Minutes of the ordinary meeting of the Council held on Monday 5 March 2012 in Guilden Sutton Village Hall at 7.30pm. Chairman: Cllr J Hughes. Present: Cllrs A Davis, D Hughes, J Hughes, W Moulton, P M Paterson, M S J Roberts. 1 Procedural matters. (i) Apologies. Apologies were received and accepted from Cllr I Brown and Cllr D M Fisher. Apologies were received and noted from Cllr Margaret Parker, Cllr Stuart Parker and PC Boulton. (ii) Declarations of interest. Members were reminded that they should declare any personal interest which they had in any matter or item to be considered at the meeting. Any declaration must be made before the matter, or item, was considered or as soon as the Member became aware a declaration was required. Similarly, if the interest was also a prejudicial one, this must be declared and the Member must leave the room after making a statement should they so wish under clause 12 (ii) of the code. Declarations were a personal matter for each Member to decide. The decision to declare, or not, was the responsibility of the Member based on the particular circumstances. (iii) Confirmation of the minutes of the ordinary meeting of the Council held on Monday 6 February 2012. The minutes of the ordinary meeting of the Council held on Monday 6 February 2012 were proposed by Cllr D Hughes, seconded by Cllr M S J Roberts and agreed as a correct record. (iv) Dates of future meetings: Mondays 2 April, 14 May, 11 June, 16 July, 3 September, 1 October, 5 November and 3 December 2012. It was noted the April meeting would take place in the Marigold Room for convenience as the main hall immediately adjoining the committee room would be occupied by a large meeting. (v) Code of Conduct. Further to Cllr Paterson informing that Standards for England and the related model code of conduct would be abolished on 31 March 2012 with replacement provisions due to take effect from 1 July 2012, the Clerk understood that a replacement model code would be prepared by Cheshire West and Chester Council which the Council would be able to adopt if it wished. Action: Noted. (vi) UK Youth Parliament. The Clerk informed that Jess Colston, a student at The Bishop's Bluecoat High School and previously a deputy member, had been elected as one of the two Youth Parliament members for the borough. Action: Noted. (vii) Review of handling of information correspondence. The continued increase in the volume of information correspondence being received would be reviewed by the Council in due course. (viii) Reimbursement of Members' expenses. There was nothing further to report at this stage. (ix) Late information report 5 March 2012. The late information report for the current meeting was received and noted. (x) Parliamentary constituency boundary. The Clerk informed the second stage of the consultation would commence at noon on Tuesday 6 March 2012 with the publication of representations made at stage 1. These would only be available on line except in exceptional circumstances. The Council was able to comment on representations made by others until 3 April 2012 following which the commission would prepare its final proposals. There would be no further public hearings. He would search the documents and prepare a response. Action: The Clerk. (xi) Prayers. The Clerk referred to reference in the national media to a court decision elsewhere in the country where it was held that under section 111 of the Local Government Act 1972 a council had no power to formally include prayers as part of the business specified in the summons. The court accepted this was a narrow point. 11/12 161 The general view was that it was perfectly acceptable for a council to hold prayers immediately prior to the formal business should it wish to do so. The Cheshire Association of Local Councils had subsequently informed the Government had fast tracked a General Power of Competence to permit prayers at council meetings. Action: Noted. 2 Community engagement. (i) Public speaking time. There was no public speaking (ii) Report of surgery held on Saturday 3 March 2012. Cllr J Hughes reported. Issues raised had included damage to the hardened verges in Arrowcroft Road due to parking, an attempted theft from a property, the request for a litter bin in Fox Cover and the possibility of a wild flower meadow being established in the Fox Cover amenity area. Cllr Paterson believed this could also apply to the parish car park although it was recognised there should be public consultation. The issue would be further considered by the Council. It was agreed that councillors Roberts and Davis would preside at the surgery to be held on Saturday 31 March 2012. (iii) Notice boards. Further to Cllr Moulton suggesting the Summerfield Road notice board might benefit from a Spring clean and to an estimate being obtained by the Clerk in the sum of £100 plus VAT, this would be progressed following the successful bid