The Linnean Society of London Anniversary Meeting Tuesday 24 May 2016 4.00pm Agenda and Council Nominations The Linnean Society of London Burlington House, Piccadilly, London, W1J 0BF Agenda 1. Welcome to members and guests 2. Apologies for absence 3. Admission of Fellows 4. Minutes of the meeting heldon21April 2016 5. Third reading and approval of proposed Byelaw amendments 6. Third readingofCertificates of Recommendation forForeign Member and Fellows honoris causa 7. Appointment of three scrutineers 8. Ballots a. Ballot for Members of Council b. Ballotfor Officers c. Ballot for Foreign Member and Fellows honoris causa d. Ballot for Fellows and Associates 9. Citations and Presentations of Medals and Awards a. Linnean Medal (Botany): Sandra Knapp b. Linnean Medal (Zoology): Georgina Mace c. Darwin-Wallace Medal: Pamela and Douglas Soltis d. Bicentenary Medal: Anjali Goswami e. Trail-Crisp Medal: Imogen Sparkes f. Irene MantonPrize: Christopher Williamson g. John C Marsden Medal: Thomas Halliday h. HH Bloomer Award: Howard Matcham i. John Spedan Lewis Medal: Edgar Turner j. Jill Smythies Prize: Anita Barley 10. Treasurer’s Report and The Lord Treasurer of Botany Book Launch 11. Motion to AcceptAccountsfor 2015 12. Appointment of Auditorsfor 2016 and Banking Arrangements Ten minute interval 13. Presidential Address Eyespots on Butterfly Wings and the Science of Natural History 14. Vote of Thanks 15. Result of Ballots and anycasting votes a. Members of Council b. Officers c. Foreign Member and Fellows honoris causa d. Fellows and Associates 16. NamesofVice-Presidents 17. Future events 18. Any other valid business Dr Elizabeth Rollinson, Executive Secretary At close of business, Fellows and their guests are invited to adjourn to the Library for a wine reception, where Tom Kennett will sign copies of The Lord Treasurer of Botany. The reception will be followed by the Anniversary Dinner. Nominations for Council 2016 The following three members of Council will complete their three years of service andwill be retiringatthe AnniversaryMeetingon24May 2016: Professor Anthony Campbell Professor Mark Seaward Dr Michael Wilson Professor Gren Ll Lucas OBE is standing down as Treasurer. The Treasurer-Elect, Deborah Wright, is thus standing as Treasurer. TheOfficershaveall indicatedtheir willingnesstostand forre-election, as follows: President: Professor Paul Brakefield FRS Scientific Secretaries: Dr Malcolm Scoble Professor Simon Hiscock Editorial Secretary: Professor Mark Chase FRS Collections Secretary: Dr John David Thefive personsbelow have been nominated forCouncil andFellows are asked to vote forfive Councilmembers. COUNCIL Dr Maarten Christenhusz Proposers: Michael Fay and Mark Chase FRS Dr Maarten Christenhusz (FLS 2008)isafreelance botanist workingonplant classification.Hehas publishedover50papersonvarioussubjectsranging from historical herbaria to modern DNA-basedclassification of plantgroups including ferns, conifersand flowering plants.Heworks on aproject with IUCNtoredlist European ferns. He hasbeenanactive member of the Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society editorial boardsince 2009 andisnow Deputy ChiefEditor. He was the founding editor of Phytotaxa,ajournal forrapid publication of botanicalnovelties. He hasworkedinscientificcuration at theFinnishMuseum of NaturalHistory,the Natural HistoryMuseum,London, andthe RoyalBotanic Gardens, Kew. He is an HonoraryResearchAssociateatKew.Inaddition to his editorial role,heisaregularattendeeofmeetings at theLinneanSociety.His curatorial andtaxonomical experience will be of greatbenefittothe Society. Dr Christopher Michaels Proposers: Paul Bates and Paul Racey Dr Christopher Michaels (FLS 2016), 27,isaherpetologist at theZoological Society of London. He graduated with a First Class Degree in Biological Sciences from theUniversityofOxford andrecentlycompleted hisPhD at the University of Manchester (UoM), whichfocussedonthe captive husbandry andconservation of amphibians.Inhis currentrole,Chris maintains theLiving Collectionofamphibians andreptiles at ZSLand is also heavilyinvolvedin amphibian conservationandresearchprojects.HeisaHarrisonInstituteTrustee, aVisiting Scientist at UoMand afounder/organiserofthe Annual Amphibian Conservation ResearchSymposium,amajor international amphibian meeting. He publishes frequently in peer-reviewedjournalsonamphibians,birds, and mammals, andcollaborates internationallywithscientists andconservationists. He is a keen student of the natural world and would bring youth and enthusiasm, as well as astrong scientificfoundation in theLifeSciencestothe Society. Dr Paul Smith Proposers: Gren LucasOBE and Paul Brakefield FRS Dr Paul Smith (FLS 2012)isthe SecretaryGeneral of BotanicGardens Conservation International (BGCI),amembershiporganisation comprising more than 500botanicgardens in >100 countries. He is theformerHeadof Kew’s Millennium Seed Bank (MSB). During his nine years at the helm there, seedsfrom>25,000 plantspecies were conserved in theMSB;and Pauland his team promotedseed banksasaresource forhuman innovation,adaptation andresilienceinagriculture, horticulture, forestry andhabitat restoration.Paul is