the material, and copies of items may be made for individual or scholarly use. BIOGRAPHY From the family of a long line of governors (William Blount, Willie Blount, and Aaron Brown), McAlister was born in Nashville in 1875. He was a Vanderbilt law school graduate and served as city attorney in Nashville. After service in the state senate he served eight years as state treasurer. Losing the race for governor twice, he finally won the nomination in 1932, becoming Tennessee’s depression governor. He cut government expenses to the bone and was re-elected in 1934. He was a strong supporter of TVA, friendly to labor concerns, and supported unemployment compensation. He did not seek re-election in 1936, having come into conflict with Memphis mayor Edward H. Crump’s giant political machine. McAlister died in 1959. *From Tennessee Blue Book, 1999-2000, Millennium Edition. CONTAINER LIST Box 1—Correspondence—General 1. Aare? Ail, 1933-1934 2. Abe? Aim, 1935-1936 3. Ave? Aymon, 1933-1934 4. Adk—Atk, 1933-1934 5. Air—Alexander, 1933-1934 6. Ala—Allred, 1935-1937 7. Alf—Allen, 1933-1934 Box 2—Correspondence—General 1. Allg? Anderson, 1933-1934 2. Als—Arts, 1935-1936 3. And—Arnold, 1933-1934 4. Arn—Aryres, 1933-1934 5. Asb—Ayne, 1935-1936 Box 3—Correspondence—General 1. Bab—Baird, 1933-1935 2. Bai—Bur, 1934-1936 3. Bak—Bapt, 1933-1934 4. Bal—Bop, 1935-1937 5. Bar—Barry, 1935-1936 6. Barbee—Barry, 1935-1936 7. Barr—Byrns, 1933-1934 8. Bart—Bary, 1933-1934 Box 4—Correspondence—General 1. E. E. Barthell, 1932-1936 2. Bas—Bat, 1933-1936 3. E. D. Bass, 1933-1936 4. Bau—Bax, 1933-1936 5. Bay—Baz, 1933-1936 6. Bea, 1933-1936 7. Beb—Belj, 1933-1936 8. Bell, 1933-1936 9. Bella? Beq, 1932-1936 10. Green Benton, Unemployment, 1934 Box 5—Correspondence—General 1. Ber—Bez, 1932-1936 2. Harry S. Berry, 1935-1936 3. Bia? Bif, 1933-1946 4. Big—Bim, 1933-1936 5. Bin, 1933-1936 6. Bio-Biz, 1933-1936 7. Bla, 1933-1036 8. Bldesoe—Blum, 1929-1936 Box 6—Correspondence—General 1. Boa—Bon, 1933-1936 2. Boo, 1933-1936 3. Bop—Bat, 1933-1936 4. Col. Wylie G. Borum, 1933-1936 5. Bou? Bor, 1933-1936 6. Bou—Box, 1933-1936 7. Boy—Boz, 1933-1936 8. Judge Ernest Boyd, 1933-1935 9. John L. Boyd, 1933-1035 10. Dr. W. B. Boyd, 1933-1936 Box 7—Correspondence—General 1. Brab—Brad, 1933-1936 2. Brae—Braq, 1933-1936 3. Brar—Braz, 1932-1935 4. Hon. S. R. Bratton, Union City, 1933-1935 5. Bre, 1933-1936 6. Brib—Brir, 1933-1936 7. Bris, 1933-1936 8. Brit, 1933-1936 9. Bro, 1932-1936 10. A. B. Broadhert, 1933-1936 11. Brock, 1933-1935 12. Brooks, 1933-1936 Box 8—Correspondence—General 1. Judge Barton Brown, 1935-1936 