Royal Australian The offi cial newspape r of the R oyal Australian N avy Sea King to the rescue IGraha?~ Davis I ~~v~O~~~ ~~~(~;1:~~ first of (he services to be caJledout \0 help with the Thredbo landslide disasler. For those who were to become involved in the mission iI \Ooas not a new expenence because they had flown regularly 10 the scene and had been involved in annual fcscue • HUON.,. the"N t ortheR AN's n:::,w:;",;;;,;;;,,;:..:"; , m:;;;"=';::h";:;n;:;,"'::'.~~~~"""!!!!!!!-";'~~~;,.,.! training. Alerted at 4.30am on Thursday. Jul y 31. by Maritime Hc:adquaners. members of the RAN's817 squad ron at HMAS ALBATROSS. were asked to fly to Albion Park and colleel two expens from HUON ARST CLASS the Southern Mines Rescue first ship to bear the name was completed in Squad(basedruBulli). 1916 and began patrolling in the Philippines They were then [0 fly to hel p prevent the movement of war matcri- them and their equipment 31s from the Far East to Eu rope. to the Snowy Mountains H ~~~h'U~~:~ ~f at~~atn~: ~~;~~~~~ ~ "' In May 19 17 HUON was despatched to a cliffside where a landslip Newcastle. distinctly unfriendly Mediterranean to begin had pushed Carinya Lodge She was officially launched by wife of tile patrol opemtions at the mouth of the Adriatic on 10 Bimbadcen Lodge Mayor of I-Iuon Valley Council. Mrs BellY Sea, an area with a high concentration of U­ crush ing both and tr.lpping Nonis, on July 25. boats. After a long and distinguished service an estim;ued 19 people in Defcnce Minister Mr Ian Mclachlan. Chief the first HUON was finally scrapped in the the rubble. of Navy VADM Don Chalmers and the early 1930s:' The experts, Mr Granl Commander of the USN's Seventh Fl eet VADM Chalmers said lhe first of the ncw Douglas. the manager of VADM Roocn Natter, brought good wishes minehuntcrs would continue the RAN's fond the Southern' Mines for an occasion which "wet the bottom" of association with Tasmania into the next cen­ Rescue Squad and his the first of the six new ships that will provide IUry. senioflrainingofficerMr the main thrust of Austra1ia'~ mine warfare "Depots such as HMAS HUON, which Con Stroemer, had been flotilla. closed in 1994. werc integral to the mobilisa­ r;alled from their beds by The name HUON perpetuates links with tion of the RAN during the Second World police just after 2am arxl the past. HMAS HUON I was the first steel WM. been asked to go to warship built in Australia - a torpedo boat ''Theexlensive and valuable scrvice provid­ Thredbo to assiSi with the destroyer that ed by s uch rescue. came off the establi shments At ALBATROSS. air­ Co c kat 0 0 ' ... Navy, as e pitomises the craft '""920" was wheeled Island s lipway sacrifices of from its hangar and in 1916. It a ll those who checked by ground crew was also the usual, is early' served in the and pilotS. Navy's depot in Navy during LCDR Paul Lea and Tasmania. World War II :' LEUT Greg Edmistone But the new HUON and her sister ship will Mr Mc Lachlan spoke after a flypast by were to fly the Sea King be at the leading edge of technology in the three FlAIg Hornet aircraft from neMby with LEUT Steve Han­ increasingly sophisticated world of mine war­ RAAF Base Williamtown. cock. CPO Paul Coxell fare. 'Tm told Ihat whatever you thought the and PO Manin Bunon as They will be inmumental in providlllg pro­ arrangements were today that the n ypast obsc..... ers and crewmen. tection of the approaches to our pons - focal pro\'cs that the RAAF is always on lime and H Before the aircro.ftcoold areas or "choke poinls as the expen s call the Navy. as usual. is early," he remarked. lift off for Albion Park the them - from milling which could restrict or " 1 only wish that all our defence contracts two mine rescuers drove in even block the trade on which the country were carried out to this point. 35 months to ALBATROSS, linked depends. after they were contr.lcted. up with the crew and "'HUON's ability to maintain Australia'S "HUON will commence sea trials in April shortened the time to the sea lanes of communication will be vital in next year and thereafter will flow like the rescue scene. the Navy's effort to fight at sea and win:' rivers that they were namedaftcr. We'll have "We departed ALBA­ Admiral Chalmers said. HMA Ships HAWKESBURY, NORMAN, TROSS at 6.SOrun:· LEUT "A technologically advanced design, the GASCOYNE, YARRA and DlAMANTINA EdmiSione said. HUON class will provide for Australia's mine which wi11 be deJivered in 2002. "' II was a one hour 15 countemleasures needs well into the next cen­ The HUON design is leading-edge engi­ minulCflighl tury and will play 3n important role in the neering, materials arxl technology and our sea "We koew foreJtamplc Navy's task of defending the maritime lanes and maritime {mdt, vital to Australia'S where the car park in approaches to our coastline:' wellbeing, will be well served by reducing Thrcdbo is situated. Our VADM Chalmers tmced the backgrourxl of our ,:ulnerabililY to mining during times of landing point. 