TE ANN ARBOR REGISTER. VOL. xx NO. 12. AM ARBOR, MICHIGAN, THURSDAY, MARCH 29, 1894 WHOLE NO. 1005 DEMOCRATIC WARD TICKETS. MEETING OF THE REGENTS. DARLING VS. WALKER. First Ward — Supervisor, James The Fees ot the Professors in all De Kearns: alderman, Ross Granger; con- partments Increased. STRONG TICKETS Pt,A«'EI» IN THi: stable, Wil lis Clarke. The Board of Regents held an execu FIELD. Second Ward—Supervisor, Eugene tiv.e session last week. Their most im There's just two things about March which may bf Oesterlin; alderman, D. F. Allmen- portant action was the raising of th Great Onmatchable unfoilingly predicted. The first is bad weather from Tl»c Wa*4 Tickets.-MM at I»ele<rat<>« dinger; constable, Paul Schall. fees in all departments of the Univei the signal service, and the second is big bargain* (<> the Conventions.—Meeting of the Third Ward— Supervisor, Robert sity for the present year. The fees in Keeent*.-The XV. C. T. tT.—Pinafore, Shannon: alderman, A. J. Snyder: con- the literary department have been $2 from us. Etc., Etc. stable, Jeremiah Walsh. per year for Michigan students and f Bargains We propose to let the winds do the blowing—we Fourth Ward—Supervisor, Joseph per year for non-resident students, anc will do the selling. The Republican illy Convention. Donnelly; alderman. H. J. Brown: con- $25 for Michigan students and $35 foi The Republican city convention to stable, T. P. Leonard. non-residents in all other depart THIS WEEK IN BARGAINS FOR NOW : ,-——•f^ place a ticket in the field for the spring Fifth Ward—Supervisor. H. Hard- ments. The regents decided to make elect'oi, which will be hold on Monday, inghaus: alderman, WalterL. Taylor; a general raise of $5 to these figures, Boys' Heavy Ribbed Hose, Double Knees, worth 25c, only fti convened in the court house on Satur- constable, Rudolph Kern. making the fees in the literary depart Carpets, Ladies' Seamless Fast Black Hose, worth 20c—single pair, 15c, 2 pairs, 25c day evening at 8:30. Sixth WarO—Supervisor, Prof. Hemmen- t $25 and $35, and in the other de- Ladies' Fast Black Hose, usually sold for 10c a pair, only 5c "VV. J. Booth was elected chairman pie; alderman, F. A. Wilson. partments $30 and $40. The raise is so Draperies, and Selby A. Moran, secretary.. small to each student that it is expectec Men's Mixed One-Half Hose, usually sold for 10c a pair, only 5c Delegates to Democratic Convention* that the attendance will not be affected Evart H. Scott, C. E. Hiscock and H. The Democrats held their ward cau- but with an attendance of from 2,700 to Cloaks, Best Indigo Blue Prints, now *k M. Tabor were appointed a committee cuses Saturday evening last. The fol- 3,000 students the annual income of the One Case Tennis Flannels, our price be on credentials. lowing delegates to the city convention University will be increased from $13,- Underwear, One Case of Light Prints, our price •. k Junius K Beal placed the name of Dr. were elected: 500 to $15,000. C. G. Darling- in nomination for mayor. First Ward—.1. P. Schuh, David Zim- The Board decided to hold open meet Balance'of our 50c_Corsets—to close 39c He said with Dr. Darling at the head of merman n. S. W. Beakes, James Kearns, ings hereafter, and reporters are happy Hosiery, Come in and get some of the best 25c Ladies' Shuck the ticket, the Republicans would win. W. W. Watts. Martin Clark, J. M. Orr, It was also decided to adopt a budget Hose in the City. Every Pair Guaranteed Fast Black, N. D. Covert presented the name of M. C. Peterson, Emanuel Wagner, EL system similar to that at Columbia Domestic Goods, Warren E. Walker in a brief speech. B. Pond, H. W. Douglass, M. J. O'Brien Each department will send an estimate Free World's Fair Views with every $.'i.OQ Pur- An informal ballot was taken which Charles Dietas, Albert W. Sorg, George of expenses to the president, who will Foreign Dress chase. Amount need not be purchased all at one tiin< . resulted as follows: Darling' 57: Wal-Cropsey, Robert Phillips, B. P. Watts. revise all the estimates and report to Ask for card. ker 32. On the formal ballot Darling William B. Everest, Richard Kearns. the regents. received 55 and Walker 33 votes. A Gottlob Luick. The junketers, who recently visitei Goods, motion was then made to make the nom- Second Ward—'S. W.