VOL. LXXVV, NO. 49 • $1.00 + CA. Sales Tax THURSDAY, DECEMBER 12 - 18, 2013 VOL. LXXXV NO. 25, $1.00 +CA. Sales Tax“For Over “For Eighty Over Eighty Years Years, The Voice The Voiceof Our of CommunityOur Community Speaking Speaking for forItself Itself.” THURSDAY, JUNE 13, 2019 In the dugout with L.A. Dodgers manager Dave Roberts Roberts opens up about life, legacy, family and faith. BY BRANDON I BROOKS of the Year. Managing Editor As the first African- American manager of the In a sport that has histor- Dodgers, Roberts walks in ically marginalized Black the footsteps of many Black players, African American trailblazers in baseball at baseball fans have taken a time when the African- great pride in the accom- American population in the plishments of legendary MLB is at a low with about ball-players like Jackie eight percent of African Robinson, Larry Doby and American players. Accord- Willie Mays. When Dave ing to USA Today Sports, Roberts was named manag- there are 11 teams that don’t er of the Los Angeles Dodg- have more than a single Af- ers in 2015, he understood rican American player on that he too would carry a their 25-man roster, includ- similar legacy. ing three teams that don’t “It’s hard for me to put have one. There are only into words what it means three African American to be named manager of players on active rosters in the Los Angeles Dodgers,” the entire National League Roberts told MLB.com in West. 2015. “This is truly the op- Roberts was born in Oki- portunity of a lifetime. The nawa, Japan to an African Dodgers are the ground- American father, a U.S. Ma- breaking franchise of Jackie rine, who met his Japanese Robinson, Roy Campan- mother while stationed in ella, Sandy Koufax, Maury Japan. Growing up in San Wills, Fernando Valenzuela Diego, CA, Roberts says and Hideo Nomo.” he was fortunate to have a “I feel that I have now dual heritage. He always come full circle in my ca- embraced both facets of his reer and there is plenty of ethnicity and now he stands unfinished business left as a role model for both in L.A.,” said the former Asian American and Afri- Dodger outfielder, whocan American baseball fans. went on to be named 2018 E. MESIYAH MCGINNIS / SENTINEL } National League Manager {See DODGERS A-10 Los Angeles Dodgers manager Dave Roberts Nine barbershops gan at Just Showin’ Off, throughout L.A. County in L.A., The Place to Be will help welcome the in Carson and VIP Barber public to free health Shop in Compton. It will screenings, including for continue at six more bar- blood glucose and blood bershops the first Satur- pressure. day of every month until December 1. BY JENNIFER BIHM Though the program is Contributing Writer geared toward men, all are welcome to get their vitals On June 1, health ad- including blood pressure, vocates from the Martin blood glucose and BMI Luther King Jr. Commu- checked, according to Ni- nity Hospital in Willow- cole Fredericks, who is a brook launched their new member of MLK’s per- health initiative Man Up, a sonnel. program that links barber “[If problems are de- shops in L.A. County with PHOTO COURTESY OF MLK COMMUNITY HOSPITAL tected] we’ll have you COURTESY PHOTO MLK doctors to offer free The Place To Be barbershop staff poses with the MLKCHtalk to the doctor who From left Dr. William A. Burke, Ed.D. and medical screenings to the Man Up! Health screening team June 1 in Carson, onewill of give medical advice. Dr. Clark E. Parker, Sr. public. The program be- the nine program sites. (See FULL STORY A-8) {See MLK A-8} Governor Newsom Announces Appointment of Alva Johnson CALIFORNIA BLACK MEDIA BY JENNIFER BIHM Contributing Writer Governor Gavin New- som recently announced Members of the Cali- the following appoint- fornia Complete Count ments: Committee met in Sacra- Alva Vernon Johnson, mento June 4, to discuss 51, of Elk Grove, has been their statewide outreach appointed director of the and communication strat- California State Lottery. egy for 2020, keeping Johnson was director of intergovernmental affairs for the San Manuel Band of Mission Indians from 2016 to 2018. He was executive director of gov- COURTESY OF CENSUS.CA.GOV ernmental affairs and pub- Alva Vernon Johnson COURTESY PHOTO The California Complete Count Committee’s Interac- lic relations for the Agua tive Hard to Count Map, as shown on their website. Caliente Band of Cahuilla staff consultant for the Joint for the California Depart- Indians from 2005 to 2015 Committee to Develop a ment of Education from with their mission of get- they said. Those include and director of govern- Master Plan for Education 1998 to 1999. Johnson ting everyone counted and immigrant renters, children mental affairs at Freder- from 