nw iflmiranep M ILL! llJiLiJu)AAuruflVi Vol. 32 No. 46 Lincoln, Nebraska Tuesday, December 10, 1957 acheloirs, eauUy Queens Ainooy Bicedl Kv I . Jni Candidates for the Cornhusker Richard Luke and Ron Renfer, Hatcher, Sigma Phi Epsilon. ie Coe, Delta Delta Delta; Char-len- e J: beauty queens and the Most Eli- Sigma Chi; Larry Lutz ard These winners were elected by a Anthony, Alphi Chi Omega; tiir Charles Smith, Alpha Gama Sig- vote of the student body, a Sharon Quinn, Delta gible Bachelors have been an- but Gamma; ma; Richard Newcomer, Phi Kap- revision this year provides for the Carolyn Alpha Chi Ome- nounced by Joan Huesner, chair- Torrence, pa Psi; Jerry Sellentin, Theta Xi; selections by judges. Each house ga; and Sandra Schlaebitz, Alpha man. Donald Smidt, Delta Upsilon; and nominated a candidate for every Chi Omega. Vying for the six titles of beauty Lowell Niebaum, Kappa Sigma. 25 Cornhuskers sold in the house. Other finalists in the Eligible queen Sandy Gin-n- y will be: Kellogg, The candidates will be in- Judging rules were also revised Bachelor contest last year were Falk and Ann Bedwell, Kappa terviewed tonight by the Mortar for selecting the six winners for Bill Thompson, Phi Delta Theta; Kappa Gamma; Breanna Johns- Boards on poise, personality and Beauty Queen. This year Mr. Claude Berreckman, Alpha Tau on, Joyce Evans and Pat Gor- grooming. The 12 finalists will will pick queens on Brando the Omega; Charles Tsouklas, Sel-le- ck man, Alpha Xi Delta; Par- Karen be judged by Alex Cochrane, photogenic beauty, because of the Quadrangle; Billie Reed, Al- sons, Sue Thompson and Judy Doris Clements and Jan Walker. fact that last year students who pha Gamma Sigma; Jim Souders, Lang, Alpha Phi. queens The six winners will be named didn't know the felt when Selleck Quadrangle; and Ned Nad-ir- i, Dolly Swift, Dian Jones and the Most Eligible Bachelors. seeing their photos, that they Selleck Quadrangle. Sharon Ellsworth, Kappa Alpha Last year's winners were Ron weren't qualified for the honor, Winners of the Most Eligible Christmas Party Theta; Sandra Herbig and Nancy Nathan, Phi Gamma Delta; Gary according to Bev Buck of Mortar Bachelor title will be picked De- Herse, Sigma Kappa; Polly Doer-in- Dougherty, Tom-se- Boards. Four University students dine party will begin at 8 p.m. Women's hours have been ex- - Sigma Chi; Bill cember 12. Beauty Queen finalists Karen Krueger, Patricia i, t the annual Union Christmas Wednesday and last till 10:30. tended for the event. Rutt Phi Delta Theta; Jim In addition to last year's queens, will be picked December 17 and party last year. This year's and Sondra Whalen, Alpha Omi-cro- n Delta Upsilon; Larry Ep- the other six finalists included Kay the winners will U; announced ia Pi. stein, Sigma Alpha Mu; and Bill Nielson, Kappa Alpha Theta; Jan- - January. Monica Ross and Jan Chatfield, AWS Extends " Hours i.hiiiiiiiiii " Pi Beta Phi; Marilyn Miesner - vv.-v- ii mini. J" """ " " a,, Creative and Sharon Rain, Delta Gamma; I : 'v,f'"..".,.iP r"""v If-- ' Bobbie Bible and Paula Lundquist, For Christmas Party Alpha Chi Omega; Donnette Keys and Nancy Morris, Gamma AWS has granted a half hour lours ABC with stuffed animals Phi Magazine ;Beta. extension of girls' hours Wednes- and other prizes to be awarded day night so they may attend the Sharon McCormick and Marg winners. Ruth Eis will call the Union Christmas Party, '"e Olde Schwentker, Chi Omega; Lynne Proposed Yule Party", from 8 p.m. to 10:30 numbers. Meyers and Pat Kershaw, Delta Delta Delta; Elaine Overturf, Three committee chairmen were p.m. Christmas movies will be shown Zeta by Tau Alpha; Sharon Fangman, named Friday at meeting in the Featured at the party will be the Film Committee in the Pat a Lessman and Sharon Wall Union to discuss possibilities of a Ruth Colman's all girl quintet, the Faculty Lounge. There will also Kappa Col-ma- be and Hardy short. Delta. creative writing magazine for un- Swinging Sweethearts. Miss n a Laurel dergraduates according to Robert and the quintet have been Santa Claus will be greeting peo- Mary Vrba and Nadine Calvin, ple in hallway. He will Hough, assistant professor of Eng- traveling the country for the past the main Love Hall; and Lou Ann Jepsen, lish. several years. This will be the pass out favors of candy with pro- Fedde Hall. grams attached. The twelve finalists will be se- The committees formed and students' first opportunity to see the group on the campus. New Christmas records will be lected from the group by three their chairmen are: editorial, ,:., played on the Seeburg Hi-F- i judges, Howard Hansen, Charlotte i j2 Steve Schultz, chairman; business, The evening will also intitiate set - Sin-fon- in the Music Room. Egan and Dale Thoarsen, all from Coortffsy Sunday Journal Jane Simmons, manager; and art, the Christmas caroling