LA-71 70-MS Informal Report c. 3 I REPRODUCTION .! COPY ‘$j:$-4 REPORT SECTION Experimental Criticality Specifications An Annotated Bibliography Through 1977 -r Iosiialamos scientific laboratory of the University of California LOS ALAMOS, NEW MEXICO 8754S l\ An Affirmative Action/Equal Opportunity Employer UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF ENERGY CONTRACT W-74 OS- f!NG. 36 Fnntcd in lhe United States of Amtiu Available (mm Nzfion$ Technical Information Scrvicc U.S. Department 01 (%mmcrcc 528s Port Ituydl Road Spnn’#ticld. VA 22161 Mi.rcfu’ltc S 3.00 001.025 4.UO 126.150 7,3.5 151.27S 10.75 376+00 13.00 501-52s 15.25 026-0S0 4s0 151-[75 8.oO 276.3C43 11.00 401+?5 13.25 S26.550 15.50 051.075 5.25 176.200 9.00 301.325 11.75 426450 14.00 s51-575 16.2S 076.100 6.OO 201.22s 9.2s 326.3S0 12.00 4s1475 14.50 576600 16.s0 101.125 6.5o 226-2s0 9.5n 351.375 I 2.50 476.500 1s.00 601.uP --1 1. Add S230 for each additmnal 100.page mcfemenl from 601 Pasts up. Thu. report was prepared “ .n account of work soonmred b. the Umtrd States Government. Netlher the Umted S!81.s no. the United stales Department of EnersY. nor anY of their employees. nor any 0( thek eontnctors, subcomraclors. or their employees. makes anY warmntv, exvres or implmd. oc -me. any lexal 11.bility or resuon!tb,l!ty for tie accuracy. cmnplete”css, or usefulness 0[ any I“fmm.tiom appw.tus. product. or Proms! disclosed. or represents tkat 8S usc would not in frtn’e tWiV.1.tY owned rickts. LA-7170-MS Infcmml Report W-4a Issued:May 1978 : 10si alamos scientific laboratory of the University of California LOS ALAMOS, NEW MEXICO 87545 Experimental Criticality Specifications An Annotated Bibliography Through 1977 Compiled by Hugh C. Paxton i—-.. r-- ,,. 7 .’ EXPERIMENTAL CRITICALITY SPECIFICATIONS An Annotated Bibliography Through 1977 Compiled by Hugh C. Paxton ABSTRACT Literature references give sources of experimental nuclear criticality data that have relevance to criticality safety. Notes indicate principal fissile materials, diluents, and special geometries, but are not critical specifica- tions. ——— ——— ——— ___________ INTRODUCI’ION This compilation gives sources of experimental Not included in this listing are descriptions of criticality parameters of systems containing 285U, computationally complex reactor systems, sub- 298U,~d ZWpu. The intent is to cover basic data for critical data that do not extrapolate well to criticality safety applications. criticality, and information from periodic progress A reasonably complete bibliography of criticality reports or ANS Transactions. Results of some early data sources appeared in the 1964 publication, experiments that have been supplanted are in- “Critical Dimensions of Systems Containing U’gs, cluded for historical interest. Puzso, and U28S,” the third item in this report. Since Abbreviations are illustrated as follows. U(l.4) that time, there had been no generally available up- and U(93) mean urani~lm containing 1.4 wtYo and 93 dating, although individuals have maintained files wtYO ‘g’U. U(nat) means natural uranium as usually of the literature. The need for this new compilation encountered. C/u and H/WJ imply atomic ratios became apparent during a comprehensive revision unless specified as volume or mass ratios. Stainless of “The Nuclear Safety Guide. ” steel is represented by SS. I. COMPILATIONS C. L. SchtuAe and H. C. Paxton, “History of H. C. Paxtom “Los Alamos Critical-Mass Data, ” Fissile Array Measurements in the United States, ” Los Alamos Scientific Laboratory report LA-3067- Nucl. Technol. 30, 101-137 (August 1976). MS, Rev. (December 1975). Recapitulation of experimental subcritical and Tabulation of nonreactor data with accuracy critical data for *SW and Pu metal and solutions, indexes, mostly solid configurations of ‘SW, Pu, ‘W and 29SUsolutions. (D20, phosphate solutions). 1 H. C. Paxton, J. T. Thoma8, D. Callihan, and trol in Chemical and Metallurgical Plant, Proc. E. B. Johrwow “Critical Dimensions of Systems Karlsruhe Symposium (0. E. C. D., Paris, 1961) pp. Containing U23’, Pu’gg, and U29S,” USAEC report 139-172. TID-7028 (June 1964). Comprehensive enriched-uranium data, Compilation of significant experimental data sources for 23aUand Pu. through 1963, some specifications transformed for uniformity of correlations. A. D. Callihan, J. W. Morfitt, and J. T. Thomas, “Small Thermal Homogeneous Critical l?.. D. CZuytow “Nuclear Safety in Chemical and Assemblies, ” Proc. Intern. Conf. Peaceful Uses At. Metallurgical Processing of Plutonium, ” Criticality Energy, lst, Geneva, 1955 (United Nations, New Control in (!hemical and