• MM 1996 ANNUAL REPORT NATIONAL GALLERY OF ART 1996 Annual Report Copyright © 1997, Board of Trustees, Cover: Hans Hofmann, Autumn Gold (detail), 1957, Details illustrated at section openings: National Gallery of Art, Washington. Robert and Jane Meyerhoff Collection, 1996.81.4 p. 5: James Peale, Fruit Still Life with Chinese Export All rights reserved. Basket, 1824, oil on wood, Gift of Mr. and Mrs. Frontispiece: Jan van Huysum, Still Life with Flowers Thomas M. Evans, in Honor of the 50th Anniver- This publication was produced by the and Fruit (detail), c. 1715, Patrons' Permanent Fund sary of the National Gallery of Art, 1990.7.1 and Gift of Philip and Lizanne Cunningham, Editors Office, National Gallery of Art, p. 7: Odilon Redon, Large Vase with Flowers, 1996.80.1 c. 1912, oil on canvas, Gift (Partial and Promised) Editor-in-chief, Frances P. Smyth of John C. Whitehead, in Honor of the 50th Editor, Tarn Curry Bryfogle Photographic Credits: Anniversary of the National Gallery of Art, Editorial Assistant, Mariah Seagle Works of art in the National Gallery of Art's collec- 1990.64.1 tions have been photographed by the department Production Manager, Chris Vogel p. 9: William Michael Harnett, My Gems, 1888, oil of imaging and visual services. Other photographs on wood, Gift of the Avalon Foundation, 1957.5.1 are by: Anthony Grohowski (p. 32), James Locke Designed by Susan Lehmann, (pp. 31-33), Robert Shelley (pp.36, 38), and Rex p. 13: Georges Braque, Still Life: Le Jour, 1929, oil Washington, DC Stucky (p. 60), on canvas, Chester Dale Collection, 1963.10.91 p. 53: Maurits Cornells Escher, Still Life with Mirror, Printed by Schneidereith & Sons, p. 22: photograph copyright Mark Klett 1934, lithograph, Cornelius Van S. Roosevelt Col- Baltimore, Maryland lection, 1973.65.38 The type is Meridien, set by Cadmus p. 57: Gerrit Willemsz Heda, Still Life with Ham, Financial Communications, Baltimore, 1650, oil on panel, Gift of John S. Thacher, Maryland 1985.16.1 p. 65: Maurits Cornells Escher, Still Life and Street, ISBN 0-89468-269-5 1937, woodcut, Cornelius Van S. Roosevelt Collec- tion, 1974.28.5 p. 69: Chipman, Melons and Grapes, mid-19th cen- tury, oil on canvas, Gift of Edgar William and Ber- nice Chrysler Garbisch, 1957.11.5 p. 79: Pablo Picasso, Sculptures et Vase de Fleurs, 5 May 1933, etching and aquatint, Rosenwald Collection, 1950.16.142 p. 107: Adja Yunkers, Red Still Life, 1944, color woodcut, Rosenwald Collection, 1946.21.388 p. 109: Roy Lichtenstein, Cubist Still Life, 1974, oil and magna on canvas, Gift of Lila Acheson Wallace, 1983.50.1 p. 117: Roger de La Fresnaye, Still Life, probably 1920, graphite and pen and white ink on brown paper, Rosenwald Collection, 1953.6.77 CONTENTS President's Foreword 7 Administration 53 Director's Statement 9 External Affairs Art Programs Development 57 Renaissance Paintings 13 Corporate Relations 59 Baroque Paintings 13 Public Information 61 American and British Paintings 15 Special Projects 61 French Paintings 15 Visitors Services 62 20th-century Art 16 Music at the Gallery 62 Sculpture and Decorative Arts 16 Center for Advanced Study in the Old Master Drawings 17 Visual Arts 65 Old Master Prints 18 Modern Prints and Drawings 20 Report of the Treasurer 69 Photographs 22 Curatorial Records 23 Registration 23 Acquisitions 79 Loans and the Loans 96 National Lending Service 24 Lenders 101 Conservation 24 Changes of Attribution 104 Exhibitions 30 Staff Publications 105 Design and Installation 36 Trustees and Staff 107 Education 37 Library 45 Gifts 117 Editors Olfice 47 Gallery Archives 49 PRESIDENT'S FOREWORD In this year of tremendous activity and scholarship and research, and our gen- excitement, the National Gallery of Art eral endowment. Thus the trustees have was enriched by a number of generous undertaken to raise $105 million for the gifts of art to its permanent collection. New Century Fund. I am deeply grati- Of particular note are the 10 major con- fied to report that, thanks to the par- temporary works given by Robert and ticipation of many of the Gallery's Jane Meyerhoff during the exhibition of staunchest friends and supporters, our their renowned collection. Also, in goal is now in sight. honor of its 10th anniversary, The Circle Many privately funded programs at of the National Gallery of Art presented the Gallery continue to benefit particu- the Gallery with an important 19th- larly from the support of two strong and century American still life by Martin broad-based national groups. The Col- Johnson Heade. To them, and to all lectors Committee celebrated its 20th who have added to the Gallery's perma- year of enriching the nation's 20th-cen- nent collection, we are most grateful. tury art collection. We offer hearty Financial support of the National thanks and congratulations to long-time Gallery has been