Whole N o . 234 Volume V.—N o . 26. ST.JOHNS, MICHIGAN, TUESDAY MORNING, FEBRUARY 20, 1894. In Hymen ’s Itonds. Hteum I?rlntl«8 r Ilotise. Genuine bargaiiiH In Joweler.y and Op­ J. (^. Fl.viin went to Ponliiu; this morn ­ Amusements. tical (JoodH. KyoH tested Fna* at ing to spend a few days with his wife. Miss Myrtie E. Miller, dangliter of Mr. and Mrs. O. W. .Miller, of this village, K ukpps , D eWitt & (’o ’b. Ray Hewitt, of Mii[»le Rapids has eii- THE NEWS was married at the residence of her par­ C. S. Allison gageti in the bicycle business at Detroit, An Independent Newitpaper, ents to Frank 11. VauAukeu, of Lansing, ]MEWT(!)r| flAELi, Jeweler and Optician, keeps only the Published every Tuesday from the Kstes Scott Ib’dfern, of F^ssex, retunu ’d to the on Monday luoruiiig. Rev. II. E. Dutler Block Corner of State and Sprlui; Streets, by best K<>‘>dH and doest the best repairint;, agricultural college at Lansing on Mon ­ otiiciating. They left on the morning HOLLIS CORHIN, day. train for their home in Lunsiiig. Mr. 22i, Editor and Proprietor, TVJKWWX..KTW. A.t 76 eenU s Year atrietlj is Adtssec. Revival nie(RingH at the 5 _ stchiirch Vun.Auken is a son of the Rev. H. H. Mrs. S. S. Walker, of Old Mission, is in oil Tui’sday and 'riiursduy evenings of A'an.Aiikeii, (’ongregatioiiul minister at The Shakespi’are Dramatic (’onifinii.T in Cards of thanks 26 cents each. LeKal Notices at statute rates. St. .lohns. this week. .Alpena, and is at present in the employ an Elaborate I’roduction of .Vlessi-s. MarriaKe and Death notices free. Erwhnianu —Glint rain ’s Roman t ic Driima, Business locals cents per line each time. Win E. Johnson, of La[)eer, was a St. .Mr. and Mrs. Knox and .loliii Diitler, of the dry goods firm of Dnruhain & Co., Business Directory cards $1 a line per year. of Lansing. Miss Miller is well known in Transient advertlslnjj: payable In advance. Johns visitor last week. of ()liv( ‘t, w<‘re guestsot Miss Kut»* Wickes St. Johns society, and together with her Yearly advertlslnff rates made known on Miss Etta Hieliards is visiting relatives Hie latter part of last wiH’k. “THE BELLS” application. liusband carries with her the good wislies Anonymous communicatiuns will never re­ in Mt. Hlauchard, Ohio. At the M. E. church last Sunday even ­ (Henry Irvlujf ’e great buccosm .) ceive notice. ing thirteen joiiK’d on probation. The of many friends. Locals amonR readinic matter 10 cents per Miss Ella North has trone to Willianis- Will be given with the following Hne each Insertion. extra in(*etiugH still continue ’. Mr. and Mrs. VauAuken werefortuunte Obituary poetry or resolutions will posl ton where she has a clerkship. in avoiding the shower of rice and old C.*rtT OF chakactkrh : tlvel.v not be inserted unless paid for at i Tlie Y. P. S. (’. E. of Dengal, will give a Matthlns ..................... Mr. Hnwnrd Fitzgerald cents per line. Miss Helen (Jibbard, of Victor, is the shoes which the young peoiile of St. Johns Chrletlaii.........................................Mr. H. A. Dodge Address all communication^ to iKKik tie social on Friday evening, March jruest of Miss .May Moreland. have been saving for their benefit for Father Walter..............................-Mr. ('h«H. Baker ST. JOHNS NEWS, St. Jehss, Mick, 2, at Fred D. Georgia’s, .All are invited. Mr. and Mrs. W. C, Allen, of DowaKiac, some time past. Tliesi* suggestive yet IlaiiH................................................Mr. E. J. Muinet I’reHident of the Court...........Mr. K. L. Doollng were St. Johns visitors last week. Married, at the .M. E, parsonage, by non-essential artii’Ies can be tiestowed Business D irectory . the pastor, G. G. Thomas, February 17, McHHierlut........................................ Mr. W. Holton Hiram Maunin^i:. of Johusons, N(‘w upon the next lucky man with double Notary 1 Wiliiani Tfmmuii to Miss Mollie Walki’r, >............................ Mr. R. G. Allison ATTORNEYS. York, is visiting; Ids cousin, iiisH Julia energy. Dr. ZlunnerJ botli of Riley, .Mich. Dross. Cntherine ..................................... Miss Stella Baker LKIVIN SKVEKANCK, Aactlaneer. The ladies aid society of AVest Dengal, Art Sozel......................................Mias Mamie Eninions The St. Johns city directory is under will meet witli Mrs. Fayettii. Drake, F'l’b- We have just closed a eontract with .Annette ................................... Mias Niim Waldron ALItKIIKiE A OSBORN. OtHce over way at this offico and will be out soon. (I’eananta, Judges, Etc.,) ruar.y 21, at 10 o’clock. AH are invited, till’ Globe Dible Diiblishiiig Go., of Dkila- W Allison ’s Jewelry store, St. Johns. It will be very complete. The scene is laid in France in 1888 and gentlemen incliid< ’d. (h’lphia, by wiiicli we are enabled to fur- the slorv is direct and of fascinating in ­ OKTON A WKIMER. Offlceln prosecnt- Mr. and Mrs. Louis 1). Gibbs, of Olx’rlin, The prohibitionists will hold u canciiti nisii the niagnificeiit series of ’‘Shepp’s terest. The costnme.B will c(ime from N liijj attorney ’s ofllce at court house. were here to attend the funeral of Mrs. in (lood Templars hall, over St. .loliiis World ’s Fair IMiotograiihi'd” to readers Chicago and will be historicaliv correct. Gibt)s’ father lust week. yon a DOOLINO, Attorneys at Law, of The News for the very small siini of St.Johns. 