CLIMATE APPROPRIATE PLANTS The following is an extensive list of plants that are Accessible for the Newport. Newport can have a harsh climate due to the wind and salt climate as well as sandy soils. This list is compiled from resources from Rachel Cotton with the City of Newport, Lincoln County Master Garden Association, Mike Faha with GreenWorks, PC and The Pacific Northwest Gardner Book of Lists. This list is not a final list and should be added to as well as reviewed on a periodic basis. Table 1. Trees Common Botanical Height / Wind Street Sun / Evergreen / Native Water Comments Name Name Width Tolerance Tree Shade Deciduous TREES Large Tolerates salt, wind, sandy soil. Will lift Sitka Spruce Picea sitchensis X 150' / 30' H M Full sun E pavement. Pyramidal evergreen. Grand Fir Abies grandis X 100' / 20' L X M Sun/Shade E Coast Sequoia CA 100' / 25' H M Full sun E Redwood sempervirens Native Pseudotsuga Douglas Fir X 80' / 20' L X M to H Full sun E menziesii Norway Puramidal evergreen, Picea abies 80' / 30' H L Full sun E Spruce fast growing Holly Oak Quercus ilex 70' / 60' H X M Sun/Shade E Western Red Thuja plicata X 70' / 25' H M Sun/Shade E Evergreen to 100’ Cedar Adaptable. Typical Shore Pine Pinus contorta X 60' / 25' H L Full sun E wind pruned tree along the coast Liriodendron Tuliptree 60' / 30' L M Full sun D tulipfera Common Botanical Height / Wind Street Sun / Evergreen / Native Water Comments Name Name Width Tolerance Tree Shade Deciduous Does not thrive in Western Tsuga X 60' / 20' M M Sun/Shade E Sandy Soil. Tolerates Hemlock heterophylla Shade Bigleaf Acer Large spreading tree, X 50' / 30' L M Sun/Shade D Maple macrophyllum fall yellow color Japanese Pinus 50' / 20' H X M Full sun E Black Pine thunbergii Pacific Arbutus X 50' / 30' H X L Full sun E Madrone menziesii Medium European Carpinus betulu 45'/20' M X M Sun/Shade E Hornbeam s 'Fastigiata' Large pyramidal Gingko Ginkgo biloba 45' / 35' M X M Sun/Shade D shape, yellow leaves in fall Japanese Zelkova Replacement for 45' / 30' M X M Sun/Shade D Zelkova serrulata American Elm Prunus Bitter Cherry X 40' / 30' M M Part shade D emarginata Rhamnus Cascara X 40' / 12' M L Sun/Shade D Upright form purshiana Dense pyramidal Leyland Cupressocypari 40' / 10' H M Full sun E evergreen, fast Cypress s leylandii growing Scotch Pine Pinus sylvestris 40' / 35' M M Full sun E Goldenrain Koelreuteria 30' / 30' M X L Sun/Shade D Tree paniculata Japenese Styrax japonica 30' / 30' M X M Sun/Shade D Snowbell Common Botanical Height / Wind Street Sun / Evergreen / Native Water Comments Name Name Width Tolerance Tree Shade Deciduous Upright form, likes Monterey Cupressus CA 30' / 8' H M Full sun E sandy fast draining Cypress macrocarpa Native soils Strawberry Pink flowers in fall, Arbutus unedo 30' / 15' M L Full sun E Tree red fruit in spring Washington Crataegue 30' / 30' M X L to M Full sun D Hawthorn phaenopyrum Small Flowering Malus 'Liset' 25' / 20' M X M Full sun D Trees on Bay Road Crabapple Pacific Wax Myrica X 25'/20' H L Full sun E Myrtle Californica Flowering Prunus 20' / 20' M X M Sun/Shade D White-Pink Flowers Cherry serrulata Japanese Acer japonicum 20' / 15' M M Sun/Shade D Orange fall foliage Maple Pacific Malus fusca X 20' / 20' M M Full sun D Crabapple Star Magnolia 15' / 10' M M Sun/Shade D Blooms in March Magnolia stellata Vine Maple Acer circinatum X 15' / 10' M M Sun/Shade D Multiple trunks Table 2. Shrubs, Forbs/Herbs, and Grasses Evergreen / Height / Sun / Common Name Botanical Name Native Water Comments Deciduous Width Shade SHRUBS Broad-rounded shrub Barberry Berberis sp. E 6' / 6' L to M Sun/Shade with arching branches Viburnum Blackhaw Viburnum D 12' / 12' M Sun/Shade prunifolium Upright, round-topped, Bloodtwig Dogwood Cornus sanguinea X D 6' / 6' M Sun/Shade spreading, twiggy, multi-stemmed shrub Ceanothus Blue floweres attract Blue Blossom X E 5' / 5' M Sun/Shade thyrsiflorus bees. Short lived Blue Pacific Shore High Wind and Salt Juniperus conferta E 1.5' / 8' M Full sun Juniper Tolerance Shallow roots need constant moisture and Vaccinium Blueberry E 12' / 12' M to H Sun/Shade good drainage. Plants corymbosum appreciate good organic mulch. Ceanothus griseus Fast growing, durable Ceanothus E 3' / 8' L Sun/Shade horizontalis ground cover Coyote Bush Baccharis pilularis X E 4' / 10' L to M Sun/Shade Juniperus Northern Creeping Juniper E 1.5' / 8' M Full sun horizontalis US Creeping Mahonia Mahonia repens X E 2' / 4' M Sun/Shade Low, sprawling Rosmarinus Med Wind and Salt Creeping Rosemary E 2' / 3' L Full sun prostratus Tolerance Prefers well drained Dwarf Oregon Grape Mahonia