University of Southern Maine USM Digital Commons Stein, The, 1967-1970 Student Newspapers 10-20-1969 The Stein, 10/20/1969 University of Maine Portland Follow this and additional works at: https://digitalcommons.usm.maine.edu/stein Part of the American Studies Commons, Creative Writing Commons, and the Education Commons Recommended Citation University of Maine Portland, "The Stein, 10/20/1969" (1969). Stein, The, 1967-1970. 11. https://digitalcommons.usm.maine.edu/stein/11 This Book is brought to you for free and open access by the Student Newspapers at USM Digital Commons. It has been accepted for inclusion in Stein, The, 1967-1970 by an authorized administrator of USM Digital Commons. For more information, please contact [email protected]. ,, , f ISSUE 4 :... OCTOBER 20 UNIVERSITY OF MAINE - PORTLAND CAMPUS , KEEP UM .P STOP THE DRAIN UMP , ' I I I . ! Page 2 THE STEIN October 20 tLli..J'. STUUEN T SEN ATE New Interest In Waterfront ED I TOR l·A L OPEll LETTER TllE 0 . 1'! .P. BUSINESS CLUB HAS VOT ED UNA!I I MOUSLY TO By Mary Fox OPPOS E ANY ACTION T!! AT IIOULD RESULT IN U. Jl! . P. / By K. Bueter BECOl'.IflG AN YTHING LESS TH>Ji A FOUR YEAR UNIVERSITY Is Portland's waterfront dead? items. Although much of the WITH A GR ADUAT E PP.OCRA.M. ' Picture {he. sunbleache·d bones of merchandise is priced out of sight rotting wha.rves, the gunky sur­ It's hard to figure believability anymore. Senatl?r Packwood VE PEEL TH.AT SUCH ACTI ON VOULD RE A CR AVE I NJUSTICE of most student budgets, there are TC THE ADMINISTRAT ORS, FACULTY, A.ND ST UDEN TS lfHO face of the sewer (pardon me, numerous exceptions. More im­ would not endorse October 15 until he found out wh<ither or not HAVE WOR KED SO INTENTLY TO RA ISE U. Jl! , P. TO ITS PRESENT LEVEL . / harbor), the sleazy dives. Dead, portantly for those hunting for it was violent. He stated that everyone knew the South Vietnamese right? Not quite, for there are decorating ideas, The Grafthouse government was corrupt, but he couldn't say why we continue to stirrings of new interest in the is a rich source of inspiration for VILJ.IAM E. PRIEST old port area as a potential re­ functional as well as decorative deal with it and recognize it as a proper government. Our anny PRESIDENT sort shopping attraction. department accuses eight men of murder and is vehement about u: M. P. BUSINESS CLUB tone.hes for rooms and apart­ its ability to prove the accusation. Then the charges are dropped Focal point of this interest is men ts. For ex·ample, a rather·ex­ a series of establishments along .pensive wooden rack -perfect for perhaps because Mendel River's support of ABM is needed. Police A VIEW Ex,change and Fore Streets. winebottles or magazines could in Atlanta, Georgia, replace Negroes with long-haired people-be­ A ware of its colorful historic and easily and cheaply be constructed cause it's more profitable. President Libby affirms the merger as FROM architectural features, owner.s of of cardboard. having been already a certainty, while Fink and McNeil still do these and other businesses are Next door is' the. Fi_sher Gallery, not recognize it officially. forming an association to extend where a varied collection of wa­ SOMEWHERE the potential of existing shops tercolors, oils, and sketches - through · rejuvenation of the en­ many by local artists - is on dis­ Donal Andrews By press time a minority report of the Task Force will have tire district. Chief among the play, One wiall stripped down to been made public. Hit satisfies you the student, you the professor, fc.rmidable problems they face the brick serves as an effective The Students for a Democratic and you the administrator, support it.with all your might. Go over are the necessity of ·making the backdrop for some of the paint­ Society may be blamed in a big ings, many of whic)l. are Ma.ine and talk with the chancellor. Tell him that you support it. He harbor attractive to· pleasure part for any split in the national cruisers and enlisting the aid of sea and landsoo,pes. The exhi.bit won't have an accurate measurement of public reaction unless there student movement. Indeed, much powerful waterfront businesses is fresh and exciting, but in most is .vocal reaction. In case you don't have time, fill out the form of the adverse opinion towards not directly concerned with draw­ cases prices are high. below and tear it off the sheet, and deposit it in the green box out­ the student movement by the over ing customers into the area. Moving on, one comes to the 30 's may be placed at the feet of The following cook's tour