2001 to 2002, and leg- earned a Master of Pub- connected to appropriate re- under five and those living icks, Peebles and Morgan islative liaison at the Cali- lic Policy degree from the sources. The official Census below the poverty line. LLP from 2004 to 2005. fornia State Lottery in 2001. University of California, count will begin April 1 of Those that are consid- He was chief consultant Johnson served as a deputy Berkeley. This position next year, and the committee ered hard-to-count (HTC) for the California State legislative secretary in the requires Senate confirma- wants to ensure they reach are least likely to respond Assembly Governmental Office of Governor Gray tion and the compensation www.lasentinel.net everyone, especially those to the Census question- Organization Commit- Davis from 1999 to 2000 is $180,086. Johnson is a who are “hard to count,” {See CENSUS A-8} tee from 2002 to 2003, and as legislative liaison Democrat. E. MESIYAH MCGINNIS/L.A. SENTINEL A-2 LASENTINEL.NET NEWS THURSDAY, JUNE 13, 2019 Voting Centers on the Horizon for 2020 Elections BY CORA JACKSON-FOSSETT people can vote at any of 150 locations; and a new Staff Writer them,” said Herrera, who tally system that incorpo- added that full language rates image processing tech- Changes are coming for services will be available at nology to ensure that voting L.A. County voters starting the sites. Also, voting will results are accurately report- with the 2020 elections. be expanded to an 11-day ed. According to the Registrar- period, with centers accept- “In addition, there will Recorder/County Clerk’s ing ballots beginning Feb. be mobile and pop-up BMD office, their new program 22, 2020, for the March 3, units that will be available makes the process easier and 2020 elections. for disabled, nursing home more user friendly and Other improvements and homeless residents,” accessible for residents. include E-Pollbooks, which Herrera said. In-depth train- Laura Herrera, County will verify registration eligi- ing for poll workers is Clerk project assistant, out- bility and allow for same underway as well. lined the new system - Vot- day voting; a secure Ballot The new voting infor- ing Solutions for All People Marking Device (BMD), mation was well-received or VSAP - during a commu- which produces a verifiable by the 60+ people in atten- CORA J. FOSSETT/L.A. SENTINEL nity meeting hosted by First paper ballot and decreases dance, along with FAME From left are Laura M. Herrera, Voting Solutions for All People (VSAP) project assistant; Latricia Mitchell, African American Get Out the Vote (AAGTV) co-coordinator; FAME Pas- AME Church and Alpha unauthorized access or Pastor J. Edgar Boyd, who tor J. Edgar Boyd and Charlene Cyrus, AAGTV coordinator. Kappa Alpha Sorority on hacking; an Interactive had started a campaign June 8. Explaining some of Sample Ballot that lets vot- about 18 months ago that Out the Vote to get our peo- where to register.’ This vot- times, we’re disallowed par- the changes, she noted that ers pre-mark selections on a focused on increasing vot- ple ready for the 2020 elec- ing center allows for all of ticipation in so many ways voters would no longer be computer or personal device ing in the Black community. tion. The good thing about that,” said Boyd. and our vote – our power at limited to casting their bal- and then transfer their choic- The committee includes this new voting procedure is “Voting is one of the the ballot box – engages us lots at an assigned polling es to the BMD; a FAME members, faith lead- that you can go and register tools and powers that the to participate in the process place. redesigned, easy-to- ers and neighborhood advo- on the same day that you African American commu- with equity.” “Our new model will understand Vote by Mail cates. vote. That makes it easier nity has to engage in that Learn more about the offer 42 potential centers ballot, which can be “We organized a group for everybody. Nobody has bring an increased quality of new voting process at throughout the county and dropped off at more than called African American Get the excuse ‘I didn’t know life,” he continued. “Often- vsap.lavote.net. Mid-City Festival Celebrates Culture and Diversity BY CORA JACKSON-FOSSETT free event. Huyana and a reunion of just felt like the music Staff Writer “This is actually our best L.A. hip-hop legends, Fatlip helped us appreciate how year yet, the best turnout and Slimkid3, who were good everything is if we Hundreds of people we’ve had so far. I’m really joined by DJ Cee Brown take the time to work togeth- filled the street outside the excited about it,” said Nick and 2mex.
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