to the Ward Members’ budgets. Action: The Clerk. (iv) Parish Council drop ins. (a) Faster broadband. Cllr D Hughes reported on the drop in held on Tuesday 7 February 2012 which had been well attended, including residents from Mickle Trafford and District, the Chairman of Mickle Trafford and District Parish Council having kindly arranged for publicity in that parish as action was already being taken to encourage interest given the exchange, which also served Guilden Sutton, was located there. Cllr Hughes had explained the Council had only an enabling role as support must come from the wider community which had been encouraged to register its interest. The issue would continue to be publicised. (b) Participatory budgeting. The Clerk reported on the drop in held on Tuesday 28 February 2012 at which there had been no attendance. Although this was disappointing, further opportunities would be sought to raise the profile of the issue. 3 Planning. (i) New applications. The Clerk informed that no new applications had been notified. (ii) Decision notices. 11/05659/FUL Single storey extension to rear of dwelling, 5 Moorcroft Crescent CH3 7HA. Cllr Fisher. Planning permission, informative as to the Party Wall Act. (iii) Development control process. (a) e notifications. The Clerk was continuing to monitor the position. Action: The Clerk. (iv) Community planning. (a) Parish Plan. (i) Progress report. Cllr Paterson having kindly circulated a draft at the previous meeting, it was agreed the Clerk should discuss the proposed action points, a number of which referred to the Parish Council, with the group. Cllr Paterson informed as to the process regarding the actions to deliver the Parish Plan and it was agreed the Council would formally adopt the Plan when the action points had been finalised. (ii) Mapping. Further to Cllr Paterson referring to mapping which would be required and advice from the Cheshire Association of Local Councils of the ‘Parish Online’ resource, which was available at a first year cost of £48.00 (£20pa + £20 one off set up + VAT), the Clerk reported on progress. Action: The Clerk. (b) Christleton Community Plan. There was nothing further to report at this stage. 11/12 162 (c) Village Design Statement. There was nothing further to report at this stage. (d) Neighbourhood Plan. (i) Co-operation with Mickle Trafford and District Parish Council. This would be revisited in consultation with Mickle Trafford and District Parish Council following the outcome of the Neighbourhood Planning community forum held on 3 November 2011 in Waverton. (e) Affordable housing. Cllr Paterson reported on the Chester Villages affordable housing group open morning held at the Christleton Methodist Church Hall on Saturday 25 February 2012 which she had attended with the Clerk. A copy of a questionnaire had been circulated to all Members for information. Cllr Paterson suggested that at an appropriate stage the Council should hold a drop in. (f) Housing reform. Following the February meeting of the Council, Cllr Stuart Parker had kindly clarified the financial aspects of housing reform. This would involve town and parish councils receiving a proportion (20%) of council tax rebated to Cheshire West and Chester Council from new build within the parish to allow infrastructure and community improvements. Action: Noted. (v) Strategic Planning. (a) Cheshire West and Chester Council, open space audit and assessment of need. See 6 (ix) beneath. (b) Gypsy and Traveller issues. There was nothing further to report at this stage which would directly affect Guilden Sutton. (c) Local Development Framework core strategy: Cheshire West and Chester Local Development Framework panel Monday 27 February, 2012. The Clerk reported this meeting had considered a report on consultation on the Chester Green Belt Study. A previous meeting of the panel had agreed there should be wider community involvement in the consultation process. The initial step towards implementing that decision had been a workshop for ward councillors and panel members. Comments made at that briefing would be taken into account in the consultation arrangements which would include meetings with parish councils and the CPRE. The Clerk further informed that questions had arisen as to the previous decision that housing growth in the new borough should be broadly in line with previous regional figures (Regional Spatial Strategy, RSS). The points raised were: The end date of RSS was 2021. To continue to utilise RSS figures would require rolling these forward well past the end of the RSS plan period to 2030. RSS housing requirements for the region were based on economic growth scenarios and evidence that pre-dated the economic downturn. The spatial strategy and assumptions used to determine the distribution of development in the region may no longer be applicable.
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