Angewandte. Angewandte News Chemie Socit Chimique de France 2014 Prize Nazario Martn (Universidad Complutense de Winners Madrid) is the winner of the Prix franco-espagnol Awarded … Miguel Cataln–Paul Sabatier. Martn was featured The Socit Chimique de France has announced its here when he was awarded the 2012 EuCheMS 2014 prize winners. We congratulate all the awar- Lectureship.[4a] Martn is on the International dees and feature our authors and referees here. Advisory Boards of Chemistry—An Asian Journal, Max Malacria (Institut de Chimie des Substan- ChemPlusChem, and ChemSusChem. His report on ces Naturelles; ICSN) is the winner of the Prix modified single-wall nanotubes was recently fea- Joseph Achille Le Bel, which is awarded to tured on the cover of Chemistry—A European recognize internationally recognized research. Mal- Journal.[4b] acria studied at the Universit Aix-Marseille III, Michael Holzinger (Universit Joseph Four- where he completed his PhD under the supervision nier, Grenoble 1; UJF) is the winner of the Prix M. Malacria of Marcel Bertrand in 1974. From 1974–1981, he jeune chercheur from the Analytical Chemistry was matre-assistant with Jacques Gore at the Division. Holzinger carried out his PhD at the Universit Claude Bernard Lyon 1 (UCBL), and Friedrich-Alexander-Universitt Erlangen-Nrn- from 1981–1983, he carried out postdoctoral berg. After postdoctoral research at the Universit research with K. Peter C. Vollhardt at the Univer- Montpellier 2 (UM2) and the Max Planck Institute sity of California, Berkeley. He returned to the for Solid-State Research, and working at Robert UCBL as matre de conferences in 1983, and was Bosch, he joined Serge Cosniers group at the UJF made professor at the Universit Pierre et Marie as a CNRS charg de recherche. Holzinger is Curie in 1985. He was Director of the Laboratoire interested in the development of biosensors and M. Ephritikhine de Chimie Molculaire de Paris Centre from 1995– biofuel cells based on functionalized nanomaterials. 2011, and was made Director of the ICSN in 2011. He has reported in Chemistry—A European Jour- Malacrias research interests include transition- nal on functionalized carbon nanotube electrodes.[5] metal-catalyzed cyclization and cycloisomerization Sylviane Sabo-Etienne (Laboratoire de Chimie reactions, radical chemistry, and asymmetric syn- de Coordination (LCC), Toulouse) is the winner of thesis involving heteroatoms. He has reported in the Coordination Chemistry Division Prize. Sabo- Chemistry—A European Journal on catalytic Etienne received her PhD (supervised by Danile cobalt-mediated enediyne cycloaddition reac- Gervais) from the Universit Paul Sabatier, Tou- tions,[1a] and in Angewandte Chemie on the syn- louse in 1980. She subsequently joined the CNRS as thesis of triangular tripalladium cations.[1b] Malac- a charge de recherche, firstly at the LCC in M. Beller ria is on the International Advisory Board of Toulouse (1980–1985) and subsequently in the Chemistry—An Asian Journal and was closely group of Herv des Abbayes at the Universit de associated with the European Journal of Organic Bretagne Occidentale, Brest (1986–1989). After a Chemistry firstly as Co-Editor (2002) and subse- year as a research associate with Maurice Broo- quently Editorial Board member (2003–2012) and khart at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Chairman (2005–2012). Hill, she returned to the LCC to work in collabo- Michel Ephritikhine (Commissariat à lnergie ration with Bruno Chaudret. She is currently CNRS atomique et aux nergies alternatives (CEA), directrice de recherche, Director of the Architec- Saclay) and Claude Mirodatos (Institut de ture organomtallique et catalyse group, and Vice- N. Martn recherches sur la catalyse et lenvironnement de Director of the Institut de Chimie de Toulouse. Lyon) are the recipients of the Prix Pierre Se, Sabo-Etiennes research involves coordination which is also presented for internationally recog- chemistry, organometallic chemistry, and catalysis. nized work. Ephritikhine was featured here when She has reported in Advanced Synthesis & Catalysis he won the Prix fond par ltat and the Mdaille on silane deuteration,[6a] and in Angewandte Berthelot.[2a] He has reported in ChemCatChem on Chemie on BÀH, CÀH, and BÀC activation.[6b] the catalytic deoxygenation of carbon dioxide.[2b] Bastien Nay (Musum National dHistoire Matthias Beller (Leibniz Institute of Catalysis Naturelle) has been honored with the Prix jeune at the University of Rostock) has been honored chercheur from the Organic Chemistry Division. with the Prix franco-allemand Georg Wittig–Victor Nay studied at the Universit Paul Sabatier, M. Holzinger Grignard. Beller was highlighted here when he Toulouse and the Universit Victor Sgalen, Bor- received the European Sustainable Chemistry deaux. He carried out postdoctoral work at the Award.