Member of ‘Audit Bureau of Cireulationi NATIONAL ST. FRANCES CABRINI SHRINE PLANNED 1 \ ContenU Copyrighted by the Cetholie Press Society, Inc. 1946—Permission to reproduce, Except on Articles Otherwise Marked, given After 12 M. Friday Following Issue Orphan Summer Camp I Near M L Loekeut Will r 1 DENVER CATHOUC Be Site of Memorial Special Ceremonies This Sunday to Lanneh REG ISTER PnjecI in Honor of Fits! U. S. Can­ The National Catholic Welfare Conference News Service Supplies The Denver Catholic Register. Wo ■ Have Also the International News Service (Wire and Mail), a Large Special Service, Seven Smaller onized Citizen Services, Photo Features, and Wide World Photos. (8 cents per copy) The first steps in a local program to make the Mt. St. VOL. XLI, No. 50. DENVER, COLO., THURSDAY, AUGUST 8, 1946. $1 PER YEAR Francis summer camp a national shrine to St. Frances Cabtini will be launched this Sunday afternoon in special ceremonies at the camp, situated near Lookout mountain. The Queen of Heaven Aid society, an organization of lay women who help in the work of the Missionary Servants Only Four of 56 Negro Children of the Sacred- Heart, nuns who run the orphanage founded in Denver by Mother Cabrini, will assist the sisters in the sponsoring of an old-fashioned 'V picnic at the mountain camp to In Vacation School Are Catholic which all Catholics and devotees of St. Frances are invited. High lights of the afternoon will Letter of Thanks to Benefactors Sent to Arcb- include a flag raising at'the camp F estiv a l conducted by a special color guard Jaap bishop by Students; Fr. Yersavel, S .J ., from Lowry Field. It is expected Jos. that nearly ,100 Catholic soldiers Profit Is Directs Annual Glass Johnny Tolan is shown above as ha received flier is also far out in front in point standings, from the field will take part in the the Stars and Stripes sweepstsJses trophy at Lake­ based on prize money earnings, for the season. ceremonies. Benediction of the Wins 2nd side midget auto traek in Denver Jnly 4. Easily Ho is a member of St. John’s parish in Denver. Blessed Sacrament will be held on J Of the 56 children enrolled in St. Peter Claver’s sum­ the leader in popularity at the track, the ex-marine the front porch of the large house, $ 20,000 mer school for Colored children, Denver, only four were + + I + + + + planned by Mother Cabrini, on the Catholics and they were converts of last year, reports the camp grounds. The Rev. John J. Climaxing four days of festivity. C ita tion Klek, chaplain at Lowry Field, Rev. Arthur F. Versavel, S.J., director. will be celebrant of Benediction; Our Lady of Mt. Carmel parish, The sixth annual session, which was held in the C.M.E. Irate Fans and Pop Bottles Haunt Racer Members of the Mother Ig­ Denver, brought its annual bazaar Commander Joseph A. Jaap, Cleaves Memorial school, 2222 Marion street, was brought natius guild of the Queen of Hea­ to a close Aug. 4 with a net profit former member of St. Louis’ par­ to a formal close July 29 with a picnic held at the Rocky ven Aid will serve refreshments, of $20,000. but families are asked to pack ish, Englewood, has been awarded Mountain park in North Denver, a high light o£ the year for Circling Midget Track at 85-m.p.h. Clip their own lunches. Dinners will be The Rev. Gaetano Del Brusco, the navy’s second highest award, many children. served to soldiers present for the O.S.M., pastor, reported that the ] The following letter of appre­ proceeds of this year’s festival ■' the Legion of Merit medal, for By Rev. Edward A. Breen occasion. ciation to all the benefactors of he thinks that Denver fans Denver at 42 South Broadway. The Beautiful Mountain Grotto brought to $100,000 the total set meritorious service as commander Betty Sedlmayer What does it feel like to hit the are the moat demonstrative that he racer is not yet finished, but aside for building a new grade the school was sent by the children stretch at 80-85 miles an hour in a has ever encountered. He does The center of attraction at Mt. of United States naval forces in to Archbishop Urban J. Vehr: Johnny is enthusiastic about what St. Francis camp is a beautiful school and a-high school for tha the Azores from December, 1944, to midget auto racer? not mind it so much, he says, ex­ he expects it to do some day. North Denver parish. Plans to Become St. Peter Clarer cept after the races—when he is With the end of the season in stone' grotto