THE AUSTRALIAN CHURCH RECORD THE NATIONAL CHURCH OF ENGLAND NEWSPAPER NINETY-FIRST YEAR OF PUBLICATION Registered for posting as Printed by John Fairfax and Price 15 cents No. 1494—August 12, 1971 a newspaper — Category A. Sons Ltd., Broadway, Sydney. CHURCH REFUGE FOR EARTHQUAKE VICTIMS The minister in charge of St. Paul's, an Australian S.A.M.S. Gregory Illaxland reports from Chile disaster area missionary, Rev Greg Blaxland, opened the church a little after For the second time this century, the historic church of St Paul's, Val- midnight and invited the home- paraiso, became a refuge for people left homeless by an earthquake. less in the street to take refuge This latest catastrophe, which struck Valparaiso on July 8, has pro- within. This invitation was gladly vided Christians in Chile with a very specal challenge and opportunty to accepted by some 50 adults and children who remained there the show Christian love in a practical way. rest of the night. This was also surface there is an immense rock done on the following nights for formation. a reduced number of people, while accommodation of a more One youthful member of the complete and permanent nature congregation was reading her has been made available in the Bible at the moment the earth- church hall for three families. quake struck. She lacer testified As all water supply to the city that she was filled with a com- was cut, the fact that a small re- plete peace together with a won- serve water supply in tanks is derful sense of the presence and maintained on the church prem- power of God. Thus it was that ises also served to temporarily she went out to people gathered alleviate the crisis for some 40 in the street to witness to them families round about, more than of Christ. Hence while the edifice a "cup" of cold water being in which the church meets is given in the name of Chirst. built upon a rock, the church it- Many of these people were in self is being built upon the Rock a nervous state and opportunity of Ages. was taken to point out that such However, not all Anglican St Paul's Church, Valparaiso, showing part of church occurences serve to remind us buildings fared as well as St hall in which the Blaxlands have their flat. Mrs that true peace of mind at all Paul's. The Diocesan school at Judith Blasi:mil examines damage to the two-foot times is only found in those Vino del Mar, six miles from thick wall of her bedroom. whose faith is placed in Christ, Valparaiso, was severely dam- tor's residence, have been the Lord of heaven and earth. aged. All school buildings built declared uninhabitable. St Paul's, which was built in prior to the 1965 earthquake have been condemned as unfit Members of the S.A.M.S. mis- 1858, is the oldest protestant sonary team had varied ex- church building in Chile and has for further use and are to be WCC under fire periences as things around them now withstood three earthquakes, demolished. This represents 70 per cent of all existing buildings jumped. shook and broke. One the two previous being of 1906 married couple remained calmly and 1965. On each occasion it and therefore presents an enormous problem in regard to in bed with the bedclothes over has only suffered minor damage. their heads to stop light plaster in UK synod The principal physical reason the future running of the school. Also the rented premises in the from falling on their face. for damage being of such a limit- Sharp criticisms of the 11orld Council of Churches ed nature is evidently the fact city of Quilpue (some six miles Another couple jumped out of that the site was specially se- inland from Vina del Mar), bed escaping serious injury by were made during the budget debate in England's General lected because beneath the which serve as chapel and pas- seconds as a beam and heavy Synod on Thursday, July 15. plaster fell on their pillows. Rev. Christopher Wansey Devil's weapons, we cannot do One young lady missionary (Chelmsford) moved a token re- the work of Christ." walked in bare feet up a stairway duction of a pound in the pro- (From the London "Church covered in broken glass without Times.") ALL STATES WELL suffering a single cut. Perhaps posed Church of England grant the most ill-prepared and embar- of f11,600 to the WCC as a rassed was a missionary wife means of getting a debate on this caught in the bathroom in her particular issue. Green light REPRESENTED AT NEAC "birthday suit!" Whatever the The WCC, he alleged, had Fully booked out, the National Evangelical Anglican exact circumstances of