2. Brown, A—B, 1933-1936 3. Brown, C—D, 1933-1936 4. Brown, E—F, 1933-1936 5. Brown, G, 1933-1936 6. Brown, H, 1933-1936 7. Brown, I—J, 1933-1936 8. Brown, K—V, 1933-1936 9. Brown, W—Z, 1933-1936 10. Brownb—Brownz—Browning, 1933-1936 11. Gordon Browning, 1933-1935 12. Broyles, 1933-1936 Box 9—Correspondence—General 1. Bru—Bry, 1933-1936 2. Bryan, 1933-1936 3. R. L. Bryant, 1933-1936 4. Bryant, 1933-1936 5. Bua—Buk, 1933-1936 6. Buchanan, 1933-1936 7. Bul—Buz, 1933-1936 8. Bur, 1933-1934 9. Burke, 1933-1934 10. Hamilton S. Burnett, 1933-1934 11. Burnett, 1933-1934 12. Bus, 1933-1936 13. Burton, 1933-1936 14. Butler, 1933-1936 15. By, 1933-1936 16. Joseph W. Byrnes, 1933-1936 Box 10—Correspondence—General 1. Caa—Cak, 1933-1936 2. Cal, 1932-1936 3. Cal—Cay, 1933-1936 4. Walter M. Cameron, 1933-1936 5. Arno B. Cammerer, 1933-1935 6. Camp, 1933-1936 7. Campbell, 1933-1936 8. Can, 1933-1936 9. Cap, 1933-1935 10. Cara—Cark, 1933-1936 11. Carl, 1933-1936 12. Carm, 1933-1935 13. Carn—Carz, 1933-1936 14. Carr, 1933-1936 15. Carter, 1933-1936 Box 11—Correspondence—General 1. Case—Cash, 1933-1935 2. Casi—Casz, 1933-1936 3. Cat—Caz, 1932-1936 4. Sen. Geo. H. Cate, 1935 5. Cates, 1933-1935 6. Chad—Chal, 1933-1935 7. Cham, 1933-1936 8. Chambliss, 1933-1935 9. Chan—Char, 1933-1936 10. Chas—Chay, 1933-1936 11. Judge Guy Chase, 1933-1936 Box 12—Correspondence—General 1. Che, 1933-1935 2. Che—Chr, 1933-1936 3. Will T. Cheek, 1933-1935 4. Chi, 1933-1937 5. Cho, 1933-1936 6. Chr—Chu, 1933-1935 7. Ci—Cla, 1933-1936 8. Clark, 1933-1936 9. Clayton, 1933 10. Cle, 1933-1935 11. Cli—Cly, 1933-1936 Box 13—Correspondence—General 1. Coa—Cob, 1933-1936 2. Coc—Cog, 1933-1936 3. Coh—Cok, 1933-1936 4. Cola—Colk, 1933-1936 5. Coleman, 1933-1936 6. Coll—Colz, 1933-1936 7. Com, 1933-1936 8. Con, 1933-1936 9. Coo-Cop, 1933-1936 10. Cook—Cooke, 1933-1936 11. Copenhaver, 1933-1936 12. Cooper, 1933-1937 13. Jere Cooper, 1934-1936 Box 14—Correspondence—General 1. Cor, 1933-1936 2. Cos-Cot, 1933-1937 3. Cou—Cov, 1933-1936 4. Courtesy Cards for Gasoline, 1935 5. Wirt Courtney, 1933-1935 6. Cow—Coy, 1933-1936 7. Cowan, 1933-1934 8. Cox, 1933-1936 9. Jim Cox, 1933-1936 10. Thad A. Cox, 1933-1934 Box 15—Correspondence—General 1. Cra—Cum, 1933-1936 2. Crab, 1933-1936 3. Crac—Cray, 1933-1936 4. Craig, 1934-1936 5. Crawford, 1933-1936 6. Cre, 1933-1936 7. Cri, 1933-1935 8. R. A. Crider, 1933-1935 9. Croa—Cror, 1933-1936 10. Cros—Croy, 1933-1936 11. Crosby, 1933-1936 12. Cross, 1933-1936 Box 16—Correspondence—General 1. Crow—Crowe, 1933-1935 2. Crowley, 1933-1935 3. Cru, 1933-1936 4. E. G. Crump, 1933 5. Cua—Cul, 1933-1936 