1.1. i Y / Aid For ^ The Weather / Clear-tonlght with :patchy fog, . Flood Victims low in the upper 60o. Sunday mostly sunny and humid, high Page 5 in the mid 80s with a-1 in 10^ chance of rain. Mancheater—^A City of Village Charm VOL. XCI, NO. 232 (SIXTEEN PAGES^TV SECTION) MANCHESTER, CONN., SATURDAY, JULY 1, 1072 (ClassiUed Advertising on Page 13) PRICE rEEN CENTS ■ Maaaamai usted • I ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ Democrats Near Discord WASJHNGTON (AP) — Chl- lenge, the mood changed The challenge to the Daley ca g o'^ a y or Richard J. Daley, abruptly to bitterness following delegation was based on the re­ ss of the biggest Democratic the California vote. port of a hearing examiner ap­ organization is the country, has A compromise solution re­ pointed by the Credentials been shorn of his convention quiring Chicago Democrats to Committee to investigate the seat in a^ move that left the select a new delegate slate was dispute. The examiner, Cecil F. party teetering on the edge of proposed to the committee by Poole, concluded that the Chi­ discord. Mike Almond, a 23-year-old cago Democratic organization ’The convention's Credentials North Carolina delegate. But it Committee, firmly controlled collapsed without a vote. (See Page Sixteen) by supporters of Sen. George m i McGovern, voted. 71 to 61 Fri­ day night to deny seats to Da­ ley and 58 other uncommitted Illinois delegates. Tile committee voted instead to seat a rival slate of 41 dele­ Pay Hike Guide gates pledged to McGovern and another 18 leaning toward him. The vote was the second ex­ plosive challenge decided by May Be Changed the committee, triggering ex­ treme emotional responses and WASHINGTON (AP) — This hearings around the country de­ setting the stage for a dis­ head of Ihe government’s Pay signed to ultimately modify the cordant convention floor fight. Board says the 5.5-per-cent way anti-inflation regulaticxis But, after the Daley vote, a guideline for, pay raises may be are carried out. Boldt said tes­ leader of the insurgents called changed In order to keep in­ timony would be taken in sev­ for a" healing compromise. flation within desired levels. eral cities, but he did not elabo­ * ■ if’’ ‘ ■ •■/'. McGovern also picked up “ It may very well be the rate. eight convention votes in anoth­ standard will stay,” Chairman In another development af­ er successful challenge in­ George H. Boldt said. “ But, if fecting wages, the Cost of Liv­ volving downstate Illinois dele­ we have to change the standard ing Council refused to exempt gates and so gained back at to reach the objective of a level dentists, barbers, beauticians, ! m least 49 of the delegates he lost of inflation between 2 and 3 per symphony-orchestra menibers ^ Going to the Dogs Thursday when the’ Credentials cent,'the standard will change, and (^llfornia policemen from The Manchester Municipal Building went to the dogs yesterday, up for most of the day. Third in line is Gertrude DeLeo, a Committee outlawed Califor­ period.” federal wage controls. the last day for buying licenses without a penalty. The line blind teacher at Mansfield State Training School recently featur-. nia’s winner-take-oll primary, In his address Friday at the All of the g^roups had applied stripping him of more than half into the town clerk’s office extending into the hallway formed ed in The jHerald. A young friend of the canine world gets ac- National Press Club, Boldt to the council to be free of Pay late in the morning and the steady stream of dog owners kept quainted with her Seeing Eye dog. (Herald photo by Buceivicious) its 271 delegates. gave no Indication how soon Board jurisdiction over their AU of the committee's actions there may be a decision, but salaries. are subject to final approval by said: “ The necessary staff re­ On the food front. President the national convention, which search is under way and should Nixon discussed food prices for opens In Miami Beach July 10, be ready for early study by the an hour with the council BYl- and both the California and Il­ board.” day, and then the panel talked W asp Benefits Hike linois challenges are expected Boldt also said the board will about the matter for more than Allies Stall to be refought there. The Daley hold public meetings in several on hour after he left. delegation is also planning a cities this summer to let Amer­ White House Press Secretary court fight to overturn the com­ icans. make criticisms and sug­ Ronald L. Ziegler said Nlx<»i Defies Nixon mittee ruling. gestions about Pay Board regu­ told the council to explore “ ev­ Loses In Chicago, Daley did not dis­ lations. ery feasible action” to provide