New Zealand Potter Volume 27, Number 2, 1985 M/l’féfi/E/Wér/ [47?WW (pk/'42s _WWeM/egagaar Q 4426235026? New Zealand- Potter Vol 27/2 1985 ISSN 0028-8608 Price $5 Cotter: Wood fired plate by Aim Ambler, Box by Robin Pendrcd. Plioto: Howard S Williams. See story “Evocation” p.13. Editor: Howard Williams 2 Through the Filter Press Assistant editor: Margaret Shimmins Exhibition Calendar AdYerttsfi‘g managérJOhn Deal 3 Books Reviewed — Howard S. Williams D6518” oward Wllhfims 4 Pottery in Vanuatu — Barry Brickell Correspondents: Hamilton, Sue 8 Wanganui _ Grace Alp Knowles; Wellington, Anneke . Borren; Nelson, Julie Warren, Peter 10 A Unique Exhibition at Pots of Ponsonby Gibbs; Christchurch, David 12 Moyra Elliott — Francis Turner Brokenshire. 13 Evocation — Shona Scott 14 Of Course You Can Make Your Own Clay — Royce A DESLANDES McGashen publicatlon, also _ 16 Philips Studio Class Award — Sam Halstead pUthers 0f theN‘j‘U 19 Theo Schoon — Steve Rumsey Zealand journal or . _ 22 New Zealand Pottery makes it in London —— Agircultuic,. , and the Nt’tu . Zealand Ga 'dt’ 5’ '. N1cola Holmes Managing dirgcior: 26 Cable Price Toyota Award Exhibition — Suter Art Alex Dunnett Gallery Managing editor: 28 Lynne and David Griffith — Peter Gibbs A Rafi of first—Class Clays available from he fOHOelg Jim Moffat 30 Wairau Valley Special School — Howard S. _ ‘ Williams OH : Distributlon: Plrect 33 Barry Brickell Mural from the PUthEr at 35 Fletcher Brownbuilt Pottery Award 1985 P ' t B , P t . C.C.G. IN DUSTRIES LTD. SOUTH ERN CERAMIC Trellggfionfflifgé 39 Maureen Hunter, Mainly Raku — Daphme Hendne 33 Crowhurst Street, Newmarket, IMPORT COY. 41 Waikato Technical Institute . 42 Potters Market COASTAL CERAMICS NO. 1 R.D. Invercarglll. 124 lu Road, Paraparaumu. STUDIO 803 The New Zealand Potter is published three times a year, in April, August and December. The price is $5 per and the United States $US24; COBCRAFT POTTERY 803 Eaton Road, Hastings. copy, or $15 pa by subscription. Overseas subscriptions: Australia $A20; Canada United Kin dom £10; other $U82-1. 4 . SUPPLIES LTD. TALISMAN POTTERY SUPPLIES g the written permissmn ofthe publisher. All rights 388 Montreal Street Christchurch. 171 Archers Road Takapuna Articles in the NewZealand Potter are copyright and may not be reproduced in any form in whole or in part without unless initially specified otherwise. The editor invites submissions but retains the right to accept (3r rgglect any material. if] l l ‘ reserved in material accepted for publication responsibilityisacceptedforunsolicitedarticles,photographsorartworkand anysubmissionswillbereturnedonlyifaccompaniedbyastampe a resse enve ope. MCSKI M MING IN DUSTR'ES LTD. WESTERN POTTERS SU PPLI ES _ queries must be accompanied by a stamped addressed envelope. unless intended as letters to the editor, 322 Tuam Street, Christchurch. 18 Clark Street, New Lynn, Auckland. Main North Road, WaIKIWI, Invercargill Northway Street Te Flapa Hamilton. Typeset and printed by Deslandes Ltd at Publication House, 22 Walone Street, Petone. 65 Brid man Street, Dunedin. Postal address for editorial, advertising and subscriptions: New Zealand Potter, Private Bag, Petone. SOUTH. STREET GALLERY 9 ; Telephone 687-179. 10 Nile Street, Nelson. Display advertising BLACK an d WHITE @317”! ..) 4'COLOUR . _ , lnside front and inside back covers: $484 Back Cover: $1500 (minimum three issues) Full page: $440 Half page: $269 McSkimmingIndustriesO O O LimitedO O I:Hfffgageggo‘g9 Quarter page.. $163 PO. Box 2105, Dunedin. Telephone 883119. Telex N2 5320. ‘ Potter's Market: Display advertising: Full page: $380 Half page: $230 Quarter page: $140 Eighth page: $85 C 1409 Classified advertisements will be charged at 50 cents per word, minimum 10 words. Cash with order. Unless finished art work is supplied by the advertiser, cost of preparing such copy will be added to the above rates. g ifi EXHIBITION CALENDAR sive notes on fuels, combustion and CLAY—-|N THE BEGINNING THROUGH THE FILTER PRESS BOOKS firing systems. With its excellent diagrams and ta— Scientists in California have reported a Reviewed by bles this book is essential for anyone major discovery that supports the Pottery and Friends, Christchurch intending to build a kiln of any type emerging theory life on Earth began in By John Crawford, President, September 12-25. Richard Parker and Howard S Williams and should really be read by all potters Clay rather than the sea. New Zealand Society of Potters. Scott Hockenhull in order that they more fully under— The discovery showed that ordinary October 10—24. Chester Nealie and stand one of the most important pieces clay contains two basic properties es- Merilyn Wiseman _ of equipment in their pottery work- sential to life: The capacities to store November 14-28. Margaret Milne and shops. and transfer energy. Chris Cockell With such energy, coming from CLAY STATEMENTS radioactive decay and other sources, the early clays could have acted as Artisan Centre, Newmarket Edited by Bruce Anderson "chemical factories” for processing in- October 7-19. Ruth