6. Cum—Cuz—Cy, 1933-1936 7. Cummings, 1933-1936 8. Cummins, 1933-1936 9. Judge Will Cummins, 1934-1936 10. Cunningham, 1933-1936 11. Cur, 1934-1936 Box 17—Correspondence—General 1. Dal—Cam, 1933-1936 2. Dan, 1933-1936 3. Daniel, 1933-1935 4. Dar, 1933-1936 5. Das—Dau, 1933-1935 6. Dav—Daz, 1933-1936 7. Davis (A—C), 1933-1936 8. Davis (D—F), 1932-1937 9. Davis (G—H), 1933-1935 10. Davis (I—O), 1933-1936 11. Davis (P), 1933-1936 12. Davis (R), 1933-1936 Box 18—Correspondence—General 1. Davis (S—V), 1933-1936 2. Dea—Dec, 1933-1936 3. Ded—Dek, 1933-1936 4. Del—Dem, 1933-1936 5. Den—Deq, 1932-1936 6. Der, 1933-1936 7. Des—Dez, 1933-1936 8. Dia—Dic, 1933-1936 9. Did—Diz, 1933-1936 10. Doa—Dok, 1933-1936 11. Dol—Doq, 1933-1936 12. Dor—Dot, 1933-1936 Box 19—Correspondence—General 1. Burgin E. Dossett, 1934-1936 2. Dou, 1933-1936 3. Dov—Doz, 1933-1936 4. Dr., 1933-1936 5. John M. Drane,1933-1936 6. J. M. Draper, 1933-1936 7. Dua—Dui, 1933-1936 8. Ducktown to Copperhill Road, 1933 9. Phil H. Duke, 1933-1936 10. Dul—Duz, 1932-1936 11. Dun, 1933-1936 12. Dunlap, 1933-1936 13. Dunn, 1933-1936 14. Dw—Dy, 1933-1936 Box 20—Correspondence—General 1. Ea—Ec, 1933-1936 2. Gen. W. H. Eagle, Assistant Attorney General, 1936 3. Earthman, 1933-1935 4. Ed, 1933-1936 5. Ef—Ek, 1933-1936 6. Ela—Elk, 1933-1936 7. Ell—Ely, 1933-1936 8. Elliott, 1933-1936 9. Ellis, 1933-1936 10. Elmore, 1933-1935 11. Elrod, 1933-1936 Box 21—Correspondence—General 1. Em, 1933-1936 2. En—Er, 1933-1936 3. Buford Erwin, 1933-1935 4. Sam Erwin, 1933 5. Sam Erwin, 1933-1936 6. Es—Eu, 1933-1936 7. Ev, 1933-1936 8. Evans, 1933-1936 9. Ew—Ez, 1933-1935 Box 22—Correspondence—General 1. Faa—Faq, 1933-1937 2. Far, 1933-1936 3. James A. Farley, 1933-1936 4. Farmer, 1932-1936 5. Fas—Faz, 1933-1935 6. Fea—Feq, 1933-1936 7. Fer-fez, 1933-1936 8. Fia—Fim, 1933-1936 9. Fin—Fir, 1933-1936 10. Fine, 1934-1936 11. Fis, 1933-1936 12. Fiz, 1933-1936 Box 23—Correspondence—General 1. Fl, 1933-1936 2. Foa-Fon, 1933-1936 3. Foo, 1933-1935 4. For, 1932-1936 5. Ford, 1933-1936 6. Fos, 1932-1936 7. Sam W. Foster, 1933-1936 8. Fou, 1933-1936 9. Fou, 1933-1936 10. J. L. Foust, Chancellorship, 1934 11. Fox, 1933-1936 Box 24—Correspondence—General 1. Fra, 1933-1936 2. Fre, 1933-1936 3. Fre, 1933-1936 4. Fri—Fro, 1933-1936 5. Allen P. Frierson, 1933-1935 6. Major Horace Frierson, 1933-1935 7. Fry, 1933-1936 8. Fua—Fuq, 1933-1936 9. Fur—Fuz, 1932-1936 Box 25—Correspondence—General 1. Gaa—Gak, 1932-1936 2. G. Townes Gaines, 1933-1935 3. Gal—Gaq, 1933-1936 4. Mrs. Mary B. Gamble, 1934-1936 5.
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