12.’} National hank, next Saturday evening, CALCIUM LI6IITS L Mrs, W. 11. Durke, of (’arson t’it.v, at­ to iioniiiiat.e village officers. 10 (’eiits per nmiiber when accompanied and of iK’r modern stjige appliances are tended the weddinj^ of .Miss Loretta Ken ­ wit li one coupon (which appi’ars (jn tlw FEI>KWA A A I.HKI D(»E, Attorneys The thirtei’ii eiitiTtaimiieiit givi’ii at to be employed ami no pains or » xpense at Law. Office over Corner Druj; Store. yon and visited her paient.s last week. fii'tli page). Each number conlaiiis span ’ll to make if in all respects a first the ladu ’s library rooms was a succi’ss. class pro<lnction of one of tin* strongest Will H. Drnnson started for Louisville, sixti’i’ii large pages—eight of the very XI.I. If. IIUUNSON, Attorney at Low Thanks to tliose who so kindly assistc’d plays in stage liteiatiire. 'I'he piiH’e was w •St. .Johns. 124 Kentucky, Saturday, on leptl business, ill the program. Ib’ccipts $15. finest of illustrations and (‘ight describ ­ first produced at tin* Roval l^yceiini incidentally accoinpanyiiijj R. G. Steel. ing the siurn*. 'ria’iilri’, Lomlon, in November 1871 ami KUTS SKVKKANCE, A. lt„ Attorney .Mrs. Dmin and .Miss JiMiuie Farnham, was pcriorim’d for 151 consemi five night*! 1 Opera House Block. .Mrs. Thomas Newton, of Maple Rapids, Shepp’s famous serii’s of jihotograplis of A'psilanti, and Mrs. Dull and son Harry, were officially indorsi ’d by the World ’s by the Great English Tragedian Henry went to .Ann .Arbor Monday to visit her of Ionia, wort’in atteiidanci ’at the wed ­ Irving and his nol(*dcompany. 'J'hepro- Goliinibiuii Exposition and the thirty- -MO.NEY LOA.NING. dauj^hters who are atteiidin;^' the I'.of .\I. ding of Miss Loretta Kenyon last wtH'k. (•(’eds will go to tlie King's Ilaiighters for two fuirts make the finest ami most com distribution niiiong th«‘ poor ami di^sti- .Miss .Aineo Hamer, of Dciigal, had three .A trami), who gave his naiiie as Frank ichigan mortgage co .-vipany plct(* illiistrati’d and dcsci ifitivc souvenir tute of St. .lolins. (Limited.) Capital $75,000. Corner of tinj 2:«'rs of the rij^lit hand badly frozen Smith, was arrested at Fowler, Satiir- M of the World ’s Fair ever issiu’d. Tlie reserved sale w ill ojien a t Allison's Walker and Spring streets, St. Johns. Monwhile ridiii)? to town on W('dnesday last. .leweler.v Stori*, Tnesdny morning, Feb­ ey to loan, inv«*Htments made, mortgaKCs for da.\ , charged with assault and battery, Reiiieniber that thi’se views can be oli- sale. A few pieces of land for sale. 1 Robert G. Steel is in attendance at the and bronglit before .Instice (’ollins. He ruary 20, at 7 o’clock. taiiH’d for 10 Cf’iits per part only wIk ’Ii national meeting of the L. .A. W. in ses­ jilead guilt mid was sent to tlie Detroit accoriipaiiied with a News coupon, 25 rilYSICIANS. house of correction for ninety days. sion at Louisville, Kentucky, this w<M>k. ci’iits witiiout coupon, ('omincnce now BU v Siness Locals . A complete exhibit of the work being IV. I’OI.I.ARO, M !>., Ph.vsician and 11. Mack, of the .Mercantile Go’s shoe ami get all the {larts. It will be a cIkhii ) • Siircreon. .Specialties: diseases of w'oinen (lone in encli departim ’iit and grad<‘ of Dress Goods, Jand children, Oinlist, Aurist, I.arynjfolo^lstdei)artinent made a business trij) to St. and very desirable investment Wi’ will Office over Wilson & Son ’s store.' Louis in the interest of the company, our schools, is under preparation, and The variety, tlie lieaiity, the ijiiulity, lieirnfti ’r issue th» coupons weekly. I’re- the styli’, the price. That is what you Friday. will be placed on inspi ’ction Friday after­ K. a . .1. IVIGGIN.S, Physlclnn and Sur- sent them at this office or si’iid by mail. get ill Dri’ss Goods at John Hicks ’. ffeon. Office over Sullivan ’s Clothing noon, February 28, in the varionsschool DStore. 48tf .Miss Lottie Smith, of Grand Rapids, Nliiliiiery at I'osL attended the weddinj^ of .Miss Loretta buildings.
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