H, Mffk% both Ueing hi Manrbaa- FbjrMdb Rindiagar at AVEEAOB OAa.T OOMjDLA’nON tar. Saam at West Hartf<^ Shaa at K IIO DTIO W N GATHERING DATA MANCHESTER B D iS fsr Iks assrai of riknH ty. tggf Aa tha committee arranging (or V^BahUn. Savlgny o f Chester, John- THE WBATlUai the aaBhreraaiy ot tbe founding o( ston at Tbomuton, Cooks of Bran­ tha departmeot 40 years ago goes Faraeoal af 0. S. Waathar _ aoeMar M aktn w m w«U ford. Vartaak. a t WUUngtoa, Barry BortfaM I tba patiaaac* • ( tbair ON FIRE DISTRICT back into tha raeorda ot tbe town, HEARING THURSDAY of Portland, FauUmer of Ns* Ha- 5.876 ■ ■m w iM t B M t to dapartaaent and thatrlet, they ara van, Laipasr at Bridgeport and Mrs. b e v a f Om A r a a 9t wnm iri LoUNna findiBg nany interaating (beta that Vfyna of Southington. ■ a t O r snl aMsaa Bala oaf aBghtty warnmr tan IflM About U 6 w t n Mcrad « t t k win d ba coaMned Into a history ■■d Soaday. at the departmaqt that wiU be pre- BBML bfltWMB tiM Comnittoe Getthf Records Spedil Legislitioi b Be Be­ MANCHESTER - A c it y o f v i l l a g e (HARM at • ^ To^rtodi, m tbagr eervad by each o l tha differant com- ■ t tbalr oamranlano*. paideo f«r yaaM to come. W n CHHXEN FRDES VO L.LVI„Nai45 ■■ Pfegs IB.) «M took • tncr oad dlvor and aid Pktares TofeAer for fore CRiei and B e ro ig b ••ANCHBSTBR,' c o n n , SAIUBDAY, MARCH 20. 1937 (TWELVE PAGES) PRICE TURBB a Mo or bondf oad* eely ' AT PONLAR MAREET NDi aadbtowa bnod w m the Anohrersary. Conmittee at 2 BOY J lo r INTERB8TBD ba tbo tablM. Boom oC Om Manchester ‘ D f FOUND nUCASURB I by tbo Doreu Iba Vsfidar weekly drawings G.M.C PARLE7 ■ad tbo ooBunittee win raoUat bdd last night at the Pedlar LosraD, Mareh .20^ GREAT UPRISING C^cith Goes To School ■ntn fo r church work. ICn. A m eetlag a t tha gansral eoai- D ate Book Bins propoMag sp ecif leg[lsUtioii Market. Rublnow bulling, at which (A P I —Tka "findar tuMps” trwB ^Arthur Boactuad. pnaidcat at tbo mittM arrangiBg for the anniver­ for Manchester will ba heard by tlBM ten chickens were awarded as FORCES RALLY tloa lUdn’t tetaraat a 10-yaar-old Sm m s Froa llie Tragk Aftermath Of Explosion priaes—two aacb—to the following ‘ ity waa cbalriBaa. aad waa aa- sary celebration of the organisation Tonight. tbe Cities fuid Boroughn kAwall boy after ba t^ ei^ the BY h ig h u s t s' in -i In New Londoh, Tex., School (^ S RADIATORS CAUL a tqr the foUoadar commlttea March 19—Radio Star concert at winners: James Lennon, 46 Pleas­ package he found on Csatrai otbar BMaibora: lira. Charica o f the South Mane* eater Hm * de­ North M ettux^ diurcb. of the General ASMmbly next ant street: James Slmpaon. U Pui^ bridga il, MM. R a rry Mathlaaon, Hra. partment will be held tat No. 3’s Also Irish tea party and enter­ Thursday afternoon, starting at 2 e r a Place; Mrs. Rose Sipples, 189 FOR HEW t a s k! H e turned It over to a poUoe- house tonight. p. m., in Room 62, on the east side Oak street; Minnie Morrison, 198 FRANCEFEARED jOarl Patoaon, Mra. l>neat Johnaon tainment at Orange hall by Daugb- -m saying: "You can have It Mta. Fred Johaaon. Since the meeting of the general tsM of Liberty. of the fourth floor of.the btate ^k.atreet; Mrs. Susan Demko, 68 committee a week ago on Sunday CapitoL or do anytiiteg alaa you want This Month. RhiEoatreeL artth it. I t ’s yours.’* OF SCHOOL BLAST, S ^ the different sub committees have Federal and State Medhtonl Group 4 of the Mcaiorlal hoapital March 28—Annual Easter Break­ The advocated measures which ■ Special Easter draiftnga win be Tho package Oontateed a.dos- Mlaa M ary Hutchiaon. held meetings. They wUI make a re­ held next Thursday, the number and Many Mobile (loanls Called fast at T. M. C A. w ill be discussed Include the amend­ 1 botOaa o f castor oU. will meet Monday at the port at the meeting of the general Also Sunrise Service of Protest­ ments recoBunended by tbe Charter nature o f tho prUes to be announced Unite to Brinf Abont of M in Hutchiaon, 221 Pine committee to'be held tonight of ant young people at Sunset Hill. Revision committee, introduce in Mraday. Manager Tom Wise said to Paris As De h Roeque what progress that has been made 8:30 a. m. the House by Repreaentativs Wil­ today tkat the Easter drawings wUI in the way a t obtaining old time March 29 — ShilneM’ Ball at liam J. Shea; amendments to thos4 be aspedally worth w hilo-a sort of EXPERT; DEATHS AT 45 Peace b