January 26, 2009 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS, Vol. 155, Pt. 1 1533 1991. After a reorganization of CRS in 2000, In her distinguished career with CRS, Char- RECOGNIZING THE FOUNTAIN the Foreign Affairs Division was expanded to lotte Preece has always understood and re- HILLS CHAPTER OF FCCLA FOR incorporate international trade and finance spected the power and special needs of Con- THEIR GENEROUS EFFORTS TO specialists and was renamed the Foreign Af- gress, including its legislative and oversight re- AID THE CHILDREN OF UGANDA fairs, Defense, and Trade Division. Ms. Preece sponsibilities as well as its obligation to rep- became the Congressional Research Service’s resent the interests of constituents. She has HON. HARRY E. MITCHELL assistant director for Foreign Affairs, Defense, always found time to serve as a mentor, coun- OF ARIZONA and Trade. In that capacity, she has super- selor, and friend to others, whether it be to IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES vised a staff that has grown to about 90 policy those she supervised, new congressional staff, analysts and is responsible for directing the Monday, January 26, 2009 research agenda to support the work of the or newly elected Members of Congress. Her exceptional skills at framing policy issues, her Mr. MITCHELL. Madam Speaker, I rise U.S. Congress in foreign affairs, defense, and today to recognize the Fountain Hills chapter abilities in research management, and her in- trade. of Family Career and Community Leaders of stinctive grasp of the needs and aspirations of In honoring Charlotte Preece for her service America (FCCLA) for its service project ‘‘To those she has supervised have earned her the at this time of great challenge for our country, Uganda, Love Fountain Hills.’’ This town-wide both economically and in foreign affairs, it is respect and loyalty of her team. Charlotte drive to collect backpack and school supplies worth pausing for a moment to consider the Preece will be greatly missed, as will the loss will culminate with members of the FCCLA strengths and contributions consistently made of her exceptional leadership of the Foreign traveling to Uganda to distribute the donations to the U.S. Congress by the Congressional Affairs, Defense, and Trade Division of CRS. to local school children. Research Service, where Ms. Preece has We offer her our deepest gratitude for her The fundraiser began in December of 2008 spent her professional career. We are so well many years of contributions to the work of the and is expected to last until the group travels served by this institution, and Ms. Preece epit- Congress, and we wish her well. to Uganda in the summer. So far, it has col- omizes one of the greatest strengths that CRS offers to the congressional clients it serves: its lected more than $11,000 from friends, par- f long-serving analysts are a reservoir of ‘‘insti- ents, teachers, and generous community tutional memory’’ that continually builds on members. In addition to delivering the school TRIBUTE TO REVEREND DAVID supplies while in Uganda, the FCCLA plans to past knowledge and informs future decisions. CHARLES CHEEK The importance of CRS’ ‘‘institutional mem- serve in construction and well digging crews, ory’’ is evident when considering even a brief schools, food banks, and health clinics. list of the critical issues that have come before I am particularly proud, Madam Speaker, to Congress during Ms. Preece’s tenure at CRS: HON. GEOFF DAVIS recognize Claire McWilliams, a Fountain Hills the signing of the Camp David Accord by OF KENTUCKY High School teacher and FCCLA sponsor. Anwar Sadat and Menachem Begin in 1978; Claire coordinated the entire project and con- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES the Iran Hostage Crisis in 1979; the normaliza- tinues to serve as an inspiration to her com- tion of relations with the People’s Republic of Monday, January 26, 2009 munity. China in 1979; the fall of the Berlin Wall and Madam Speaker, I urge my colleagues to the Tiananmen Square Crackdown in China in Mr. DAVIS of Kentucky. Madam Speaker, I join me in recognizing the Fountain Hills chap- 1989; the end of the Cold War and demise of rise today to recognize Reverend David ter of FCCLA and its sponsor, Claire the Soviet Union beginning in 1989; the Gulf Charles Cheek, an outstanding community McWilliams, for their selfless work to raise War in 1991; the end of South African apart- leader in Kentucky’s Fourth District. On Janu- money and collect supplies for the children of heid by 1993; the devastating terrorist attacks ary 8, 2009, the May’s Lick Baptist Church Uganda. against the United States on September 11, held a celebration in honor of Reverend f 2001; the invasion of Afghanistan in 2001; and Cheek’s 20 years of service to the