is Candleshop, a d_ream come true side the cafeteria. Maybe if you respond loudly enough, the chan­ the extreme S.D.S. element, the presented to introduce readers to for those with a passion for the cellor will hear. irrational and often nigh fascist the waterfront district, illustrat­ antique mode of lighting. Here styled leadership. ing what some of these enter­ are candles of every description, U.M.P. now has an S.D.'8. chap­ prises offer at present, and indi­ priced from under a dollar to ter. Y!!t, its leadership claims a cating the potential existing for over $200. Most of the candles in I SUPPORT THE MINORITY REPORT OF THE TASK ~ 'U.M.P. styled' society, not inter­ development. stock are hand di'pped or carved FORCE COMMITTEE. I FIND IT ALTOGETHER MORE ested ih present national S.D ..S. by the owner and his assistants. As one turns from Middle onto establishment in-fighting and not One of the ·individuals most in­ ACCEPTABLE THAN THE REPORT OF THE MAJORITY. interested in their current dog­ Exchange Street .heading down- terested in developing the area, matic theory games. U.M.P.'s hill towa-rd Fore, one goes back- the store's owner is planning to SIGNATURE: S.D.S. claim an honest approach ward in time: it is like walking transform a waterfront ware­ to major issues of the day - the onto a London street in a Dickens · house into a complex housing a novel. Overhanging brick build- War, Ra c i s ni, and Gr-apes. German haufbrau, import center, UNIVERSITY STATUS: U.M.P.'s S.D.S. has a great deal ings crouch over the narrow and town house apartments. to fight : their national affiliation, street; touches of color here and . Poster addicts and others en­ \ their extremist leaders, their ra­ there show where new business amoured of pa,per novelties will ther unpopular image. These in­ has sprung up. find much to satisfy their · crav­ deed, will demand much energy On the right is· the Interna­ ings at the Paper Patch, last of from the handful of students who tional Board of T-rade building, the Exchange Street shops. A FINK TO CHANGE JOBS fc:rm S.D.S. Hopefully, they may which houses the Moustache Cup, wide selection of unusual cards succeed in their goal of an 'in­ a restaurant whose fine cuisine and writing riotes is highlighted dependent' movement, geared to and Gay 90's setting has been at­ by an extensive assortment ot Last Monday, Chancellor McNeil extended to Provost Fink U.M.P . and other Maine campuses. tracting patrons for several UNICE,F Chris-tma.s ca rds. the opportunity to plan a Coastal Environment Research Center, Hopefully they have the drive years. Gaslights, dark panelling, JU:st around the· corner on Fore -and to get such a center operational as soon as possible. It would and the following to become an vintage photographs, and check­ Street is one more -shop, the ered tablecloths are all part of involve a research and development center which would look at active part of the community, a Portland Fancy, a bright, m-0re c,onstructive part of the commun­ the scene. inclusive gift store than any ot the Gulf of Maine or parts thereof as an ecological system which ity, to become leaders and not · Opposite the Moustache Cup the others. One of the owners, should be studied in its wholeness. It is intended to devote its disorganizers. They have a battle are a series of unusual craft, art, on hand the day I stopped in, major efforts to applied research relating directly to real concerns before them - one of identity, as and gift stores. exemplified the enthusiasm for of the marine community. well as leadership. The fi r st, The Cra fthouse, is a the area's history and atmos,phere gem, a kalediscope of shifting that bas led .her and others to Provost Fink, as has been announced, accepted the position., colors, textures, and shapes. believe in the potential of their KATE BUETER White gingerbread woodwork, or­ shops as the nucleus ot a thrivJ and therefore is no longer to be the Provost of UMP after this Editor iginal ceiling, and soft classical iug resort shopping district. As semester. In an interview with the Stein last Tuesday, Provost background music are perfect he pointed out various land­ Fink stressed several points that he wished clarified in regard to KEVIN .WYER foUs for displays of needlecraft, marks and buildings in which new his position change. Business Manager jewelry, pottery, foreign cooking stores will soon open, she ex­ utensils, and Indian print shifts claimed, "It's like being a pio- and throws, to name just a few.
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