Vol.Vol. 117117,, NNo.130o.130 Friday, March 31, 2017 Antonella Crescimbeni/Collegian A student holds up a sign on the Old Main steps in protest of restrictions against greek life on Thursday, March 30. 6WXGHQWV Greek life restricted SURWHVW By Frank Esposito THE DAILY COLLEGIAN Penn State released a new RQ2OG set of restrictions on greek life Thursday after further inves- tigating incidents at the Beta Theta Pi fraternity. One of these 0DLQ restrictions postpones rushing until the spring semester of 2018 By Frank Esposito and another limits the amount of THE DAILY COLLEGIAN social events a greek organiza- tion may have per semester. Students gathered at Old Beta Theta Pi will permanently Main’s steps as the five o’clock lose recognition at Penn State, bell rang. according to a press release. Penn State released new sanc- Damon Sims, vice president for tions aimed at controlling greek Student Affairs, said on a call life, which may have prompted Thursday morning that he would Jason Zachary to start a Face- have ranked Beta Theta Pi as one book group to organize the pro- of the “top three” fraternities at test. Penn State prior to the February In the Facebook group, Zach- death of sophomore Timothy Pi- ary warned those attending to not azza. speak with the press. KC Black/Collegian Sims also laid out a new set of People would not answer any enacted rules for greek organi- Students sit on the steps of Old Main to protest the restrictions against greek organizations on Thursday, questions about why they attend- zations to maintain recognition March 30. ed. from the university. As the group sat on the steps, Management Program trained 7KHUHZLOOEHQRWROHUDQFHIRU said over the phone. some female students held a sign The rules are as follows: servers only, though third-party, hazing in these organizations, as Recent research shows that that read “Make Greek Life Great )RUPDO UHFUXLWPHQW RI QHZ licensed RAMP certified serv- all hazing is a violation of Penn- Penn State fraternity and so- Again.” fraternity and sorority members, ers are preferred. Only beer and sylvania law. Hazing that involves rority members are four times Students left shortly after 6 also known as rush, will be de- wine may be served, and kegs alcohol or serious physical abuse more likely than the general p.m. ferred from fall to spring semes- will not be permitted. will likely lead to loss of universi- student population to be heavy ter for both fraternities and so- $WWHQGDQFH DW VRFLDO HYHQWV ty recognition. Increased educa- drinkers, according to the re- To email reporter: [email protected]. rorities in the 2017-18 academic will be limited to the legal ca- tional programming focused on lease. Follow him on Twitter at @FqEsposito. year. Requirements for students SDFLW\ RI WKH FKDSWHU KRXVH 1R preventing hazing will be manda- But heavy drinking isn’t the to participate in recruitment day-long events will be allowed, tory for all chapter members. only problem for greek life at thereafter will include comple- and no more than 10 socials with “A fundamental shift is re- Penn State. tion of at least 12 credits while alcohol per semester will be per- quired if these organizations are Additionally, sorority wom- enrolled full-time. In consultation mitted for each chapter, a reduc- to be truly successful and sustain- en are 50 percent more likely Piazza’s with various constituents within tion from the current limit of 45, able, both at Penn State and else- than other female students the Penn State greek community which was established by Penn where,” Sims said in the release. to be sexually assaulted , and and their national organizations, State’s Interfraternity Council. “We will work diligently with our fraternity men are 62 per- other requirements and the pos- )DLOXUH E\ WKH JUHHN RUJD- students, alumni, national orga- cent more likely to commit a death sibility of deferring rush until a nizations to effectively prevent nizations and any other partners sexual assault than non-fra- student’s sophomore year will be underage consumption and ex- who share our commitment to ternity men, according to the considered for 2018-19. Further cessive drinking in their facilities student well-being to ensure that release. ÀQGLQJVWR discussion about the size of new and activities may lead the uni- the necessary transformation oc- The ban on socials with alco- membership classes within these versity to adopt further restric- curs.” hol will be lifted come the fall organizations will be part of an tions, including the possibility of These restrictions are aimed at semester, Sims said. However, be released ongoing review. declaring that the system must combating the negative aspects new rules limit the alcohol of- 1HZ VRFLDO UHVWULFWLRQV ZLOO be completely dry. in greek life at Penn State. ferings to only beer and wine, include a strongly enforced pro- These social restrictions will These new rules were