D DAGA, SHRI NARAYANDAS K. : Congress (Hyderabad); s. of Shri Kedarnath Daga; b. October 24, 1923; m. Shrimati Chand Devi N. Daga, 4 s. and 2 d.; Member, Rajya Sabha, 23-4-1954 to 2-4-1958; Died. Obit. on 18-11-1968. DAGA, SHRI SITARAM : Inter; Congress (West Bengal); s. of Shri Duli Chand Daga; b. April 4, 1923; m. Shrimati Savitri Devi Daga, 1 d.; Member, Rajya Sabha, 3-5-1957 to 2-4-1958. Per. Add. : 25/1, Ballygunj, Circular Road, Calcutta (West Bengal). DALMIA, SHRI SANJAY : B .A . (Hon.) Economics ; S .P. (Uttar Pradesh); s. of Shri Vishnu Hari Dalmia; b. March 17, 1944; m. Shrimati Indu Dalmia; Member, Rajya Sabha, 3-2-1994 to 4-7-1998. Per. Add. :(i) House No. B-118, Sector 26, Noida, District-Ghaziabad (U.P.) and (ii) Dalmia (Bros.) Pvt. Ltd., IInd Floor, Indraprakash Building, 21, Barakhamba Road, New Delhi -110001. DALWAI, SHRI HUSSAIN : B.A. , LL.B. ; Congress (I ) (Maharashtra); s. of Shri Misarikhan Bawakhan Dalwai; b. August 17, 1922; m. Shrimati Fatima Hussain Dalwai, 3 s. and 2 d.; Member, Maharashtra Legislative Assembly, 1962-78; Minister, Government of Maharashtra, 1977-78; Member, Rajya Sabha, 3-4- 1984 to 28-12-1984. Per. Add. : Village Uktad, Post Office Chiplun, District Ratnagiri (Maharashtra). DAMODARAN, SHRI K. : C.P.I. (Kerala); s. of Shri K.T. Namboodiripad; b. March 1, 1912; m. Shrimati K P. Padman; Member, Rajya Sabha, 3-4-1964 to 2-4- 1970; Secretary, Kerala P.C.C., 1940; Author of a number of books in Malayalam; Died. Obit. on 10-8-1976. DANG, SHRIMATI SATYAVATI : Matric, Bhushan and Rattan; Congress (Himachal Pradesh); d. of Shri Satya Nand Stokes; b. April 10, 1920; m. Shri Onkar Nath Dang, 2 d.; Member, (i) Himachal Pradesh Territorial Council and (ii) Rajya Sabha, 3-4-1968 to 2-4-1974; General Secretary/President, Himachal Pradesh P.C.C., 1962-69. Per. Add. : “Our Orchard”, Post Office Thanedhar, District Mahasu (Himachal Pradesh). DANGRE, SHRI R. V. : Congress (Maharashtra); s. of Shri Vithalrao Dangre; b. August 15, 1931; m. Shrimati Satyabhamabai, 2 s.; Member, Rajya Sabha, 3-4- 1954 to 2-4-1960; Vice-President, Maharashtra P.C.C., 1948-51; Died on 25-6- 1979. DAPHTARY, SHRI C. K. : M.A., LL.B. (Cantab.), Bar-at-law; (Nominated) ; s . of Shri Kisanlal Ratanlal; b . April 1 , 1 8 9 3 ; m. Shrimati Sushila Daphtary, 1 s. and 2 d.; Member, Rajya Sabha, 3-4-1972 to 2-4-1978; Solicitor General of India, 1951-63; AttorneyGeneral of India, 1963-68; Died. Obit. on 18-2-1983. DAR, SHRI ABDUL GHANI : Progressive Independent Party (Punjab); s. of Shri Jiwan Dar; b. October 14, 1907; m. Shrimati Shamshad Dar; Member, (i) Punjab Legislative Assembly, 1952-62 and (ii) Rajya Sabha, 23-11-1962 to 23-2-1967; Author of a number of books; Died. Obit. on 23-1-1980. DARD, SHRI JAGIR SINGH : Matric; I.N.C. (Punjab); s. of Shri S. Pratap Singh; b. September 16, 1926; m. Shrimati Surjeet Kaur, 2 s. and 4 d.; Member, (i) Punjab Legislative Assembly in 1957, 1967 and 1968 and (ii) Rajya Sabha, 10-4- 1992 to 9-4-1998; Author of a book ‘Dard Pyara