992 MONTHLY WEATHER REVIEW VOLUME 130 Numerical Study of the Diurnal Cycle along the Central Oregon Coast during Summertime Northerly Flow S. BIELLI,P.BARBOUR,R.SAMELSON,E.SKYLLINGSTAD, AND J. WILCZAK* College of Oceanic and Atmospheric Sciences, Oregon State University, Corvallis, Oregon (Manuscript received 23 May 2000, in ®nal form 5 September 2001) ABSTRACT A triply nested mesoscale atmospheric numerical model is used to study the dynamics of the diurnal cycle of the summertime lower atmosphere along the central Oregon coast. Simulations of four consecutive days in September 1998, during which the winds were strong and northerly, are analyzed. Comparisons with pro®ler observations suggest that the model performed well enough to provide a useful estimate of the diurnal circulation. During the four days of interest, the low-level wind pattern has a broad maximum between Cape Blanco and Cape Mendocino, with a large north±south gradient along the Oregon coast. The low-level jet undergoes diurnal horizontal and vertical displacements, which partially resemble previous observational and modeling results along the California coast. In both the model and the pro®ler data, there is a minimum in northerly wind between 1500 and 1800 UTC (0700 and 1000 local time), and a double maximum in offshore ¯ow above the marine boundary layer, with peaks near 0700 and 1600 UTC. At the jet core height, the advection of alongshore momentum is an important component of the alongshore force balance. After 2100 UTC, this advection is the main term balancing the pressure gradient force. Thus, in contrast to the previous results for the California coast, the diurnal circulation is fundamentally three-dimensional in the coastal zone, for several hundred kilometers alongshore and as far as 100 km offshore. The blocking effect of coastal terrain has a strong in¯uence on the diurnal circulation. 1. Introduction ized by a low-level jet with maximum values of 30 m s 21 at a few hundred meters altitude. The vertical struc- During spring and summer, the west coast of the Unit- ture is characterized by an inversion near or at the ed States is dominated by the Paci®c high centered ap- altitude of the jet maximum. The wind shear was found proximately 1000 km off the north California coast and to be due to thermal wind generated by the large hor- a thermal low inland over California. This regime pro- izontal temperature gradient between the water and the duces persistent northerly (upwelling favorable) winds land. Some observations in the Oregon area have been along the coast interrupted by periods of weak or south- discussed by Neiburger et al. (1961), Johnson and erly ¯ow. The typical summertime coastal meteorolog- O'Brien (1973), Meitin and Stuart (1977), and Elliot ical conditions include a stable marine atmospheric and O'Brien (1977), and more recently by Dorman and boundary layer with northerly wind and a low-level jet near the top of the boundary layer. Winant (1995). The research described here was car- Most observational and numerical studies of this re- ried out as part of the Oregon National Ocean Part- gime have focused on the California coast (e.g., nership Program (NOPP) project The Prediction of Beardsley et al. 1987; Zemba and Friehe 1987; Winant Wind-Driven Coastal Circulation. This project was un- et al. 1988; Bridger et al. 1993; Banta 1995; Dorman dertaken with the recognition that understanding and et al. 1999; Holt 1996; Burk and Thompson 1996; Burk modeling the coastal ocean requires improved knowl- et al. 1999, KoracÆin and Dorman 1999; Dorman et al. edge of coastal atmospheric processes. The atmospher- 2000). For instance, Zemba and Friehe (1987) showed ic component of the Oregon NOPP project had two that along the California coast, the marine atmospheric speci®c objectives: ®rst, to provide an estimate of air± boundary layer during northerly winds was character- sea ¯uxes for use in the ocean modeling component, and second, to study the dynamics of the coastal at- mosphere along the Oregon coast, including particu- * Current af®liation: NOAA/ETL, Boulder, Colorado. larly the diurnal cycle. The present contribution addresses the second of these Corresponding author address: S. Bielli, Dept. of Atmospheric two objectives. We focus primarily on mesoscale nu- Sciences, University of Washington, Box 351640, Seattle, WA 98195. merical model simulations centered on Newport for four E-mail: [email protected] consecutive days in September 1998. Section 2 presents q 2002 American Meteorological Society Unauthenticated | Downloaded 09/24/21 06:03 AM UTC APRIL 2002 BIELLI ET AL. 993 brie¯y the model, its initialization, and a statistical com- parison of modeled and observed ®elds during summer 1999, including results from a wind pro®ler stationed in Newport as part of the Oregon NOPP project. In section 3 we describe the meteorological situation for the Sep- tember 1998 simulations. The results of the control sim- ulation as well as comparison with wind pro®ler data and a 1-day sensitivity study without terrain are presented in section 4. In section 5, we examine the horizontal mo- mentum budget along the coast, and present a ®nal dis- cussion and a summary in section 6. 