Georgia College Knowledge Box Colonnade Special Collections 3-29-1941 Colonnade March 29, 1941 Colonnade Follow this and additional works at: https://kb.gcsu.edu/colonnade Part of the Higher Education Commons, and the Mass Communication Commons Recommended Citation Colonnade, "Colonnade March 29, 1941" (1941). Colonnade. 367. https://kb.gcsu.edu/colonnade/367 This Book is brought to you for free and open access by the Special Collections at Knowledge Box. It has been accepted for inclusion in Colonnade by an authorized administrator of Knowledge Box. t.,il.i^t'*K<*>WiH,V.',i.'*^''-'l''^''' 'fT!'?Stdii^-.'Mi.t^.^.„..^.,^^,.^ Crowds Hear Overton J|^g Speak on Marriage olonna e "Fear and mystery about personal rtelations have been gone for twenty years," said Mya. Grace Sloan Overton at Volumbe XV. Z-122. Milledgeville, Ga., Saturday, March 29, 1941 ^ Number 21 her opening address for the Institute of Personal Relations - at chapel Thursday morning. Mrs. Overton is the guest speaker brought to the annual institute GSC Marks 50th Anniversary MacKenzie To which is being sponsored by the YWCA this week-end. Romantic Mjarriage Give European In her address on "The Roman- April 25, 26; Alumnae Invited tice Marriage" Mrs. Overton con- War Analysis tinued. "There ai'e three funda- mentals of life which we cannot Boucher, Talmadge, Elliott Tonight, in a lecture of the do without: birth of a human lyceum series, DeWitt MacKen- being, the social structure into zie, military expert for the As- which infants are born, and the Speak; Banquet, Dance, sociated Press, will give his in- training of the infant to live terpretation of the present Euro- creatively." She showed that mar- pean situation. The program, riage as a primarily social institu- Reception Scheduled tion provides a shelter for these scheduled to begin at 8:30' p.m., Climaxing 50 years of progress GSCW will celebrate will be in Russell auditorium. fundamentals by institutionalizing In his daily column, "Tlie War parenthood. its semi-centennial anniversary on April 25 and 26 when Today." he discusses the present "Romantic marriage can exist hundreds of alumnae and other guests are scheduled to European war from the view- only in a democracy, and this visit the campus. point of a foreign correspondent kind of marriage depends on its Headline speaker of the celebration is Dr. C S. Bourcher future in personal integrity.", who has smelled the smoke of chancellor of the University of Nebraska, who will deliver battle oh many fronts. stated Mrs. Overton. This scholarly, self-spoken At 7 o'clock Thursday night, the principal academic address. Sharing the spotlight with man was born in West Bui*ke, Mrs. Over-ton discussed the state Boucher will be Aignes Ellen Harris, dean of the Womans Vt., son of a Methodist min- of affection wan-enting marriage. College, University of Alabama, Harriett Elliott, dean of ister. Although he has traveled "The dominant thing is the total the Womans College, University of North Carolina and personality response," she em- much over the world, he still chairman, Consumer division, National Defense Advisory speaks with, pride of the Ver- phasized, "which will not pull mont hill country where he spent individuals away from the lives C. 8. BOUCHER Commission, and Mrs. Ella Evans Higman, Washington, D. his early years. After attending Of others but will bring in closer Speaker C, attorney. Black River Academy at Ludlow, relationships with others." It was learned yesterday that the Honorable She stated that for continued Eugene Talmadge, governor of Georgia, will address happiness, there must be thei con- Koo Opens tinued finding of new interests. the students and guests of GSCW in connection In mentioning period of engage- with the semi-centennial celebration April 26. ment, Mrs. Overton remarked W.S.S.F. Drive S. V. Sanford, Chancellor of that "When you are sure, you the University System of Geor- • T (Continued on page four) gia, and many other state not- ID Chapel ables will be here for the occasion, To open the drive for tlie Di". Guy H. Wells announced to- Georgia State World Student Service Fond* day. , T. Z. Koo, former Chinese Guests are expected to arrive Music Festival student, wiU speak in chapel Friday afternoon and register on why the fund was estab- that day. lished and how it can be car- During the two-day affair the Meets Here ried on by American stu- SSCW Alumnae Association will dents. _Mr. George P. Strickling, Di- entertain at a dinner to be fol- rector Of Vocal Music, Cleveland GSCW is the only state lowed by a reception in the Heights High School, Cleveland, school of Georgia which ]Vir< Mansion, at which Dr. and Mrs. Wells will be hosts. Also slated DeWriT MacKENZIE