Castle and John Hoare (Darling SALZBRAND organic raw materials into the more complex molecules from which the first Downs Institute Press) life arose some 4000 million years ago. This excellent book is a catalogue of the ’86 In their analysis of common ceramic Being Professional — to a potter, what If we as potters wish to have our Albany Village Pottery Darling Downs First National Ceramics clay, the scientists said they had found should this mean? work considered as a viable art—form October 5—16. Anneke Borren and Award held in Toowoomba, evidence that ”mistakes” made nor- Is it simply doing a job well for remun- we will have to be more professional, mally Owen Mapp Queensland, Australia. Clay State— Salt Glaze Competition and repeatedly in the formation eration? I hope not! keeping working drawings, visual re— of clay November 10-20. Chester Nealie ments is destined to become the crystals, presumably create the Professionalism should encompass all cords of past works, making commit- authoritative publication on the study A magnificent catalogue of Salzbrand conditions by which the material traps aspects of your approach to clay, such ments to personal aesthetic goals, energy Pots of Ponsonby of contemporary ceramics ’83 has just arrived from Koblenz in the and holds it for perhaps as commitment to technique, materials Alan Peascod, our Australian guest in Australia. October 6—20. Penny Evans It consists of full page colour photo- Federal Republic of Germany. This thousands of years. and design expression. Clay has the at the recently held convention in Such November 17-24. Campbell Hegan and graphs of pots from 46 of Australia’s was from an international exhibition defects in the clay microstruc— amazing ability to be worked in so Hawkes Bay, had one over-riding mes- ture could also Andrea Barrett leading ceramists, each one accom- and competition of salt glaze pottery be sites for storing in— many different ways, enabling the sage for New Zealand potters. We must formation panied by details of the artist’s back— from 15 countries. It included work necessary to direct the craftsperson to create works that ex— as individuals strive to create some- chemical reactions The Potters Gallery, New Plymouth ground, their understanding, their from 3 New Zealand potters, and organise the press something of themselves and thing of our own. Potters here have a eventual proto-organisms. September 29-October 12. Cecilia Par- work and their philosophy. The top Madeleine Findley, Philippa O’Con- eventually create a ceramic language all real opportunity to take the best from kinson and John Parker quality photographs are by John Ball. nor and Valerie Wright, all from Can- So, if the theory can be confirmed, it their own, whether it be domestic or long established pottery traditions and seems an accumulation The works for this exhibition were terbury. of chemical sculptural pieces. create something uniquely NZ. mistakes led to 12 Potters, Remuera selected by Janet Mansfield, Glen Salzbrand ’86 is the second of these life on Earth. Until recently there has been a re— After having seen both of New Zea— September 22-October 5. John Parker Cooke, John McPhee and Mitsuo Shoji. competitions and will be held in Kob- The theory is also evocative of the luctance to accept craft as an art form by land’s most prominent exhibitions this biblical account of the creation. In It is an excellent representation lenz at the Gallerie Handwerk about a majority of our established public year, the National and Fletcher of Gallery 5, Invercargill new developments and directions — a May 1986. Several prizes will be Genesis, it is written ”And the Lord galleries. An example of this would be Brownbuilt, I feel this is just beginning God formed man of dust of the September 14—28. Rosemarie Brittain survey of the ”state of the art” of awarded, the first being 6,000 DM. All the Auckland City Art Galley who still to happen and the thought of that is ground.” In common usuage this ceramics in Australia, and is an essen— applicants must submit at least3 pieces will not allow craft through its doors. very exciting. primordial dust is called clay. tial addition to the libraries of all who of salt glazed work, domestic or (Except for installations such as those Auckland Star. are interested in this field. sculptural. The work must arrive in recently seen, by Bronwynne Cornish It will retail for $A19.95 and Koblenz by the end of December next. and Denis O’Connor. This I believe is can be APOLOGIES obtained directly from the pub- Full information and entry forms can more a policy of the City Council than of lishers... be obtained from: the Art Gallery — Ed.) Quote from James Mack, Director of In POTTER ’85/1 in the article on the Darling Downs Institute Press The Editor The art versus craft argument has the Dowse Art Museum, from the NZ exhibition Water/Clay I omitted the PO Darling Heights NZ Potter ”No significant pot can be made apart been bandied about Listener of 15 June 1985.
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