2. Model description and initial conditions a. The ARPS model Numerical simulations were performed using the Ad- vanced Regional Prediction System (ARPS) described in detail in Xue et al. (1995). The version of the model used for this study is a three-dimensional, nonhydros- tatic, compressible version, with a terrain-following ver- tical coordinate. Only the warm microphysical processes FIG. 1. The 12- and 4-km domains with the terrain height and the are taken into account, using the Kessler (1969) param- position of the wind pro®ler near Newport (44.78N, 124.078W) and eterization. In all simulations, a stretched vertical co- buoy 46050 (44.628N, 124.538W). The dotted line is the position of the cross sections through Newport. ordinate was used to maximize resolution in the lowest of the 32 levels of the model. Close to the surface, the resolution was 20 m with the ®rst point above ground conditions were imposed from Eta analyses, and the level at 20 m; it progressively increased to an average model was initialized every day at 1200 UTC with a of 450 m. The top of the model is at 13-km altitude, cold start and was run for 24 h. For the 12- and 4-km and a sponge layer is applied above 9 km to minimize domains, initial and time-dependent lateral boundary the re¯ection of internal gravity waves. Increasing the conditions were obtained, respectively, from the 36- and average vertical grid size to 250 m or increasing the 12-km output in a one-way nesting procedure. A sen- altitude of both the sponge layer or the top of the model sitivity study was conducted for 11 September 1998 to did not result in any major differences during a 24-h study the effect of the coastal orography, which con- simulation. Indeed, the sponge layer is relatively low, sisted of removing the terrain but leaving the surface but the main activity is taking place in the low levels characteristics of land unaltered. for this kind of event. Model physical parameterizations also included a 1.5-order turbulent kinetic energy (TKE), fourth-order advection in both horizontal direc- c. Statistical wind pro®ler and buoy veri®cation tions, and radiation and surface ¯ux schemes. The model Before proceeding to the September 1998 case study, topography was derived from the global terrain database we brie¯y summarize a statistical comparison of mod- with 30-s terrain resolution. The model was triply nested eled and observed variables during summer 1999. As with one-way interaction on 60 3 60 grids with 36-, part of the Oregon NOPP project, forecast-mode (36-h 12-, and 4-km resolution. Each domain was centered forecast with cold start at 0000 UTC each day) simu- near Newport, Oregon (44.78N, 124.08W) (Fig. 1). lations were conducted during June through August 1999 with the ARPS model, on the 36- and 12-km do- b. Initial conditions and case study mains. Statistical comparisons of summer 1999 modeled variables from the 12-km grid with National Data Buoy The 4-day period from 1200 UTC September 11 to Center (NDBC) buoy 46050 (44.628N, 124.538W) and 1200 UTC September 15 1998 was selected for this land-based meteorological (Coastal-Marine Automated study. The ¯ow along the Oregon coast experienced Network, CMAN) observations at Newport (Fig. 1) are strong northerly wind during this period and was char- shown in Table 1. Statistics have been calculated based acteristic of a pattern frequently observed during sum- on hourly data and hours 4 to 27 have been used for mer months. the model. The model simulates pressure and northerly The 36-km domain was initialized using data inter- wind variability well, with high correlations between polated from the National Centers for Environmental modeled and observed ®elds. The model shows a rel- Prediction (NCEP) ``early'' Eta Model output (grid 212, atively good agreement with the buoy data for the mean 40-km resolution). Time-dependent lateral boundary pressure, but underestimates it at Newport, which might Unauthenticated | Downloaded 09/24/21 06:03 AM UTC 994 MONTHLY WEATHER REVIEW VOLUME 130 TABLE 1. Statistics of buoy 46050, model, and Newport CMAN (NWO3) data during summer 1999 (Jun±Aug); N is the number of observations, u is cross-shore wind, y is alongshore wind, and std is standard deviation. The last three columns are the correlation, the bias, and the root-mean-square error between the model and the observations.
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