THE IRISH WOLFHOUND by LISA DUBE FORMAN nstead of proselytizing on my well-muscled, as it is the coupling that parts, particularly the prosternum and breeding program and old-style attaches and transfers the locomotive’s sternum (breastbone), but muscling Wolfhounds, I wish to approach energy through the torso to the load- that protects the vital organs and is to this topic differently. That is to bearing joints of the forequarters. be plentiful and productive while sur- Ioffer guidance, helpful instruction Allow me to touch upon just a few rounding the bow or keel. The fill or and stimulation to both aspiring and other frequently seen failures in engi- musculature collection includes the approved AKC Irish Wolfhound judges. neering. Beginning with forward-set, serratus ventralis muscle, which is the For the latter, especially, because it and steep shoulder articulation with sling and stabilizer of the thorax as well is human nature to fall into a pattern a poorly fashioned set-on of the neck, as the deltoids and brachial muscles. and lose sight of the ABC’s of overall flat withers and straight, short upper The descending and transverse pecto- dog conformation in the less than two- arms. All of which invariably produces rals, which advance the forelegs and minutes per dog “get’em in and get’em Wolfhounds with hollow or concave draw the limbs in towards the axis or out” show ring rush. The consequences forechests, uncharacteristic narrow- center line of the body, and the super- of doing so, though, can and have been ness and lack of bone throughout, who ficial and deep pectoral muscles which harmful, especially for Gazehounds by and large, I would argue are “shelly” stabilize the forelegs. who possess unique blueprints that dis- in appearance. Who’d have thought that The cause and effect of a poorly tinguish them from other breeds. this term could apply to the Irish Wolf- designed forehand with shallow fill on a Inferiority and mediocracy abound hound breed? For those unacquainted, hunter who dispatches wolves and large in the conformation show ring today. this phrase describes a shallow brisket game would put that hound at high risk In my considered opinion, of this, with a narrow or slab-sided body which of injury or even death. Consider that there is little ambiguity. Missing is an is lacking the desired correct amount the forechest has a multifold purpose. integral character of the Wolfhound of bone. In actuality, when viewed in It is part of his bulk to both injure prey breed essence, that being a fluid, gen- profile often the brisket depth, owing plus it absorbs and disperses the force tly curved topline. More often than mostly to coat, will appear to meet the of that impact preventing damage to the not, we observe specimens with flat, elbows, but the ensuing hands-on exam frontal portion of the skeletal structure. level backs having no arch nor mus- of the forechest will detect little depth The hollow-chested Wolfhound with cling over the loin. These representa- or even a hollowness usually under an flatter ribs who frequently is not well- tions, as a rule, are rectangularly shaped abundance of hair. Naturally, the archi- ribbed up will have a deficient area for and or having a tubular outline usually tecture of forward-set (Stuck-on fronts), muscling. All conclusively affect the accompanied by too long a torso, are steep shoulders, and the critical dearth diaphragm, heart and lung capacity that slack-loined and have insufficient leg of development in the forepart of the even our novice judges must recognize length. Without question, shorter legs chest dramatically reduces the area is a contradiction for a “Wolf killer.” and a lack of an arc over the loin is the for muscle mass resulting in a shortage Having said all that; we are not seek- antithesis of the galloping Gazehound. of “fill.” ing a barrel or accentuated ‘spread’ Long legs and lengthy upper arms are Form and function will dictate the of the chest, as in the Bulldog, as this symbolic of swiftness, and the arch pro- desired quantity and quality of “fill” exaggeration is most unquestionably vides flexibility for bending and fold- within a dog’s station which effectu- not appropriate for any galloping Gaze- ing. This hinge should be broad and ates performance. Fill is not just skeletal hound. Mainly because it would prevent THE IRISH WOLFHOUND BY LISA DUBE FORMAN CONTINUED the scapula and elbows from swinging being equal such as long, smooth mus- Be aware of breeding shortcuts such backward smoothly over the ribcage, cling versus overly developed abduc- as a Wolfhound who may appear to and at a bare minimum, it would result tor muscles. Symmetry is functional have an attractive silhouette of curves