the amazing Edmondsons live as normally as possible-'at home' a, "Jay" edmondson watches her husband on a Sunday T1 debate v i,iting . is vX'. I' . l'ruitl, a family friend . A Visit with Jay and J. Howard By Carol J. (Robinson), '59 ovERNORS may belong in mansions, tied back in a plump provincial easy chair alert, former O.U. French instructor and G but anyone expecting to find J. How- and readily answered the questions put Kappa Alpha Theta with a Master's de- ard Edmondson in Tulsa's high-rent dis- to him gree in the unstudied art of being com- trict is in for a big surprise. Edmondson, who was sitting in O.U. pletely herself, is in her own eyes the ideal Home to the forceful governor-elect, law classes just ten years ago, is acutely chief-cook-and-bottle-washer-type wife who Oklahoma's youngest at 33, is a modest aware that he will be making decisions was never given any choice in the matter one-story bungalow in what might be de- affecting the future of Oklahoma's higher of political skyrocketing . scribed as a middle-middle-class neighbor- education in a few short months. Jeannette, or "Jay" as she is called by hood. A large "Edmondson for Governor" "I am going to do everything possible her friends, perched on the edge of the sign nailed to a front yard tree and a boy's to get a supplemental appropriation for piano bench as she and Edmondson talked bicycle covered with "Big Red E" stickers the university in January," Edmondson enthusiastically of their three law school are the lone evidences of the organized answered without hesitation, adding that years at O.U . (1946-48) and of the other political confusion inside . he had not yet seen a complete breakdown '48ers, many of whom were among the A visit to the Edmondsons, a few days of the figures requested . original campaign volunteers. before the November 4 election swept the But the young politician, recognizing Howard Edmondson, a prank-loving copper-haired O.U. alumnus into the gov- public apathy concerning the educational college boy, was litnited to the one pre-war ernor's chair, made quite apparent the crisis, also has an eye on the long range year he spent at the Phi Gamma Delta fra- non-existence of leisurely Sunday after- problems . ternity house. According to his wife, he noons for Oklahoma's man-of-the-hour . "Many of the professors are just as con- was too busy catching up and getting into Six-year-old Patty Edmondson answered cerned about the need for physical im- Law School to take much interest in cam- the door and went tearing through the provements as with immediate salary in- pus activities after the war. house in search of her parents . Edmondson creases." Edmondson lighted a cigarette as "He had to cram two correspondence had just finished dressing for a television he told of young faculty members whom courses into the three-week period between appearance. His wife was on the phone- he had known who had left ().U . for the semesters to qualify for law school," she not for the first time that afternoon, nor better research facilities and more adequate recalled, "but he did it." the last. classroom equipment which other univer- Asked what was the secret of Phi Gams' Edmondson, appearing as amiable and sities offered . political savvy in Oklahoma free-for-ills . at ease as on his campaign telecasts, looked This reminded hits of a newspaper ar- (Senators Mike Monroney and Josh Lee like a promising young businessman in his ticle and he got up to find the Tulsa World were Phi Gams, as well as Edrrtondson's carefully creased gray suit, dark tie, and as Mrs. Edmondson emerged from the Republican opponent, Phil Ferguson, and black tassel loafers . There was no trace of kitchen . his brother, U .S. Congressman Ed Ed- political pomposity in his manner . He set- Jeannette Edmondson, an attractive, mondson), Edmondson laughed and re- PACE 4 SOONER MAGAZINE lated that a rumor had been going around She added dryly that several of her hus- and Edmondson) was during the 1932 that when either he or Ferguson is elected hand's Stillwater supporters had requested election in which their father, the late E. A. the State's motto will be changed to "Lib- that he change to the Big Orange E for his Edmondson, became Muskogee county erty, Equality, and Phi Gamma Delta Fra- appearances there. commissioner . ternity ." Edmondson was plugging for a place in "It's pretty hard to stay in the family "Regretfully, I must, for my part, the runoff during the primary campaign and not get involved in politics," Mrs. squelch that rumor," he said, enjoying the and was as