DAILY FROM: AHMEDABAD, CHANDIGARH, DELHI, JAIPUR, KOLKATA, LUCKNOW, MUMBAI, NAGPUR, PUNE, VADODARA JOURNALISM OF COURAGE MONDAY, NOVEMBER 23, 2020, PUNE, LATE CITY, 14 PAGES SINCE 1932 `5.00 WWW.INDIANEXPRESS.COM v Reduces hair fall Get v Remedy for split ends R Strong,Thick v Relief from itchy scalp v For strong and healthy hair v Helps to prevent thinning of hair and Healthy ` v Revitalizes dormant hair follicles 140/- Hair 21 v Moisturizes hair &strengthens roots Highly purified v Anti dandruff&Anti fungal properties 100% Herbal Indian herbs extract v Calms the mind &helps in sound sleep Pure &Natural Formoreinformation, please contact: +91 97792 14455, +91 73199 35154 (Whatsapp) / [email protected] 130 ml (100 ml +)+ 30 ml Free) CENTRE SENDS TEAMS TO UTTAR PRADESH, PUNJAB, HIMACHAL PRADESH Tunnelused by four Jaish Newworryasstateswithfewercases men killed in Nagrota found seeCovidspurt,bigjumpinRajasthan Cross-border tunnel is 15-20ftdeep, 150metreslong:DGP ARUNSHARMA JAMMU,NOVEMBER22 Haryana, Madhya Pradeshand HimachalPradesh also reportsignificant increaseinactivecases IN Akey breakthrough, the Border Security Force(BSF) and AMITABHSINHA RISINGNUMBERS policehavedetected across- PUNE,NOVEMBER22 border tunnel in the Regalareaof ■ActivecasesonNov7 Jammu's Samba district that was EVENASstateswithrelatively ■ ActiveCasesonNov21 usedbyfourJaish-e-Mohammad smaller caseloads have been re- terrorists to enter J&K before they porting aspurtinCovid cases, RAJASTHAN were gunneddownbysecurity the Centrehas dispatchedhigh- 16,627 forces in an encounter at Nagrota levelteams to Uttar Pradesh, 21,951 three days ago. Punjab and Himachal Pradesh to “The tunnel is 15-20 ft deep Cement bags with Pakmarkings found in tunnel: Police. ANI help them tackle the spread of GUJARAT and nearly 150mlong...It origi- the disease. 12,146 nates from inside Pakistan...It While freshcases of coron- 13,285 wasusedbythe four Jaish-e- available with us lead to this Samba early Thursdayand avirus infections continue to de- Mohammadmilitantswho were point only.Itappears to be a boardedatrucktoKashmir,were cline —orremain stagnant —in MADHYAPRADESH killedrecently,” said J&K Police fresh tunnel, but mayhavebeen interceptedhours later and the worst-affected states of 7,736 DGP Dilbagh Singh aftervisiting usedbymilitantsearlier also,’’ killedbysecurity forces duringa Maharashtra, Karnataka and the siteSundayalongwith BSF DGP Singh said, adding that ce- three-hour encounter. 11,192 AndhraPradesh, on the other IG (Jammu Frontiers) NSJamwal ment bags with Pakistani mark- DGP Singh said the tunnel hand, Haryana, Punjab, PUNJAB and other senior officers. ings were found inside. showedsigns of “proper Rajasthan, Gujarat, Madhya 4,827 “All the technical evidence The militants, who entered CONTINUEDONPAGE2 Pradesh and even Himachal 6,561 Pradesh have been seeing asig- nificant rise in active cases. HARYANA BUSINESSASUSUAL Lawyer making debut, Uttar Pradesh is the onlyone AmarketinJaipur on Sunday. Night curfew has been imposedinparts of Rajasthan. Rohit Jain Paras 15,713 in the top10stateswith highest BY UNNY caseloads to have seen an in- 20,325 crease in itsactive cases in the number of newcases everyday, In absolute terms, Haryana, cases than Maharashtra, or some HIMACHAL PRADESH veteran bracing for lasttwo weeks, and that tooonly even these twoseem have left Punjab, Rajasthan, Gujarat, other top10states, but it is much 4,222 anominal rise of less than 500. their peaksbehind, and arenow Madhya Pradesh and even morethan what theywerere- While Delhi and Kerala con- witnessing adecline in their ac- Himachal Pradesh arestill re- porting earlier. 7,102 fight in J&K poll fray tinue to report the maximum tive cases. porting farlesser number of CONTINUEDONPAGE2 NAVEEDIQBAL& BASHAARATMASOOD Azad underlines again: KERALA: JAIL TERM FOR SOCIAL MEDIA POST SRINAGAR,NOVEMBER22 Unease in CPM over AN ADVOCATE, aformer jour- Congressneeds revamp, nalist, abusinessman, and aca- ordinance, BJP and Cong reer politician areamong the THE EDITORIAL PAGE candidates forthe upcoming leaders have no connect DistrictDevelopmentCouncil call it bid to gag free speech STUBBLEBURNING: polls. The first-everelections to Clockwise the DDCs areset to begin on from left: MANOJCG ED PAYINGFORPOISON November 28 and will be con- Bukhari, NEWDELHI,NOVEMBER22 Noclear SHAJUPHILIP THE EDITORIAL PAGE BY JESSICA SEDDON ducted in eight phases through Panditpuri, PLAIN E &MANOJCG &ASHOK GULATI December 19. Nasir Lone ● roadmap THE TURMOIL in the Congress EX THIRUVANANTHAPURAM, IRONFIST, PAGE 8 CONTINUEDONPAGE2 that resurfacedafter the party’s NEWDELHI,NOVEMBER22 VELVETGLOVE poor performance in the Bihar THE LETTER by 23 leaders Ordinance violates elections and bypolls is showing to Congress president IN THE face of widespread