1be training the name HUON in the RAN. He said the • Con tinu rd PI4 - I Contract seals our Free service on home loans new chopper fleet Pw~~I~~e~:!~t :ao~rr;:~:~~h~~~~~~o::o'::~~ advice service. The Department of Veterans' Affairs has T~'iC;::! onn ~h: centralised its functions in Melbourne to try to way a ft cr the formal increase the efficiency of depanmemal operations. signing of a S660 million The national centre will be responsible for contract with US-based processing applications and managing loans. tasks Kaman Aerospace previously carried out in each State. The FrcecalJ number - 1800 722 000 - will be in intcmalional . The Defence Minister. opet8tionfrom Septe:mberI . Mr Ian McLachl an. said an in -service support contract was also signed to provide long-Ierm support se rvices for the helicopters once th ey enter service. The helicopters, to be known as th e SH·2G(A) Super Seaspri lc. arc: designed 10 operate from ANZAC frigates. Developed by Kaman Ae rospace:, the Super Seaspritc is a twin­ Phone 1800 644 247 engined aircraft which OPERATION LIFEGUA RD IS A CONFIDENTIAL will enhance and ex tend TOLL-FREE TELEPHONE SERVI CE THAT the operational capabili­ PROVIDES AN INFORMATION AND REI--ERRAL ties of the ANZAC ships. SERVICE TO ANY NAVAL PERSONN EL WIIO The aircraft will be CONSIDER THEY IlAVE BEEN SU BJECTED TO, fitted with the Penguin ACCUSED OF, OR WITNESS TO ANY FORM OF anti-Shi pping missile DISCRIMINATION OR HARASS~tENT. system, modern sensors hlanhasannounceda CA LL ERS WILL BE GIVEN INFORMATION and an advanced digital with e:\tensive Australian short li st of six potential Hercules Iran sports on ABOUT THEIR RIGHTS AND AVENU ES av ionicssuile. induslry involvement contractors for supplying order from th e US also AVA ILABLE FOR FURTHER ACTION IF "The helicopters repre­ being generated in the Government's continuing ADF aircr:aft, including wou ld be equipped with sent an important new development of the drive to provide support the Navy's Sea King's. similarcapabilities. capability for the Royal aircra ffs software and to the ADF through with electronic w:arfare The six potenlial Australian Navy and the avionics suile and th e industry thereby releasing selfprot:ooionequipment. suppliers are British Australian Defence Force through.lifemaintenance uniformed personnel for The Minister said Sea Aerospace Australia, as a whole, by signifi­ and repair support phase," front line duties." Kings, Black Hawks, Lockheed f\.lartin. cantly increasing the he said The first of the Super Chinoo k and Fil l Northrop Grumman. ability to monitor and "Furthermore the Seasprites is e:\pecte:d to aircraft would be Raytheon E-Systems. defend Australia's mari­ service contract with th e be delivered in the fi rst equipped with the Rockwe:ll-ASTA Defence time approaches and Kaman will cover the half of 2001 with electromc warfare kit~ as other areas of interest:' technical and training deliveries completed by pari of a general Mr Mclachlan said. support requirements of mid 2002. upgrading of AOF ''TIle aircraft is design- the helicopters through Meanwhile. Mr McLac- aircraft. Young se:art1:an was HMAS HAWKES · c ~nf~t~latiopn~ ~~ complaining that the BURY. With a touch ... Laurence of I-IM AS Zippo brand lighter he'd or whimsy it reads: _¢tNk.~/.~IW4 "Our SEAFOODS PENGU IN. who has bought his dad wouldn't received a Herbert Lou wOfk . "OidyoufilJitup have been extracted ADORfSS r~t:*g):HmlSupport ConI'rIam Headq~ Naval Trost Fund:alOo'ard. with lighter nuid?"" his from the depths of the WIIM117,PimlNRoat!(1ormerIyJonesSlrlUYdl Paul's award follows his mate asked. "What's oceans WITHOUT """,,1iSII2009 DEPTII CHARGES, POST"lAOORESS:lUvyNews,locked8ag 12. Pyrmom, NSW, 2009. seltinga particul:arly thaI. .. ?" f'tfONE;(02)95631202.FAX:(02)95631411 high standard in an PUBUSHEO:tOlltliVhUy·OATEO:Monday advanced clearance TYPE SIZE Of PAGE: Approl. 38cmx26cm,7cofu 8 ems. diver course: last year. TYPESET· ~Pmt , 8-10frankStred,W!!h!riPatk.NSW. 21S4 The Herbert Lou fund Pt1{(2)97573tOO awards prizes only 10 I'ftlNIED:hIlIuCorrmlntlyh'ewsoapen 41~Strm. those who ha\'e excelled CorO!IIM,N5W,2200 In their courses. COPYDEAOI..INE: Mont:Iaypnortodat!otiSsue. CIRCULATION: 1 1IIL'JIlI\IITI oI20.lXXIcopt!Spef iSsue. OISTRIBUTlON:nlltOnalto s!mng and IOtmer pmonnel. civih.1ns, "I'm earning dockyards.
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