in “elbow burn,” abrasion caused by and practical and not just for aesthet- but is narrow throughout lacking the friction to the skin. ics. Symmetry begets beauty based on requisite substance, bone, who com- All of the faults mentioned above are reasonable goals. monly has an upright shoulder. One tip discernible on a giant, athletic Wolf- As an aspiring all-around Hound is to step to the rear of the Wolfhound hound, and any qualified AKC Judge specialist, I have attended my fair share and view the torso from above. We should be able to identify these aberra- of judges educational programs and endeavor to have an elliptical-shaped tions. Regrettably, more often than not have asked an uncomplicated question chest and rib spring. Another frequent- these glaring structural faults are being of each breed specialist. In their judg- ly seen variation is the hound who overlooked and awarded. All one has to ment, what points or virtues are more has a deceiving “presence” but whose do is flip through magazine advertise- indispensable in connection with the forward-set frontal column and tubular- ments to behold such phenomenon. weaknesses of that breed? Admittedly, shaped neck place the skull and ears What is happening? Are not judges edu- judges, mentors and fanciers will dis- directly over the footpads of the front cated in the fundamentals of anatomy agree as to how to apply the breed stan- feet. Although the hound may have con- or is it that they do they not value these dard to a dog. tours in profile, he is vertically built and elements, any longer? Even so, I grill mentors about trade- moves with an upward motion versus Judges are confronted routinely offs because the reality is that while driving forward with momentum. The with Irish Wolfhound entries who lack adjudicating, many times we are faced flip side is the Wolfhound whose build essential character. For those enthusi- with mediocre and inferior entries cre- includes a tolerable shoulder into a flat asts seeking to judge sighthounds, one ating a circumstance whereas compro- topline on a long, low-slung, rectangu- must be able to recognize harmony. The mise will avail. I spoke briefly about lar-shaped body with a shorter leg. All absence of conforming forequarters and several inherent embodiments of the of these physiques are unorthodox and a flowing, curving form alters the shape Wolfhound breed already. Facts speak represent the majority of what we see and the design of the archetypical Wolf- for themselves when identifying the in competition and the uneducated or hound. Appreciate symmetry as it allows strengths and weaknesses of each entry faint-hearted Judges pick “the best of an animal to move efficiently and expe- as compared to the breed standard the similar” ignoring the well-made out- ditiously. A hound with a steep scapu- and yet, subjectiveness seems to win lier if any. Be mindful of the fact that la assembly cannot gait as efficiently out during the show ring ‘race against there is no such thing as different types as one who has an oblique shoulder time,’ with the standard manner of in the Irish Wolfhound breed; just vari- arrangement, assuming all other things proceeding always more comfortable ances in form and anatomy. than stepping back and pausing for In conclusion, when you assess the reflection. Though my visual presenta- Wolfhounds in your presence consider tion transcends this essay, it will have the following introspections of two to suffice. highly regarded breed presenters and What one seeks is a rough-coated specialists. The first is Joel Samaha Greyhound-like dog of great size and who explains that you are looking for, commanding appearance, a wolf killer. “A wolf killer in Greyhound form, a You must value balance and look for large, rough-coated, Greyhound-like strength! We strive for a hound with dog, fast enough to catch a wolf and substance and symmetry, fore and aft, strong enough to kill it.” The other, who ‘fills the eye.’ One having slop- Samuel Evans Ewing III, while musing ing shoulders and a forechest that on dog show judges’ reliance on what fills the hand, over which the ideal they perceived as type and soundness blend of neck and topline flow rear- stated, “If you don’t know type then you ward over a moderately curved, broad don’t know soundness for that breed loin on a well-ribbed up torso poised either...If I had to choose between the on long legs. This hound retains their two, I would go first to type and then to shape on the move! The above typi- soundness. I think soundness is deter- fies the blueprint and effectuates the mined somewhat by the type of the ani- hound’s purpose. mal and its purpose in life.” .
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