$16 Million Med School nlll aull lark Expansion Set Page Three "eOO&t4 <J/i.e. e~ .e~Ae <Jtu, M~"~ * * Wake Forest College, Winston-Salem, North Carolina, Monday, October 21, 1963 NUMBER 5 IONT YOU i% ~Tension' Report Is Termed Favorable To WF KEND Modified Proposal ·TRIP Association* * Attacks* TSJ. Heard By Baptists College And OG&B By ADRIAN KING ASSOCIATE EDITOR By ADRIAN lUNG in thie ·old Gold l3rui Black, Oct. The Executive Committee of the General Board ASSOCIATE EDITOR 14, 1963, stating tba<t d:an-cing of the Baptist State Convention has released the '11wo oosolutiKllns, one protesting continues on the campus in fl:ag­ contents of its report on tensions between Wake an Old Gold and Black adver­ mnt defi:a.alce of the N or:th Oaro­ Forest and the Convention. tilsean.ent and the other opposing linia BaptiSit State Convention." The report has been termed favorable towards the Wiake Forest trustee. pro­ "Tucker ·IllOVled. that it be posal were passed by the Central .passed, it was· quickly seconded, the College. It was divided into three areas--con­ Ba[ltist Association 1aJSt Thurs­ &mstrong C'ail:led for discussion, trol, admissions and communi­ day. (The •associa:ti:on. includes walitled lit&~ally about two cation. ble said the Board of Trustees the High Poilllt area.) secondis, ami then C'alled for the On control, the report says would nominate members to Rev:··ayde Tucker, pa-stor of vote. I md. 110t hlave time to Wake Forest desires to strength­ the Board of Visitol'IS and each I NEB the · Reavis Memorilal Baptist raise my band," E"llnw>re sadd. en its ties with the Convention. board would probably have a Chrzc:b. in High Point, !introduced Charles Osolin, edlitor of the Concerning admilssions, the re­ membership of 12: He said reg­ •• both resolutions. Old Gold land Black, received port reads: ..We see clear evi- ular rotation systems would be The resolution conce:ming the lettws from both Tucker and . dence now that Wake Forest instituted. W. PERRY CROUCH Hi!~iiii.liili:!li!!li! 1~111111 OJid Gold am. Black refell"l'E!d to Robbins on Tue'Sday •asking if - College is making every effort He added that membens of a Norman Stockton "Party Boy" the ad was :llact or <fiction and to accept Baptist students and the Board of Visitors would • • • nominee • • • lad whidb. appeared: in :the Oct. ILn:d:ignanty ipll"'Otesting its ap­ urging 1hem to apply for ad­ IServe in an advisory capacity 14 edition of the paper. The ad pea-I1ance.· mission." and would devote time and depicted student Tom · Collillls, Osolin Wrote iboth men, ·ex­ On communications, the com­ energies to particular areas of Crouch Set Senior of .Fanwood, N. J., Iriixing plaming the 1ad was oot to be mittee reports that Wake For­ their respective schools :that drinkis in Huffman ·Dormitory. taken ilitet"ally, but '11ucker and est adminilstration, student lead­ need upgrading. They would not The ·aoccomplmy.ing story was RObbinls did not wait for a reply ers and faculty are concerned consider problems and policies To Assume to ,thJefu.- questions before intro­ Written !in -B hu.mol"O'JS and Sa!l.'"­ -CHARITY AND CHILDREN PHOTO about "improving the lines of in general. castic gtyle. ducing their resolutions. OFPICIALS of the General Board of the Bap. Board's Executive Committee, and Claude · communication between the Col­ Baptist Post Howev€!1', Rev. TuclteT chose Toby Hale, junior . of King·s­ tist State Convention confer at last's week's Gaddy, interim general secretary-treasurer of lege and the Convention." (See Wide Representation <tO. accept· :the advet"lti:sleim.ent and !POI"t, Tenn., attended the a•ssoci• full text of report on page two.) ation meeting With Elmore. ·meeting in Raleigh. They are, from left, J. the convention. Tribble noted that the compo- Dr. Perry Crou-ch, pastor of story las factual, am on that Dewey Hobbs Jr., chairman of the General r:ition of the Medical School's First Baptlist Ohurch of Ashe­ l basis inltroducro: the resolution He commented: "lt beat all I Members have ev>ea" seen." Board of Visitol"S includes Bap- ville, has ·lbeen nominated to I' which pa·ssed overwhelmingly; The Executive Committee of tists, Methodists and Presby- the post of gene:ral sem-etary­ · · D:l!. · 'nlomas · M. Elmore; dean the General Board is composed terians, and that variows pro- treasurer af the Baptist State of .attended the associa­ Based On Classes etud.ents, of J. Dewey Hobbs Jr.", chair- fessional groupis· are represent- Convention.. ltional meeting on ibeihal:f o{ the College. · "Plans Af4a-1e H d man; F. Stanley Hard>ee Jr., ed. Cro'..lch's· llliOIIJllilnlati.on