each mis- gone off the rails completely. It Congress to be held at Monash University, Melbourne, sionary, all witness to being very ought rto find somebody else to for UK pay its ticket. August 23-28, promises to be widely representative. conscious of the protecting hand of God and together are thankful The World Council now As we went to press, Rev. George Pearson, Secretary of to Him. admitted Unitarians as full mem- unity plan NEAC, reported the following regional representation: On Sunday, July 11, a service bers, and this had prevented its The Church of England Clergy Laymen Women TOTAL of thanksgiving was held in St British counterpart from making STATE General Synod meeting at N.S.W. 131 116 62 309 Paul's for the fact that there was a statement about multifaith ser- VICTORIA 54 55 31 140 no loss of life or serious injury vices, which he opposed. York on July 14 by a 65 per among the missionary team, the SOUTH AUSTRALIA .. 19 14 14 47 More recently, said Mr Wan- cent vote agreed to go ahead WEST AUSTRALIA .. 6 5 3 14 various congregations or in the sey, the WCC had chosen a with plans to proceed to- TASMANIA .. 9 3 1 13 immediate neighbourhood, when Buddhist as secretary for Viet- wards stage one of the Angli- QUEENSLAND 10 3 2 15 any local residents attended an nam, Laos and Cambodia. NEW ZEALAND .. 1 1 2 4 Anglican service for the first Christian commitment, it seemed, can-Methodist proposed re- NORTHERN TERRITORY .. 1 1 1 3 time. The preacher was the Rt formed no part of its work; and, union, OVERSEAS .. 3 3 Rev G. E, D. Pytches, Admini- if it wanted more money, it 1968 plan had failed to strator of the Diocese of Chile, might usefully ask the Buddhists get the necessary two-thirds 234 198 116 548 Bolivia and Peru to supply it. majority in the now defunct Turning to the controversial Church Assembly. grants made last year to "free- The plan will now have to dom fighters" in southern Africa, receive the approval of the Con- Newcastle teacher to be Mr Wansey said he had to ad- vocations of Canterbury and mire and respect those who put York before it comes back for their lives in jeopardy for what final approval to General Synod. they believed. It will then need a two-thirds new SU secretary for NSW majority of those present and "If they die, it may well be voting in each of the three that they will be found in the houses of the Synod, and an Mr Norman K. Bennett, B.A., Dip. Ed., a teacher at Maitland Bo)s' noble army of martyrs. God will overall majority of at least sev- High School, has been appointed N.S.W. General Secretary of the Scripture accept what they do, but the enty-five per cent, shall be re- Union. He begins in January 1972, succeeding Mr David Claydon, who be- Church must not endure it be- quired on the motion for final comes Federal Secretary, cause the weapons of our war- approval of the 1968 scheme be- fare are not carnal. If we use the fore proceeding to Stage One. His wife has been Newcastle husband's interest in many as- Regional Adviser for the ISCF elects of SU work. and as well as looking after two Mr Bennett served as a children. has always shared her student minister for the Presby- ANGLICAN AND UNITED CHURCHES terian Church at Stockton and at the same time did his degree at the University of Newcastle. While at Maitland High School TO WORK TOGETHER IN NORTH WEST over the past three years, he Work of the Protc‘t, 01 churches in the north of Western Australia is to be gained his diploma in education with distinction. He is the carried on in close co-operation, following a mid-July meeting in Dampier. school's careers adviser and There would be little overlapping ISCF counsellor. The United Church of North Anglicans to take Communion in Australia (Methodists, Presby- of work and no duplicating of other denominations' services, Mr Bennett has been much in- terians and Congregationalists) facilities. Resources would be nor would he allow other Protes- volved in youth work as a leader, have a new positive and practical pooled, enabling better use. tants to take Communion in imp convenor, camp speaker agreement with the Anglican Right Rev Fred McKay, Anglican services. and organiser of district outreach Church. ru °grams among youth. He has Superintendent of the Australian The denominations will work The United Church and the inland Mission (Presbyterian) together on a new project at also been involved in various as- Anglican Church would co- told the press that this co-opera- Karratha.
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