[3a] Beller is Co-chairman of the Editorial University of Nottingham and the ICSN, and joined Board of ChemSusChem and is on the Editorial or the CNRS in 2004. Nays research interests are in Advisory Boards of Angewandte Chemie, Chem- natural product synthesis. He has reported in CatChem, and Chemistry—A European Journal. ChemBioChem on a retro-[2,3]-Wittig rearrange- His most recent contribution to Angewandte ment.[7] Chemie is a report in the catalytic methylation of FranÅois-Xavier Felpin (Universit de Nantes) CÀH bonds.[3b] is the recipient of the Prix enseignant-chercheur S. Sabo-Etienne Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2014, 53, 1 – 3 2014 Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim &&&& Angewandte. News from the Organic Chemistry Division. Felpin Boris Le Guennic (Institut des Sciences Chimi- obtained his PhD from the Universit de Nantes, ques de Rennes; ICR) obtained his PhD from the and was a postdoctoral fellow with Robert S. Universit de Rennes 1. He was a postdoctoral Coleman at The Ohio State University. In 2004, fellow at the Friedrich-Alexander-Universitt he was appointed matre de conferences at the Erlangen-Nrnberg, the University at Buffalo– Universit de Bordeaux, working with Yannick State University of New York, and the University Landais and Eric Fouquet, and in 2011, he was of Bonn. In 2005, he joined the CNRS as a charg made professor at the Universit de Nantes. de recherche at the cole Normale Suprieure de Felpins research interests include medicinal Lyon, and in 2011, he moved to the ICR. Le Guen- B. Nay chemistry, homogeneous and heterogeneous catal- nics research activities involve the use of quantum ysis, and materials, as well as flow chemistry. He has chemical approaches for the understanding of the reported in Chemistry—A European Journal on a magnetic and optical properties of molecular supported Pd–Au alloy as catalyst for coupling materials. He has reported in the European Journal reactions.[8] of Inorganic Chemistry on the magnetic properties The Solid-State Chemistry Division Prize has of redox-active lanthanide complexes.[12] been awarded to Samuel Bernard and Cdric Boissire. Samuel Bernard (Institut Europen des Mem- [1] a) S. Ventre, C. Simon, F. Rekhroukh, M. Malacria, M. Amatore, C. Aubert, M. Petit, Chem. Eur. J. 2013, branes (IEM), UM2) worked at the UCBL for his F.-X. Felpin 19, 5830; b) S. Blanchard, L. Fensterbank, G. Gon- PhD, and carried out postdoctoral research at the tard, E. Lacte, G. Maestri, M. Malacria, Angew. Max Planck Institute for Metal Research, Stuttgart Chem. Int. Ed. 2014, 53, 1987; Angew. Chem. 2014, (currently Max Planck Institute for Intelligent 126, 2018. Systems). He joined the CNRS in 2004 and is [2] a) Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2013, 52, 1625; Angew. currently Co-Director of the Membrane Perspec- Chem. 2013, 125, 1667; b) O. Jacquet, C. Das Neves tives group at the IEM. Bernards research is Gomes, M. Ephritikhine, T. Cantat, ChemCatChem 2013, 5, 117. focused on the synthesis, shaping, and pyrolysis of [3] a) Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2010, 49, 8788; Angew. molecular and polymeric precursors to develop Chem. 2010, 122, 8970; b) Y. Li, T. Yan, K. Junge, M. non-oxide ceramics in nitride, carbonitride, and Beller, Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2014, 53, 10476; Angew. Chem. 2014, 126, 10644. S. Bernard carbide systems. He has reported in Advanced Materials on bulk nitride nanocomposites.[9] [4] a) Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2012, 51, 9972; Angew. Cdric Boissire (Laboratoire Chimie de la Chem. 2012, 124, 10112; b) L. Rodrguez-Prez, R. Matire Condense de Paris (LCMCP), Universit Garca, M. ngeles Herranz, N. Martn, Chem. Eur. J. 2014, 20, 7278. Pierre et Marie Curie) carried out his PhD at the [5] M. Bourourou, K. Elouarzaki, N. Lalaoui, C. Agns, UM2. After postdoctoral work at the University of A. Le Goff, M. Holzinger, A. Maaref, S. Cosnier, Bristol, he was made a charg de recherche at the Chem. Eur. J. 2013, 19, 9371. LCMCP. Boissires research is focused on the [6] a) K. A. Smart, E. Mothes-Martin, T. Annaka, M. synthesis and characterization of hierarchical func- Grellier, S. Sabo-Etienne, Adv. Synth. Catal. 2014, tional materials. His report on the green microwave 356, 759; b) A. Cassen, Y. Gloaguen, L. Vendier, C. Duhayon, A. Poblador-Bahamonde, C. Raynaud, E. synthesis of nanoparticles was featured on the C. Boissire Clot, G. Alcaraz, S. Sabo-Etienne, Angew. Chem. Int. cover of the European Journal of Inorganic Ed. 2014, 53, 7569; Angew. Chem. 2014, 126, 7699. [10] Chemistry. [7] Y. Katsuyama, X.-W. Li, R. Mller, B. Nay, Chem- The Prix jeune chercheur from the Physical BioChem 2014, DOI: 10.1002/cbic.201402373. Chemistry Division has been awarded to Aziz [8] C. Rossy, J. Majimel, E. Fouquet, C. Delacte, M. Ghoufi and Boris Le Guennic (both at the Uni- Boujtita, C. Labrugre, M. Trguer-Delapierre, F.-X. versit de Rennes 1). Felpin, Chem. Eur. J. 2013, 19, 14024. [9] M. C. Bechelany, V. Proust, C. Gervais, R. Ghisleni, Aziz Ghoufi (Institut de Physique de Rennes; S. Bernard, P. Miele, Adv. Mater. 2014, 26, 6548. IPR) studied at the Universit Blaise Pascal, [10] A.
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