vol. 156, no. 2 the american naturalist august 2000 Hot Spots, Cold Spots, and the Geographic Mosaic Theory of Coevolution Richard Gomulkiewicz,1,2,* John N. Thompson,1,² Robert D. Holt,3 Scott L. Nuismer,1 and Michael E. Hochberg4,³ 1. School of Biological Sciences, P.O. Box 644236, Washington hot and cold spots, and by the pattern of gene ¯ow among State University, Pullman, Washington 99164; populations. 2. Department of Pure and Applied Mathematics, P.O. Box 643113, Washington State University, Pullman, Washington 99164; Keywords: geographic mosaic, coevolution, hot and cold spots, hard 3. Department of Evolution and Ecology and Natural History and soft selection, mutualism, antagonism. Museum, University of Kansas, Lawrence, Kansas 66045; 4. Institute of Ecology, University of Paris VI, 7 quai St. Bernard, 75252 Paris Cedex 05, France Interspeci®c interactions between pairs of species are often Submitted August 27, 1999; Accepted March 21, 2000 composed of collections of genetically differentiated pop- ulations connected by gene ¯ow. Well-studied examples from natural populations include interactions between wild ¯ax and ¯ax rust (Burdon and Thrall 1999), snails and trematodes within New Zealand lakes (Lively 1999), abstract: Species interactions commonly coevolve as complex geo- graphic mosaics of populations shaped by differences in local selec- wild Drosophila melanogaster populations and their par- tion and gene ¯ow. We use a haploid matching-alleles model for asitoids (Kraaijeveld and Godfray 1999), legumes and rhi- coevolution to evaluate how a pair of species coevolves when ®tness zobia (Parker and Spoerke 1998; Parker 1999), red cross- interactions are reciprocal in some locations (ªhot spotsº) but not bills and lodgepole pines (Benkman 1999), garter snakes in others (ªcold spotsº). Our analyses consider mutualistic and an- and Taricha salamanders (Brodie and Brodie 1999), wild tagonistic interspeci®c interactions and a variety of gene ¯ow patterns parsnips and parsnip webworms (Berenbaum and Zangerl between hot and cold spots. We found that hot and cold spots to- 1998), yuccas and yucca moths (Leebens-Mack et al. 1998), gether with gene ¯ow in¯uence coevolutionary dynamics in four and Greya moths and their saxifragaceous host plants important ways. First, hot spots need not be ubiquitous to have a global in¯uence on evolution, although rare hot spots will not have (Thompson 1999). All these interactions show geographic a disproportionate impact unless selection is relatively strong there. differentiation in the genetic structure of the interacting Second, asymmetries in gene ¯ow can in¯uence local adaptation, populations and in the traits important to the association. sometimes creating stable equilibria at which species experience min- The geographic mosaic theory of coevolution argues imal ®tness in hot spots and maximal ®tness in cold spots, or vice that the overall coevolutionary dynamics of such inter- versa. Third, asymmetries in gene ¯ow are no more important than actions are driven by three components of geographic asymmetries in population regulation for determining the mainte- structure: selection mosaics, coevolutionary hot spots, and nance of local polymorphisms through coevolution. Fourth, intra- speci®c allele frequency differences among hot and cold spot pop- trait remixing (Thompson 1994; Thompson 1997). Selec- ulations evolve under some, but not all, conditions. That is, selection tion mosaics occur when natural selection on interactions mosaics are indeed capable of producing spatially variable coevo- varies among different communities. Hot spots are com- lutionary outcomes across the landscapes over which species interact. munities in which interacting species have reciprocal ef- Altogether, our analyses indicate that coevolutionary trajectories can fects on ®tness and are often embedded within surround- be strongly shaped by the geographic distribution of coevolutionary ing communities in which interspeci®c selection affects only one or neither species (cold spots). Finally, a com- * To whom correspondence should be addressed; e-mail: [email protected]. bination of gene ¯ow, random genetic drift, and extinc- ² Present address: Ecology and Evolutionary Biology Group, Department of Biology, University of California, Santa Cruz, California 95064. tion/colonization dynamics continually reshapes the ge- ³ Present address: Institut des Sciences de l'Evolution, UMR-CNRS 5554, netic landscape over which future selection takes place Universite de Montpelier 2 (CC 065), 34095 Montpelier, France. (trait remixing). This tripartite coevolutionary process Am. Nat. 2000. Vol. 156, pp. 156±174. q 2000 by The University of Chicago. should produce three general ecological patterns: different 0003-0147/2000/15602-0005$03.00. All