The Combat Wheelchair – v2.0. - Sara Thompson (mustangsart) © 2020 Ma e with the a venturer in min , the Combat Wheelchair is supportive and intuitive, esigne #or both aily activity and the pressures o# combat uring one's a ventures. &t can be speci#ically tailore to its user with a variety o# intuitive upgra es, esigne an create by #irst-rate arti#icers and their isable consultants to ensure high-gra e comfort and e'cellent e##iciency. (ot only this, the wheelchair pri es itsel# as being slee), #ashionable, an urable at a price a##or able #or the iscerning mobility user. Ta)ingThe Combatits esign #rom Wheelchair the chair use in sports such as wheelchair bas)etball and rugby, the Combat Wheelchair can withstand high impact and even wor) as a weapon in itsel#, provi ing the user with a means o# both e#ence an attack. *nyone can be an a venturer. The Combat Wheelchair may loo) li)e it comes with lots o# +eatures and some o# you may #eel that because o# this it's "unfair" #or a character to have this item at #irst level. -owever, this chair onl$ has so many +eatures because it is esigne to enable a isable party member to o exactly what the able members o# the party can o. (o,What unless Does $ou This plan Chairon ma)ing Do? all the able bo ie characters at level . also remain on ground #loors only an never go up and own stairs an into ungeons. &# $ou were planning on oing that then that's #air. Wait. What/ What o you mean & soun ri iculous, hm? "But it can float up and down stairs! Isn't that unfair?" (o, unless $ou plan on ta)ing away every player's weapon. &# you !ere planning on oing that then that's #air. What o you mean that sounds sill$/ * itionally, this chair uses the Dungeons 1 Dragons establishe rulings that it cannot be "But it can be used as a weapon! Isn't that unfair?" use to ma)e 2'tra *ttac)s until level 3. 4es" in much the same way a swor comes with a sheath an belt, aDungeoneer's Packcomes with ropes an caltrops" or a horse comes with a sa le and bri le, the Combat Wheelchair comes with seatbelts and gloves. "But this chair has equipment that comes with it!" We suggest $ou rea 5.*. Salvatore's 'Drizzt' novels which are canon to 01D. "But wheelchairs have never been in Dun eons ! Dra ons! This is nonsense!" The Combat Wheelchair – v2.0. - Sara Thompson (mustangsart) © 2020 *gain, we recommen $ou rea Salvatore's 'Drizzt' novels. * itionally, healing spells li)e Restoration an Regeneration are very costly, an what about those o# us simply born with our isabilities/ 4ou cannot regenerate or restore what !as not there to begin with. *nd some o# us/ Well, we on't want to be %#i'e '. "Why would an"one need a wheelchair? This world has ma ic!" This chair was never created to ma#e a disabled character 'better' than an able bodied character$ It was made to enable characters with disabilities to o adventurin the same as an able bodied character$ If "ou ta#e issue with disabled people celebratin and havin fun with the ame that the" love% then "ou need to reconsider "our stance on disabilit"$ Disabilit" is nothin to be ashamed about$ &nd remember' (o one is ma#in "ou use this supplement$ It is here and e)ists for those of us who need and who want to see ourselves in the tabletop ames we so dearly en*o"$ The Combat Wheelchair is esigne to be easy to maintain, upgra e, and repair. &ts simplicity+appy adventurin is a necessity ! as an a venturer may not always be able to #in a smith, arti#icer, or other such tin)erer to pit stop at. *s a result, you now have pro#iciency in Tinker's Tools. ,roficiencies4ou are consi ere as being pro#icient in using your wheelchair both in ever$ ay tas)s and as a weapon in combat. 6ne o# the best selling #eatures o# this item is its ease o# portability - you can ta)e it anywhere on your a ventures! This is ue to its collapsible esign which enables a user to pack it up or pull it out whilst on the go. +ol e up" the wheelchair #its neatly onto the bac) o# any cart and can even be attache to the sa lebags o# a mount. ,ortabilit"&# you plan on trying to carry the Combat Wheelchair by yoursel# once it has been #ol e up" remember that it can be 8uite a challenge to o so, especiall$ over long istance. 