came Ul Nane Starne,s George E. Sim- Following Tribble's remar:Im, llaJs.t Monday night at the meet- .p A Reali.gninent Rep or" t . ear mons, Carl E. Bates, R. M. Rev. Dewey Hobbs of Wingate, .ing of. the --General Board, Co-operation -£or nnual Cassity, Clarence E. Godwin, president of the General Board, which will r.econunen.d him to ·According to Elnun-e, Rev. Travils Styles, Aubrey Tomlin- said that Wingate College, an. the Convention .. !IJl~ting in Tucker, Rev. Woodrow w. Rob- BSU 1ll · By ADRIAN KING president of the Business School members _ excel?t the _seruor son, Jerry Niswonger, w. A. other Baptist college, had hon- Wilmington Nov. 12 to 14. bins, paStor of the Lexington lr'.l.ee[ AssociATE EDITOR Student Alssociation, proposed class, _which will rema~ the Mitchiner, E. iW. Price Jr., T. orary trustees from the Ches· Crou-ch W!aiS selected by a Avemre Baptist Chumh in High representatives for !Students in same m number but will ex- E. Robinett, Charles B. Tram- terfield Association, a benefac- speciail nominating co:zn:rmttee. · Po:i!rilt and the moderator of the The am1ual N. c. Baptist State The Realignment Committee ·the School of Business. elude the three student body mel and D. J. Hooks. tor of that college. formed eady_ 1his year when . Co. ti will h 'd t F" t of the Student Le'""lature has ffi - - 1 Dr ·Do las "'--ch ··-~killed' · assOcla'llion, Nell Armstrong, nV'en on 'be- e~ a u-s .. - In the plan adopted by the o cers a~ seiDJ-.semor. c ass The 85-member General Board Dw-ing the report, Dr. Eu- - ug >D!L'ClU ... ....,. • iaJlso of High Pmnt, seemed to be Baptist Chur.ch in Greensboro hammered out a plan for legis- committee, student body offi- r~presentatives. · (The VIce-pre- of the Baptist State Convention gene Poston, president of Gard- in 18.n. automobile a-ccident. wm:kiin,g together on the reso- Nov. 1 to :J. lative re::tpportionment. The pro.. cers will not be members of Sldent, secretary and treasll!- met last Monday and Tuesday ner-Webb College, another Bap- The late Dr. Branch was lutiOOs. · - The theme of the convention: posa:rnwa~:e~en~~t!: a ~lied the Legislature•. This affects e.r of the s:tud€1DJt body are sen- in Raleigh and heard the Wake tist College, .told ;the General se-rving !h.is tmrd year as gen- ''When this :resolution was pre- WtilJ.·re "F.reec:lom. Through Bon- mee .go e eglS_ a e Ul"!S· primarily the treasurer and iorThs.ere ,_ indicatio-n that some Fore~t trustee __ pro_posa_l pre- Board of a resolution conSI_"de_ r-. _. er~C.,.:~~~the;r.=-·t Se!liJM, I asked.~ to dage." :Prin.ci i. akers .wfil day mght but action .was post-. 'secretary of the. student body. = t d · b th So th ~ ti ............. _._.,. """' .., .... "' ~.. Tlle·~~~~fel.t · it·· be tia';'-Wmiam~ .. ~·;"·ass!Sta.nt· wned. fo~ :tbr~ ,weeks~~ _.. ~' ~ ·'lb~:- i)msideiif O£":"itlie'···stiident members of> ··the - ·cegisiature .s~fo ·Boaro w~: ~~t, $:ked.- t~ · ~~ ~neg~ !de~niversi~!s~n ·u:PtM ai~ ·m=Asfi:me i¥~; :oeCejisary to· caM :tcr.-.a Wte tO prOfessor of New Testament fii.; Joe McCollum, 19 e n·l~o.r of bOdy currently !is not a mem- plan to oppose the proposal take.~ a stand on the plan, but The resolution, which was . yea.rs. f ~ · -~·~ . ~me' to speak; bOweve!r, I iflerpretation a.t Southern Bap- Mooresville and. chairman of ber of the Legislature and the when it ils presented for action received it as information. Dr. presented for action at ·the last ~ pastorh. 0W, _ _.._0::_, P ~~;approved. I ~xplained _to tist TheiO!lo~caJ.- Seminary; Dr. the co:nmtttee, made ~e com- yice pres_ident .. of the student in three weeks. Harold W. Tribble, president meeting of the association but '-"''urc m J:Ul<>IAUI.......uem. the~ the ad did not deyict 0. L. Sherrill, executive secre- mittee s report after lt )leld body serves as· speaker of the SeU Approved of the College, read the state- waJS postponed after consider- a · ~ s~tu:a.tion, that ~t was taey of the Qen.eral Baptist its second meeting last Tues- Legislature and votes only to ment and discussed it with the able debate, would require a posal was encouraging but we Ptiii;t.ed I8.IS Slai"casm. No one else <Negro) Sta:fle <:;on.ventkm of N. day. " . make or ·break a tie. ·under the In. other action, the Legisla- Board Tuesday morning. junior college to have an as- did not make an effort to com· spo~ ~t 1ib.e resolution," C.; .aiild Dr. Howaro Moody, ~e _ comnu~ resolved a committee's plan, the speaker's ture approved Jim SeH, senior sured income amounting to mit the Board because we feel ~ sadd.
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