die Clur It bappened that at both Method- a; -SMtus and histories a t the dif­ State Armory. amendments, calling for minority ■nniveraaiy special—because it was New Spring Makes Ikreats; Prote^ lit churdm, the North aad South, ferent companies of the department March 80—’The Youngest,” a 8- representation on aU elective and at Jast Eastertime that the drawings LOYAL FORCES the aame cantata will be rendered by and also a t the South Manchester ■ct comedy at Whiton Memorial appointive boards, introduced in the were first held. Since that time Plants Sitdown Strike. Ban OD Pidhical Meetings. b r. E. P. ScJumJi, the cb oiM at the Palm Simday ere- Fire district. auditorium given by Community House by RepresentatiTe Edward J. over five hundred dollars worth of a fa if aerrlce. I t la. "Penitence, Par­ The parade committee has engag­ PlaycM aad sponsored by the Y. M. Murphy and in tbe Senate by Sena­ proviaians have been given away. PURSUE REBEIj Round World Plane don and Peace” by J. H. Maunder. ed the "Spirit of ’76” to lead the C. A . tor W. F. Thresher of South Wind­ The Papular Market would be SPORT D etro it March 20.— {A P I — Fed- On Explosives, March 81—Annual K. of C. Eas­ sor. to rocelvo suggestions from Paria, March 20.— (A P ) — The Sunaet Orele, Paat Noble Orands parade which wlU form at Main and ' eral and state mediation forces Charter Oak street and march to ter ball at Rainbow in Bolton. Creating a Board of Wate( and heir friends and customers, for Im­ people’# front supporting Socialist at Sunaet lUbekah lodge, artU hold Also American Legion "stag” proving the method of awarding the which effected the truce lesulteg to TO T K NORTH Crashes at Takeoff; Maaonlo Temple on the night that Sewer Commissioners, introduced Premier Leon Blum reinforoed its Lack of Proper Vents Ita monthly meeting Monday eve­ banquet at Orange halL P*ta*a each week, or for msicitir the settlement of the recent General ning at the home of Mrs. William H. the banquet will be held. The parade by Mr. Shea; changing the date for COATS rapital defenses today amid fUgbtf prises more attracUve to a greater committee has also been able to Next MontlL the beginning uf the fiscal year. In­ Moton strike united agate today to 1st threats of a possible uprising. Z>jwd at 27 Maple street. April 1—Anderson-Shea Poet, V. number. A t present the prises are sponsible for locate taro of the fiist pieces of 11m troduced In the House by Mr. Mur­ seek an armistice te the sit-down at jAOeged Message from Numerous platooas of MobUe Miss Earhart Unhurt awarded, without any strings at­ F. W,, and Auxiliary banquet at V. phy and in the Senate by Mr. Guards—tbe exact number was un- The Manchester Kiwanls club will iqipaMtus used In the district. F. W. Home. tached and there la nothing to buy. Cbnralor automotive plants. James Thresher; and creating the office of dlaclooed—were brought from the .• w est aa usual Monday a t 12:1S at These s m "jumpeH” that w c m as­ April 8—Army and Navy club’s Ito y r^ular patrons cefm^ain that F. Dewey, Department of Labor Revised (lieck Shows W'the YM.CJi... The speaker wlU be signed to No. 1 and No. 2 com­ assistant town treasurer, introduc­ conciliator, came to Detroit at the Doce Captnred; h sor- provteoes and stationed te various Hanolahi, March 29—(A P )— annual Ladles* Night although they make aU their pur­ $1 0 -9 8 P «la of tbe Paris area after CoL Amefia Earharfs aroimd the I Raymond Dudley, who la In charge ed by Mr. Shea. panies of the department. The other April 9—Rainbow Girls’ MinstMl chases at the market, they have no direction of Secretary Frances Per­ g o f work among the robber caste of three jumpeM have gone Into junk. Hie move of .the Democrats to kins to join Gov. BYank Murphy, Francois de la Roeque, fiery Right­ world plane skidded and crashed h jnred and Two show, Hollister street school. more advantage than one who per­ gents Report Sodden (bp - ist leader, sounded an ominoua note P Southern India. He wUI show motion The first horse draam hose truck,- place members of their party on the haps Is neither a regular nor an oc­ t o who baa been conferring “wlUi today while she waa attemptfag L nlcturea o f ImUan life and the work April 10—Midnight show at State Chrysler Corporation executives and a t warning, Proteatteg the gov- owned by No.
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