erected in 1929 in September, 1945. Summer school, Not so good, says Johnny Tolan, honor of Mother Cabrini. The The present overcrowded grade personable young member of St tired and hungry but still has to Denver, Johnny will travel to the school had an enrollment of 340 The citation, awarded on' the air­ 2222 Marion street, remain at the track for an hour or coast, where an-- ambitious young gp"otto, a semi-replica of the famous Denver 5, Colo. John’s parish, Denver, when you Grotto of Lourdes, with statues of last year. To extend its facilities craft carrier, U £ S . Rendova, Sister of Mercy see an irate fan leaning out of the so to “tell how I did it’’ and to racer can compete seven days t an enlarged school will be built July 26, 1946. autograph pictures. the Blessed Mother and St. Berna­ cites Ck)mmander Jaap for his stands ahead with a pop bottle in week if he is of the mind to do so dette, is situated directly above a as soon as materials are available. His Excellency, Most Rev, his hand, while the crowd boos its The local scene is picking up, how­ “superb leadership and superior After four years of employment High Man in Points natural spring, which St. Frances Plans are also under way for executive ability commanding the Urban J. Vehr, D.D., heart out because you have just ever, with the opening this week of Xavier Cabrini discovered in 1912 erection of a parochial high in the circulation department of Denver, Colo. had to nudge another racer a The handsome young ex-marine a new track at Fort Collins and U. S. naval forces in the Azores in the Register plant. Miss Betty at 26 is a veteran racer. Today when she visited the spot to plan school, the first for the parish. such a manner as to merit the little bit to get around him. the opening of another in Colorado the country establishment. Many At present a junior high school, in­ Sedlmayer, the eldest of 12 chil­ Most Reverend Dear he is high man in the point staild- Springs scheduled for the near fu­ deep respect and complete co-opera­ dren of Mr. and Mrs. Edward J. Archbishop: Johnny knows all about both ings at Lakeside, but he admits are convinced that this discovery cluding the ninth grade, is con­ the jeers and the cheers meted out ture. ducted as a step toward inaugura­ tion of all allied forces operating Sedlmayer of Denver, will resign Our St. Peter Claver sum­ that his first race, on a Brighton Johnny Tolan Club? was miraculous. in the area.’’ next week to join the Sisters of mer school comes to a close by Denver racing fans, for he is track in 1938, left something to be The mountain summer camp re­ tion of the full secondary school. currently in his fourth season of As for the “Johnny Tolan Club” presents many hours of labor on 2 n(] High Award Mercy in Council Bluffs, la. Miss this morning, July 26. We desired in the way of technique. proposed by an anonymous fan in Our Lady of Mt. Carmel school Sedlmayer, a graduate of Pres­ wish to express to Your Ex­ burning up the midget track at He won the race, although he the part of the nun-companions of is staffed by the Servants of Mary This is the second high award Lakeside park. His experiences a Denver newspaper column some Mother Cabrini who first came to entation school and of St. Fran­ cellency, to our kind patrons, says it was only because none of weeks ago, the youth has only this of Omaha, Neb. for outstanding service given cis de Sales’ high in 1941, will be Joseph Little, James Finn, have generally been more pleasant the other drivers were willing to Denver, The sisters, assisted by the (with gestures) to say: “No com­ older orphans under their care, All funds for the building proj­ Comdr. Jaap. In April, 1942, he one of seven Colorado girls going Billie Bernard, G. L. Clarke, than the one recounted above, but risk their necks by trying to pass ment!’’^ ect have been realized through an­ was awarded ^he Distinguished him as he swayed back and forth carried virtually all the stone up a to Omaha, the largest group leav­ and to the dear sisters, our + + -1- -h nual bazaars. Chairman of this Flying Cross for his daring rescue ing here for the order in recent sincere thanks for your and across the track. It was some time steep hill to the site of their camp year’s affair, 15th bazaar in the by plane of nine survivors of a their interest in our spiritual in that first race, probably as he building.
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