rights reserved. combinations of coevolved traits in different regions, local Coevolution in Coupled Hot and Cold Spots 157 maladaptation within some interactions, and few geo- to be important in shaping the overall evolution of species? graphically uniform coevolved traits. Or, can cold spots have disproportionately strong effects There is now evidence for selection mosaics (e.g., Brodie on the overall evolution of interactions when rare? Second, and Brodie 1991; Ritland 1995; Travis 1996; Carroll et al. how do asymmetric patterns of gene ¯ow between species 1997; Radtkey et al. 1997), coevolutionary hot spots (Benk- interact with spatially variable selection to shape the evo- man 1999), and trait remixing (e.g., Dybdahl and Lively lution of interactions? Examples of such asymmetries are 1996; Burdon and Thrall 1999) in coevolving interactions. growing as the evolutionary genetics of more interactions Formal theory exploring these components of the geo- are studied in detail (Michalakis et al. 1993; Dybdahl and graphic mosaic is beginning to provide more precise pre- Lively 1996; Thrall and Burdon 1997; Althoff and Thomp- dictions of how these components interact to shape co- son 1999). Moreover, a recent metapopulation model sug- evolutionary dynamics. Two models have explicitly gests that asymmetric gene ¯ow among hot spots can in- explored the development and dynamics of selection mo- ¯uence the potential for local adaptation in coevolving saics among coevolutionary hot spots. Hochberg and van hosts and parasites (Gandon et al. 1996). Third, do selec- Baalen (1998) showed that interactions between predators tion mosaics, coevolutionary hot spots, and trait remixing and prey along environmental gradients of prey produc- tend to create spatially variable patterns of evolution across tivity (i.e., prey birth rate) can produce gradients of coe- landscapes? If so, then coevolution is likely to be an im- volutionary hot spots that vary in selection intensity. Using portant determinant of ecological interactions and dynam- a different approach, Nuismer et al. (1999) evaluated a ics within local communities. genetic model in which interactions between two species We begin by developing a general model for the evo- varied from antagonism to mutualism among commu- lutionary dynamics of a pair of interacting species inhab- nities. They modeled an extreme selection mosaic (antag- iting a geographically variable landscape that includes hot onism vs. mutualism) that included a pair of equal-sized and cold spots. Our general model can be applied to most coevolutionary hot spots connected by gene ¯ow. Al- any pattern of gene ¯ow between hot spots and cold spots though the above models do not consider cold spots, their (®g. 1). Although biologically simple, the general model results hint at the importance of components of selection is mathematically cumbersome and dif®cult to analyze mosaics in shaping the overall coevolutionary trajectory of interacting species. Moreover, Nuismer et al.'s (1999) analyses indicated that local coevolutionary dynamics can depend strongly on geographically connected coevolu- tionary hot spots. Under some conditions (e.g., geographic asymmetries in the strength of reciprocal selection and moderate gene ¯ow levels), the coevolutionary dynamics of a local interaction with mutualistic selection could ac- tually resemble those of an isolated antagonistic interaction or vice versa. Minimization of local ®tness was a common consequence of coevolution in this model. Here, we analyze the scenario directly envisioned by the geographic mosaic theory in which coevolutionary hot spots exist within a broader geographic landscape that in- cludes regions of coevolutionary cold spots, that is, regions in which there is no reciprocal selection. Speci®cally, we examine how the frequencies of hot and cold spots com- bined with various patterns of gene ¯ow can shape co- evolution for a pair of species distributed across a land- scape containing hot and cold spots. The goal of our analyses is to develop a formal under- standing of how gene ¯ow between hot and cold spots creates coevolutionary dynamics different from those that would be predicted for closed populations. We are espe- Figure 1: Types of coupled coevolutionary hot and cold spot habitats. cially interested in using the models as a step toward un- Curved arrows indicate interspeci®c effects on ®tness. The ®tness of a species at the arrow tip is affected by the other species. Horizontal arrows derstanding three practical questions on how ongoing co- indicate species-speci®c patterns of gene ¯ow between hot and cold spots. evolution contributes to the organization of biodiversity. Solid and dashed arrows indicate unlimited and
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