Metallurgical Plant, Proc. York, 1956) Vol. 5, pp. 145-155. Karlsruhe Symposium (0. E. C. D., Paris, 1961) pp. Idealized summary of hydrogen-moderated 367-392. ‘“U, 233U,Pu systems; includes steel-water reflec- Comprehensive review of experimental tion, critical-mass reduction by distributing concen- criticality data for Pu. tration. D. Callihan, “A Review of Criticality Data Ob- tained by Experimental Methods, ” Criticality Con- 11.SIMPLE UNITS A. U(290) U(93.2)02(NOJ, solution, 505 g U/liter, 120.7 - cm-square Plexiglas-reflected slab. 1. Solutions, Slurries R. E. Rothe, C. L. Schu&e, and E. E. Hichq P. L&corch& and R. L. Scale, “A Review of the “The Criticality of a Uranium-Solution Slab Under Experiments Performed to Determine the Various Reflector Conditions, ” Nucl. Appl. Technol. Radiological Consequences of a Criticality Acci- 7, 505-512 (December 1969). dent, ” Oak Ridge Criticality Data Center report Y- U(93) O,(NOS), solution, 500 g U/liter, -120- CDC-12 (November 3, 1973). cm-square slab, bare and Plexiglas reflected. U(93)0,(N0,), solution, 22 to 380 g U/liter, in bare 300- and 800-mm-diam cylinders (incidental to J. G. Bruna, J. P. Brunet, R. Caizergues, C. excursion experiments). Clouet d’0rva2, and P. Verriere, “Results of Homogeneous Critical Experiments Carried Out T. A. Fox, R. A. Mueller, and D. Fieno, fith 299PU, 236 U and ‘“U,” (in French) Criticality “Criticality Study of NASA Solution Reactors with Control of Fis.sileMaterials, Proc. Stockholm Sym- 25.4 Centimeter-Diameter Cylindrical Stainless- posium (IAEA, Vienna, 1966) pp. 235-248. Steel Tanks, ” National Aeronautics and Space Ad- ALECTO at Saclay: 25- to 42-cm-diam cylin- ministration report NASA TM X-2381 (September ders, ‘3’Pu-, “’U-, “gU-nitrate solutions, 15 to 18 g 1971). Pu/liter, 30 to 300 g “’U/liter, 25 to 250 g 2’3U/liter, U(93.2)0,F, solution, IW3SU = 74 to 280, in bare, water reflector (see 11.D.1 and 11.G). bare 0.16- or 0.32-cm-wall ss cylinders; agreement with Oak Ridge. B. G. Dubovt?kii, A. V. Kamaev, F. M. Kuznet- 80V, G. M. VZadykov, G. A. Popov, and Yu. D. G. Tuck and H. E. Clark, “Critical Parameters PaZ.umarchuh, “Critical Parameters for Aqueous of a Uranium Solution Slab-Cylinder System, ” Solutions of U02(N0,),,” J. Nucl. Energy 19, 775- Nucl. Sci. Eng. 40, 407-413 (June 1970). 781 (October 1965). 2 277 g U(90)/liter in 17-cm-diam cylinder with J. K. Fox and L. W. Gilley, “Some Studies of lateral and bottom water reflector, and in bare 24- Water, Styrofoam, and Plexiglas Reflectors,” Oak cm-diam cylinder. Ridge National Laboratory report 0RNL’-CF-58-9- 39 (October 3, 1958). B. G. Dubov8ky, A. V. Kamaev, V. V. Orlov, G. U(93)0,F2 solution, Hp3’U = 293, 6-in. -thick by M. Vladykov, V. N. Gurin, F. M. Kuznet80v, V. 48-in. -wide slabs. P. Kochergin, I. P. Markelov, G. A. Popov, and V. J. Suiridenko, “The Critical Parameters of J. C. Allred, P. J. Bendt, and R. E. Peterson, Aqueous Solutions of UO,(NOJ, and Nuclear “Critical Measurements on UOS-WPO. Solutions, ” Safety, ” Proc. Intern. Conf. Peaceful Uses At. (Letter) Nucl. Sci. Eng. 4, 498-500 (September Energy, 3rd, Geneva, 1964 (United Nations, New 1958) . York, 1965) Vol. 13, pp. 254-263. H/U(93.5) = 198, 220, 248, 300, in 31.5-cm- 32 to 287 g U(90)/liter as parallelepipeds, bare, diam cylinder with 9-cm-thick Fe reflector. water, and water-steel reflected; also U(10), U(5) cylinders (see ILB.1 and 11.C.1). J. K. Fox and L. W. GWey, “Critical Parameters for Poisoned Annular Cylinders Containing Aqueous D. Breton, P. Ldcorcht$, and C. Clouet d’Orval, Solutions of LF’,” Oak Ridge National Laboratory “Criticality Studies, ” (in French) Proc. Intern. Conf. report ORNL-CF-58-8-5 (August 1, 1958). Peaceful Uses At. Energy, 3rd, Geneva, 1964 U(93) 02F2 solution, ~36U = 50.4 and 309, in (United Nations, New York, 1965) Vol. 13, pp. 234- 10- to 30-in. -o.d. annuli with Cd-lined interior filled 243. with water. Saclay: solutions at 60 g Pu/liter and w30 to 100 g z85U/liter as u(90) in bare 42-cm-diam cylinder J. K. Fox, L. W. Gilley, and J. H. Marable, and water-reflected 30-cm-diam cylinder, also “Critical Parameters of a Proton-Moderated and spaced reflectors, interaction of two 10-cm-diam Proton-Reflected Slab of U’”,” Nucl. Sci. Eng. 3, cylinders with one at 30-cm diam; Dijon: Pu solu- 694-697 (June 1958). tion in 50-cm-o.d. by 30-cm-i.d. annulus, interaction U(93)02F, solution, HP3’U = 44.7 and 51.5,2.0- of two annuli (see 11.D.1 and IV. B). to 2.12 -in. -thick by 58.5 -in. -wide slabs, water reflec- ted. D. R. Bach, J. A. Bidine, S. I. Bunch, R. J. Cerbone, F. Feiner, W.
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