Ohio, Mr. Ralph E. Rush, Di- Koo, executive secretary of rector of ^trumental Music, the World Federation of Stu- for the occasion are a luncheon, Cleveland Heights High School, dents, wiU visit. The Y (with an academic procession in which Vt., MacKenzie finished at Syra- Cleveland, Ohio, and Mr. .Edwin the assistance of other cam- the members of the Senior class cuse university. Here it was that Hughes, pianist and soloist with pus organizations) is sponsor- will join, and a dance, in the the drift toward journalism made the New York Philharmonic Sym- ing! this drive slated to begin college gymnasium, ending the itself manifest and he became phoiny, (will ,be thfe judges /for next week. GUY H. WELLS ceremonies. a "string" correspondient for the fifth Annual Georgia School President Invitations have been issued several newspapers. Tub' Koo wiU base his ap- Music Festival to be held here peal upon the facts that 91 to all GSCW alumnae and all l^CacKen^e tried his hand at April 7-8. out of the 108 Chinese nnl. schools in the Southern Associa- several occupations but' the urge The Georgia Music Education versities have been destroy' tion. Every Georgia school wlU to write persisted,, and he work- Association sponsors this event ed, $1.00 wiU support a Contest For have representatives at the ex- ed on several upstate New York at which time chorusies, glee CUnese student one month, ercises, it was announced. dailies, which prepared him for clubs, jbands, orchestras, and .SiSo a week, and 15,000 stu- Official guests at the celebra- k an appointment in the New soloists present numbers to be dents of China are dependent Scliool Songs tion will be housed in Sanford York Associated Press bureau in judged for ranking with other upon reUef for their educa- and Bell halls. 1910. During the early years of schools of Georgia. tion. Committees appointed by Dr. the World War, he was assign- The program for Monday, Ap- Opens Today ^ Wells to serve during this cele- ed to London. ril 7th, will consist of Because there seems to be a bration include: Hospitality and GrCetingr Dr. One of his most interesting groups and vocal solos to be dearth of school spirit at G. S. experiences during the many he held( in Pteabody .'auditorium Ml Students W. T. Wynn, Miss Ethel Ad^ms, C. W., the Student Participation Mrs. E. R. Hines, Miss Iva has had in India, Egypt, and with while all bands and orchestras in the semi-Centennial committee the British armies on the West- will compete in Russell audi- Chandler, Miss Mary Thomas Invited To Thursday, authorized ^Prances Maxwell, Mr H. IST. Massey, Dr. ern R'ont, occuiTed in li'eland' torium. That night there Lott and Martha Daniel to ask dui'ing "Bloody Easter Week" in will be a parade of the march- MJildi'ed English, Mrs. Ruth Jor- that school songs be submitted to dan Nelson, Miss Kate Thrash, 1916. He was mistaken for a ing bands from GSCW to GMC, Apr. 26 Dance them. Sinn Fein rebel by the British fr|uesdlay tlie choruses and glee Miss Lila Blitch, Miss Betty | military and for a time was in clubs will sing in-the Russell After a meeting of the Semi- Any student may enter as Adams, and Mr. Dan Jordan. imminent peril of being sum- auditorium i,at which time in the centennial Dance committee Fri- many original school songs as she Robing: Miss Jessie McVey, marily shot. Peabody auditorium instrumen- day, it was announced that two desires, provided the songs are Dr. E. H. Scott, Miss Mi^bry| "I did the most persuasive tal solos will be given. dances will !be given Saturday left in the CGA office by noon Harper, Miss Sallie Caldwell, talking of ray life," he confess- The GSCW donnitories and night, April 26. Sister classes April 18. Collaboration in the Dr. Edward Dawson, Miss Helen will dance either in the gym- es, "and came away with a men- OMC barracks will house some production of the songs is okay Greene, Miss' Austelle Adams, nasium or the dining hall; the Miss Dorothy Rivers, and Mr. tal picture that is as vivid to- of the participants while others by the rules. will stay in private homes, and decision as to which classes will day as it was 23 years ago." (Continued on page six) (Continued on page three) (Continued on page four) (Continued on page 6) hotels. r \' THE COLONNADE Saturday, March 29, 1941 Saturday, March 29, 1941 THE COLONNADE Page Thtee Page Two CAMPUS CAMERA Ga. Students 'j Bliy^n Offers Answers Invitation To Vote THESE PEOPLE In recent weeks,.we have heard criticism about the MAKE NEWS Convene Herej To Questions About Genius manner in which Colonnade elections are held. This is . By BLANCHE LAYTON Genius: It's Cause and Care no new issue, rather, one that crops up annually.
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