Lokon Da’ in Punjabi. Per. Add. : Village and P.O. Sahnewal, District Ludhiana (Punjab). DARDA, SHRI VIJAY J. : Independent (Maharashtra); s. of Shri Jawaharlal Darda; b. May 14, 1950; m. Shrimati Jyotsna V. Darda, 1 s. and 1 d.; Member, Rajya Sabha, 5-7-1998 till date; Author of a few books. Per. Add . : Lokmat Bhavan , Wardha Road , P.O . Box - 2 1 6 , Nagpur - 440012 (Maharashtra). DAS, SHRI BANKA BEHARY : P.S P. (Orissa); s. of Shri Jaganath Das; b. January, 1923; m. Shrimati Sudhamanjari Das, 2 s. and 2 d.; Member, (i) Orissa Legislative Assembly, 1957-61 and (ii) Rajya Sabha, 3-4-1966 to 4-4-1971; Joint Secretary/ Secretary, Orissa P.S.P., 1947-54; Author of a few books; Died. Obit. on 30-7-2001. DAS, SHRI BASANT KUMAR : High School; J.D.(S) (Orissa); s. of Shri V. Satrughna Das; b. April 20, 1940; m. Shrimati Roma Das, 3 s. and 2 d.; Member, Rajya Sabha, 3-4-1990 to 2-4-1996. Per. Add.: Bahadur Bagicha Para, Post Office Bhawanipatna, District Kalahandi (Orissa). DAS, SHRI BHUBANANANDA : B.E.; Congress (Orissa); s. of Shri Ram Chandra Das; b. May 14, 1885; m. Shrimati Rukmini Devi; Member, (i) Central Legislative Assembly, 1923-45; (ii) Constituent Assembly, 1946-50, (iii) Provisional Parliament, 1950-52, (iv) Lok Sabha, 1952-57 and (v) Rajya Sabha, 27-4-1957 to 23-2-1958; Chairman, Parliamentary Committee on Public Accounts, 1950-54; Died. Obit. on 24-2-1958. DAS, SHRI BIPINPAL : M.Sc.; Congress (I) (Assam); s. of Shri Santapal Das; b. February 1, 1923; m. Shrimati Arati Das, 2 s. and 3 d.; Member, Rajya Sabha, 3- 4-1970 to 2-4-1976 and 3-4-1976 to 2-4-1982; Union Deputy Minister of External Affairs, October, 1974 to March, 1977; Chairman, Committee on Petitions, Rajya Sabha, 1979; Secretary, Assam P.S.P., 1952-54; Joint Secretary, All India P.S.P., 1954-55; General Secretary, All India Socialist Party, 1956 and 1957; Author of a few books. Per. Add. : Hemchandra Road, Guwahati (Assam). DAS, SHRI BISWANATH : B.A., B.L.; Congress (Orissa); s. of Shri Madhusudan Das; b. 1890; married, 2 s.; Member, (i) Madras Legislative Council, 1920-30 and (ii) Orissa Legislative Assembly, 1937-43; Chief Minister, Orissa, July, 1937 to November, 1939; Member, Rajya Sabha, 3-4-1954 to 2-4-1960 and 3-4-1960 to 22-6-1961; President, Orissa P.C.C. three times; Died. Obit. on 23-7-1984. DAS, SHRI JAGANNATH : M.A.; Congress (Orissa); s. of Shri Radhashyam Das; b. March 5, 1892; m. Shrimati Promila Devi, 1 s. and 1 d.; Member, (i) Bihar and Orissa Legislative Council, 1930-35, (ii) Orissa Legislative Assembly, 1936-46, (iii) Central Legislative Assembly, 1 9 4 6 - 4 7 , (iv ) Provisional Parliament , 1950-51 and (v) Rajya Sabha, 3-4-1952 to 2-4-1956. Per. Add. : Jajpur, Post Office Jajpur, Cuttack (Orissa). DAS, SHRI KHAGEN : M.Com., B.Ed.; C.P.I.