historically shared by co-chairs Ruth Carter Stevenson and the public and private sectors, and we Edwin L. Cox, who passed the mantle are enormously grateful to the federal of leadership to Doris Fisher of San government for its ongoing commit- Francisco and Barney Ebsworth of St. ment to maintaining the Gallery as the Louis at the anniversary meeting in nation's art museum. Because the October 1995. And The Circle of the United States Congress provides for the National Gallery of Art celebrated its Gallery's daily operating expenses, we 10th anniversary in 1996 with justifi- are able to serve citizens nationwide able fanfare. As a founding co-chair of through a great variety of outreach pro- The Circle, I take special pleasure in grams as well as to welcome millions of witnessing how this national member- visitors each year. ship group has helped the Gallery with To complement this generous public a wide variety of programs and acquisi- Hendrik Goltzius, A Foxglove in Bloom, 1592, pen and brown ink, 17.5 x 9.8 cm, Gift of Rosi Schilling funding, we look to private sources to tions in the past decade. We extend sin- in memory of Edmund Schilling, 1996.44.1 support art and library acquisitions, cere thanks to all members of The Former director John Walker in 1956, seated before Bellini's Feast of the Gods Circle, with a special nod to the two W. Duemling of Washington, D.C., and Kirstein from 1989 to 1995. Their members of the Trustees' Council who Lucio A. Noto of McLean, Virginia. friendship, counsel, and generosity to are now serving as co-chairs, Juliet C. The Trustees' Council is indebted to this institution are deeply appreciated. Folger and David O. Maxwell. the dedicated members whose terms With no alteration in its ranks, the I also would like to recognize the ended in 1996. They are Louisa C. Board of Trustees continued to oversee many corporations and foundations that Duemling of Washington, D.C., Jo Ann the governance of the National Gallery have helped meet the Gallery's private Ganz of Los Angeles, Ruth C. Kainen of of Art. I am proud to continue to serve funding needs in the past year, espe- Chevy Chase, Maryland, and Benjamin as president, with Ruth Carter Steven- cially in the critical areas of exhibition F. Stapleton III of New York City. Their son as chairman, and Alexander M. and publication support. Particular years of service to the National Gallery Laughlin, Robert F. Erburu, and Louise thanks are due the Richard King Mellon have been a tremendous asset. W. Mellon as fellow general trustees, Foundation, for unsolicited but crucial It is with deep regret that we must and with the support of the Chief Jus- funds that enabled the Gallery to keep record the passing of a number of close tice of the Supreme Court, the Secre- the tremendously popular Johannes members of the National Gallery family tary of State, the Secretary of the Trea- Vermeer exhibition open to the public this year, including John Walker, direc- sury, and the Secretary of the during the federal government shut- tor emeritus, in October 1995, and Smithsonian as ex-officio trustees. down in January. This is a gleaming Gaillard F. Ravenel, chairman of design, On behalf of the entire board, I thank present-day example of the public- in September 1996, as well as two for- all who have contributed to the extra- spirited generosity that built this great mer Trustees' Council members, ordinary success the Gallery has en- national institution. Edward W. Carter and Richard A. joyed this year. Confident in its worthy The invaluable volunteer leadership Kirstein, both in April 1996. John administration, its unique partnership of the National Gallery continues to Walker served as chief curator from with Congress, and its strong support serve in many important capacities, and 1939 to 1956, then as director from from the private sector, the National we deeply appreciate its commitment. 1956 to 1969. Gill Ravenel had been a Gallery of Art looks forward to another Edwin L. Cox and Lois de Menil have formative creative force on the Gallery year of challenge and accomplishment. provided energetic leadership as chair staff since 1970. Each, in his own way, Robert H. Smith and vice-chair of the Trustees' Council. left this institution a legacy that will President The Council welcomed four new mem- endure far into the future. Ed Carter bers this year, Iris Cantor and Donald B. had been a member of the Trustees' Marron, both of New York City, Robert Council from 1982 to 1991, and Dick DIRECTOR'S STATEMENT The commitment of the National took great pleasure in honoring this Gallery of Art to its permanent collec- group, which has given the Gallery tions and to its service to the nation many of its most important works of remains fundamental to its mission.
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