surprised as the political old Edmondson said as she drafted Ed and joke. hands when he led the pack. Mrs. Edmond- Patty, who had just come dashing into the It's hard to imagine a man as spectacu- son theorizes that "enough people were house, to pour the coffee she had been brew- saying he doesn't have a chance in the ing between trips to the telephone. larly successful as Edmondson is as not world, but I'm going to vote for him any- The Edmondsons' oldest daughter, 8- having a definite plan for everything, but year-old Jeanne, was a bright red blur in he swears that neither he nor his broth- way." her hooded O streaked er started out with Politics in mind. "I never thought he could win those .U. sweat shirt as she county elections," she admitted as the through the room to try a Wilkinson-type "If they did have all this planned," Mrs. phone rang again, "but I just knew he tackle on her uncle . Ed Edmondson Edmondson volunteered with characteris- could win this one." obliged with a quick spin before leaving dry wit, "they didn't tell me anything tic The Edmondson brothers returned from for his own telecast in behalf of his Con- it." about the kitchen and paused a moment in front gressional re-election campaign. "And if I were to admit planning it of a mantle picture of themselves taken "Howard and Ed are worse kids than now," Edmondson laughed, "Jay would just after Howard Edmondson's primary the seven children," Jay Edmondson re- claim we were married under false pre- victory. After his brother had left for the marked . (The Ed Edmondsons have three tenses .' television studio, Ed Edmondson recalled sons and a daughter .) "One Fourth of July Edmondson came to the Tulsa county that his first campaigning experience with they bought the children water guns and attorney's office as chief prosecutor after "Nugget" (an Ike-like nickname for 1 low- used them themselves . If that wasn't his brother, with whom he originally had awful!" planned to practice law, was elected to Mrs. Edmondson describes her husband Congress . After being twice elected county as the busy father who spends his limited attorney himself, Edmondson was only a time at home with the children. whirlwind campaign away from the go%- "Neither Howard nor Ed take off and ernorship. play golf." She pushed her short brown "He had gotten to the point in politics," hair into place. "1 guess they know we'd Mrs. Edmondson explained, "where there kill them if they did in the little time they was nothing else he wanted to do here in have at home." the county . Some of his friends wanted A procession of small boys wandered him to run for attorney-general this year through the house, none of whom proved and for governor in four years ." to be 11-year-old Jimmy (James Howard Jr.) . His mother explained that Jimmy, But Jay favored her husband's decision just become a Boy Scout, has been to make the big race this time and she was who has he took the soon an experienced campaigner . living in his sleeping bag since a friend's "We get weary sometimes when we are oath and had been camping out in gone so much," she admitted . "Home is back yard the night before. just a place to drop in for clean clothes." The children were very conscious of The phone rang and Mrs. Edmondson campaign activities, but not unduly im- went to answer while her husband talked pressed. Once when Patty was playing at a neighbor's home she was told "Your dad- earnestly about attracting young men into dy's going be on television ." state politics . Suddenly, he jumped up to to Patty answered with disappoint- open the door for his brother Ed who had "Oh," just stepped onto the porch carrying a sack ment, "I wanted to watch cartoons." of apple cider vinegar and honey, a home The Edmondsons know that raising the remedy for Edmondson's sinus trouble. three small children in the glare of mansion will present its prob- The brothers went into the kitchen while governor's Already they have had to do some Mrs. Edmondson explained that Ed had lems. explaining to the children about the been responsible for selecting the Big Red serious about their father E slogan for Edmondson's campaign. false stories circulated during the hectic primary days, although "Edmondson is a hard name to deal the Edmondsons feel they came off very with ." She stepped into the next room re- well as far as rumors are concerned . turning with one of the campaign pins, "Children are more sensitive about these white styrofoam in the shape of the state than most people realize," Mrs.
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