Wye with Hinxhill Parish Council The Resources & General Purposes Committee will meet on Thursday 16th November 2017 starting at 19.15 in the Thomas Berry Room, Methodist Hall, Wye Members of the Committee are hereby summoned to attend AGENDA 130/17R To note those present and to receive apologies for absence 131/17R To receive declarations of the existence and nature of any Disclosable Pecuniary Interest (DPI) and any Other Significant Interest (OSI) from members concerning items on the agenda A member who declares a DPI in relation to any item on the agenda will need to leave the meeting for the whole of that item and will not be able to speak or take part unless a relevant Dispensation has been granted. A member who declares an OSI will be able to speak on the item as a member of the public, but will be required to remove him/herself to the public gallery before the debate, and to leave the meeting for the vote. 132/17R Public Open Session During this item Members of the Public are welcome to speak on any matter on the Agenda, for no longer than 15 minutes unless agreed by the Chairman. 133/17R To resolve that the minutes of the following meeting are an accurate record The Resources & General Purposes Committee held on 19th October 2017 134/17R Finance a. To consider and approve cost of crown lifting trees and repairs to Jungle equipment, clearing vegetation on the Recreation Ground b. To consider and approve cost of crown lifting trees, clearing vegetation and replacing missing fence on Beanfield Allotments c. To receive an update on Section 106 funds due following the completion of the WYE1 development d. To consider and approve a budget for room hire and refreshments during interviews for the Parish Manager. e. To consider and approve a contingency budget in the event that a second advertisement is required for the post of Parish Manager/Clerk f. To consider and approve cost of travel to attend the Plunkett Foundation ‘Inspiring Rural Communities Together Conference 2017’ g. To note income received h. To approve invoices for payment and sign cheques 135/17R PLANNING a. Decided applications i 12/01245/AM01/AS Conningbrook, Willesborough Road, Kennington, Kent To vary the wording of conditions 35 (hard landscaping), 36 (soft landscaping) and 70 (external lighting) from pre-commencement to pre-occupation. Approve Amended Condition Agenda 2017-1116 Resources 1 ii 12/01245/AMND/AS Conningbrook, Willesborough Road, Kennington, Kent Revisions to house type plans & elevations as approved on PP 12/01245/AS for the creation of a country park for recreational & water-sports purposes with a range of associated facilities including an activity centre, a public house/restaurant, change of use of Manor to offices, car parks & other ancillary works & structures including works to the Julie Rose Stadium; construction of 300 dwelling residential development with associated infrastructure & landscaping; provision of an aggregates storage & distribution facility. Amended Plans Approved iii 17/01418/AS Beverley, Amage Road, Wye TN25 5PL Decision: withdrawn at the applicant’s request 17/01450/AS 2 Upper Bridge Street, Wye TN25 5AF To encase, preserve and extend the original 'Steps Down' to The Wye Undercroft. Withdrawn by Applicant b. Tree Preservation Orders i 17/00228/TC 155 Bridge Street, Wye, Ashford, Kent, TN25 5DP 2 Silver Birch Trees: Fell to ground - root ingress, lifting tarmac and paving slabs and excessive shading. Decided. ii 17/00211/TP Land rear of Wife of Bath no 4, Upper Bridge Street, Wye T1 Medlar Tree: prune tree by maximum of 1m over whole crown. Grant Consent c. New planning applications with deadline for comment i 16/01548/CONA/AS Wye School, Kempe Centre, Wye TN25 5EJ - Discharge of condition 5 Comments by 19 November. Construction traffic management ii 16/01548/CONB/AS Wye School, Kempe Centre, Wye TN25 5EJ Discharge of condition 12. Comments by 19 November. Archaeology evaluation iii 16/01548/CONC/AS Wye School, Kempe Centre, Wye TN25 5EJ Discharge of Condition 18. Comments by 19 November. Soft landscaping iv 16/01548/COND/AS Wye School, Kempe Centre, Wye TN25 5EJ Discharge of condition 14. Comments by 23 November. Drainage v 17/01631/AS 35 Bridge Street, Wye, Ashford, Kent, TN25 5ED Demolition of existing rear extension and erection of single and two storey rear extension. Full Planning Permission. Comments by 23 November vi 17/01602/AS Flats 1 to 27 Martin House, Little Chequers, Wye, Kent The replacement of existing UPVC windows. Comments by 26 November vii 17/01646/AS Former Goods Yard, Bramble Lane, Wye, Kent Development of 14 no. dwellings with associated access, parking, gardens and Ecological Habitat Area. Comments by 27 November Agenda 2017-1116 Resources 2 d. Telereal Trillium sites i To receive an update, and approve any action, regarding WYE3 Masterplan and other Telereal Trillium sites ii To receive and consider a response to the letter from Richard Alderton, ABC Director of Place and Space, dated 3 November 2017. iii To receive and consider a response to the letter from David Jarman, Hobbs Parker to Wye PC comments on the draft masterplan. iv To consider and approve a budget to cover costs relating to community consultation v To receive the Notes from the Planning Working Group, to approve recommendations and authorise any action 136/17R Village matters a. To receive an update regarding the appointment of a Governor to represent the Parish Council on the Lady Joanna Thornhill School Foundation b. To note that the 2013 Housing Needs Survey should be renewed and to initiate a replacement Housing Needs Survey to inform the WYE3 Masterplan process 137/17R Open spaces a. To consider options for the Youth Shelter b. To consider and authorise whether to take a stall at the Christmas Street Party 138/17R To note correspondence from: a. Ashford Annual Forum of 3 October – including Heritage Strategy, Corporate update from ABC, De-maining of rivers, Recycling, Volunteering, concluding with priorities and future projects. NOTE: Priorities include ‘safeguard and conserve the historic sense of place. b. ABC Ashford’s Festive Fun Day c. KCC Highways winter service provisions d. Kent Fire & Rescue Service consultation on safety and wellbeing plan e. NALC news release ‘NALC demands more power and influence for communities’. f. Plunkett Foundation- Inspiring Rural Communities Together Conference 2017 139/17R To hear & note items for the next agenda or for information only Note - no decisions can be taken on any item raised under this heading. 140/17R To note the dates of meetings o Thursday 7th December at 19.15 Parish Council - Small Village Hall o Thursday 21st December at 19.15 R&GP committee - Thomas Berry Room 141/17R Close of meeting Signed V A McLean Clerk to the Parish Council 10th November 2017 Parish Council meetings are open. Members of the public and press are welcome to attend, and will be given an opportunity to speak on any matter on the agenda. Agenda 2017-1116 Resources 3 .
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