1876. C.ONGRESSIONAL RECORD-SENATE. of feeling which will not allow the gentleman from Ohio to go on this ANNA ELLA CARROLL A.L.'\TD CHARLES W. SCOTI. evcnin~ or to-morrow. Mr. MAcDOUGALL, by unanimous consent, from the Committee The SPEAKER pro tempore. This is not a matter of discussion. on Military Affairs, reported the testimony taken by that committee The quest,ion is on the motion of the gentleman from Pennsylvania in support of the claim of Anna Ella Carroll and Charles "\V. Scott, to go into Committee of tho Wholo. · relative to the military operations on the Tennessee River in the The Honse divided; and thore were-ayes 104, :Boos 58. years 1861 and 1862; which was recommitted to the committee, and Mr. LANDERS, of Indiana. I dem:1ond the yeas and nays. ordered to be printed. The :veas and nays were ordered. Mr. MAcDOUGALL moved to reconsider the vote by which the Mr. HOLMAN. I ask nn::tnimous consent, for the benefit of the testimony was recommitted to the committee ; and alao moved that gentleman from Ohio, thn.t he be permitted to go on this evening, the motion to reconsider be laid on the table. with the understanding that to-morrow morning the morning hour The latter motion was agreed to. shall be given to the current business now pending in the morning Mr. CONGER. I now demand the regular order, so that we may hour. see if we will have a chance to be heat·d upon this _side of the House, Mr. KASSON. Does the gentleman from Indiana refuse the courtesy or not. extended by this side of the House yesterday 7 Mr. BANNING. You will have a chance to be heaf(l. Mr. HOLMAN. We propose to extend that courtesy to the gentle­ The que&tion was put upon the motion of Mr. STONE that the House man froo Ohio. adjourn; and on a division, there were-ayes 114, noes 44. Several MEMBERS. Regular order of business I Mr. RANDALL. Before the result of the vote is announced I de­ :Mr. HOAR. The gentleman from Indiana evidently does not mea.n sire to ask unanimous consent that the gentleman from Ohio [Mr. that there shall be an evenin~ session. GARFIELD] shall be heard on Saturday immediately after the reading :Mr. HOLMAN. I wish to g~ve the gentleman from Ohio the whole of the Journal. [Cries of "Regular order."] evening. Mr. MILLS. That is in accordance with an agreement the other The SPEAKER pro tempore. This discussion, members must recog­ day, and I trust there will be no objection to it on this side of tho nize, is entirely out of order. The gentleman from Indiana asks House. unanimous consent, and there are a· dozen cries for the regular or­ . Mr. HOLMAN. I ask leave that the gentleman be allowed to· der. The regular order is the call of the roll on the motion of the morrow morning after the morning hour. gentleman from Pennsylvania that the House now resolve itself into Mr. MILLS. I am willing to agree to that. [Renewed cries of" Reg· Committee of the Whole on the state of the Union. ular order.''] Mr. HOLMAN. I hope the unanimous consent asked by me may The result of the vote on the motion of Mr. STOYE was then an· be put to the House. We (lcsire to give the gentleman from Ohio nounced as above recorded; and accordingly (at fonr o'clock and an opportunity to be heard to-night. twenty minutes p.m.) the Honse adjourned. The SPEAKER pro tempore. There were a dozen calls for the regu­ lar order while the gentleman was asking for unanimous consent. Mr. HOLMAN. I think my proposition was not understood. The SPEAKER pro temp'>re. The Chan· will hear the gentleman now. Mr. HOLMAN. I a-sk that the House go int.o Committee of the IN SENATE. Whole without calling the yeas and nays-at once-so the gentleman FRIDAY, August 4, 1876. from Ohio may proceed with his speech. I think that is fair and right; but with the understanding that t.o-morrow morning the morn­ The Senate met at twelve o'clock m. ing hour shall be devoted to the regular, current business. Prayer by the Chaplain, Rev. BYRON SUNDERLAND, D. D. Mr. PIERCE. I object. - . On motion of Mr. BOUTWELL, and by unanimous consent, the Mr. MILLS. I move +,o change the order so that the gentleman reading of the Journal of yesterday's proceeilings was dispensed with. from Ohio shall have the floor to-morrow morni11g. [Cries of "Regu­ CORRECTION OF ERROR IN E~mOLLl\IENT. lar order."] The PRESIDENT pro tempore laid before the Senate the following Mr. STONE. I move that the Honse do now adjourn; and upon concurrent resolution of the House of Representatives : I that. motion call the yeas and nays. · Resolved, (the Senate concurring,) That the Joint Committee on Enrolled Bills of ENROLLED BILLS SIGNED. the two Houses be authorized to correct au error in the bill (H. R. No. 3963) by in· serting the word "not" on the second page of the enrolled bill next to the last lineil PenWAkthe motion to adjourn, between the words "shall" and "be;' so that the same shall read, "there sha Mr. ILTON, of Indiana, from the Committee on Enrolled Bills, not be a contractor," &c. reported that the committee had examined and found truly enrolled Mr. HAMLIN. I hope the Senate will act upon the resolution at bills of the following titles; when the Spe!J.ker signed the same: this time. It is right. In the enrolling of the bill, by some· process An act (H. R. No. 810) making appropriations for the support of or other, the word "not" got knocked out. It should be restored, the Military .Academy for the fiscal year ending June 30, U377; and and the bill will then state precisely what it should do. .A.n act (H. R. No. 1336) to establish a new land district in the Ter- Mr. ANTHONY. I concur, of course, in what the Senator from ritory of Wyoming. · Maine says. This is the second instance we have had this week of an WITHDRAWAL OF PAPERS. error in enrollment. I introduced a resolution some time ago requir· ing enrolled bills to be in print. They would be much less liable to On motion of Mr. GUNTER, by unanimous consent, leave was error. It would take no longer to print them than to enroll them, ~ranted for the withdrawal from the files of the House of the papers and then they could not be altered after thev were enrolled. m the case of Charles Agliff, of Pulaski County, .Arkansas. Mr. SHERMAN. The Senator has not caUed up his resolution. Mr. CONGER. I did not hea.r the statement made that there had Mr. ANTHONY. It was referred to the Committee on Rules. been no adverse report in that case, and unless that is so I should Mr. SARGENT. If the Senator will couple it with another condi· . have objected to the withdrawal. tion, and that is that no bill shall pass the respective Houses later The SPEAKER pro tem,pore. The Chair has given instructions that than two days before the adjournment, it will be possible for it to no papers shall ever be withdrawn unless the statement is made that operate. there has been no adverse report in the case. The Chair thinks the Mr. ANTHONY. That is the rule now. statement wa-s made in this case at the Clerk's desk, and it was a Mr. SARGENT. But it is always suspended. If yon make the rule mere omission to make the statement. effective, then the suggestion of the Senator from Rhode Island LEAVE OF ABSENCE. would have force. That was the objection that I made before. The rule stands all through the session but is suspended near the close. Mr. W .ALLACE, of South Carolina, was granted an extension of the When you come to the .last night of the session you cannot print the leave of absence heretofore granted him, for ten days. bills. Mr. HENDEE was gran•,ed lea.ve of absence for ten days. The resolution was concurred in. Mr. HAYS was granted leave of absence for ten days. Mr. GLOVER was granted leave of absence for ten days from Satur- ADJOURNMENT SINE DIE. day next. • The PRESIDENT pro ternpo-re laid before the Senate the following Mr. JENKS was granted leave of absence indefinitely from Friday concurrent resolution of the House of Representatives: next. Resolved, (tM Senaie concurring,) That the President of the Senate and the Speaker CONSULAR AND DIPLOMATIC APPROPRIATION BILL. of the House of Representatives be, and they are hereby, directed to adjourn their respective Houses without day on Monday ne.x.t, August the 7th, 1876, at twelve Mr. RANDALL moved to reconsider the vote -by which the Honse o'clock noon. - . insisted on its disagreement to the amendments of the Senate to the Mr. WINDOM:. I move the reference of the resolution to the Com­ consular and diplomatic appropriation bill; and also moved that the mittee on Appropriations. motion to rer.onsider be laid on the table. Mr. KERNAN. I suggest to the Senator whether it ill neceBSary to '.i'he latter motion was agreed to. · refer it to a committee. .- - The SPEAKER appointed as conferees on the part of the Honse on Mr. WINDO:l\1. I think that has been usual. the disagreeing votes of the two Houses on the amendments of the Mr.
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