(M) (Tripura); s. of Shri Harish Ch. Das; b. September 4, 1937; m. Shrimati Anupama Das, 2 d.; Member, Tripura Legislative Assembly, 1978-88; Minister, holding portfolios of Revenue, Health, Statistics, Printing and Stationary Department, Government of Tripura, 1983-88; Chairman, Public Accounts Committee , Tripura Legislative Assembly, 1978-82; Political Secretary to the Chief Minister of Tripura, 1984; Member, Rajya Sabha, 3-4-1998 to 25-2-2002. Per. Add. : Ramnagar Road-6, Agartala, West Tripura (Tripura). DAS, DR. M. N. : M.A., Ph.D., D.Litt.; I.N.C.(Orissa); s. of Shri Madhu Sudan Das; b. January 5, 1926; m. Shrimati Rajasree Das, 1 s. and 1 d.; Member, Rajya Sabha, 2-7-1998 till date; Vice-Chancellor, Utkal University, 1983-85; Author of a number of books. Per. Add. : 17, Satyanagar, Bhubaneswar, District Khurda -751007 (Orissa) DAS, MAHANT LAXMI NARAIN : Congress (Madhya Pradesh); s. of Guru Mahant Bihari Das; Bachelor; Member, (i) Madhya Pradesh Legislative Council, 1937-52 and (ii) Rajya Sabha, 3-4-1962 to 2-4-1968; President, M.P.C.C., 1957-59; Died. Obit. on 17-3-1987. DAS, SHRlMATI MIRA : M.A., LL.B.; J.D.(Orissa); d. of Shri Padmacharan Mohanty; b. November 10, 1941; m. Shri Bimal Das, 2 s. and 1 d.; Member, Rajya Sabha, 3-4-1990 to 2-4-1996. Per. Add. : Plot No. L-3, 119, Acharya Vihar, Bhubaneswar, District Puri (Orissa). DAS, SHRIMATI MONIKA : B.A.; Congress (I) (Karnataka); d. of Dr. Anukul Chandra Boral; b. 1939; m. Dr. C. R. Das, 1 s. and 3 d.; Member, Rajya Sabha, 3-4-1980 to 2-4-1986. Per. Add. : 13, Chanakya Puri, Hubli (Karnataka). DAS, SHRI NANDA KISHORE : M.A.; Congress (Orissa); s. of Shri Shyam Charan Das; Member, (i) Bihar and Orissa Legislative Councils, 1927, 1928 and 1929 and (ii) Orissa Legislative Assembly; Deputy Speaker and then Speaker, Orissa Legislative Assembly; Member, (i) Constituent Assembly, (ii) Provisional Parliament and (iii) Rajya Sabha, 3-4-1960 to 2-4-1966; President, Orissa P.C.C.; Died. Obit. on 17-7-1986. DAS, DR. (MS.) P. SELVIE : M.S.(Home Economics), Ph.D. (Education); (Nominated); d. of Shri R. A. Das; b. September 29, 1932; Unmarried; Member, Rajya Sabha, 27-8-1997 to 26-8-2003; Vice-Chancellor, University of Mysore, 1988-91; Member, Union Public Service Commission , 1 9 9 1 - 9 7 ; Recipient of Kannada Rajyothsava Prashasthi, 1988; Author of a number of articles. Per. Add. : C-1/12-A, Pandara Park, New Delhi-110003. DAS, SHRIMATI PUSHPALATA : M.A.; Congress (Assam); d. of Shri R. Saikia; b. March 27, 1915; m. Shri Omeo Kumar Das, 1 d.; Member, Assam Legislative Assembly; Minister, Government of Assam; Member, Rajya Sabha, 3-4-1952 to 2- 4 - 1 9 5 6 and 3-4-1956 to 2-4-1962; Died. Obit. on 15-12-2003. DAS, KUMARI SHOILA BALA : Congress (Orissa); d. of Shri Madhu Sudan Das; b. March 25, 1875; Unmarried Member, Rajya Sabha. 3-4-1952 to 2-4-1954; Author of ‘Life of Madhusudan’ and ‘Autobiography’; Died. Obit. on 29-4-1968. DAS GUPTA, SHRI GURUDAS : M.Com.; C.P.I. (West Bengal); s. of Shri Durga Prosanna Das Gupta; b. November 3, 1936; m. Shrimati Jayasri Das Gupta, 1 d. ; Member, Rajya Sabha, 12-3-1985 to 2-4-1988, 3-4-1988 to 2-4- 1994 and 3-4-1994 to 2-4-2000; Vice-President AITUC.
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