TABLE OF CONTENTS 8.0 REFERENCES, ACRONYMS, INDEX AND GLOSSARY 8.1 List of References .......................................................................................................... 8-1 8.2 List of Acronyms & Abbreviations ................................................................................ 8-21 8.3 Glossary ....................................................................................................................... 8-24 8.4 Index ............................................................................................................................ 8-32 Oil and Gas Leasing on the Dixie National Forest FEIS Chapter 8 i 8.1 List of References BLM. See US Department of the Interior. Bureau of Land Management Barrett, S. W., Arno, S. F., and J. P. Menakis. 1997. Fire episodes in the Inland Northwest (1540-1940) based on fire history data. INT-GTR-370. Ogden, UT: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Intermountain Research Station. Beck, J. 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Publication Number 10-20 Utah Division of Wildlife Resources. Salt Lake
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