WASHINGTON (AP) - — Congress has disregarded close his immediate plans, but The hearings will be held in quality food at reasonable warnings that President Nixon might veto a 20-per cent the Rev. Jesse Jackson, a'lead- Chicago, San Francisco, At­ prices. Sting increase in Social Security benefits and sent the meas­ er of the challenge, said he lanta ,Washlngton, and perhaps As part of the effort, Ziegler SAIGON (AP)—South Vietnam’s northern counter­ ure to the White House hoped a compromise could be other cities. Boldt said. (See Page Sixteen) Nixon, was expected to act on ed, accused Democrats of play­ worked out before the con­ He also -announced a series of offensive slowed down today, but forward elements were vention. within thl-ee miles of enemy-held Quang Tri City, field QUONSEIT POINT, R.I. (AP) the blU before leaving today for ing politics with the measure. — The aircraft carrier USS a two-week stay In San Cle- Nevertheless, the Senate ap­ “ Rather than having a fight reporters said. ^ Wasp, wdilch helped rip apart mente, Calif, in Miami, there 'should be a so­ MeanwhUe, scattejM enemy coastal "Street Without Joy” proved the boost, 82 to 4, and the Japanese war machine In iiie Senate and House acted the House, 302 to 36. The House lution In Chicago,’’ Jackson attacks to the rear and In the east of Quang Tri and a battle World War n , 1^ headed for the FWday night before recessing said. He did not disclose any south showed that the North jyat north of the old jforthbini defeated, 263 to 83, the substi­ Holiday Business scrap heap. unUl July 17 for the Fotuth of tute 20-per-cent proposal. details of the compromise that Vietnamese offensive—now In front of the western flank of the The carrier, which also pa- July hotttjay and the Democrat- might be worked out. ,lts fourth month—Is far -from jj y Chanh River line, Payroll taxes would be In­ This year, with the Fourth of close for the legal holiday Tues­ tndled the blockade line during National Convention, “ It Is clear we have the pow­ day. finished. ^ Field sources said South Vlet- the Cuban missile crisis and Hje Social Security measure, creased in 1973 and again In er to cut him cff, and he has July holiday falling on Tuesday, Allan CDiesterton of the Man­ Oovernment troops reported namese troops were meeting plucked returning American as- the biggest money Increase in 1974 to finance the higher bene- the power to cut us off,” said some area businesses will ob­ chester Summer School has an­ killing 90 enemy soldiers and stiffi^r - resistance as they tronauts from the ocean, will the program’s history, was tied Jackson. "The questlos Is how serve a four-day weekend, nounced that the school will taking four prisoners at a cost neareU Quang Tri and that the be decommissioned today at to a bill extending the $460-bll- M— can we survive together.” close both Monday and Tues­ of two men killed and 25 advance raise was slowed by the the Quonset Point Naval Air Uon debt ceiling through Octo- Daley called the vote “ regret­ while others will close only on wounded on Friday and ^arly lack of bridges over two rivers Statlon. ber. Without such action, mem- Veto table and a great disservice to the Fourth. day. / between the old front and the The Wasp, as tall as a 23-sto- bers were told, the government the Democratic party.” He said The Herald will publish Mon­ Most area businesses will capUve provincial capital. ry building and three footlxill would have to stop paying Its Expected it had the effect of “ dis­ day, but will close Tuesday for open Monday and close Tues­ Associated Press Correspond­ fields long, was assigned here bills by Thursday, enfranchising over 800,000 vot­ the holiday observance. day. The J. German Co., however, Outside ent Holger Jensen reported in 1968 and put up for Wd. Included In the hybrid ers who elected the Illinois Other closings on Tuesday in­ will close both days, and the from the batUefront that heavy From the ^ ra p Its tMis measure—and increasing the delegates.” clude the Municipal Building, and the commercial banks. Manchester Lumber Co. will Quang Tri rains flooded river fords today, be sold to difficulty Nixon would face In fits. But sp<ntsors contended Although there had been talk holding up supply vehicles, in­ AU banks In the state will be close Monday, but remain open make razcu' blades. vetoing It—are provisions for •that at least for the next 26 in the committee of a com­ open for business Monday, and on Tuesday. cluding ammuniUon trucks. The Navy has decided future automatic Social Secur- years, the increases would hit promise pn the Illinois chal­ today.
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