season. ia Star a Lincoln clothing store. MISS RIPA MISS ASBURT SLAGLE RIGGINS Barbara Millnitz, chairman. will provide a brass ensem- Dave Meisenholder will play the The ble and a choir to lead the car- organ and the Coed Trio will sing girls will be judged on poise, con- Steve Schultz, editorial chair- oling in the main lounge from 9 in the Round-U- p Room where re- geniality, neatness and beauty. man, stated Monday with the p.m. to 10 p.m. freshments will be served. Re- Photos of the finalists will be 'Messiah' To Feature Four Soloists amount of writing done by stu- freshments will include rum fla mailed to Marlon Brando, Holly- - dents who recognized as John Bicha, chairman of the Spe- aren't vored egg nog and Christmas wood tf:UsT' 'ho wul hoose the he feels the magazine cial Activities committee which is writers cookies. six beauty queens, should be a great success. in charge of the party, suggests At Annual Choral Union Performa that organized houses might com- The Union has been decorated Last year's queens were Mary "I hope," said Schultz," that pete the caroling. Hepperlen, Delta Gamma, in with Christmas trees and orna- Rita Four University students will be and Mrs. John Ripa of Wilber, is the "Messiah" this year wiH in this magazine will not feature cre- Bingo will be played - Jelinek, Pi Beta Phi, Frances Van in Par- ments for the occasion. featured soloists Sunday in the an a senior m Teachers Loiiege ana clude a number of choirs from ative writing which is restricted Houten, Terrace Hall, Elaine Eg-ge- nual presentation of Handel's member of Alpha Xi Delta so- Nebraska high schools. entirely to poetry and short stories. Alpha Phi, Jody Carlson, Del- a "Messiah" by the University rority. "Rather we hope to include re- Gamma and Reba Kinne, Chi ta Choral Union. Slagle is a graduate student, who views of current books which will Omega. Teaching will be director of choral music at con- Honorary The performance, wliich has interest students, criticism of Eligible bachelor candidates are works of any age, and been presented here annually for Chase County High School at Im- Don Stokes troversial Gary Berke, Jerry Wagner, Duane such features as historical essays more than 40 years, will begin perial in February. He is the son Stokebrand, Rathjen, Scotts-bluf- which will stimulate creativity not Opposes Richard at 3 p.m. in the Coliseum. A of Mrs. Josephine Slagle of f. Proposal Hagemeier and Gary the English department, Richard crowd of more than 8,000 per- alone in Briggs Alpha Gamma Rho; Jon Named every undergraduate Phi Delta Kappa, a professional authority to recommend students sons saw the performance Riggins is a senior in Teachers but in other Bicha and Meyer, Beta Sig- last education fraternity,, has adopted for teaching certificates from the Jerry year. College, and the son of Mr. and department as well. ma Psi. "This should give the magazine a statement opposing the proposal Teachers College to other Univer- The four soloists are Lois Ripa, Mrs. Lloyd Riggins of Lincoln. Auctioneer 11 Harry Brace, Phi Delta a more universal appeal than it issued by University professors sity departments. This transfer can Theta; soprano; Carol Asbury, alto; Har- The Choral Union will be com- d Don Burgess, Lyle Hansen Once would have if restricted to some calling for changes in state teach- only result in an and old Slagle, tenor, and Norman posed of 6O0 singers, including again, Don Stokes hm nomas Selleck Quadran- - smaller group. What it means, in ers certification. and less effective program of bmitn. Riggins, bass. members of the Agricultural Col- been chosen to auctioneer the an- S1; Wayne Christoffersen, nt lege Chorus, University Singers, nual AUF Auction Thursday night short, is, 'The more the merrier,' " The statement reads in part, teacher preparation and a general Miss Asbury is the only singer quali-!ci- Robert Eklund, Sigma Nu; at 7 p.m. Schultz said. "We oppose any transfer of the of the overall to Madrigal Singers, University Chor- in the Union Ballroom, Sigma have appeared as a soloist Ji of people j Harold Friedman, Alpha us I and University Chorus II. Dr. according to Jan Schrader, chair- fications entering the a previous presentation of the ora- j David Foltz will com man of the auction. Stokes was al- teaching profession. torio by the Choral Union. She direct the Donald bined so auctioneer last year. "A good teacher understands his Geisler, Robert Skinner, sang the alto lead two years ago. chorus. Smi& William Spilker, Burt The University Symphony Or- Freshman women may sign out NU Theater Production students as human beines with Miss Asbury is the daughter of capacities to learn, to understand, Weichenthal and Robert W.emer.l chestra directed by Emanuel Wish-no- w for 15 minutes after 9 p.m.
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