nervosa X E 7' / 7' L Part shade acidic soil Escallonia Escallonis sp. E 8' / 6' M Sun/Shade Dense shrub Evergreen / Height / Sun / Common Name Botanical Name Native Water Comments Deciduous Width Shade Tolerates drought, Chaenomeles erosion, clay soils. Flowering Quince D 3' / 6' M Sun/Shade japonica Easily grown in well drained soil Likes well-drained, acidic soil, a southern Arctostaphylos Hairy Manzanita X E 10' / 10' L Full sun or western exposure columbiana and is highly drought tolerant. Hawthorn Crataegus spp. D 30' / 30' L to M Full sun High Wind and Salt Heath (many species) Erica sp. E 12' / 6' M Sun/Shade Tolerance Hopseed Dodonaea viscosa E 12' / 8' M Full sun Edible berries, neat, erect, compact, Huckleberry Vaccinium ovatum X E 8' / 10' L Sun/Shade sometimes erratic growth habit Small fuzzy leafed Hybrid Rhododendron Rhododendron sp. E 8' / 8' M Part shade varieties such as Snow Lady best near ocean Hydrangea Hydrangea sp. D 5' / 5' M Part shade Japanese Honeysuckle Lonicera japonica D 30' / 6' L to M Sun/Shade Sciadopitys verticilla Japanese Umbrella Pine E 25'/15' M Full sun ta Arctostaphylos uva- Kinnikinnick X E 12" / 15" L Full sun Groundcover ursi Lavender Lavandula sp. E 3' / 4' L to M Full sun Lilly of the Valley Pieris sp. E 7' / 7' M Sun/Shade Part/Full Mahonia Mahonia aquifolium X E 5' / 5' L Shade Evergreen / Height / Sun / Common Name Botanical Name Native Water Comments Deciduous Width Shade Multi-trunk evergren palm with an upright Mediterranean Fan Chamaerops humilis E 15' / 20' M Sun/Shade irregular form that Palm typically matures as a shrub or small tree Part/Full Prefers areas protected Mexican Orange Choysia ternata E 8' / 8' M Shade from cold winter winds Physocarpus Part/Full Ninebark X D 8' / 8' L to M Rounded form capitatus Shade Nootka Rose Rosa nutkana X D 4' / 4' L Sun/Shade Pink flowers Attractive spring Oceanspray Holodiscus discolor X D 10' / 8' M Part shade flowers Oemleria Part/Full Osoberry / Indian Plum X D 15' / 10' M Avoid wet soil cerasiformis Shade Rhododendron Pacific Rhododendron X E 8' / 8' L Part shade Prefers morning sun macrophyllum Mounding, rounded, Point Reyes Ceanothus Ceanothus gloriosus E 6' / 6' L to M Sun/Shade spreading form Upright form, fast Part/Full Prickly Currant Ribes lacustre X D 7' / 5' L growth rate, purple Shade flowers Pussy Willow Salix discolor D 15' / 12' M to H Sun/Shade Thrives in wet soils Red Elderberry Sambucus racemosa X D 12' / 15' M to H Sun/Shade Upright form, pleasant Red Flowering Currant Ribes sanguineum X D 13' / 7' L Part shade fragrance, fast growth rate Aromatic leaves, blue Rosemary Rosemarinus sp. E 6' / 4' M Full sun to violet flowers High Wind and Salt Salal Gaultheria shallon X E 6' / 8' M Sun/Shade Tolerance. Edible Evergreen / Height / Sun / Common Name Botanical Name Native Water Comments Deciduous Width Shade berries. Grows 2' tall in shade, up to 10' tall in sun CA Silktassel Garrya elliptica E 12' / 8' L Sun/Shade Rounded form Native Smokebush Cotinus coggygria D 15' / 15' M Full sun Symphoricarpos Rounded, fountain Snowberry X D 6' / 6' L Sun/Shade albus form Spreading Gooseberry Ribes divaricatum X D 10' / 3' L Sun/Shade Habitat plant. Grows Twinberry Lonicera involucrata X D 10' / 10' M Sun/Shade into a leggy shrub. Takes wind Viburnum Viburnum edule X D 5' / 5' M Sun/Shade Can Suffer from Fungal Wax Myrtle Myrica californica X E 20' / 15' L to M Sun/Shade Disease. Takes Pruning Corylus cornuta ssp. Western Hazelnut X D 4' / 8' M Sun/Shade Showy, edible fruit californica Upright form, pleasant Western Spirea Spirea douglasii X D 7' / 4' M to H Sun/Shade fragrance, fast growth rate FORBS/HERBS High Wind and Salt Ajuga Ajuga repens 0.75' / 1' M Sun/Shade Tolerance Aster Aster chilensis X 3' / 3' L Sun/Shade Cheerful violet flowers High Wind and Salt Tolerance, small Beach Aster / Fleabane Erigeron glaucus X 1' / 2' L Sun/Shade perennial, attractive flowers - voilet, pink, spreading form Evergreen / Height / Sun / Common Name Botanical Name Native Water Comments Deciduous Width Shade Lavender Flowers. L. littoralis is native variety but not as Beach Pea Lathyrus japonicus M Full sun common. Grows in trailing stems typically on sand and gravel storm beaches Groundcover. Fruits are Beach Strawberry Fragaria chiloensis X 1' / 4' L Sun/Shade eaten by birds, animals. Spreading form Prefers loose, Part/Full organically rich loams Bishop’s Hat Epimedium sp. 1' / 1.5' L to M Shade with even moisture in part shade Leaves turn brown in Bracken Fern Pteridium aquilinum X 1.5' / 2' L Sun/Shade winter.
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