-Millard. Johnthe east, reported that while Harvard GOODYEAR & ST. JAMES, ination of Dr. Darling unanimous, which G. Groesmann, Fred Besimer, Gustuve spends $1,000,000 a year the U. of M. Wash Dress Goods carried. Brehm, Ludwig Walz, George Schwab, gets along with $3ti2,000. Yet the ex 18 SOUTH MAIN STREET, ANN ARBOR, MICH, C. E Hiscock nominated L. D. Wines Lewis Kurtz, Eugene Oesterlin, ['red penses for instruction are increasing al for president of the council. A vote Martty, Geo. F. Lutz, M. J. Lehman, P. the while. In 1892, with 2,692 students, Etc., Etc. was taken with the following- result: G. Campbell, Gottlob Knapp, Herman Michigan paid $174,770 for 142 instruct- L. D. Wines 73, A. C. Shumacher 7 Schmidt, Christian Brenner, John Walz, ors; in 1894, with 2,659 students, she SEASON and Sedgwick Dean 1. jr., Clyde Kerr. pays tiU,000. In view of these facts 1 yd. wide Good Unbleached F Third Ward—Michael Brenner. W. the committee recommended an increase Clancy, jr.. W. G. Snow, J. O. Jenkins. of fees. It costs $600 in fees to gradu- Sheeting 3|c. 894. BKFCBLICAN WARD NOMINATIONS. M. J. Martin, John Keenan, Emil Golz, ate from Harvard, $405 from Cornel 2i yd. Avide Unbleached WALL PAPER i First Ward—Supervisor, J. II. Miner; W. H. Mclntyre, Morgan Williams, and only $155 from Michigan. Sheeting 14fc. alderman, P. L. Bodmer: constable, Frank Campion, John Ryan, J. Fred Wm. E. Eldert. The medical committee has been try 1 yd. wide Lawrence L. L. We are better prepared titan ever to show the largest Stabler, Pat Reed, Martin P. Vogel, ing to induce Dr. Broesike, of Berlin, U Second Ward— Supervisor, John Sheeting 4£c. Pat McCabe, John Lucas. accept the chair of anatomy for $2,500 a and best selected stock. The latest combinations, the Schmid: alderman, Michael Grossman: Fourth Ward—Moses Seabolt. Charles 1 yd. wide Lonsdale Bleach constable, Fred Huhn. year. Broesike wanted a promise of most artistic designs and colorings. We offer Dwyer, Frank O'llearn, W. W. Benian, $3,000 the second year, a.ul the expenses 7k. Third Ward—Supervisor. J. J. Fisher; Wm. Miller, Arthur Brown, Prof. Pat- of transportation. He was allowed ! yd. wide Fruit of the alderman, A. R. Peterson; constable, tengill, C. R. Whitman, John O'Mara, Jasper Imus, sr. $100 for transportation, but no increase Loom 7£c. FINE PAPER FOR 5c, 6c AND 8c A ROLL Ambrose Kearney, Chas. Kline, Fred A. of salary. The regents appropriated 1 yd. wide Good Soft Fourth Ward—Supervisor, Geo. H. Howlett, Wm. Goodyear, Wm. Walsh. Pond; alderman, H. J. Brown: consta- $15,000 for the library. Finished Bleach 6£c. ble, T. F. Leonard. Fifth Ward—W. L. Taylor, C. II. THE W. C. T. U. Extra Heavy Feather Pi oof BEST GILT PAPER 8c, 10c AND 15c A ROLL Fifth Ward—Supervisor, Thomas Manly, ErnestRehberg, FrankOitman, Amos Corey, James Murray, Herbert Election of Officers for the Ensuing. Tick 12c. Speechly; alderman, William Shadford. Year. Sixth Ward—Supervisor, Evart H. Manly, H. Hardinghaus, all by accla- Paper hanging and interior decorating a specialty. mation. Per announcement, the W. C. T. U Scott; alderman, II. G. Prettyman; con- held its 20th annual meeting in McMil stable, Henry Marsh. Stoth Ward—E. B. Norris, M. J. Cav-Ian Hall on Thursday last. The follow SILKS. Window Shades mounted on best Sprina Roller* anaugh, E. Duffy, L. J. Liesemer, J. 11. ing officers were elected for the ensuing Bach, H. T. Morton, N. G. Butts, F. S for 25c each. Delegates to Republican Convention. year: President, Mrs. Hattie M. Doig Printed Indias, Chinas and Gage, Jas. Shirley, Benj. Ream. D. A. Rec. Sec. Mrs. W. W. Wetmore: Cor First Wanl—ll. S. Dean, G. F. All- Hammoml. Goo. Hempl and T. D. Keai Pongees*—Black and Colored You are incited to examine our Stock and Prices. Sec, Mrs. Addie G. Warner: Treas. Grounds 24c. mend iger, O. M. Martin, S. Dean, G. ney. Mi's. Mary J. Dygert: vice presidents L. Moore, S. T. Morse, W. J. Booth Mrs. Hattie A. Lamb, Mrs. Amanda L Printed India and China A. J. Sawyer, L. D. Wines, J. Q. A. After Thought*). Butts, Airs. Walker, Mrs. Sarah A Silks, latest designs and color- Sessions, H. M. Taber, W. Eldert, Car- Some 'expressions from a few dele- White; Supts.—Scientific instruction ings, you have been buying at los Hill, L. Bassett, A. M. Clark, J. M. gates who attended the Democratic city GEORGE WAHR, convention last Monday night: Mrs. Amanda D. Butts; work among 75c, this week, 39c. Gelston, W. K. Childs, E. P. Mills, H- foreigners, Mrs. Strickler; temperance Richards, R. Campbell 1. I have not a word to say. I shall Colored Gros Grain Pure try to do my duty—as I see it. literature, Mrs. Aldoba B. Dunn; the BOOKSELLER, STATIONER AND WALL PAPER DEALER, MAIN ST., OPPOSITE Second Ward—G. Schneider, J. Schmid, 2. I don't know for whom I shall press, Mrs.
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