not put no kegs. mid-April hibition against underage pos- be enforced by a new monitoring into place only because of the These new rules and restric- session or consumption of alcohol protocol that will use both third death at Beta Theta Pi or be- tions put in place by Penn State By Frank Esposito in chapter houses and activities. parties and a combination of stu- cause of previously reported haz- take aim at the independence THE DAILY COLLEGIAN Service of alcohol at social events dent leadership and university ing issues at Kappa Delta Rho, of greek organizations, which must follow Pennsylvania law staff. When discovered, any vio- Sims said. hasn’t yet produced positive Centre County District At- (e.g. limited to those 21 years of lations of these expectations will “Penn State received five ad- changes, Sims said. torney Stacy Parks Miller will age or older), and must be dis- result in appropriate and signifi- ditional reports of hazing in the To read full story, visit release the findings and evi- tributed by Reasonable Alcohol cant disciplinary action. weeks after [the death]”, Sims collegian.psu.edu. dence in the investigations into the death of Tim Piazza, according to a press release from her office. Parks Miller assured the public New Greek Life Restrictions that her office remained heavily involved with the case, according to the release. “My office is dedicated to en- ij%HWD7KHWD3LSHUPDQHQWO\EDQQHG suring that every investigation is thoroughly accomplished and that justice, when demanded by ij1RIDOOIUDWHUQLW\RUVRURULW\UXVK the facts, is doggedly pursued,” Parks Miller said. “Rest assured ij1RGD\ORQJV that we will discover what truly transpired to Timothy Piazza be- hind the doors of Beta Theta Pi ij1RPRUHWKDQVRFLDOVZLWKDOFRKROSHU that evening.” Piazza died in early February FKDSWHUSHUVHPHVWHU at a pledging event at the Beta Theta Pi fraternity, as previously reported by The Daily Collegian. ij2QO\EHHUDQGZLQHQRNHJV Today university administra- tors released restrictions on ijĮ6WURQJO\HQIRUFHGSURKLELWLRQįRIXQGHUDJH the greek community at Penn State. GULQNLQJ To email reporter: [email protected]. Follow him on Twitter at @FqEsposito. PAGE 2 | FRIDAY, MARCH 31, 2017 LOCAL THE DAILY COLLEGIAN WEATHER BAR SPECIALS Extended forecast Today Tonight Tomorrow Sunday campusweatherservice.com High 44 Low 40 High 51, Low 36 High 58, Low 40 Courtesy of Campus Weather Weekend Café Friday: $6 Bud Light pitchers CHEAP THRILLS half off drafts, mixed drinks and shots from 6 p.m. to 8 p.m. Saturday: $3.50 Blue Moon 24oz drafts $8 32oz Bacardi Oakheart Pitchers Gaff Friday: $6 Liquor Pitchers until midnight $3 Tallboys (All Day, Everyday) Happy Hour: 9 p.m. to 12 a.m. $3 Turbo & Vodka Doubles Saturday: $6 Liquor Pitchers until midnight $3 Tallboys (All Day, Everyday) Happy Hour: 9pm- 12am $3 IDK Doubles Phyrst Friday: $1 Coors Lite drafts all day until midnight Half price everything from 7 p.m. to 9 p.m. Saturday: $5 Car Bombs all day until midnight Half price everything from 7 p.m. to 9 p.m. The All-American Rathskeller KC Black/Collegian Friday: Smirnoff until Ryan Osgood (freshman-psychology) purchases tickets from the Bryce Jordan Center HUB Ticket Sale in the HUB-Robeson Center on Thursday, March 30. midnight Saturday: Jack Daniels until midnight made fresh daily $ 99 select 4 rolls Wednesdays LionCash+ accepted, visit us at: 255 Northland Center 2222 East College Avenue GiantFoodStores.com THE DAILY COLLEGIAN LOCAL FRIDAY, MARCH 31, 2017 | PAGE 3 Video Game Club to host “Nerd THON” By Tina Locurto to 20 hours, until the end where During the marathon, several THE DAILY COLLEGIAN everyone is so tired we basically members will run an event called stare at the ceiling to pass the “Survivor,” which Baker said is Members of the Penn State time until the end,” he said. like the TV Show “Survivor” but Video Game Club will be staying A wide variety of games, with video games. awake for 24 hours playing video including single and multiplayer “Survivor is kind of like a game games in a marathon members video games, tabletop games show, where we have different call the “nerd version of THON.” and cards will be available, and rounds with various video games The marathon is starting at there will be a newly-released between two teams, and after 4 p.m. in the West Halls Study Nintendo Switch for participants each round whoever gets voted Lounge and has an entry fee of to use. Baker said everyone is off is the losing team,” Mikayla $4.99, which will benefit the Extra encouraged to bring whatever DeBaker said. Life charity organization. games they would like and stay DeBaker (sophomore - “Extra Life is a charitable for as long as they want, but computer science) said she is organization for gamers that they are not obligated to stay the most excited for Survivor, and is raises money for children’s entire 24 hours.
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