criti- Constitution, arms police no signs of abating. On Sunday, Sonia Gandhi seeking to cism and outrageoverthe Kerala with a chilling new weapon Ghulam Nabi Azad, one of the 23 forcereforms and ac- government move to amend the PAGE 8 senior leaders who wrotethe countabilityinthe party, lawtomandateajail term for EXPERT unprecedentedlettertoSonia and the lack of acogent re- any“offensive”social media EXPLAINS Gandhi demandingsweeping sponse from the leader- post, Chief MinisterPinarayi Minister's clarification came af- changes in the party,said the ship, have onlyserved to Vijayanclaimeditwould notbe terintervention by the CPM cen- Dr Gagandeep Kang Congress'sorganisational“sys- makethe Congress appear usedagainst“free speech” or tral leadership.“Thereisconsid- FromTheIndianExpresspanel temhas collapsed” and itsposi- weaker vis avis asurging “impartial journalism”. erable outrage...It becomes of specialists,exclusive insight tion will notimprove unless re- BJP.The party has been Few were buying this, with difficult to defend suchanordi- forms arecarriedout. running around in circles Opposition parties slamming the nance,” aPolitburo member said. Talking to The Indian Express, forthe pastsix yearswith CPM-led rulingLDF forthe The CPI, aconstituent of the WHEREAREWEIN Azad, leader of the Opposition in no roadmap to reconnect “harsh and draconian” move to LDF in Kerala, is upset, too. A RajyaSabha, said the situation of withthe people. “gag the media”. Sources in party leader said Vijayanshould VACCINEHUNT? CONTINUEDONPAGE2 Vijayan's ownparty said the Chief CONTINUEDONPAGE2 Whatdothevaccinetrial findingsmean?What doesIndianeedforamass BCCI’s IPL card:revenue Rs 4,000 cr, vaccinationexercise? EXPLAINED TV viewership up, 30,000 Covid tests PAGE 10 PCR Covidtests were conducted ing tournament since the Covid DEVENDRAPANDEY foratotal of 1,800individuals outbreak startedspreading EXPRESS NETWORK MUMBAI,NOVEMBER22 without anyofthe 60 matches acrossthe globe in February. being affected by the pandemic. Dhumal, however, didnot HIMANTA BISWA 2KILLED,8INJURED THE INDIANcricket board earned This, according to BCCI discuss the breakup of revenue SARMA “Rs 4,000crore” in revenue from Treasurer Arun Dhumal, is the re- or viewership forthe tourna- INGASLEAKIN ASSAM MINISTER OF theIPLin the UAE, TVviewership portcardatthe end of the high- ment that washeld without FINANCE, HEALTH SUGARFACTORY was“about25 percentmorethan profile T20 league. This year's IPL spectators in the stands due to PAGE 11 PAGE 7 lastyear”, and over 30,000 RT- wasalso India's firstmajor sport- CONTINUEDONPAGE2 His 3-yr search formissing wifeprompts HC alarm &ahuman traffickingprobe in Shirdi PAGE1 Dwarka and Nageshwar apink saree, has notbeenseen ANCHOR Jyotirling temples in Gujarat. We since. could nothavetravelledsucha And now, Soni’s relentless ef- longdistance in the unreserved fortstofind her have prompted compartment with our twochil- the Aurangabad Benchofthe MAYURAJANWALKAR dren. That’s when my wifeand I BombayHigh Courttoask MUMBAI,NOVEMBER22 decidedtocatchabus to Shirdi Maharashtra’s toppolice officer from Ahmedabad,” said Soni, 42. to probesimilar disappearances IT WASa15-dayholidayManoj On August10, the family reportedfromthe famous tem- Soni had plannedfor his family from Indorevisited the famous ple town andinvestigatethe an- in August2017, and visiting Saibaba temple. “While the chil- gleofhumantrafficking. Shirdi wasnot apartofthat. But dren were enjoying the rides at a On October 29, taking note of then, the dateonthe train tick- fair,mywifewanted to take a aplea by Soni that he had run etshebooked from Ahmedabad look at the shopsnearby. Ifelt from pillar to postfor three years to Vaishnodevi wasJuly9,in- she should go without the kids and found the police “leastcoop- stead of amonth later. From the familyalbum: ManojSoni and his wife. Deepti, a or theywould demand alot of erative”, the Benchexpressed “I realisedthis on August9af- nursing assistant, went missing from ShirdionAug 10,2017 things,”said Soni. dissatisfaction over the actionof terwehad visited Somnath, His wifeDeepti (38),wearing CONTINUEDONPAGE2 WWW.INDIANEXPRESS.COM 2 THE SECOND PAGE THEINDIANEXPRESS,MONDAY,NOVEMBER23,2020 DOWNLOADAPP WWW.INDIANEXPRESS.COM ■ VISUALSTORIES ■ DAILY BRIEFING ■ PODCASTS EXPLAINED:WHATISTHESENTINEL-6SATELLITE,ANDWHYISITIMPORTANT? ■ CUSTOMIZABLE TheCopernicusSentinel-6MichaelFreilichsatellite,designedtomonitoroceans,waslaunchedfromthe The trouble with NEWS EXPERIENCE VandenbergAirForcebaseinCaliforniaaboardaSpaceXFalcon9rocketonNovember21.Thisisapartofthe WEB nextmissiondedicatedtomeasuringchangesintheglobalsealevel. Androids Indian Express EXCLUSIVE ★★★★★■4.6 NEWEPISODEEVERYDAY TECH TRENDING AMAZON SMART DRAMATIC PLUG REVIEW
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