aplantecologist, andaspecialist in theplants andvegetation of Southern Africa.Heisthe recipient of theNew EnglandWildflower Society’smedal for servicestointernational plantconservation,and is aTrustee on twoboardsin theUSand UK.After30years workinginconservation,seed banksand botanic gardens, he brings awealthofconnectionsand experience across continents andscientificdisciplines. Dr Rosie Trevelyan Proposers: Paul Brakefield FRS and Oskar Brattström Dr Rosie Trevelyan (FLS 2016)isDirectorofthe Tropical Biology Association (TBA), acapacitybuildingNGO with officesinCambridgeand Nairobi. Through theTBA,she hasdeveloped aprogrammeofpracticaltrainingcombined with follow-upsupport that is buildingcareers of conservation scientists and professionals from around the world. She previously worked in marine conservation in Kenyaand wasaresearchscientistatOxford University and theBritishTrust forOrnithology.She hasaBAand Doctorate in Zoology from theUniversityofOxford,duringwhich timeshe carried outvariedprojectson birds, lizards,coral reefs, andthe Malagasy giant jumpingrat.She is particularly interested in therole of capacitybuildingasatoolfor conservation.She has written arange of field identification guidesand training manualsfor the Tropical Biology Association’s sitesinAfrica. Rosieisamemberofseveral committees andboardsoforganisationsthatpromote conservation science, education andoutreach–thus shebringsmuchvaluable experience to Council. Dr Mark Watson Proposers: John David and Sandra Knapp Dr Mark Watson (FLS 1987) is Head of theMajor Floras Research Programme at theRoyal BotanicGardenEdinburgh.His research focus is on floristics and fieldwork in theSino-Himalayanregion, monographicstudies on theplant family Apiaceae (Umbelliferae),and biodiversityinformatics. This hasincluded authorship for Flora of Bhutan (completed 2002), author andmemberofthe Editorial Board of Flora of China (completed 2013), andauthorand Editor-in- Chief of Flora of Nepal (ongoing). Majorresponsibilitiesinclude:managerial andleadershiproles; project development,fundingand delivery;international partnershipdevelopment; andfloristic andbotanicalhistory research.Markhas along association with theLinneanSociety,starting with hisresearchonthe Linneancollectionsand library as part of hisPhD,and continuingwithhistorical research on early botanicalexplorationsinNepal. He served on Council2009- 2011,and is agreat advocate forthe Society, giving lectures andintroducing Ambassadorsand other diplomatstothe treasuresinthe collections. Make a nomination for a 2017 Medal The Linnean Society seeks to encourage excellence in the natural sciences by awarding a series of medals and prizes to scientists and artists for outstanding work in their field: The Linnean Medal to a bbiioollooggiisstt foforr seserrvviicece to science. The Bicentenary Medal to a biologist unundeder ththee agagee ofof 4040 yeyeaarrss inin recogniti on of exexcceelllleenntt woworrkk.. The DDaarrwwiinn--WWaallllaaccee MMeeddaall to a ppeerrssoonn who hhaass mmaaddee major advances iinn evevoolluutiti onary biology. The Irene Manton Prize toto a PhD ssttuudedent foforr ththee bbeesstt bobottaannyy thesis in an acacaaddeemmiicc yeyeaarr.. The JJoohhnn C MaMarrssddeenn MMeeddaall ffoorr the bebesstt dodoccttoorraall ththesesis in biobiology. The JJoohhnn SSppeeddaann LLeewwiiss MMeeddaall to aann individual who is mamakkiinngg a significfi caanntt anandd innovati ve concontributi on toto conconservati on. The H H Bloomer Award to an amateur naturalist for an important contribution to biological knowledge. The Trail-Crisp Award in recognition of an outstanding contribution to biological microscopy that has been published in the UK. The Jill Smythies Award to a botanical artist for outstanding published illustrations. Nominations for 2017 are now open and will close on 30 November 2016. Visit http://www.linnean.org/the-society/medals-awards-prizes-grants to find out more about nominating an individual for a medal or award. By adopting a stunning book, manuscript or artwork you will: LEAVE A LASTING LEGACY: a name of your choice will stay associated with your item. GET A CERTIFICATE: with information about your item. GET CLOSER: via a special tour of our treasures for you and your guests.* SHARE THE LIMELIGHT: once conserved, your item will be displayed with recognition of your contribution.* *subject to adoption level For more information please email [email protected] Anniversary Meeting Dinner Following the Meeting, Fellows and their guests are invited to accompany the President, Officers and Medal winners to dinner at a local restaurant: Assaggetti, 71 Haymarket, London SW1Y 4RW http://www.assaggetti.co.uk/ £49 (this includes three courses, wine & coffee) All Fellows are welcome to attend but we kindly request that you register and make your menu selections by 1 May 2016 Please register online at http://www.linnean.org/meetings-and- events/events/anniversary-meeting-2016 or contact Alicia Fernandez on 020 7434 4479 ext. 11 Burlington House, Piccadilly, London, W1J 0BF Charity Reference No. 220509 VAT Registration No. 512524678.
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