Baptist IN REMEMBERANCE OF the toppling of Saddam Hussein at the begin- Conference. TRAMMELL CROW, SR. ning of the Iraq War in 2003. All of these crit- ical events and more unfolded on Ms. In 1989, Reverend Cheek was called to Preece’s watch at CRS, giving her unique in- serve as pastor of May’s Lick Baptist Church. HON. PETE SESSIONS sight and invaluable expertise to a Congress He is the church’s forty-third pastor. OF TEXAS that saw much turnover during the same pe- Reverend Cheek has helped May’s Lick IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES riod. Of the 535 Members who served in the Baptist Church expand its services to the com- Monday, January 26, 2009 94th Congress in 1976, when Ms. Preece munity. Not only has the Church built a mod- began her CRS service, only 21 are still serv- Mr. SESSIONS. Madam Speaker, I rise ern nursery and a Family Life Center during today in memory of my dear friend, Trammell ing in 2008: 14 in the House, and 7 in the Reverend Cheek’s tenure, they have also ex- Senate. Newly elected Members are well Crow, Sr. He was a legendary real estate de- panded the Sanctuary, purchased additional veloper, a lover of the arts, and a generous served by having access to CRS experts that property and a new bus, developed an Edu- have not just read about but have worked philanthropist. cational Facility and settled all the Church closely on the policy issues of recent decades. Born in East Dallas, Mr. Crow came from I also want to reflect for a few minutes on debts. humble beginnings working various odd jobs the attributes and talents of Ms. Preece her- Over the last 20 years, Reverend Cheek in high school from cleaning bricks to deliv- self. Before coming to CRS in 1976, she has ordained seven Deacons and has worked ering new cars. After graduating from Wood- earned her bachelor’s of arts degree in inter- with four youth ministers. He has also row Wilson High School, Mr. Crow took a job national relations and Soviet area studies at mentored four individuals who eventually be- with Mercantile National Bank while taking the Pennsylvania State University, where she came ministers, three of whom were ordained night classes. At age of 24, he became the graduated summa cum laude. She went on to at May’s Lick Baptist Church. Reverend Cheek youngest certified public accountant in Texas earn a master’s degree in international secu- has served as Vacation Bible School Director and joined Ernst & Ernst as an entry-level rity studies at the Fletcher School of Law and for Bracken Association of Baptists for 20 auditor. Wanting to serve his country, he en- Diplomacy. At CRS, she had the distinction of years. He has also served on the Executive listed in the U.S. Navy and reached the rank being the youngest person the Service has Board of the Bracken Association of Baptists of Commander before returning to Dallas in 1942. ever named to attend the U.S. National War and is a member of the Bracken Association Upon his return, Mr. Crow partnered with College, graduating with the class of 1983. As Council. head of the CRS Terrorism Task Force, Char- John Stemmons and assisted with the devel- lotte Preece personally directed the massive Madam Speaker, please join me in com- opment of the Trinity Industrial District. His and extraordinarily helpful CRS effort to pro- mending Reverend Cheek for 20 years of ex- work ethic and dedication propelled him to vide Congress with timely and crucial policy traordinary work. We are all blessed to have great success and led to the establishment of analysis and information in the tragic days and such a dedicated servant in May’s Lick, Ken- an internationally recognized company. Mr. weeks after 9/11. tucky. Crow’s mark on Dallas can be easily seen in VerDate Mar 15 2010 12:01 Jun 09, 2011 Jkt 079102 PO 00000 Frm 00002 Fmt 0689 Sfmt 9920 E:\BR09\E26JA9.000 E26JA9 erowe on DSK5CLS3C1PROD with BOUND RECORD 1534 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS, Vol. 155, Pt. 1 January 26, 2009 the Dallas skyline. The Dallas Design District, IN HONOR OF MARY GREEN IN REMEMBERANCE OF SENIOR the Hartford Insurance Company Building, Dal- CORPORAL NORMAN SMITH, DAL- las Market Hall, Stemmons Towers, Bryan LAS POLICE DEPARTMENT, Tower, San Jacinto Tower, and the Dallas HON. SAM FARR GANG UNIT Infomart are only a few examples of his many OF CALIFORNIA development projects. In addition to his suc- HON. PETE SESSIONS IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES cessful career, Mr. Crow deeply believed in OF TEXAS giving back to his community. His generosity Monday, January 26, 2009 IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES extended to numerous nonprofits and causes Monday, January 26, 2009 including Southern Methodist University, Mr.
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