4our carrying capacity is your Strength score multiplie by .3, the result being how much $ou can carry in poun s (lbs). *s this wheelchair oesn't rely on a motor but a mi' o# manual an a small magically imbue set o# 9eacon Stones (which are roughly the size and !eight o# a pebble), it is more lightweight than other wheelchairs available The Combat Wheelchair – v2.0. - Sara Thompson (mustangsart) © 2020 throughout the 5ealms !eighing only 25 poun s (lbs). -owever, it is important to remember that 25 pounds (lbs) is the #or the chair. *s $ou a ;pgra es, your chair will begin to weigh more and become more cumbersome. 4our DM may as) that you )eep track o# your wheelchair's weight. The weight #or each upgra e is speci#ie in the ;pgra es section o# this item. &# you #in yoursel# struggling to carry your chair when you aren't using it, be sure to as) base weight your party members #or help. *#ter all, what are #rien s #or/ The Combat Wheelchair len s itsel# well to both Strength an 0e'terity buil s but is also <ust as per#ect #or a magic-user. The #rame o# the chair an the wheels are ma e #rom lightweight but urable materials" allowing it to be versatile #or the user. Versatile When casting spells with magical e##ects, the combat wheelchair is consi ere as being a part o# you; an e'tension o# your bo y. *s a result, both you and the chair share the bene#it o# the spell>s e##ect #or the uration or until the spell is roppe . &nSpells E)tension of the Self Drui s who use Wildshape, an transmutation spells that change the user>s #orm (i.e. Polymorph, Shapechange, etc.) will #ind that the chair shares the bene#it and trans#orms with them to be a part o# the new #orm. The ai o# the chair is still in e##ect in this new shape. When the Drui changes bac), Wildshapin & Transmutation they reappear as sitting in their chair. *s alrea y mentione , the Combat Wheelchair comes with e8uipment. 9ut let us a ress what this means. What o we categorise as 'e8uipment%/ Well, in much the same way a dungeoneer's pack comes with lots o# handy little items li)e torches, a tin erbo', ropes, caltrops" etc., the Combat Wheelchair comes with han $ .quipmentlittle items too. Many o# these are actually built into the chair the same way that an The Combat Wheelchair – v2.0. - Sara Thompson (mustangsart) © 2020 explorer's pack has pouches and compartments, but only one item comes separate #rom the chair? the gloves (which you may choose to wear or not). The Combat Wheelchair comes with 2 pieces o# set e8uipment? • These simple leather gloves grant $ou protection #rom #riction whilst using the push rims. • This bag, which has been esigne to #it snug against the back o# the chair, is attache to the seat's backrest an the camber bar. This item is the same as an explorer's pack in your Starting @ear so you may wish to 0loves$#orgo that an use the backrest compartment instea - it can hol the same items an amount as a stan ar explorer's pack can. 1ear Bac#rest Compartment$ So #ar it's been mentione that the Combat Wheelchair is base on the esign o# the chairs use in high impact sports such as wheelchair rugby and bas)etball" but what oes that mean regar ing how the chair actually looks/ (one o# the items use to ma)e the base #rame o# the chair give the user any signi#icant bene#it, all they o is provi e the #oundations o# an item that allows isable a venturers to be as in ependent as able aThe venturers. Anatom" of the Chair There are 3 main aspects to the chair's anatomy: • These wheels allow #or easy passage over Coast" +orest, @rassland, an Mountain terrains. Similar to how a 5anger #inds ease over lan s #amiliar to them, the arti#icers who carrie out ata research iscovere that these A terrain types are the ones most o#ten traverse by a venturing parties. The slant o# the wheels as they turn inwar s and upwar s isperses weight Slantedevenly and Wheels$ gives $ou goo control when travelling over these terrains. The spo)es are covere by woo en covers to prevent ebris getting tangle in them. #or tyres that account #or more terrains at an a itional cost are available in the section o# this item's escription. • *bout the #rame o# the chair are an a itional B small pouches, near the armrests. 6ne o# these serves as a waters)in hol er to save you #rom having to waste time stopping an rummaging around the rear bac)rest compartment 2pgradesloo)ing #or $our rin).
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